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Identity Euler

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Everything posted by Identity Euler

  1. Hi Teashi, Maybe this information about local payments will be interesting for you: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Local_Payments_FAQ
  2. The discussion about this topic is already here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Inventory/Over-900-of-my-items-gone-from-my-inventory/qaq-p/910705
  3. Some time ago it was adviced to log in to beta grid - Aditi. I am not sure if it works any more in case of restoring the inventory but you can try.
  4. Upgrade your account at least for a month to Premium and you will be able to contact via live chat with support directly. Meanwhile there are a lot of helpful Residents here at Forums and many issues has been solved here. It is possible to get help.
  5. Here is more about lag: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Lag
  6. In case you still have problem remember that with Premium account you can contact with support via live chat here: https://support.secondlife.com/contact-support/
  7. You can't do much about customers' attitude but you can change yours. First of all be polite. You have right to refuse however as it was already said you need to "sound nice". One thing I can't understand here. A Resident come to your shop and likes your creation. When she/he buys your product she/he becomes your customer. Yay!!!!! It is not easy to get customer. But you know... you need something more. You need satisfied customer. Why? Because satisified customer will come back and buy again or may mention your shop in a group chat or to friends or write excellent review at Marketplace or write about your creation on blog. You don't have any conflict - you have only good marketing. You need only one thing.. make a styling card or just say where this item is from. This is a solution for your "conflict". Why don't you do that?
  8. Have a look at http://status.secondlifegrid.net/ [updated] Rolling Restarts for SL Server Channels June 21st Posted by Status Desk on June 21st, 2011 at 05:00 am PDT [updated 21 June 2011, 5:00am PDT] We will be beginning rolling restarts on the main Second Life server channel momentarily. Please refrain from making in-world L$ purchases as well as rezzing no-copy objects during this time. We will update this blog post when we have completed the restarts for today. [postED June, 20th 2011 08:23pm PDT] Beginning at 05:00 am PDT, June 21st 2011, we will be performing rolling restarts on the main Second Life server channels. During this time, we recommend that you refrain from making in-world L$ purchases, as well as rezzing no-copy objects.
  9. I would like to mention here that one can get much nonfinancial support eg: - ability to be announced in Destination Guide, - ability to advertise at Second Life Forums, - ability to advertise events (for free!). There is a support for community activities. Money is not everything.
  10. Hi Welcome to Second Life answers. Have you tried to clear cache? Teleport to Smith and clear cache there. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Clearing_the_cache
  11. Hi Welcome back. Please write what message do you get exactly. Adding more information about your computer would be helpfull as well. Please check requirements here: http://secondlife.com/support/system-requirements/ Have you downloaded the video driver as it was requested? You can edit your post in 'Options'---->Edit. You can try other vievers: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third_Party_Viewer_Directory
  12. Hi, Welcome to Second Life Forums. If Cinema 4D supports .dae files (Collada) you will be able soon. I have checked and it should. More about mesh which is coming here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Featured-News/Mesh-Coming-to-Second-Life-This-Summer/ba-p/902061 http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Mesh At the moment you can test it on beta grid called Aditi. Have fun!
  13. Hi Lexy, Welcome to Second Life Answers. Make a free call to the Billing number: Toll-Free (US/Canada) 800.294.1067 Long-Distance 703.286.6277 Billing team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Local Toll-Free numbers * France: 0805.101.490 * Germany: 0800.664.5510 * Japan: 0066.33.132.830 * Portugal: 800.814.450 * Spain: 800.300.560 * UK: 0800.048.4646 * Support is in English Only
  14. What Internet viewer do you use? What message do you get? The account doesn't dissapear at once. If you expect that it "puffs" as soon as you cancel it it will not. Think twice before you cancel it. You can keep account for free. If you don't want to have Premium any more you can downgrade your account. If you don't want to be visible for others you can hide the avatar's name from search. You can edit your post in 'Options'---> Edit and add some more information.
  15. Please be patience. Islands are opened now but there can be many people who want to teleport the same time. Open map and search for SL8B islands. If you can't teleport to the choosen one try to teleport to island which is near by and walk from that place. Have fun!
  16. Hi, Welcome to Second Life Forums. I have never seen data about what percentage of users is age verified. I don't think that such data is available however this is my personal thought. The solution would be a survey among 1000 Residents at least. Edit Of course Linden Lab knows the number but I doubt it would be revealed to anyone. It is so called sensitive data.
  17. I get this kind of error if I put typical Polish letters like ą, ż, ź etc. Please have a look if you don't have any special letters there. You can edit your post and add more information in 'Options'---> Edit. Also remember that you have to be given right to post an event in the group if you are not an owner.
  18. If you want to make professional tutorial you should consider recording narration independently from picture. For Machinima fraps works well and it is not too expensive. For sound you can use free Audiacity. There are of course free programs for picture capture as well. More here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Machinima http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Movie_help You can try 30 days Camtasia demo as well.
  19. Hi, Welcome to Second Life. The answer on your question is: - Gimp ---->free! (you can dowload it from here: www.gimp.org) - Photoshop There are many tutorials for these programs available in Internet so you can learn them on your own. There are also many Gimp and Photoshop courses in Second Life. Search for them in events. Have fun!
  20. Hi asleon, Welcome to Second Life Answers. If you are interested in Turkish translation you can read more here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Community_Translation_Project
  21. The translators which are huds work only in local chat as far as I know. You need to be with other person in one room and use the translator when someone else is closer than 19 meters. Remember that all translators which are Google based may stop working around September this year.
  22. Hi, Welcome to Second Life! Here are similar topics: - http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Everything-Else/jobs/qaq-p/863987 - http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General/how-do-i-earn-lindens/qaq-p/688905 You can read much useful information there. If you have questions you can add them to your post in 'Options' ---> Edit. Good luck.
  23. Ten temat może zainteresować przyszłorocznych maturzystów. Informacje można uzyskać na stronie: http://kafeteria.edu.pl/ W tym roku część wykładów była realizowana w Second Life. Informacje o tegorocznej edycji: „Kafeteria edukacyjna dla licealistów – Akademia Edukacji Menedżerskiej” to projekt skierowany do uczniów z całej Polski. Obejmuje on 50 różnych wydarzeń edukacyjnych w ramach 5 bloków tematycznych i 14 form edukacyjnych. Projekt dofinansowany jest ze środków Narodowego Banku Polskiego. Głównym celem projektu jest rozwijanie kluczowych kompetencji uczniów szkół ponadgimnazjalnych w zakresie przedsiębiorczości oraz nowoczesnych technologii. Jest to możliwe dzięki specjalnie skonstruowanej ofercie programowej obejmującej wydarzenia edukacyjne z różnorodnych obszarów tematycznych z zakresu ekonomii i zarządzania, oraz zastosowaniu narzędzi doboru ścieżki edukacyjnej, adekwatnej do indywidualnych zainteresowań licealistów. Zajęcia prowadzone są w formie wykładów e-learningowych, forów, czatów, zajęć w Second Life, a także filmów edukacyjnych kończących się z dyskusją online. Uczeń może również wziąć udział w wieloetapowych konkursach oceniających jego aktywność społeczno-ekonomiczną (np. w szkole czy w organizacjach pozarządowych) oraz ma do wyboru aż sześć sesji doradztwa biznesowego z ekspertami SGH. Każdy licealista, wybierając indywidualnie swój program edukacji w Kafeterii, może – poprzez zaliczenie wybranych zestawów zajęć – uzyskać specjalny dyplom z danej ścieżki kształcenia. Na najaktywniejszych uczestników zajęć czekają dyplomy z wyróżnieniem, zatytułowane "Profesjonalny Menedżer". A tutaj można obejrzeć krótką relację z wykładów prowadzonych w Second Life na terenie Kolegium Nauczycielskiego z Bielska Białej.  
  24. Doubled thread: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Account/My-account-banned-i-want-write-back-which-mail-addres-should-i/qaq-p/930785
  25. Try to attach this item to avatar. Maybe it will work.
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