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Dresden Ceriano

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Everything posted by Dresden Ceriano

  1. MajelAuberjonois wrote: CHERI: I don't know why the link didn't work but here it is again, this time a link to the latest post. Maybe this one will work? https://sla2z.wordpress.com/ For some reason, both links you posted are showing up as "that page can't be found". This would be the correct link to your last post... https://sla2z.wordpress.com/2014/06/13/arts-in-hats/ MajelAuberjonois wrote: DRESDEN: What is a SL profile feed?! It sounds interesting! Also a great tip on being more specific with the blog link. Thanks for the Flickr follow. The SL profile feed is what you find when you hit the "Home" tab on your web based SL profile. This link should take you right to it... https://my.secondlife.com/ You will have to sign in if you aren't signed in already. Both Flickr and the SL Feeds take a bit of getting used to, but just play with them a while and eventually you'll get the hang of them. Good luck ...Dres
  2. Jordan Whitt wrote: Create a Flickr account and post your pics, link them to your blog and add them to the appropriate groups. A lot of traffic can come that way. Good luck, your blog is looking good. I agree, Flickr is a great place to drum up interest and her blog does, indeed, look to be very promising. @Majel: You might also want to utilize your SL profile feed... it's also good for promotion as long as you also participate with those that regularly make use of it and develop a following. Also, it's fun to post snapshots to it directly from SL, without having to worry that they aren't always "Flickr quality". Plus, paying attention to trending might give you some ideas about places to go and things to do which you may not have thought of or known about otherwise. ...Dres [i followed you on Flickr, btw. If you decide to start using the feeds, let me know (following me would be the best way to do that) and I'll follow you there as well.] P.S. Don't forget to include a link in the description of each photo you post to Flickr, to the specific post where it is included on your blog, as opposed to just a general link to your blog. That way people will always be able to find the exact post which you're referencing, rather than having to search for it.
  3. LaskyaClaren wrote: Dresden Ceriano wrote: Tex Monday wrote: wow....two posts from two people with the same "That's not a valid comparison" quote...has to be a record!!:matte-motes-sunglasses-3: And you may be correct...but, if you're going through the threads and have an aversion to surveys and one shows up, it may be interupting and annoying. Be that as it may, I can't and won't argue with your comparison. I feel it is the same..and I still wish to take a virtual bullhorn to some of the students posting surveys here. And did you notice how I successfully took the flames of abuse away from Phil and planted them firmly on myself?? (You're welcome, by the way....:matte-motes-sunglasses-3:) Arguing will do you no good, Tex. You simply can't argue with those who would purposefully endeavor to tell you how you should feel, rather than accept your feelings of annoyance as being in any way valid, any more than you can convince someone, who starts a thread in order to do the very thing which they're so critical of others doing, that they're a complete hypocrite. I say ignore this nightmare thread and let it die. ...Dres I have been trying to compose the perfect response to this, one so logically constructed and well-expressed that it would be utterly unanswerable. And then I realized that you have already provided me with the winning formula! I find dismissive interjections that purport to "expose" the real burden of my argument in what has actually been (thus far) a rather good-humoured and interesting discussion deeply annoying. There we are. Seems "valid" to me. ;-) I appreciate the fact that you've chosen to act upon that which you find annoying... regardless of what you might think of people who sometimes choose to do the same. ...Dres
  4. Tex Monday wrote: wow....two posts from two people with the same "That's not a valid comparison" quote...has to be a record!!:matte-motes-sunglasses-3: And you may be correct...but, if you're going through the threads and have an aversion to surveys and one shows up, it may be interupting and annoying. Be that as it may, I can't and won't argue with your comparison. I feel it is the same..and I still wish to take a virtual bullhorn to some of the students posting surveys here. And did you notice how I successfully took the flames of abuse away from Phil and planted them firmly on myself?? (You're welcome, by the way....:matte-motes-sunglasses-3:) Arguing will do you no good, Tex. You simply can't argue with those who would purposefully endeavor to tell you how you should feel, rather than accept your feelings of annoyance as being in any way valid, any more than you can convince someone, who starts a thread in order to do the very thing which they're so critical of others doing, that they're a complete hypocrite. I say ignore this nightmare thread and let it die. ...Dres
  5. Bobbie Faulds wrote: Phil Deakins wrote: Thank you for that, Bobbie. I'd imagine that 19 groups is very excessive just to run a sim but, if that's how the owner has set things up, I can't argue with it. However, I think it's safe to say that almost all of those 19 wouldn't be needed by most sim admins and people. About the 16 skin and fashion groups, my guess is that most of them are unnecessary, and that you're only in them to get notifications of new items. If that's true, then one could join all the skin and fashion groups and say that they are necessary. I.e. one could say that 100 groups wouldn't be enough. I know that we can join a heck of a lot of groups, but I'm sure it's safe to say that it isn't necessary - at least not so needful as to claim that we need a lot more group slots. There are other ways of keeping tabs on what's new out there. For the RP sim, you have the land group, the OOC and emergency, admin, mentor, race, owners group, weapons group, class group, just to mention a few of the ones needed. As for the fashion groups, 2 are skin groups I paid to join and get free gifts monthly, one is a general skin group, etc. I blog fashion so need to be in these. I have others that I spread out on alts so I could be in them. From your POV, they may not be NEEDED, but it depends on why you are in them. Stop trying to defend yourself, Bobbie. Everyone knows that Phil's opinion is the only one with any shred of validity and that disagreeing with him only exposes your self-induced delusion that what he says isn't actually exactly how you feel as well. Once you realize that Phil is always right, you'll be much happier with your life... and so will he. ...Dres
  6. Kyrah Abattoir wrote: When you have a problem you proceed by elimination. Oh, were you actually being serious when suggesting the OP stop using what's obviously their viewer of choice? I honestly thought you were trying to be facetious. If, indeed, you were really trying to help, I suggest you try a bit harder next time. ...Dres
  7. Senobia Xenga wrote: I've gotten rid of, roughly, 2k items in the past three days so that's a good start...I guess. Yes - folders are my preference, too. It's a neverending process, though. You delete 40 things and then open 40 more to see what they are and end up worse off than you started. I still have hunt gifts from 2009/2010 and holiday stuff I haven't opened from just as far back. Yes, I realize that if I haven't used them in this long, I probably won't, but what if I WANT it and just don't know it because I haven't opened it yet? And then there's the whole new free group gift at ________ messages that pop up from various groups during your cleaning time and you rush off to get it, only compounding your situation. And new hunts starting all the time.....*sigh* It's not that I really BUY stuff. I just find stuff to HOARD! More than half of it, as someone else said, is buildy stuff - sculpt sets and textures. Lots of which, you guessed it - haven't even been opened yet. *laughs* And the buildy stuff lead me to the 730470123423 items named "object" that I created along the way and forgot about. No, I don't rez them to see what they are - I just mass delete them. Just pointing this out so you all can get an idea what I'm working with lol. Thanks for your replies so far. You sound just like me. I lost control of my inventory long ago and, at this point, getting it completely under control again would require more time and patience than I've got. So, I developed a system a while back, which makes it much easier for me to, at least, be able to keep the new stuff I get from getting as messed up as my old stuff. First. I created a folder named "! Dresden" and a folder named "! Stuff" (The "!" automatically makes them stay on top when sorted alphabetically), then, under "Sort", I unchecked "System Folders To Top". I, then, created new folders with names the same as each System folder and filed them under my "! Dresden" folder (specifically, "Body" and "Clothes") and my "! Stuff" folder (everything else). Then in my new, non-system "Body, "Clothes and "Object" folders I created a folder called "~ Old" (The "~" makes them automatically stay at the bottom), into which I put the entire contents of those three System folders. Then, I placed the entire contents of my remaining System folders directly into their respective duplicates. I, then, set up sub-folders in my "Body", "Clothes" and "Object" folders and transferred only that which I know that I regularly use into them. (You can always move things later, once you realize you use them enough to warrant doing so.) Once all my System folders were empty, in debug settings, I made sure "DebugHideEmptySystemFolders" was set to True. (It might be already set that way by default in the official viewer. In Firestorm, it's an option listed under Preferences/Firestorm/General.) That way, whenever I receive something new, the System folder where its placed will appear, letting me know I've got something to sort into its rightful place. This last part is crucial, because it acts like an alert, informing me of when I need to sort things... otherwise, I just forget to do it and never get anywhere. ...Dres (I do hope that someone will have found this to have been a useful tip.)
  8. Kyrah Abattoir wrote: Or stop using firestorm? Oh, you're hilarious. ...Dres
  9. Sounds like you switched to some strange windlight setting. You should be able to easily set it to default in your Quick Preferences panel. Also, if you've backed up your settings, you might want to restore them. If not, you might have to wipe your settings and start fresh by going to Preferences/Network & Cache and clicking the "Open Settings folder" button. Then sign off, delete everything in that folder and sign back in. If none of this works, you might want to ask for help in the Firestorm Support group... link. ...Dres
  10. Hugsy Penguin wrote: History has shown that if the right person at LL wants a feature change, then it's going to happen no matter the uproar. You're right. LL most certainly would implement uproar inducing changes, regardless of the consequence. Hugsy Penguin wrote: I don't use security orbs so I figured that defining a top, bottom, and parcel boundary for the sides along with white and black lists would be the simplest and easiest way to keep friends in and intruders out. But, I'm not a luddite. If these orbs really do contain must-have options, then tell the server where the orb is covering (but don't put up banlines) so it can be shown on the map. ETA: I should also mention, that if orbs are outlawed, the entire script doesn't have to be thrown out - just the part the auto-detects and ejects with no human intervention. Everything else is fine. Also, a benefit to land owners is that they'll now be able to uncheck "Avatars on other parcels can see and chat with avatars on this parcel." So, they can that privacy in their skyboxes. When I first read what you wrote, I was picturing LL releasing the system which you'd suggested, while simultaneously banning security scripts. After pondering it further, I've realized that this probably isn't the way they would do it. They'd probably release the system without banning security scripts, until which time they will have adequately tested and refined it to a point where most people would be willing to adopt it. Then, they'd announce the banning of scripts, which would occur at some future point in time, in order to enable those who have not yet adopted it to do so, before doing away with them altogether. So, yeah... it's actually quite feasible. Not only that, but, while they were at it, they very well could include something like Freya's idea about viewers being able to display exactly where those "zones" are with the flick of a switch. ...Dres
  11. Alien8 wrote: OK, I'll try to keep this short. I recently paid 800L to rent a 'quality' Skybox for a month. The build was APPALLING - gaps in one wall corner where prims hadn't been joined together properly; I was unable to take up/move a very ugly full-bright bed; one door had a broken script, wouldn't open; and, contrary to what I was told before I moved in, no means of changing the audio stream or installing a security orb. So I had the stream off all the time (because it's 24/7 reggae), a glowing ugly bed in the middle of the bedroom and on my 3rd day there, TPd in to see a neko sitting in the bathtub eating a McDonalds (who I was unable to eject - I had to wait two days for the estate manager to log on to boot her). So, I asked the manager if he could lift the bed, fix the door and stream and give me land powers. I got a "No" to land powers due to "griefers" but was told he would sort the other issues within 24 hours. 72 hours later, I IM'd asking what was going on. No reply. So I sent a notecard saying I'm going to complain to LL and that I wanted a refund. A day later, he replies, saying "LL doesn't interfere in personal conflicts...no refunds on rental." I was then told I would not be allowed to change the stream as it would affect two other skyboxes on the same parcel and that the door had been fixed (it hadn't). Two days later, I had a griefer inside my skybox, taunting me with particles, and flipped. I IM'd the estate manager again, who came on 3 hours later. I'm afraid I lost it: ME: "Oh...f___ off you ____, give me back my money you ____ing thief". HIM: lol HIM: swearing is against the TOS HIM: reported to linden labs (sic) HIM: and evicted for abuse ME: Give me my money back HIM: report filed HIM: enjoy your last week on sl Anyway, I have countered with an AR but I want to know: is it true LL won't get involved in resident disputes? If not, surely they can't ban me for swearing at him? Or if so, why can't I get my money back? LOL... it's because of this very sort of ridiculousness that I very so much wish to put together a Judge Judy avatar. ...Dres
  12. Freya Mokusei wrote: Hmmmm~! Hugsy's idea plus some lines from Dresden gave me an idea! Dresden Ceriano wrote: get rid of tier-paying resident's security systems, for which they'd have paid good money, in order to replace them with what would, no doubt, be a solution without even half the features and functionality Clearly right that this is the largest hurdle will be changing existing functionality. Soooo~ What if llSensor's could show a 'bubble' or 'orb' - in the same way that Lightsources can do by toggling a setting in Build. This would probably be a similar optional view which pilots, cat burglers and SEAL Team Six can enable at will. This way security systems would work entirely in the same way, but pilots could detect possible orbs more easily. For bonus points, TPV developers could make the orbs flash bright red or barber-shop stripes for specific applications. Like Dolphin used'a have, for sailors. Dunno, I'm still sleepy. It seems better that the viewer changes than LSL functionality. Brava! Freya... for coming up with the only idea I've heard which could possibly be a viable solution to this issue, should someone be able to figure out how to make it work. The reason being that it would enable those who wish to comfortably traverse the grid to take action of their own, instead of having them rely on other people changing their behavior in order to accommodate their wish to do so. Relying upon the kindness of strangers is a woefully inadequate solution in comparison to being able to take care of oneself. ...Dres
  13. amanene13 wrote: Has anyone with an anime av been told to leave a sim over how they looked like a child? I never thought I'd actually run into this. But it seems we've been mixed up for child avs. :matte-motes-crying: I wouldn't find it surprising at all that someone, who's unfamiliar with the reasoning behind anime's child-like aesthetic, would think of an anime-based avatar as a child and, therefore, ask them to leave a place where child avatars aren't welcomed. ...Dres
  14. Hugsy Penguin wrote: Amethyst Jetaime wrote: Hugsy Penguin wrote I propose this: Allow land owners to define the top and bottom of the privacy zone. This eliminates the need for security orbs, therefore, they'll be banned. Also, display on the map/mini-map where the privacy zones are. This gives vehicle users no excuse for crashing into ban lines. This is the most sensible solution to this debate I have seen. Kudos to you. You should start a JIRA on this. Thanks. I had thought of doing that. A concern is that this plan says that security orb use is to be made a TOS violation. If that happens, it will cause much gnashing of teeth by the orb makers, as well as, the people who don't pay attention to TOS updates and all of a sudden find their orbs removed by LL. If they don't outlaw security orbs, then it will be very difficult to get people to actually remove their orbs and fix their privacy zone. It would also allow land owners to basically grief people by marking a volume of their land explicitly open-to-the-public and then sending home everyone who shows up. Even with the potential issues surrounding security orbs, I would love to see this implemented. I think you're completely underestimating the breadth and depth of the uproar which would be unleashed upon LL from across the grid, should they decide to, all of a sudden, get rid of tier-paying resident's security systems, for which they'd have paid good money, in order to replace them with what would, no doubt, be a solution without even half the features and functionality of that which they were meant to replace. Sorry, I know you've put some thought into this, but I honestly just don't think it would ever fly (no pun intended). ...Dres
  15. Orca Flotta wrote: Pssht Kyrah, don't let the many (many many) antisocial trolls hear your ideas. I once made the mistake of entering into such an dispute with them about banlines and sec orbs, like a year ago, and still licking my wounds. Those people aren't serious, they don't regard themself as part of the problem and they are not interested in a solution. They just wanna sit in their castles and make airplanes go p00f. They only have one goal: making SL a miserable place! There is no solution and there never will be. LL will always side with those that actually pay them good money in order to do whatever the hell they want with their own land. Arguing about it will get you nowhere. It's quite simple... land owners have a legitimate right to keep you off their parcel, while you've no legitimate right to enter and/or travel through their parcel, should they decide that they don't want you to... period. End of discussion. Now, if you want to talk about educating people as to the detrimental effect of their decisions on SL travelers such as yourself, that's a different story. That would be much more beneficial to your cause, then are the vitriolic accusations of antisocial behavior and trollery with which you so regularly ascribe them. ...Dres
  16. Perrie Juran wrote: ...they got a long really good. A long really good what? :matte-motes-silly: ...Dres
  17. Bobbie Faulds wrote: Yes he did, but remember SL has been around for 11 years now. It was a long time ago. If what I remember from grade school is correct, 20 > 11. ...Dres
  18. Beyond Sinister wrote: I blew my own mind with windlight settings earlier today.. Does this mean that you were... ? ...Dres
  19. Phil Deakins wrote: Dresden Ceriano wrote: Phil Deakins wrote: You can say what you like, Dreden, but being nasty to people who have done nothing to deserve it is absolutely shameful. I have no agenda in this. It's just a matter of fact, and not even debateable. That's a reply to your last paragraph. Dresden Ceriano wrote: While you may see these surveyors as being undeserving of such treatment, others do not... which means that they are not being "nasty" just for the sake of doing so, as you seem to want to suggest. Then others are wrong, and they are being nasty just for the sake of it. They see a survey and they just pile in without a thought for the reality of it. It's become almost automatic and very much expected. Such shameful behaviour. Just to add, if anyone thinks that students who post surveys deserve people being nasty to them, please explain what they do that deserves it. Their posts are perfectly polite. Nobody has even attempted to suggest a reason. We've had people saying that they get fed up with surveys being posted here, and that that causes them to react they way they do, but that's a flaw within them and not the students' doing. If the few surveys we get here, and it really is only a few, can cause people to turn nasty, then there's something wrong with those people because it's simply not normal. Are you kidding me? I mean, honestly... is this for real? Alright then, Phil... please continue living in your fantasy world, you're obviously more comfortable there than having to actually face reality. ...Dres Is that the best you can manage, Dresden? No sensible or realistic points so you resort to that? Whatever. As a matter of fact, that is all I can manage at this point. Your stubborn insistence of not being able to acknowledge the simple fact that some people may have differing opinions about the subject at hand, to the point of dismissing anyone's reasonable explanations as to why their reaction would differ from your own, makes any further attempt at substantive discussion on the matter entirely fruitless. ...Dres
  20. Phil Deakins wrote: You can say what you like, Dreden, but being nasty to people who have done nothing to deserve it is absolutely shameful. I have no agenda in this. It's just a matter of fact, and not even debateable. That's a reply to your last paragraph. Dresden Ceriano wrote: While you may see these surveyors as being undeserving of such treatment, others do not... which means that they are not being "nasty" just for the sake of doing so, as you seem to want to suggest. Then others are wrong, and they are being nasty just for the sake of it. They see a survey and they just pile in without a thought for the reality of it. It's become almost automatic and very much expected. Such shameful behaviour. Just to add, if anyone thinks that students who post surveys deserve people being nasty to them, please explain what they do that deserves it. Their posts are perfectly polite. Nobody has even attempted to suggest a reason. We've had people saying that they get fed up with surveys being posted here, and that that causes them to react they way they do, but that's a flaw within them and not the students' doing. If the few surveys we get here, and it really is only a few, can cause people to turn nasty, then there's something wrong with those people because it's simply not normal. Are you kidding me? I mean, honestly... is this for real? Alright then, Phil... please continue living in your fantasy world, you're obviously more comfortable there than having to actually face reality. ...Dres
  21. Phil Deakins wrote: So the answer to my question is that some people here are simply nasty when surveys come along. Bingo! Phil Deakins wrote: And they don't mind being seen to be nasty to people who do nothing to deserve such treatment. While you may see these surveyors as being undeserving of such treatment, others do not... which means that they are not being "nasty" just for the sake of doing so, as you seem to want to suggest. Phil Deakins wrote: It's absolutely shameful. This statement perfectly represents the part of my observation of your attitude which bothers me the most. I believe I've already made my opinion perfectly clear on this matter, therefore, I shall refrain from reiterating it once again... especially for the benefit of someone who so willfully chooses to obfuscate reality in order to suit his own misguided agenda. ...Dres
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