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Scylla Rhiadra

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Everything posted by Scylla Rhiadra

  1. My SL is in most regards so close to my RL that it's difficult to distinguish between what has been brought in and what I've taken out. I think most of my RL has been expressed in SL at one point or another, ranging from, at one extreme, my sexuality to, at another, my love of teaching. (And writing. And talking. Won't someone shut me up, already?) I think for me it's been a kind of feedback loop, with my SL benefitting, on the one hand, from my RL skills and preoccupations, and, on the other, providing new and often interesting insights into those things. An example might be my Photoshop / photography skills. I had a bit of these coming into SL, but SL has prompted me to expand and improve them, which is in turn being increasingly reflected in how I use those tools in RL. I suppose if I had to name the one most valuable thing I've taken out of SL, it would have to be my experience of new and different perspectives on lots of stuff. It's easier to move outside of one's own personal "filter bubble" here than it is in RL, and I've benefitted enormously from the experience, and learned from it, in both worlds.
  2. Well, I think it's possible to be "peeved" without being grumpy? FOR INSTANCE. I decanted some hummus into an old sour cream tub today to take with me to work for lunch. And I packed it in my computer bag, right next to my little notebook that I use for shopping lists, random thoughts, and "to do" lists. PEEVE: The tub opened at some point in transit, and my little notebook cover is festooned with hummus!!! GRRRR! BUT . . . on the bright side, my notebook has never tasted better!
  3. Oh I am sure it's not like that. Sometimes people have good reasons to be grumpy! And this is a peeves thread! But I know too that sometimes grumpiness -- and cheerfulness! -- can be infectious.
  4. WHAT is "ray tracing"? (Asking for a friend. Because of course *I* know!)
  5. There are ways to get around fake shadows on most objects, as some have noted, especially if the object is mod. My chief complaint is with buildings or structures that have the shadows baked into the floor or walls. There's nothing you can do about that.
  6. Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww . . .
  7. I was really rather hoping it would make me famous!
  8. Hand clipping? Pffft. I had a nipple slip in my last post I had to correct! I didn't even notice the clipping. And I actually LIKE the glare on the glasses! It's a great composition! I'd love to see something like this (maybe minus the bee costumes, although maybe not!) in a more urban setting. Maybe in black and white. Your avatar is FANTASTIC, and I think you have a really good eye for composition.
  9. The store that makes the gown is Grasshopper St. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/234586 They have an in-world store I haven't yet checked out. They produce a really eclectic range of things, but especially hats and other head wear. When I say "well-researched," too, I mean it. If you take a look at their Renaissance footwear for women, you'll see beautifully embroidered shoes with thick and chunky heels, which is exactly right for the period. A few other makers produce "Renaissance" shoes for women, but they all have stiletto heels, which was technologically impossible in the period. This stuff is really good, well-made, authentic, and not overly pricey. I hope they expand their range! The French hood I'm wearing, btw, is an older piece by Bliensen and MaiTai. Oh, and to add: they rig for a good range of modern bodies. I'm wearing this with Legacy Perky with the Nerido pushup option.
  10. Thank you! It's a very recent make, too, which is nice: I'd begun to despair of finding creators still making decent and well-researched historical clothing in SL!
  11. There is literally nothing I don't love about this pic.
  12. Gorgeous, Cath. I love the lighting, and the angle, and the pose!
  13. So, I thought I'd maybe try to be a good citizen, and help with the cleanup a bit. And after all, I'm partly to blame. Honestly, though . . . I don't know where to start. 🤔
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