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Irene Muni

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Everything posted by Irene Muni

  1. Se han traducido las "Directrices de la participación en la Comunidad", o sea, las "Community Participation Guidelines" de estos foros, blogs, y demás.
  2. I'd rather not say. We only know the Lindens that deal directly with residents. But there are many "hidden" Lindens working hard and well.
  3. As Venus says, if as last solution you must fill a support ticket, as type choose Billing > Second Life and Marketplace Account balance Payout Issues
  4. Not only with the Storm's answer. In the friends list of your side bar menu, open the web profile of your friend and click Actions > Map. LL loves increase the number of clicks needed for something simple.
  5. Pero supongo que a los nuevos se les abrirá en Basic, ¿no? No sé, digo, es que si no vaya torta que ha hecho LL. O a lo mejor les dice que hay dos modos, yo que sé. A ver si alguien lo sabe o lo leemos en los foros en inglés, es que ya me da pereza crear otro Alt para hacer pruebas jejeje
  6. (Ci scusiamo, traduzione di Google: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Why_is_my_account_on_hold%3F ) Se è possibile mantenere in buona fede le violazioni che non sono derivate le vostre azioni o negligenza, o le azioni o negligenza di altri che lavorano per voi, possa tu appello la sospensione o la chiusura del vostro account (s) per iscritto al seguente indirizzo. Si prega di fornire qualsiasi informazione utile credo che Tu spiegherebbe la violazione abbiamo rilevato. Linden Lab si riserva esclusiva discrezione nel valutare se agire in un appello scritto. Se vuoi fare appello il suo avvertimento o la sospensione, è possibile contattare Second Life Support, per iscritto, al seguente indirizzo: Attn: Account Reviews: Appeals Linden Lab 945 Battery Street San Francisco, CA 94111 O via fax: 415-651-9221 Accettiamo anche ricorsi presentati elettronicamente utilizzando il ticket presentazione processo sopra descritto.
  7. Pues para bien y para mal, ya es el visor por defecto: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Featured-News/Launching-the-SL-Viewer-with-Basic-and-Advanced-Modes/ba-p/783655 En fin...
  8. Amiryu Hosoi wrote: What strikes me in the answers is that not a lot people actually want to take the time to explore inworld shopping area. In my eyes a good shopping area can be an attraction an sich. It is always good to sow down a bit and enjoy the wonders of SL If I'm exploring, I'm exploring. But if I'm shooping, I'm shooping and I want buy quickly and enjoy my new items, not explore your region (that for another moment).
  9. In addition to the great Natalia's tutorials, see https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Clothing_Tutorials
  10. See Clothing Tuorials from the creation portal: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Clothing_Tutorials
  11. In the viewer's file gpu_table.txt, Linden Lab says about ATI RADEON XPRESS 1100: "We claim to not support this card."
  12. In addition to Cinnamon's answer, see also "http://www.slprofiles.com/secondlifejobs.asp - - - - - For read and learn: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Guide_to_Jobs_in_Second_Life http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Make_money - - - - - RESUME: To find job in SL is very similar to find job in RL. You have some skill and you "sell" that skill. Another question is if you really need a job in SL. Many times it's better buy L$.
  13. And see this Torley's video (from ):
  14. Usually I don't shop in malls or markets where I cannot fly. But it's just my way, not saying that should be a general rule.
  15. BTW Have I ever said I hate the ranks? -> https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/WEB-3705 :smileyvery-happy:
  16. Episkey wrote: So would any of you SLifers adopt an avatar who is actually a teen in real life? Why not? I see no problem with that. SL is open to any possibility.
  17. NiaShtanova wrote: Hi all, i needed to vent and i did not know where i would. I started 2 weeks ago, and immediately was happy to find a game similar to the Sims2. I payed for my membership and have bought some items with RL money. Though i never expected to be treated the way i have been by some of the most vicious members i have ever come across in game play in the history i have been playing games. This is not how an online community should be conducted, i'm really shocked. I can't believe i have invested money into this game to have lousy response as a paying customer. I have been threatened and kicked out of places because certain members knew the "owners". This is ridiculous that people can not enjoy a simple game. I don't think this is for me and i commend those who put up with this type of gameplay. It's unbelievable to me and baffling. Well, perhaps you should explain the problem a bit more. In any case, your profile says "I'm sexually agressive by nature". Perhaps you have been sexually agressive. I don't know, of course.
  18. Irene Muni wrote: I have nominated an article in the Spanish Forum and i can see a little icon (a book) near the title, but I cannot see that icon in this thread. Sorry, sorry, sorry... The little icon is near the title of the forum, not the thread. And yes, I can see the icon near the title of the "Merchants" forums, like this:
  19. Suella Ember wrote: I've added a comment to the bottom of this page of the knowledge base with the wording Catwise provided Great idea, thanks!! (perhaps the nex time is convenient add the name of the original poster ). Suella Ember wrote: Also, i believe those with Helper rank can directly nominate forum posts for inclusion to the KB which it looks like Irene has done. That should definitely get it on LL's radar and hopefully it will be added to the main article text as a result We all are learning this new system, Lindens all! LOL Probably the system of nominations mut be redefined, I'm not sure the nominations are "evident" for Linden. At least, not for me. I have nominated an article in the Spanish Forum and i can see a little icon (a book) near the title/subject, but I cannot see that icon in this thread. Well, no problem, all will be solved
  20. Perfect Ishtara's answer. Additional info: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Age-verification/ta-p/700021
  21. Tihis is only a Resident/Resident forum. We are not LL employees. You can sumbit a ticket (case) from the Support Portal (click Help above). Use Marketplace >> Failed Delivery Items.
  22. Irene Muni

    Setting your preferences

    This guide needs an advice: this the Preferences window of the Viewer 1.
  23. And an interesting video (well,l for me) about Firestorm:
  24. No. As Peewee says, that window it's only informative, but you must fill the Abuse Repoprt as usual.
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