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Ishtara Rothschild

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Everything posted by Ishtara Rothschild

  1. shug Maitland wrote: the talk on every group chat I follow is how lag has gotten worse over the last few weeks! That's exactly what he meant when he wrote about improving lag. If you improve productivity, for example, you do the exact opposite of reducing it. The same applies here. The new and improved lag is laggier than ever before.
  2. Was mir persönlich viel wichtiger ist: ich hatte seit über zehn Jahren keinen Stromausfall mehr Mein CO2-Footprint ist wirklich minimal. Ich arbeite von zuhause aus und fahre mit dem Rad zum Einkaufen, auch im tiefsten Winter. Ich recycle meinen Abfall, kompostiere meine Naturfaser-Katzenstreu, und habe Katzenklappen in allen Türen, damit ich nur drei Zimmer beheizen muss (Küche, Flur und Bad bleiben im Winter kalt bzw. knapp über dem Gefrierpunkt). Da mache ich mir keine Vorwürfe, dass knapp 90% meines Stroms aus Kernenergie stammt und zumindest einer meiner vier Rechner Tag und Nacht läuft. Wenn ich mal unerwartet 30k Euro erben sollte, dann würde ich evtl. die Hälfte davon in eine Solaranlage auf dem Dach investieren. Aber bis dahin mache ich mir kein schlechtes Gewissen, weil ein halber Brennstab in irgendeinem Castor-Behälter auf meine Kappe geht. Wenn der globale Klimawandel weiter seinen Lauf nimmt, haben wir in zwanzig Jahren sowieso ganz andere Sorgen. Die Endlagerung von Atommüll wird wohl das geringste Problem sein, wenn wir uns mit den Flüchtlingen aus Küstengebieten um drei Dosen Hundefutter und die letzte Flasche sauberes Trinkwasser prügeln, während uns Hurrikane die Häuser abdecken und diverse neue Tropenkrankheiten uns langsam dahinraffen.
  3. I don't know if the skillsets of RL fashion designers or makeup artists translate well to a platform like SL, but I read that Aimee Weber has worked in the RL fashion industry before she became a successful SL fashion creator. Many other fashion and skin designers are Photoshop pros who have been working in graphics design, web design, media design or preprint jobs. 3D design, game design and similar backgrounds have become useful too since sculpties hit the grid.
  4. Don't let Nany see that, unless you're a card-carrying member of the pure-blooded Native American club.
  5. Eve1209 Quintessa wrote: <snip> I understand there are evil people this world, but not everyone is evil and only out to promote themselves. <snip> While I reserve the word "evil" for a select few, I think it's safe to say that most, if not all, people are selfish. They'd be pretty flawed animals if they weren't. Even Linden Lab organized this fund raiser partially to promote their own business, and there is nothing wrong with that. My only concern is the question how much of the money is really put to good use where it is most needed. If residents organize their own charities, the answer is always "we have no way of knowing that". That's why people are best advised to only donate to well-known charitable organizations through their official channels. And even then your money might end up paying for the private jet of some chairman.
  6. Keli Kyrie wrote: <snip> 3) Church. Yes there is church in Second Life and I give to the donation boxes. I think it is kind of like RL most people can tell a scam when they see it. <snip> If you can tell a scam when you see it, why would you give money to a church? :smileyindifferent:
  7. Domitan Redenblack wrote: <snip> What varieties of Landing Point (etc) are there? As long as teleport routing is set to "anywhere", everyone can tp around your sim or parcel. New arrivals will still pop up at the landing spot though, unless they're following a landmark or tp offer to a different spot. If you set teleport routing to "landing spot", visitors can no longer tp anywhere else on your land. If they try, they will only appear at the landing spot again. This is extremely annoying for those of us who use doubleclick teleport as their main means of locomotion. I use to cam around in stores and doubleclick-tp right in front of a vendor once I found what I was looking for. If this throws me back to the landing spot, I will leave the store and take my business elsewhere. People who try to cripple me don't deserve my money.
  8. The rezzing order of items appears to be rather random. All you can do is lower your draw distance and then increase it again once your immediate surroundings have rezzed in, or focus your camera on an item of interest to make the textures rez faster.
  9. Are you a non-US customer? If so, your payments are now handled by a third party payment processor. Unless you already had payment information on file, you can't update your billing information. The SL website is supposed to load a plugin of a local payment processor for your country whenever you buy something, and it sometimes fails to load. I've had this problem with Internet Explorer on an alt account. It eventually worked in Google Chrome. But I only bought L$ to get rid of my "no payment info" status, so I have no idea how the premium account upgrade works nowadays or how well the new payment solution was implemented in that area. Perhaps it has not been implemented as of yet?
  10. It might be a point of concern that new residents have to provide their payment information to a third party. For German customers, it is a site called safe-cashier.com, which I never heard of before. And from what I read in the old forums, the payments of UK customers are handled by some obscure online gambling company. I'm not sure that all non-US customers will trust a 3rd party with that kind of information. And this could also be a problem for land and region owners who ban the anonymous crowd from entering their places because they only want to let people in who have reliable RL information on file with LL. Seeing that this data is now being transmitted to 3rd party payment processors instead of LL, residents with "Payment Info Used" status are probably equally anonymous and can't be held legally accountable for their actions by other residents.
  11. It appears that non-US residents, or at least European residents, can no longer buy L$ through the SL client, unless they already had a credit card number or PayPal address on file prior to the recent changes in the payment process for international customers. Linden Lab now seem to have different payment processors for each European country, none of which accepts Paypal. But at least they now offer additional payment options such as bank transfer. New residents will have to purchase L$ through the website, which loads a plugin of a third party payment processor such as this one: This also means that European residents can no longer get rid of their initial "No Payment Info on File" status, which is banned by many land and region owners, without actually buying L$ or a premium account from Linden Lab. As usual, LL did a very poor job of communicating these changes, or rather completely failed to do so. I hope that the new system will be integrated with the viewer software at some point, but I'm not holding my breath.
  12. Ich will doch schwer hoffen, dass wirtschaftliche Interessen ebenfalls in der Energiepolitik berücksichtigt werden und wurden. Natürlich nicht ausschließlich, ansonsten hätten wir ebensoviele Kohlekraftwerke in der Landschaft herumstehen wie die Amis. Im Gegensatz zu denen haben wir es geschafft, unsere Treibhausgas-Emissionen seit den 90er Jahren um 19% zu senken, in erster Linie mit Hilfe von Atomstrom. Alternative Energiequellen wie Wind- und Wasserkraftwerke sind zwar noch umweltfreundlicher, aber auch sehr unzuverlässig. Leider sind die globalen CO2-Emission in diesem Zeitraum um 20% gestiegen, also war's letztendlich doch alles für die Katz Aber das ist ein anderes Thema. Fakt ist, dass Atomstrom sowohl wirtschaftlich als auch zuverlässig und - zumindest in Deutschland - relativ sicher ist. Unsere AKWs sind sowohl gegen Erdbeben als auch gegen Hochwasser und sogar gegen Flugzeugabstürze gesichert. Merkels Geschwafel ist also nur ein Versuch, politisches Kapital aus der katastrophalen Lage in Japan zu schlagen.
  13. Thanks, but I'll have to pass on the guinness /me nibbles on the shamrock instead. Happy St. Patrick's Day
  14. Mags Indigo wrote: @Ishtara - we're not all genius's either - it took me 3 weeks to figure out the most basic things - actually I'm still figuring them out. So an ability to switch to a more advanced viewer wouldn't have confused you - problem solved. I wouldn't call myself a genius. I simply wouldn't stay more than three minutes in an MMO if I got the impression that all I could do was to walk around and chat. The problem is that there is no advanced viewer anymore, at least not an official Linden viewer. And the third party viewer directory has been hidden away behind several links. Viewer 2 is quite simplified and dumbed down as it is. LL flat out refused to add a an option to the preferences that would allow people to switch to the old, more complex and builder-friendly interface, because that tiny checkbox would have been too confusing for the facebook crowd. If LL now simplify the client even more, SL will soon look like IMVU and attract a similar crowd. Which is probably their goal, seeing that IMVU is vastly more successful than SL (despite or because having banned adult content. And that might be LL's next step on the way to a mainstream virtual world for all ages).
  15. You can also apply the tattoo to a cylindrical prim and wear it around the arm.
  16. Yeah, I can see why viewer 2 needs further dumbing down.
  17. Jo Yardley wrote: The first viewer everyone automatically downloads should just be for walking, exploring and chatting. I wouldn't have stayed around if that had been the case back when I joined. I tried to make my own skin on day one, right there on the welcome island, because I didn't want to go anywhere looking like a clay golem. That skin didn't turn out so well, but I still got hooked because SL gave me a lot to tinker with. Of course the creative spirits, who usually also happen to be deviants of one sort or another and not exactly what people would call sane, are no longer wanted here. LL are trying to attract a more mainstream audience nowadays. Seeing that they're dumbing the viewer down -- yet again and even more -- I suppose that "more mainstream" means "dumber". As if some of the recent arrivals weren't simple-minded enough already I mean, just look at some of the threads in this forum. [Ralphie mode] "I wanna be a fireman!" Geez. I guess if you build it, they will come. "It" being a viewer made for idiots in this case.
  18. Great idea, and surely a great way to promote one's store or sim and draw a little traffic and all that. But I have to say, I'm a little wary of resident-run fundraisers, simply because there is no way to tell where the money is going to end up. That's nothing against you of course. I just hope that people will have enough sense to stick with the official channels and donate the money to LL, or directly to the Red Cross. *coughs* vultures *coughs*
  19. Kaiser Bogomil wrote: According to NPR... the help the Japanese really need is search and rescue. And they are actively asking for professional search & rescue PEOPLE - NOT MONEY!. Japan is one of the richest nations on the planet. Nevertheless .. there are cons who are exploiting this situation telling ppl Japan needs your money and collecting $$ on behalf of themselves. Sadly because there is zero acountability for this kind of con in SL the cons come here. <snip> I agree that the Japanese govrnment is prepared to handle the financial end of this situation. But as you said, they need help with search and rescue operations, which is provided by organizations like the Red Cross. And the Red Cross depends on donations to finance their work. You are probably right about fundraisers that are organized by residents. I trust Linden Lab to send the money the right way, but I'd never pay a fellow resident who claims to raise money for charity.
  20. Do you run into the same problem if you download one or more larger files with your internet browser? Several simultaneous downloads or streaming video might be a good way to test this. Also, what kind of internet connection do you have, and how is your PC connected to your router or modem (ethernet or WLAN)? I have this issue when I use my UMTS / 3G connection instead of DSL, but I also ran into this problem when using a weak WLAN connection to my DSL router (on my terrace for example). If you use WLAN, how good is your connection (how many green bars does it show)? If it's ethernet, did you try to change the patch cable between router and PC? You could also try to diagnose your connection (Start --> Control Panel --> Network and Internet --> View Network Status and Tasks --> Troubleshoot Problems).
  21. Vendor scripts are not only unnecessary, they also negatively affect the sim performance (as do all scripts). This land owner should be glad that you use unscripted low-lag vendors.
  22. PS: Just imagine how much more money LL could have raised if the Marketplace would work flawlessly.
  23. You misunderstood my concern, Storm. It is not about my sales; if I needed money that badly, I wouldn't be trying to donate it for an important cause. My point is that I tried to donate money and it did not work. Lots of people have made the same experience and either had their transactions rolled back or did not get their delivery and wondered if their donation was lost in the void. That is a crying shame. LL tried to do something good and important here, and it failed because the infrastructure of their shopping portal wasn't up for the task. This is why I think that it might make more sense to handle this kind of thing differently in the future and allow people to donate L$ or real world currency in a more direct and fail-safe way. Because I support this cause, not because I'm against it. My secondary concern is that the fragile Marketplace was no longer able to reliably fulfil its original purpose during the last days. Which, alas, is nothing new. The existing problems and flaws were only made much worse by this fundraiser. This may sound heartless at a time like this, but it is nonetheless a valid concern. LL had a great idea with this fundraiser, and it failed because the Marketplace does not work as intended. This needs to be addressed. It is long overdue. I'd like to see both the Marketplace as well as important fundraisers like this one work flawlessly. It doesn't help anybody if the SL economy grinds to a halt while people are trying to donate and fail to do so. I hope that clarifies where I was coming from here.
  24. PS: I hope we are still allowed to talk about age verification here. It might be considered mature content, such as the word "bleep".
  25. It is a little known fact that you don't need to age-verify in order to enter most adult sims. Instead, you can verify your account by buying a small amount lf L$ on the LindeX (or by simply putting your credit card no. or PayPal address on file, in case of US residents). There are very few adult sims that specifically require age verification. LL consider residents to be adults if they have done business with them. So if you go to your account page on the Second Life website, click the "Buy L$" link somewhere on the left, and buy the smallest possible amount of Linden Dollar, you're all set
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