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Czari Zenovka

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Everything posted by Czari Zenovka

  1. Heart Brimmer wrote: Perrie Juran wrote: Heart Brimmer wrote: Funny. Which could bring up a whole other discussion. *Grins* oh yes! Which is why I slipped out the door. lol I was beginning to wonder if any one was going to say anything. /me slips out the door behind you. /me laughs....I just HAD to! *grabs your arm, pulls you out of the way and shuts the door VERY quietly...hoping no one will notice. Your cover is blown...BOTH of you! *Smiles as I place a slendar finger to my lips and closes the door behind me*
  2. Heart Brimmer wrote: Perrie Juran wrote: Switchkitty wrote: I've been a resident on and off for a few years since SL started and am still having a hard time finding clothes that don't make me look like a stripper or an escort. I don't have an issue with being sexy and all sometimes but c'mon... Any suggestions out there as far as reputable clothing designers go? Thanks. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Tuqa-Neighborhood-Ifaa-Attire/1265928 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/HoA-Abaya/3478196 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/ViGo-Haik-dark-black/569343 https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Soedara-Gorean-Haik-Blue/2684524 Will these work? *giggles and slips out the door. Funny. Which could bring up a whole other discussion. *Grins*
  3. In my opinion, this is the proper format in which to conduct research online. Granted, this example was for a Masters Thesis, but some crucial information (name of school, name of research supervisor/professor, specifics on the research, etc) is noted which immediately makes this request much more professional and believeable. I am certainly not adverse to online mediums utilized for educational research considering I did so for my grad. school Masters Thesis; however, it was quite awhile ago, thus the medium I chose was Internet Relay Chat (IRC). My topic concerned a specific type of activity; I joined an IRC channel where people were involved in/discussed that activity and, as others have suggested, participated, watched, and learned. I don't expect a Junior in college writing a report to be as detailed as the example given in my first paragraph, but more information given comes across as more credible than, "I have some questions," especially given the number of people who post similarly on a regular basis within these forums. You haven't upset or insulted me, just a few pointers that might be helpful going forward.
  4. Leia36 wrote: Yes, me to Czari, got this message. Hello Dear Something sparked my interest in you! Could we make a closer acquaintance? here is my contact address <email adress> Thanks! <Resident> Same message. If it wouldn't encourage spammers, considering the number of people contacted it would almost (HUGE emphasis on "almost") be funny for all of us to respond. We could all get into a "faux fight" - "Hey!!! You said I was the one who sparked your interest!!!!" :matte-motes-tongue:
  5. Nuhai Ling wrote: Sure, sure there are great designers in SL with fabulous cloths but no matter how stylish or conservative we dress, a good portion of men will always look at us as objects. If you accept that, then I would say, "Nope, not a chance in heck that we won't look like "bleeps" in SL!" :matte-motes-big-grin-wink: BTW, I am not objecting... I take it as a compliment. In fact, it would stink if I wasn't getting attention from men! I even enjoy getting IMed by the shoe fetish men; it makes all the hours of shopping for the perfect pair worth it!:matte-motes-smitten: You did say "a good number of men" so can't disagree there, but by the same token "a good number of men" don't objectify women and/or prefer a different "look." As stated previously I don't wear anything close to s1utwear (just using that as a generic term for the type SL clothing the OP mentioned). I dress very conservatively and modestly but I do enjoy fashionionable/lovely clothes and enjoy wearing evening gowns. When I first began going to dance venues solo I honestly didn't expect to be asked to dance due to my more modest gowns as opposed to what most/many of the other female avatars were wearing. To my initial great surprise, I was generally asked to dance within 5 minutes, sometimes less, of arrival while many of the more scantily clad women stood around, some of whom even posted in general chat, "Does someone want to dance with me?" Here and there, depending on how the conversation/rapport with the dance partner progressed, I actually told them I was initially surprised to be asked to dance with so many other women dressed a bit more provocatively. Each of the men said the same thing in their own way which was basically the other look was so common (meaning so many women wore that look) that I stood out from the crowd. Some men said they prefer a classier look and the times I go out in a vintage '40's outfit, I attract men who enjoy that look. I definitely enjoy receiving attention from men; however, we are all individuals so the type of man I prefer receiving attention from varies from the type another woman prefers, etc. No one right or wrong, just personal preference. My point being that wearing s1utwear does not attract all men.
  6. Carl Thibodeaux wrote: Should I PM you now and ask you to marry me? :manembarrassed: Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.....interesting....let me sleep on that.
  7. I concur with Marcus. I go through that process at least once a month...just in the habit of doing so in case of SL glitches that may have knocked one or more of my Magic Boxes offline. Another idea if the above doesn't work is to take all your Magic Boxes back into inventory, then go into the Magic Box screen on the website that Marcus mentioned and hit delete for all of them - refresh the page to make sure they do not show up anymore. Then start fresh - put your Magic Box/es back out and go through the steps Marcus detailed. Go to your Marketplace store and Edit Listings, then click the button at the top of the page to synchronize your Magic Box with the MP listings.
  8. Jillam wrote: Im sure he doesnt have the RLV. Im having him contact linden to find out. The camera showed up right after he mentioned it but there was no way to tell who sent it. Were you and your friend in or near any stores at the time? I'm also thinking it could be a chat spy bot or similar device.
  9. Thanks everyone. I didn't even think of an AR, but since it was a PM sent online rather than in world, wouldn't think that work.
  10. I feel like I saw this mentioned once before but quite awhile ago so maybe this is another "wave" ... last week I received two Personal Messages from the same person sent approximately three hours apart with the identical message. I never heard of the person and the message (paraphrased) was that I had sparked their interest and would like more communication with me and included their email address. Okkkaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy. Went in world - the avatar had been created that day and had a blank profile (Gee! What a surprise *rolls eyes*). Has anyone else received one of these?
  11. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: THe Great Erase http://forums-archive.secondlife.com/120/ed/31858/1.html http://headburroantfarm.wordpress.com/2011/03/15/a-re-post-salazar-jack-and-the-great-erase/ Thank you
  12. Eve1209 Quintessa wrote: I just had the same thing happen to me, getting my account suspened because of a problem on LL's side and losing inventory items. <snip> I contacted LL support and was told it was because my account was suspended and that inventory will begin to disappear after a suspension. They told me that they aren't responsible for any of it, but if I had downgraded to Basic before I left, my inventory would have been absolutely fine! I kept trying to tell the support person I didn't make a decision to leave, I was out because I had been sick, but they refused to do anything to help me recover my items or even reimburse me. (Emphasis mine) I am so sorry that happened to you, Eve, and thank you for sharing your situation. So this is apparently still happening. What I just don't comprehend is the part I bolded - one is penalized for being Premium if something unforeseen happens - and life DOES happen: people get ill, have family emergencies, etc. What about someone who lost their home in Hurricane Sandy and couldn't even get to a PC to downgrade their account (like this would be a top priority to begin with in that situation...geez!)? Stories like your's and the one I heard of years ago may be in the minority, but the fact that it happens at all is inexcusable and especially when you HAD the funds available for LL to access.
  13. Pussycat Catnap wrote: Just want to say that I think a -lot- of us see potential in SL, but whatever LLs sees in it, is not what we users see in it... and that stymies the thing. <snip> - They feel we are lesser for it. Just read what they've said about us being a bunch of losers, loners, and unimaginative people in cookie cutter beach houses... Yeah, what is this LL animosity toward the beach and beach houses? Apparently the current Lindens don't get in world to explore much. I see amazing sims of recreations of European cities, complete with apartments, villas, etc. that fit the theme, places like 1920s Berlin that also offers apartments, absolutely gorgeous home builds of all types, Greenwhich Village, London - all offering in theme apartments and residences, etc. That's not even taking into account large rp areas such as Victorian/Steampunk, etc., etc. So what is this myopic view of theirs with beaches?
  14. Deltango Vale wrote: My own personal experience was to witness a large sell-off by other European landowners (including the downgrading of alts and even primary accounts from Premium to Basic). There was no SL Marketplace at the time, so, they closed their businesses when they sold their land. I myself dumped land the instant I verified the announcement (Linden Lab subsequently apologized for the way the announcement was made). I had the same experience - the first land my former partner and I rented was on a lovely mainland sim. I have no idea how much land our landlord had but we received a notice after living there about 6 months that he was selling off all his land due to VAT. That was the first I had heard of VAT and headed to the forums to check it out. As you say, I read reports of many people in the EU selling off land. One of the reasons I heard was the other option was for EU landlords to charge higher rent but then they would not be competitive price-wise for similar rentals. The only thing I know about VAT is from SL, but that was my one experience - and we loved that sim. On the plus side (for us and now me) having to leave that sim is how we found the sim where I still live.
  15. Some great suggestions given...I would add: Check out the group WomenStuff (it's a combined group that includes HomeStuff and MenStuff) - this group holds hunts regularly - the WomenStuff Hunt may still be ongoing - and quality merchants participate. That would help in becoming acquainted with designers. Other suggestions for clothing off the top of my head: sf Designs, Couture Chapeau (they specialize in hats but I've purchased some gorgeous suits/dresses there that are copies of some of Princess Di's outfits; Ingenue & 1-800-Bettie's (Both of these are vintage 40's & 50's - can find some lovely suits/dresses and LOVE their shoes); BlakOpal (steampunk/Victorian theme, but also gorgeous formals - love this place!); {Meghindo's} (seem to have a European flair); Rebel Hope (been around for years - suits to gowns); Lapointe&Bastchild if you like a Gothic flair (they have a wonderful free store as well where the put their discontinued releases), Nonna Hedges - gorgeous upscale gowns; **Arwen's Creations** (fantasy/rp fashions, but many gowns that could be worn as modern ones), and many, many more. Since I began SL I avoided what I term "s1utwear" like the plague and have never had any difficulty finding great fashion. In SL I'm usually wearing either Victorian, Indian, Medieval, Vintage, or classic suits/dresses.
  16. Perrie Juran wrote: Personally, I feel one of the dumbest moves they made was eliminating the discount for Non Profits. I felt and still feel that was extremely short sided. 1 user agrees
  17. Knowl Paine wrote: I have read that. Another good read, is, The Great Erase. Data which may be unavailable, but an interesting read, are Journal Log entries, from the former XstreetSL. Not sure if you were replying to me or Perrie...is The Great Erase a book (just tried looking for it) or a blog? Would be interested in reading it.
  18. Orca Flotta wrote: About mainland: I would fall in a deep depression on a standalone island somewhere in the void. I have 2 parcels on mainland: one on ocean so I can go sailing across several hundred watersims anytime I feel like. The second parcel is a small garage at a Linden Route, where I can play with my motorcycles and can go for a tour whenever I fancy. Mainland rocks! Period. Is there a mainland group in world? Probably so but if not we should start one.
  19. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: Czari Zenovka wrote: A very well thought out post. Great points. I concur with: "I stick to mainland for many reasons - and it works for me." Let's hear it for mainlanders! :matte-motes-big-grin: As you said, it works for me as well and others do what's best for them. Maybe it's because I've lived primarily on one mainland sim most of my time in SL and the residents "generally" don't put up hideous builds, but I've greatly enjoyed my homes on the mainland. I never realized on an Estate that one couldn't go very far out into the "ocean. I rented shop space on an Estate sim for a few years and flew out to the edge one day to check out the pretty rocks with waves breaking over them to see who the creator was. It was a total surprise to me to hit an invisible wall. My mainland sim fronts Linden oceans so I'm used to flying out over the ocean and I was like, "HUH????" lol Then I remembered..."Oh yeah...Estate sims aren't connected to anything." There are private estates that have water sims that surround them or are intertwined among the homesteads and regular sims. I rented on one for a time that had over 110 sims you could sail on. We'd still be there if not for the fact that we got our own sim. People that rent on private estates that are stand alone islands like it that way. You get more privacy plus an ocean view and can terraform your land to allow for water entry or not as you choose. Just as I posted the above, I thought about connected sims like Caledon and many others and almost edited to add that bit. As far as my hitting the edge of the single sim, it just stunned me for a moment with one of those, "What the heck?" moments before I remembered. I enjoy Estate sims as well but like Pussycat said, for me, mainland has been good. I do think I was fortunate to find a great mainland sim early in my SL. I also agree with Melita about charging tier per sqm or something similar. That is the main reason I discontinued owning mainland and am now renting on the same sim for $10.00 USD less than if I owned that parcel which includes not paying for premium membership.
  20. A very well thought out post. Great points. I concur with: "I stick to mainland for many reasons - and it works for me." Let's hear it for mainlanders! :matte-motes-big-grin: As you said, it works for me as well and others do what's best for them. Maybe it's because I've lived primarily on one mainland sim most of my time in SL and the residents "generally" don't put up hideous builds, but I've greatly enjoyed my homes on the mainland. I never realized on an Estate that one couldn't go very far out into the "ocean. I rented shop space on an Estate sim for a few years and flew out to the edge one day to check out the pretty rocks with waves breaking over them to see who the creator was. It was a total surprise to me to hit an invisible wall. My mainland sim fronts Linden oceans so I'm used to flying out over the ocean and I was like, "HUH????" lol Then I remembered..."Oh yeah...Estate sims aren't connected to anything."
  21. Deja Letov wrote: Nope been this way for years, has nothing to do with holding onto cash. It's just their policy, I doubt it will change. There are third party stems out systems you can use, with slightly higher fees. I use virwox.com quite a bit. I use virwox.com as well and receive the cash out almost immediately
  22. Melita Magic wrote: So it seems part of the problem (or solution, depending how one looks at it, or, from which vantage point) is that, as long as Linden Lab allows 'sublets' - people buying land, paying tier to Linden Lab, and then renting it to other tenants - the residents and Linden Lab are competing for the same dollar. It's kind of situational. Speaking only for mainland and taking my situation as an example: *My landlord owns a parcel of land (probably more but just speaking of this one for the example). He purchased it around 2006 during "boom time." At one point I wanted to purchase the parcel. During our conversation I got the impression he paid something like $150.00 USD or possibly more for it. It is a prime parcel in that it is a corner parcel bordered by two completely unobstructed Linden oceans. To purchase and continue owning land he pays for a Premium account. So LL received the original purchase price of this parcel as well as continued tier from my landlord. *I rent this parcel which is a great financial deal for me as stated in one of my posts above. I live on the same parcel for half of what it would cost me to be Premium and pay tier, never mind my inability to purchase the land at the price that my landlord would as *if* he sold. My LL most likely pays tier partially from my rent and LL receives the ongoing tier for this parcel. An argument could certainly be made that if mainland owners did not rent out land then more people would become Premium and purchase their own land, thus LL receiving more tier. However, there are all kinds of variables in that - one being that a lot of people choose not to purchase land. I recall one regular forumite years ago who enjoyed the fact that he was a "vagabond." It was his "thing." When I first began SL I rarely ran into people who didn't own even a bit of land or rented on an estate. Having a "home" held importance - at least that's the impression I got. During the last two years most of the new people I have met (and in this case I'm referring to random guys I've danced with) do not own nor rent land. There is a certain group of people who only come to SL to dance/party and that's it. For them, they don't spend time anywhere else, so a home is apparently superfluous. One area where LL is directly competing with land owners who rent land/estates as a business is the Linden Homes. True, it comes as part of being a Premium member but, in the past, some of those residents might have purchased a larger piece of land or rented on an estate which, in the case of the latter, was business for the estate owner. I'm not disagreeing with you, just throwing in some more possible variables.
  23. Thank you for posting that, Perrie. I'm like Dillon in that a lot of that info, especially the economic intricacies (such as lowering a person's tax by purchasing the land next to theirs - that could be a nightmare for LL to keep track of today!) were hard to wrap my head around. Paying for each prim caused me to wrap duct tape around my head so it wouldn't explode, and I had a good laugh at there not being many castles in the air. When I first began SL I purchased the book "Second Life: The Official Guide" copywrite 2007, so it was current when I read it. There is a very interesting section in it called "A Cultural Timeline" (Chapter 12). It lists the timeline as: First Era: 2001-Early 2003: Pre-Historic, Pre-Beta Second Era: Summer 2003: Natives vs. Colonists Third Era: Winter 2003: A New Nation is Born Fourth Era: Late 2003-Early 2004: Expanding the Frontier Fifth Era: Mid 2004-Mid 2005: Industrial Revolution Sixth Era: Summer 2005-Present (that would be 2007): Boom Time Since the book was published in 2007, it would be interesting what more recent "eras" would be called. Re: the taxes, there was apparently a "revolution" - Quoting from the book: "As society forms, so does social upheaval. The most pronounced example in SL was the reaction to Linden Lab's "tax policy." Residents were being taxed (L$ were deducted from their accounts automatically) for objects they instantiated in-world. To the Lindens, this seemed like a simple way to prevent residents from overheating the servers with too many objects. But the Lindens got way more than they expected. The Tea Crate Rebellion of July '03 Objecting most strongly to Linden's tax policy was Americana, a group devoted to US landmarks. Feeling punished for their public-works project, Americana unleased a protest suitable to their name, dropping giant tea crates across the world and setting their American landmarks on fire. A cat named Fleabite Beach sent out a Thoreau-style proclamation against "Mad King Linden," and led the revolutionaries into the streets with muskets and signs emblazoned with the words "Born Free: Taxed to Death!" Much of the citizenry was drawn into the insurrection, either as rebels or redcoat "Linden loyalists." But, from conflict comes community, because it was one of the first times residents saw themselves together in a grid-wide struggle. And though the Lindens may not admit it, the protests heped encourage them to end the tax system. Third Era - Winter 2003: A New Nation is Born During this period, Linden Lab made three policy decisions that were considered radical at the time: 1. To end monthly subscriptions (the standard revenue model for almost all MMOs) and instead, begin charging monthly "land use" fees for virtual land. 2. To announce a laissez-faire policy on buying and selling the official in-world currency on the open market for real money. 3. To recognize residents' legally enforceable intellectual-property rights over the objects and scripts they created within the world." (pp.281-283) There's a lot more in this history chapter, but this section shows how the land tier structure began as well as the beginning of content creator IP rights.
  24. Coby Foden wrote: What I personally don't like in premium account is that if there is a glitch in payments due to Linden Lab - even if it was not the fault of the resident - the account is put on hold in a blink of an eye. No warning, no questions asked, the door is just slammed on one's face. Then it can take days to resolve the problem to get the account active again. Very true! I posted this elsewhere not too long ago - I recall a forum post years ago regarding a premium member who was behind on his premium payment which eventually resulted in his account being cancelled and avatar/inventory deleted. Iirc, the account wasn't deleted immediately but the resident did try to make payment at some point, which is when he discovered his account was gone. The discussion that arose from this reported incident was: Why is it that a basic account is active forever, even if someone signed up, left the same day, and never returned; however, a premium account that misses payment risks losing their account & inventory. I'm not at all defending non-payment, but it would make more sense to downgrade the person to basic, take back any land owned, and freeze the account until payment was brought to date, but not totally delete it. One poster in that discussion said it is for that reason that his premium account is for an alt used to purchase land, etc. and one that has very little inventory while his main stays basic to not risk any kind of billing glitch.
  25. 16 wrote: Czari Zenovka wrote: Charolotte Caxton wrote: You can go from being basic to being Premium and get the bonus after 45 days, even if you start as basic. *Now* one apparently can if there is no more fine print than what I just read on the premium page, but it wasn't like that in 2007. That was discussed quite a bit on the forums back then when people who began as basic accounts then went premium posted saying, HEY! where is my bonus? It might have had something to do with SL going from all pay to free accounts prior to when I joined. At any rate, I assure you I never received the bonus. yes thats right on this time round i got the bonus on my time before that early 2007 i not get any bonus. didnt get my first land either even tho linden was still advertise even on the signup that i would get. that really annoyed me. i end up pay 1000s of L for my parcel then on my first time before that i got nothing. but was nothing promised then so that was ok I'd forgotten about first land. Apparently that had been discontinued shortly before we joined as well. That was another thing I saw in the forums a lot: "I just joined SL/became Premium - how do I get my first land?" Gosh...forgot how much has changed. And yes, purchasing land: even really poor quality mainland located in the middle of ad farms with twirling signs cost more than 1L/sqm; and land with a view or on an ocean, etc. - those could be really expensive!! I think the last land that I owned a couple years ago I set it to sell to land bots quickly and got something like 3L/sqm iirc.
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