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Mickey Vandeverre

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Everything posted by Mickey Vandeverre

  1. A lot of things changed for the merchants and you had to keep hip to it everyday if you didn't want to lose your shirt. And you had to do a ton of adjusting as well. Can't say that I was super happy about most of it, but wanted to hang in there. Happened in Real Life to a ton of people too. Little bit scarier there! Did you watch the news at all the last few years? Marketing is a bit different than it used to be. You gotta get hip. Great way to express your views is to make a fancy blog and beeatch all day long. Make sure you've got a circle of friends that get off on that, and they'll get you a zillion hits to that blog. That'll keep ya busy, and you won't have time to log in and worry about anything inworld.
  2. Stretching it? Happens a zillion times a day in the physical world. Online dating. Then you meet for lunch. Always do lunch, so you only have to freak for an hour. And do it quick. Don't be falling in love for six months in email. Get the freak out over first week, so you can move on.
  3. no, no rule against that. it's their property that they pay for each month. consider yourself lucky if they did it with no reason, otherwise drama ahead.
  4. was that today Josh? because they were having issues today - they sent out a notice.
  5. I've watched Phoenix give exceptional service and consideration to their users. as far as: "who may or may not contain severely unethical motivations & rampant unprofessionalism. Beside this Linden Lab stands with more than a decade of admittedly stumbling yet overall responsible behavior." same can be said for merchants. Thank goodness not everyone makes decisions that way. Not sure what is not to be trusted. Cash out every day, and be careful with your conversations. Don't use the same password that you use for other venues. I "trust" that if I have a viewer question that complicates daily business, it will be taken care of from what I've seen. Never had a problem, though. Can't say that about calling up LL. eta: anyhoo....looks like majority are using Phoenix viewer no matter what type of venue I end up at. If I were a picky builder...I would use it.
  6. holy cow - you should sample Phoenix. Way better. I'm not sure what internals and GUI are, but was just wondering if there would be differences like that when Phoenix changes to the viewer 2 system. It's pretty clear that is what most are using. If you use that, it will tell you above everyone's head, which viewer they are using.
  7. Hi Wade1 - Technically challenged, here....but when I'm out and about exploring, it appears that like maybe 90% of the people out are using Phoenix. Me too. That would be viewer 1...right? or is that considered viewer 2? I rarely see someone with a viewer 2 tag above their head.
  8. I had a scavenger hunt once for the group members, a while back, and can't remember the specifics, but I set out all these boxes that were packed with gifts....all over the store like an easter egg hunt sort of. There were maybe 50 or 60 set out, and took me all afternoon to do that. So anyway...called the group members in to start the deal, and it was supposed to work great if each person got one or two boxes each. I think about 30 showed up all at once, and the boxes were tagged so that you simply just buy it for zero, then take it. But as the boxes were being taken, was watching the transactions come in, and one gal was clicking every one of them, bam, bam, bam....and ended up with all but two I think! And the other gals were all standing there wondering where they all went. So in group chat, had to say One per person please! Asked them to give me about an hour, so I could set them out again, then called them back in....and the same gal came back and DID IT AGAIN! She took all of them again. Anyway....that concept did not work.
  9. Technically challenged, as I mentioned earlier Someone just suggested that I get that blog link into my signature line, and can't even do that. But thank you so much!
  10. wow - that's an awesome looking kimono!
  11. That's very sweet of you, but I don't really want to scare them. The official LL page looks much friendlier and less complicated. I'll use that one. Plus, I don't have a web site designer to all of the above - small time operation. Maybe one of these days.
  12. Thanks for the suggestion, but I use my blog mainly for them to look at product, special events, and sale & gift announcements, as you can see here: http://mickeyv.wordpress.com/ not really sure where I would squeeze that in, but will consider it. it looks a bit daunting, and don't really want to confuse them. I was mainly asking what the LL rule of thumb was when someone contacts them about lost items.
  13. I'm not sure how the system she described works. Haven't encountered anything like that when shopping on marketplace, and do fair amount, but I generally purchase from some old timers. Would love to encourage marketplace shoppers to join group....kinda missing the boat there. I don't think asking in a notecard in the box is effective. Will work on that!
  14. Thanks Nalates and Zanara. I'll pass that on to them, but evidently customer service is not passing that link. I'm not sure if they filed support ticket or used live chat, but will find out next time.
  15. ok, thanks Claireschen - that's a new fix that I had not heard of. Evidently LL customer service does not have a list of these fixes handy? @Lyra - technically remedial too.
  16. Hi Lyra - Suppose I should be getting info from customers on operating systems and such, but not like I can do anything with that info. Personally, tried using different systems, clearing cache, this and that....everything people suggest, and even had to buy a new computer, and that did not cure it. I'm sure there is a Jira somewhere to report, but I don't think that customers would want to take time out of their experience to fool with that....even I don't.
  17. I use automated system for gift giving, in which someone may come back to receive a gift after visiting the store. They will receive an auto-message to come back and pick it up. It applies to store visits only, and not through marketplace....and I'm in mode to cut slack on merchants who are getting creative in marketing/promotion (besides spamming forum with deception ads).... ....because our marketing and promotion tools were severely cut off last year. Free classifieds....group pic ads....inworld classifieds....cut off or not functional....once that happened, you have to get creative and fend for yourself. As for the tool I use....it is highly effective, and only two people out of thousands mentioned an annoyance with the auto-message, but then took the gift. Those marketplace incentives you are talking about, might just be effective for that merchant.
  18. What is the current rule of thumb for customers who experience groups of items going missing from their inventory? In past, it seemed as though they could contact Linden Lab and have a look into that, but last few customers that I chatted with told me that whichever form of customer service they used with LL told them it was not their responsibility. I don't mind replacing the items at all - not an issue - but for some, the creator is no longer around, or the items were discontinued and not available anymore. Some of my items are that way - I simply delete them, and do not offer again. Do we encourage a customer to send the same list of inventory items that are missing to LL? or is that a waste of time for the customer? I have items missing every week from my own inventory, and really don't care to fool with repeated reports to LL. I have to keep copy of EVERYTHING created out on floor, in case it disappears from inventory. Prim-wise, not everyone can do this. (of course, it's a great ploy to keep us purchasing more land!) And our customers certainly cannot keep everything out on land in order not to lose it from inventory. I know it's mechanical world, and risk you take living mechanically. Will deal with it - but what do you tell customer?
  19. thanks for tip, Cerise. sorry, got sidetracked for a bit. I don't think it's necessary to turn off people's sigs. hopefully, one or two abusers won't make that necessary.
  20. oh, don't sweat it. You're doing great with your debates. or was it discussion? You and Wili debate a lot? You're making quite an impression. And boy do the people in this forum have good memories! (hate that sometimes) But hey....just relax....you're good to go here.
  21. I don't really see any threats here. I gave you some good tips. Rather than acting clueless about fun in second life....plug some of those great venues that are advertising with you. You have some venues advertising with you? Hopefully, yes. If you run a good business....you'll have fun in second life. Guaranteed. If you're not having fun ....might be missing the boat on something. Are you getting complaints or dissatisfaction? Some of us here could probably help you correct that, with some good business practice policy discussion.
  22. Yeah - it's a bummer for that ad network, because I've got a really big mouth on twitter. Here, too actually....but I'm on best behavior today. Ask around - people will verify that. I need to go check that ad network's name so I can be really clear. You got your network set up on twitter didn't you? because if you didn't....missing the boat big time there. And you can't exactly start that up overnight. Takes some time. I would assume that you considered that....being in the advertising business and all.
  23. I got an ad board off of marketplace. Looked like a really good concept, and I placed it in one of my market areas. Then I plugged it on twitter. But since....have found that I don't really like the style of the people running that business, so I pulled the board out, and I'll need to retract my plug on twitter. Will probably need to do that several times today, since the SL population is on at all different times. Be really careful who you do business with and promote. You don't want to promote someone who has business values at the opposite end of the spectrum as yours. Do your research and observe.
  24. It looks as if you and your business partner Amy are having a ton of fun playing people in the forums....in order to get your business off the ground. There are a ton of fun things to do and places to go in Second Life, and as someone who owns an advertising network, you should be well aware of that. Not much confidence in plugging into a network that doesn't have a clue about all the cool places to visit. Rather than deceive the people in forum with your chit-chat back and forth and asking questions....perhaps plug all those cool places that are advertising with you. If I had a scenic venue with lots of fun activities....and I saw the person I had just placed an ad with coming into forum and asking where all the fun places were....I might be a tad perturbed. I also wouldn't want to advertise with someone who can't find fun in Second Life anymore. I would want to advertise with someone who is exhuberant about the venue and has tons of energy promoting (exception to that rule, would be spamming forum and using people)
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