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Irene Muni

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Everything posted by Irene Muni

  1. Hola, Tifany. Por lo que he oído a otros, cuando LL te intenta cobrar la cuota de tu cuenta Premium y por lo que sea no lo logra, te manda un correo-e diciendo que pongas fondos en tu cuenta y que intentará volver a cobrar pasados unos días. ¿Es ese tu caso o qué es exactamente lo que te pasa? Si es que no has podido pagar tu cuota, para eso no hace falta que te conectes a SL: el dinero para pagar la cuenta Premium es cosa tuya con tu banco En todo caso, ¿puedes copiar aquí el mensaje exacto que te da cuando intentas conectarte?
  2. About those Limits: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Limits/ta-p/700099#Land
  3. Hippie Bowman wrote: I want to recreate this thread in the new forums. Only for reference, the previous one: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussions/Do-you-volunteer-your-time/m-p/385322/thread-id/172450/highlight/true#M172450
  4. If the Resident cannot upload photos here, he/she can upload the image to Imageshack (or ...) and add here the link
  5. About add a pic, in the "Options" dropdown menu of your post, click "Edfit Repli". Then, editing your psot, click the icon for "Insert/edit image". See http://community.secondlife.com/t5/help/faqpage/faq-category-id/images#images
  6. See also this thread: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Make-Friends/Where-to-meet-SL-folks/td-p/759829
  7. Ity's very odd. If really you are a Basic account, you cannot own land in Mainland. But if you can purchase land, you are a Premium account (you are paying for your account to LL) and you will be charged the use land fees. In any case, if you are a Basic account and you are not paying to LL for your account, forvive this issue, perhaps a failure in the system
  8. About the message "Second Life cannot be accessed from this computer", read this KB article: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Why_does_Second_Life_say_%22You_cannot_log_into_Second_Life_from_this_location%22%3F
  9. We are not soothsayers What's the exact problem? What happens when you try log in SL? When crash the log in process? Do you receive any error message? Please, copy here the techical specs of your computer. See how: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/System_info Thanks.
  10. No puedo dar una contestación general a tu pregunta porque yo sólo he conocido dos casos. Uno lo solicitó hace mnucho tiempo (3 años o así) y le contestaron en 2 semanas. Otro lo ha solicitado en enero y aún no tiene respuesta.
  11. MRSJERIE wrote: why do i have to so much trouble getting age verified i have several account and each time i have to do it over and over and over when my info is already on record there makes no sence to me its a real pain having to do it othere and other when you have my info and have verified my other accounts this is crazy you have all my info over and over on this account and you have it from my other accounts Sorry, we don't have your info
  12. ishna, you must fill a support ticket: Marketplace > Failed Marketplace Delivery
  13. Phoebe Avro wrote: I am paying 80,000L$ a month and for aprox 4 months a year i also rent a region for my Christmas shop I have a silly (and off topic) question: why don't you buy your own region?
  14. LOL No problem I have no problem with posts as your post, but you know there are people that loves the "Report" button
  15. Voted and watched (why we can vote Jiras if LL said that votes don't count??)
  16. Unfortunately, if you are a Basic account you don't have any option of a ticket for Manual Age Verification. That option is only avalaible for Premium or Concierge accounts. See https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Support_Tickets_Types
  17. Many hotels (and universities, and public libraries, and...) have limited the access to sites as SL. Ask in your hotel.
  18. Como bien ha dicgo Catwise, complicado ayudarte sin saber los detalles: intenta describir claramente los pasos que das para hacer esa trasancción (dónde, cómo...) y cuál es el fallo (en qué momento, si recibes un mensaje de error...)
  19. The Community Participation Guidleines not permitted: Spamming, Solicitation and Advertising: Spamming is not allowed. This includes aggressive self-promotion. No advertising or promotion of specific Second Life merchants, Marketplace listings, products, or services, unless the forum area is specifically for the buying or selling of Second Life products or services, for example, a “for sale” or “wanted” forum. Do not reference other websites offering any product or service. + + + + + + + We cannot post about specific merchants or products. Please, post your question in the appropiate forum, thanks
  20. In addtion to the great Cinnamon's answer, please copy the EXACT message you see when you try log in in SL (probably it is not about "stimulator" ).
  21. Knowl, I don't know what's the extra from "Helper" to "Recognized Helper" In any case, do you think that all the Residents who help others are Helpers? How many "help" is requred for to be a Helper? What is the difference betiween the help of a Adivosor and the help of a Helper: quantity, quality...? All the ranks system is unnecessary and inconsistent with community spirit. This is a forum, only a forum. The only thing valuable in a forum is what is written and every time is wirtten, not if the writer is Member, Helper o NewResidentFromYesterday. Just my opinion
  22. Open his/her web profile (for example https://my.secondlife.com/firstname.lastname) and click Actions > Pay.
  23. BTW don't forget the best of the besti in ranks, the Ranks by Kely Kyrie :smileyvery-happy:
  24. Wilhiam Hydraconis wrote: I just try to buy a product. Only availiable via Market Place. I buy the item, money gets deducted .. a laggy period expires .. AND THE ITEM IS DECLINE BY MYSELF, BUT I NEVER SEE A MENU WITH BUTTONS TO DISCARD IT ... (Or to Keep it which still is my intent ) .. :smileyindifferent: My general chat log sez : [09:56] You decline 'SUPERBIKE 8.0' ( http://slurl.com/secondlife/Raimondo/52/234/5 ) from Xstreet SL Magic Box v3.0.11. WTH ? I look in my inventory.. no bike. I already doubted buying it via Marketplace. 4,800 L down the drain. :smileysad: I have had the same problem twice. As others say, contact the seller or fill a ticket: Marketplace > Failed Marketplace Delivery
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