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Identity Euler

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Everything posted by Identity Euler

  1. Ctrl+P---> General----> Language. You need to have advanced mode on.
  2. Maybe this will be helpful: http://secondlife.com/support/quickstart/basic/Make_friends
  3. Remember also that your online status is visible in groups so if you and your friends are in the same group they will be able to see that you are online there.
  4. You can hide your name in Search any time you want. you don't need to cancel your account. The hide option is available in profile. Yes, when you cancel your account after some time the name will disappear from Search.
  5. There is no xstreet any more. Did you buy that item at Marketplace here? https://marketplace.secondlife.com/
  6. If you can't see the groups on list just relog.
  7. Here is more information about display name: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Display-names/ta-p/700173 You can change it once a week. You can't change your user name, hovewer you DON'T need to delate your account. Display name is a nice feature which allowes you to change your name.
  8. What Internet connection do you have? If wifi try to swtch to cable.
  9. Po raz kolejny będzie można spotkać się w RL/SL podczas zjazdu społeczności Second Life od 12 do 14 sierpnia: http://www.slconvention.org/ Tutaj można się zgłosić na wolontariusza w SL: http://www.slconvention.org/staff/in-world-volunteer-application/
  10. Hi, Welcome to Second Life Answers. Yes, you can. More information is available here. I have my Linden Home yet would prefer a different theme. Can I change my selection? Yes! Choose World > About Land and click the General tab. Click Abandon Land. After confirming, the land is removed from your account. That's it! You can register for another Linden Home. Warning: Please use this reasonably: if you abandon and choose a new Linden Home five times in 24 hours, you're temporarily blocked from choosing another. You'll need to wait after 24 hours have elapsed to register again.  
  11. Hi Frank, Welcome to Second Life Answers. Clear cache: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Clearing_the_cache , teleport to Smith and clear cache there. What viewer do you use? You can add more information to your post in 'Options'---> Edit. If clearing cache doesn't help let us know. Good luck
  12. Hi, I am not sure what do you mean by"optional name" . Please edit your post using 'Options'--->Edit and add more information about it. Are you sure you type the name in Abuse Report correctly? There is search option you need to type the name there. It looks like grey but you need to click 'Choose a Resident' button. Remember that you can block (mute) other Resident. You will not get any IMs from that person any more.
  13. Hi, Welcome to Second Life Answers. No, you can't share account. It doesn't matter if it is premium or not. You can't give your account to anyobody else. The exception: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Death_and_other_worries_outside_Second_Life
  14. Hi, Welcome to Second Life Answers. I know that this is common advice but you haven't mentioned clear cache. Have you cleared cache? What viewer do you use? You can edit your post in 'Options'--->Edit and add this information.
  15. Your issue reminds me the problem with two monitors. Have a look here please: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Avatar/My-avatar-is-all-black-when-I-log-in-Tried-Re-bake-and-Edit/qaq-p/786099. Have you tried character test? Have you updated the graphic card drivers? You can edit your post in 'Options'.
  16. The same post here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/Age-verify-HELP-account-verify-HELP-please/qaq-p/923395/comment-id/9091
  17. Hi Paul, Welcome to Second Life Answers. Yay it is my favourite question. Here you may find more information: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Education_in_Second_Life http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_World_Language_Learning http://www.iste.org/Content/NavigationMenu/Membership/Member_Networking/ISTE_Second_Life.htm http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Education http://slisweb.sjsu.edu/sl/index.php/Sloodle
  18. Hi, Welcome to Second Life Answers. You don't have to be Premium account holder if you want to be age verified. Here is more about age verification: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Age-verification/ta-p/700021
  19. Here is more information about age verification: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Age-verification/ta-p/700021. You may consider manual age verification. Edit What Internet viewer do you use? Try to fill in the form on Internet Explorer viewer.
  20. Hi Lydia, The beta viewer is a viever which is in tests so there may happen bugs. They are usually fixed when the viewer goes out of beta. Please add more information about your computer and internet connection. You can add more information in you post using 'Options'---->Edit. You may consider reporting this issue at jira. However it would be good to know what equipment do you use.
  21. Hi Jinna, Welcome to Second Life Answers. Here was similar topic: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Account/can-you-make-real-money-playing-this-game/qaq-p/829527. Here is more in Wiki: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Making_money. But first of all remember that Second Life should be a fun! Good luck.
  22. Hi, You can find free AOs at Marketplace. The HUD called ZHAO is free and all you need is to collect the animations if you want to make your own AO. If you haven't used AO so far try one of free and see the configuration note. Enjoy!
  23. It looks like lag. Here is more about lag: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Lag Check Statistics Bar next time: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Statistics_Bar_Guide#.27Simulator.27_Panel You can add information to your post using 'Options'------> Edit in your post.
  24. Hi, What viewer do you use? What is your internet connection? Did you check the equipment requirements here: http://secondlife.com/support/system-requirements/?lang=en-US. You can add information using 'Options' ---> Edit in your post.
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