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Cerise Sorbet

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Everything posted by Cerise Sorbet

  1. Hiro Fluffy wrote: Firestorm has been doing this for years. I don't understand why this wasn't a "day one" feature. No, it hasn't. The draw distance stepping hack didn't (and couldn't) prioritize stuff from the server once it was expanded, and it did what it did much more slowly.
  2. This is a shot in the dark, but maybe try the Exodus viewer. This one has not been updated in a few months, so it is incompatible with the latest AMD drivers. Maybe it will play better with your older one?
  3. OK, so again, you have to load that page in IE for it to work. At the bottom of the screen you will see a yellow box asking if it can install a program from Microsoft, go ahead and do that. Next, pick your card from the available updates and press the Add button. This thing works like an online store, you'll see a "view basket" link at the top of the page. Click on view basket, and you'll get a Download button. Pick that. You will end up with a new folder and inside, a file called something.cab To install a .cab file: - Tap on the Windows key or left-click the start buton, type in Device Manager, and run it - In the list that pops up, skip doen to Display adapters, open that up, and find your Radeon. - Right-click on the Radeon icon, and pick "Update driver software..." - It asks "How do you want to search for driver software?" Pick the second option, browse my computer - Pick that folder that the downloader made earlier - Click the Next button and Windows will try to install it.
  4. This has been an ongoing problem for people with retired Radeons. AMD did not produce Windows 8,1 drivers for old cards (HD 4xxx and back), and those old installers have trouble on Windows 8.1 even if the video card is a newer one. It will be good to check under the control panel, in add/remove programs, if any AMD Install Manager stuff did make it in before it failed, and uninstall all of that first, Next, you can use this Microsoft page to try to get the right driver installed. This won't add the Catalyst control center etc., but the driver itself is the same one AMD included with Catalyst in late 2012/early 2013. Hopefully this will do the trick for you, I don't have such an old card to try it on. That MS page will lead you to an ActiveX thingy and won't work in the common browers, you'll have to use IE for it. If, after that, you still don't have a configuration that works with SL, it is probably time to either get a newer video card, or downgrade to Windows to 8.0 or older. A new card may be less effort. Adding -- someone found a sort of workaround to force the old AMD installer to work -- http://forums.anandtech.com/showpost.php?p=35618600&postcount=19
  5. It does bring faster frame rates with it, but not so much in the relatively static situations people tend to use when trying to benchmark things. It is going to be a quality of (second) life kind of thing, wherer the world eventually feels bigger because it's more pleasant to go out there. The viewer uses object-object occlusion to decide what to render. If there is a solid wall between the camera and some trees, the viewer can skip rendering those trees. This only works if the viewer knows the wall is there, and these changes are about telling the viewer about that wall sooner. With the old setup, the viewer would waste time rendering those trees until the wall rezzed, making the wall take even longer to rez. Substitute blinged-out avatars in the next room or giant rows of vendor textures in a mall and we can see where this is going. That in turn means that the initial arrgh when teleporting to a new place not yet in cache can be shorter, and the viewer can spend less time uselessly grinding when walking/flying/riding around a region. So, while this change isn't really taking a stab at peak frame rates, it will allow the viewer to approach those peaks more often.
  6. You really are incredibly thick, Phil. Spam is against the community standards, so is traffic gaming, and those poeple do both. The fact that they use bots for this is really kind of beside the point.
  7. Yes, if you close it, then it is gone, you would need to ask for another. Many groups are open enrollment, you can usually just join them yourself if you remember the name and can find it in the search.
  8. Phil Deakins wrote: Cerise Sorbet wrote: Said estate has been openly flouting the bot farm and spam rules for years and LL has clearly been content to let it continue unabated. How do you know? ETA: Users have no way of knowing whether or not an avatar is registered as a scripted agent (bot) so, irrespective of what something looks like, we can't tell whether or not the rules concerning bots are being broken. Also, there are no rules about bots. The rule you refer to is about gaming traffic. Bots don't need to be registered as scripted agents unless they stay on land that is set to show in search - gaming traffic. This is tested and repeatable. Avatars of a certain age, when they visit specific LL hubs at the tiime specific bots are present, will immediately receive teleport lures from other specific bots located in the LC regions. These are poorly scripted bots and very easily identified as such. It's also quite easy to verify that those bots are not registed as scripted agents, because the traffic numbers on those regions would not be possible unles they are being counted.
  9. It's not the worst; fortunately you can use the mouse for reverse, and still use the keyboard for the left/rigth steering, and I can live with that for a week or two.
  10. A watermark could make things a little easier to prove if you have to do the DMCA dance some day, but it won't prevent a buyer from grabbing the textures. And honestly that is about as good as we can expect, even the fanciest DRM schemes out there all get cracked, usually sooner than later.
  11. arton Rotaru wrote: The CONTROL_BACK flag in the control() event (llTakeControls()), in scripts, doesn't trigger when sitting on an object. It's already jirafied though. Whirly was so kind to file it. Right. Again, it's only the keyboard. The workaround is to use Me>Movement>walk/run/fly, and click the mouse to send it from there.
  12. arton Rotaru wrote: Agreed. Would be even better if CONTROL_BACK, in vehicles, would work also though. :matte-motes-nerdy: Details, details =D The mouse movement floater seems to be an OK workaround until they can fix that, and hopefully we will need less bakcing up if we can see where we are headed!
  13. Is this happening just in that Moses region? If so then a region restart will probably fix it.
  14. OK, Elements 9 does make them available thru the layer palette. http://help.adobe.com/en_US/PhotoshopElements/9.0/Using/WSB83E6D5F-6E0E-4ceb-BB76-4E377A7834DB_WIN.html
  15. That's a feature of full Photoshop, but you have Elements. There should be an effects palette available under the Window menu that will give you some similar options.
  16. Short answer is no. Longer answer is that you can watermark stuff to help identify it after the fact. One small consolation: with server side appearance, and the changes that led up to it over the last few years, someone actually has to buy a thing like makeup before they can make a successful copy. Ripping stuff off other avatars is limited to grabbing the whole baked avatar now.
  17. It makes driving much more pleasant, there is something comforting about having the road appear before you're riding on it. Also super nice to have my house appear before all the laggy sculpty crap in the rest of the sim loads.
  18. usual causes of this kind of thing: - an attachment (typically on the HUD) could be in the way. Try detaching everything (go ruth, wooo hoooo!) and see if that works. - something odd in the mute/block list, give it a good look for object and avatars that don't belong (maybe some annoying object had a name in common with legit stuff). It not suposed to be possible to accidentally mute yourself any more, so at least that one is probably not it. - the region may have simply gone derp, they like to do this, give it a restart. Hopefuly one of those will clear out the cobwebs and you won't have to dig deeper.
  19. Land partitioning and no-script flag will not help, given the way that bot relay system works. You have access to all the avatar names/uuids on a region if you're anywhere on it, no scripts is ineffective for attachments, and these avatars can do all their key collection and relay from client side scripts. The only way to stop this would be to identify the avatar(s) collecting the information (who may not act as, or even be, unattended bots) and prevent them from teleporting in. This would still leave members of tcservicee1's group vulnerable, if that group is visible in their profiles or they leave it active somewhere. It's very clearly anticompetivite behavior but good luck getting LL to care about such things unless they affect their own marketplace.
  20. Said estate has been openly flouting the bot farm and spam rules for years and LL has clearly been content to let it continue unabated.
  21. Jacob Cagney wrote: Maybe you were using OnRez and they allowed it. But it was never possible to send free items to others through SLex or Xstreetsl. Right. From a 2006 SLX thread: We don't allow gift-giving for L$0 items as that would make it too easy for someone to use our delivery service a spam monster. So, if anyone is stupid enough to try that, they'll have to be willing to at least spend L$1 to do so.
  22. Darrius Gothly wrote: I recently saw a thread that showed it was possible to use "AND" in the Marketplace Search Query to add additional requisite terms to the search. Has anyone tried using "AND mesh"? (I haven't tried it myself tbh) As Sassy noted, the full and partial mesh flags are not acessible through MP search. There is no special syntax needed for logical AND in marketplace search, that is already what you get when you specify more than one keyword. A search for blue cat yields identical results to blue AND cat. The operator that isn't available is OR.
  23. You can go back to the old prim arrangement if you like. Assuming the script is in the root prim: in your touch event, check llDetectedLinkNumber(x), and only do the prim movement stuff if it matches the board that is supposed to be touched.
  24. Several of the same people are involved, these sites are all interconnected. it's important to see how they are thinking.
  25. Haven't seen much discussion of this, so ... On Desura: Changing the sites TOU to protect indie developers This is from November 7, and has the updated ToS language that LL is proposing. The ToS for Desura and SL are both the same document, http://lindenlab.com/tos so you really, really want to read that. (this is not a reply to any particular post in this thread, just a random hit of the thread reply button.)
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