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Roxy Couturier

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Everything posted by Roxy Couturier

  1. Or they haven't updated their profile in 10 years. Laziness trumps all other reasons most of the time.
  2. I think it's more that women are more likely than men to toss out tidbits not only of their knowledge, but also of themselves. It's good to see you back. Even if I sometimes disagreed with you, I could be assured of a good debate. ❤️
  3. This has been my criteria for many years. Unfortunately, anecdotally speaking, I've had fewer such conversations with men than women. Though there's one that, while he's not on my FL, I do enjoy talking with whenever we meet. My theory has been that socially, women communicate in the particular medium of SL far more easily than men.* *And before the hue and cry of 'not all men', yes, I know.
  4. I run a direct ethernet connection to my modem. I sometimes get slowdowns too Prok. The thing I've noticed when I do get a slowdown, it's 99.9% of the time due to one or more of three things happening. 1 Another windows update, These things are quite large and will take priority over your connection. Sometimes programs will run flaky after it's done until I've gone through the process of shutting down and finishing the update. 2 I run Steam in the background and sometimes there will be updates there as well. Those, of course, I can turn off and on whenever I wish if it's inconvenient. 3 Time of day. With the proliferation of smart phones, smart TVs, tablets and a plethora of other devices, the strain on cable connections is heavier than ever. I'll sometimes get slowdowns during 'primetime' in my area. Roughly from when schools let out until 11pm or so. On a direct ethernet connection. With all those things, I'll get slowdowns on all my own devices. Such as my Netflix or Prime cutting in and out and games that run over the net will rubberband and stutter. Of course your cable company is going to pass the buck, but unless you're on a dedicated T1 line, where you are the only person on that cable, your connection can and will degrade when these other strains on your pipeline are in play.
  5. I'd say that too, except this -is- the Lab we're talking about. Scrapebook dreams and all that.. Because they've never ever implemented something without really thinking about it.. Like who their customer base is instead of who they want it to be..
  6. I used to think that until my WoW account got hacked a decade or so back. Now my passwords are sufficiently randomly long with special characters.
  7. As I recall, one of the main reasons for eliminating last names was to make it easier for facebook and other social media users to sign up for SL. (The reasoning being that choosing 2 names was too complex and unfamiliar for those users and therefore a barrier to sign-ups). Such were the dreams of the LL board at the time. 'Resident' had to be added so as not to break existing content/scripts. Unfortunately the decision took away something that was uniquely SL. Unlike other games and platforms, there could be more than one Roxy, for example, while still having a unique identifier (there is only one Roxy Couturier). With 'Resident' as a last name, there will ever only be one Roxy. So I'm happy to see the return of last names. It was part of the original charm of SL.
  8. 99 times out of 100 it's the system 'bald' head you're wearing gets corrupted. wear a different baldie and it should fix the problem next time.
  9. Thanks for the stalking. I love it. Because it shows your true character far far better than any words I could type.
  10. The very next post. Color me surprised.. *rolls eyes*
  11. Thanks for giving up Medicare and Social Security when you retire. Every little bit helps.
  12. No, it's not. But that aside, Luna isn't a SJW. Quite the opposite. The victims / targets for her attacks are predominately female with new-age buzz words thrown in. It's stereotype role play.
  13. Dude, I haven't messaged you. Are you off your meds again? ETA: You know what? Please do. We both know how long that will last.
  14. You're taking it the wrong way I think. Write the words, then add emphasis to how it sounds in your head. Does that make sense? it's that there's no context to frame around the joke without some sort of reference. I mean, you had to explain the joke anyway.. save yourself the step
  15. No one asked you to change your opinion. They were asking to just simply stop. When your assertions are actively hurting people it's time to stop. But you don't. Like all dudes, you keep hammering away until you have the last word, spam stupid pictures to disrupt or stalk members until they're driven off the board. But hey who cares about the wreckage you leave behind huh? As long as you're right. oh, unless it all a 'social experiment' amirite? Do you really want to delve into SLU histories? okay then.. So, why did you enjoy taunting a real life Native American with her self-revealed social status. Her History. Or. better yet, white-splainin her religion to her? How about being asked, begged even, to stop equating someone getting their fee-fees hurt on a FORUM to actual real life rape? From actual RL survivors of rape. Oh and hey, how about stalking someone for two years, showing up right after they did in thread, after thread, after thread, not to add to whatever was being discussed, but to specifically target them? Congratulations you macho, macho man. You aren't a very good human being. Those are the best words I have for you. The rest are unprintable on this forum.
  16. Jumping off this post to add to it, Pamela. (And I'm using 'you' in a general sense.) Correcting someone is not 'piling on'. Adding something like 'Hey it's Linden Lab, not Linden Labs." is informative, not an attack. Although, making that the only sentence in your post replying to their post is kinda trashy. Disagreeing with someone is not an 'attack'. It's an open board with many opinions, not everyone is going to agree with you. If you only want replies that agree with your position, start a blog. People post here from all over the world, but, except for the language specific forums, the default language is English. If English isn't a posters strong suite, patience is needed from both sides of the conversation. If a post is disjointed, ask them to clarify their points. Keep in mind that there are those who have English as a second language (or third or fourth) get their hackles up when someone suggests they aren't super-awesome communicating in English. Remember that it's a textual medium. Readers of your post aren't hearing the vocal inflection in your head unless you emphasize. Rya, I'm going to use your soup nazi reference as an example. No disparagement is implied. I've seen that Seinfeld episode and know it well. Until you posted the follow up, I didn't realize that that was what you were referring to. Honestly, it sounded as if you were being dismissive. The angry/frowny face sort of supports that. Another way to type that out might be something like: "No warm blanket for YOU!!" or "No soup warm blanket for YOU!" with a smiley to indicate you were joking. It's mostly the same words, but as you read it, can you hear the emphasis with your inner voice? It's a way to add depth and texture (see what I did there?) to your posts.
  17. Stage whispers "The clever cat gets the mouse." or "While the cat's away, the mice will FEAST ON GLORIOUS CHEEEEEEEEEEESE!" it's ambiguous..
  18. The old iteration had its faults, but that didn't include healthy (and even spirited) debate. To paraphrase, twasn't aggression that killed the forae, twas adding passive to aggressive. Luna calls it that to cast a negative spin on what is simply aggressive behaviors. Which is hilarious, since one of her modus operandi is to hammer away in a fairly aggressive manner and never ever backing down. Even, and especially, if there is a preponderance of evidence and argument that her position is incorrect or hurtful. All behaviors that one equates to a puffed up male ego or, dare I say, "macho". Now i want to listen to the Village People...
  19. We are, I was just making sure, because the medium of posts doesn't always convey vexation and while I am many things, psychic ain't one of them. (And making a teaching moment on how communication resolves ambiguities that might otherwise cause conflict).
  20. Well, the majority of my post count was from the prior iteration. I made a few posts on this iteration (hence only what? 10 reactions?) but the toxicity carried over at the beginning. I didn't find it so much fun, but to each their own. So are we good?
  21. Luna, are you saying that alluding to your past behavior is somehow a flame?
  22. Modus Operandi History, it's a beautiful thing.
  23. If there's a moratorium on replying to a past post then I was unaware of it. I've only recently started reading this forae again. The topic was near the top. Two weeks is not a long time for this place. My post was meant in pretty much agreement with yours except one one salient point. As you can see, I was, at one time, posting frequently here for quite a while. Most of that posting was when this iteration of SL Forums was brand new. My recollection of those days were that this was an extremely toxic and contentious place. Innocuous posts were reported constantly. That was the warfare. Don't like somebody or disagreed with what they had to say? Report everything and hope something sticks hard enough for them to lose their account. That's why once I found the major 3rd party forums, I've rarely looked back. The current atmosphere here is comparatively rainbows, kittens and puppies. That was the point of my post. The history is wrong, and because of the shotgun reporting of posts, there isn't a record that can be pointed back to that affirms my recollections. So either believe me or don't, someone else's opinion is their opinion, not mine. And believe it or not, I'm entitled to my opinion of the past atmosphere. And more on topic, SL Forums are based on having an SL account. As far as I know, you must be at least 16 to have such an account. So, everyone on the board is supposedly and more or less adult. I post replies like I would speak to any adult. Finally, any snark you found in that post was your filter. None was intended. It was me, saying in a fairly light-hearted way, that I disagreed.
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