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Identity Euler

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Everything posted by Identity Euler

  1. If it is private estate ask the owner for the restart. If it is a mainland and you have premium ask via live chat about restart.
  2. Hi, It sounds like you have several layers on. If you tried Ctrl +Alt + R and it didn't help try character test. Test will change your avatar completly to the default one so remember to save the outift. Character test: Develop Menu (you can find this option in Advanced menu (ctrl+alt+d) ---> Avatar ---> Avatar test---> Test female. Good luck. Edit If you haven't cleared cache for a long time it may be the highest time to do that.
  3. Hi Bianca, Welcome to Second Life Answers. Here is more about issues with logging in: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Login-failure/ta-p/700109
  4. Tutaj wcześniejszy artykuł: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-13643471 Ważne jest stwierdzenie o możliwości dotarcia do osób, które normalnie nie zainteresowałyby się gimnastyką oraz wzmianka o tym, że ten sposób może być dodatkiem, jednak nie zastępstwem. Inny artykuł na temat zdrowia: http://zdrowie.dziennik.pl/diety/artykuly/334533,gry-wideo-wzmagaja-apetyt.html To może wyjaśniać dlaczego efekt czasami jest odwrotny.
  5. Hi Rick, Welcome to Second Life Answers. There is a history of teleports in side panel. You can see what places you have visited so far. To be able to see side panel you need to be in Advanced mode. You can choose mode Basic/Advanced before you log in to Second Life next time.
  6. Hi, Write the password and make sure it is correct. Maybe you have changed the password recently? Make sure you don't have Caps Lock on. Try to log in to website www.secondlife.com. If you still have problems please add information to your post using Edit in 'Options'.
  7. Hi Gil, Edit I looked at dates once again and actually there very small difference of payements. Have a look in Dashboard at past transactions. Check if they for sure were payed to this person. You can make a note card with transactions numbes, amunts and dates and send to the owner. Be sure that you are talking with the same person that you have payed. There can be managers so go to the owner directly. If this doesn't help and money are not returned you can send abuse report. Next time talk with owner BEFORE you pay anything. Ask questions about covenant. Ask your friends which land owners they know and can advice.
  8. Hi, Premium account user gets 300 L$ a week, and 1000 L$ stipend (the stipend once the account become Premium). Of course there is a Linden Home and live chat support. As far as I know there is no difference between monthly Premium and Premium for year. The only one difference which I can point out is that paying Premium for year is cheaper than paying every month 12 times.
  9. Hi, Welcome to Second Life. Have you downloaded Second Life viewer? - http://secondlife.com/support/downloads/ If yes, are you in Advanced mode? You can change the mode before logging in. You can add comments to your post in Options---> Edit.
  10. Hi, Here are job offers: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Inworld-Employment/bd-p/InworldEmployment You need to: - like work with people, - like conversations, - know how to use SL viewer (send note cards in group, set events etc - the employer will tell) , - have nice avatar (you are able to get many gifts from creators or during hunts these days so you don't need to spend a fortune). Good luck.
  11. Hi, Welcome to Second Life Answers. The real law applicable in this case is a rule.
  12. Hi, Welcome to Second Life Answers. I am not sure what do you mean by 'measures'. Could you explain more? You can edit your post in 'Options'. Here are links you may consider as interesting for you: - DMCA: http://secondlife.com/corporate/dmca.php - latest blog post about mesh: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Featured-News/Mesh-Coming-to-Second-Life-This-Summer/ba-p/902061 - user group: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Content_Creation/Mesh_Import/Scripting_User_Group
  13. Hi Tileah, Welcome to Second Life Answers. Here you can read more about voice: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Voice-chat-FAQ/ta-p/700171 If you don't need it you can turn it off. Please provide information what viewer do you use. You can edit your post in 'Options'.
  14. Hi Aegis, Maybe this can be helpful: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official_talk:Private_Region_Transfer_FAQ
  15. Hi, Welcome to Second Life Answers. I can believe it may be frustrating but the good news is that you don't need to start a new avatar. First of all think about clear cache: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Clearing_the_cache It is also adviced to teleport to Smith where inventory will load faster and wait there until it is fully loaded. If you have more questions please write here. You can edit your post in "Options".
  16. I see this issue mentioned second time in Answers so.. however the amount is not huge I would advice sending the ticket.
  17. Carnival of Fashion jest projektem *CrEaTiViTy*, który ma na celu promocję polskich kreatorów w Second Life. Razem można więcej dzięki efektowi synergii. ;) A o ile więcej widać na załączonym filmie, który w każdym pikselu jest wykonany przez Polaków. Pokaz miał miejsce w styczniu jednak nadal trwają prace nad materiałami promocyjnymi. Więcej informacji wkrótce. :)
  18. Zachęcam do wybrania się na targi. Można zobaczyć jak sobie radzą organizacje zajmujące się pomocą w Second Life. Lokalizacja: http://slurl.com/secondlife/FRANCE3D%20Sentu%20Novio/174/198/23 Stanowisko *CrEaTiViTy* przedstawia zdjęcie poniżej.
  19. Hi tinkerbell9, Welcome to Second Life forums. If you are looking for a job here is more suitable place to search for it: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Inworld-Employment/bd-p/InworldEmployment Good luck. tinkerbell9 wrote: are u hiring cuz i need a job
  20. Hi Tomo, Welcome to Second Life Answers. In this case you need to abandon land. You can do that in window About Land. If there is still some time to the deadline of premium/tier payment you can think about selling the land.
  21. You need an AO hud for animations. You can open animations from your inventory and play them inworld, but you have to open them again and agan after every logging in/crash. These are only two possibilities which I know.
  22. Hi Bettina, Welcome to Second Life Answers. Try to use Internet Explorer which seems to be recommended in this case. If you have special letters in your language replace them with international letters. SL is not an owner of Second Life. The company name is Linden Lab. Here you can get advices from other Residents. The ways of contact with Linden Lab (Second Life Support): https://support.secondlife.com/contact-support/. Feedback forum: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Forums-Blogs-Answers-and/bd-p/blogs_forums_answers_feedback More about age verification, icluding manual verification: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Age-verification/ta-p/700021
  23. Mam przyjemność zaprosić na koncert Izabeli Jaworower (Izabeli Spiewak) w środę o godz. 20.00 (01.06.2011). Koncert jest zorganizowany dla uczestników Kafeterii (http://kafeteria.edu.pl/?page=aktualnosci), którzy uczestniczyli w wykładach organizowanych przez Kafeterię na terenie Kolegium Nauczycielskiego, jednak ze względu na rocznicę powstania *CrEaTiViTy* zapraszam również sympatyków projektu. Aby więcej osób mogło uczestniczyć w koncercie odbędzie się on na Music Island: http://slurl.com/secondlife/Sea%20Turtle%20Island/40/7/25 Plakat wykonał Doug Larimal. Edit: Koncert będzie można oglądać na żywo dzięki uprzejmości Music Island pod tym adresem: http://www.livestream.com/musicisland
  24. Hi, Welcome to Second Life Answers. You can have access to Adult places after age verification. More about age verification here:http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Age-verification/ta-p/700021
  25. If you are a professional in first life why should you have a job in SL? You can treat virtual world as entertainment or you can do things you would never do in RL eg become a dj. Use your imagination!
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