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Scylla Rhiadra

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Everything posted by Scylla Rhiadra

  1. I have only two expectations, really, from the men I interact with -- in RL, or in SL -- and they're the same that I expect from women. I expect to be treated with respect or, at the very least, civility. And I expect them to judge me, if judge they must, for who I am, and not who they wish I was.
  2. I've been searching for a decent shuffle dance for EVER; the ones I've found are sped up and jerky looking. For some reason I never thought to check out Paragon. You wouldn't mind telling me the name of the dance, would you?
  3. I'm not really nosy. I'm just photographed that way.
  4. This is absolutely my LAST pinup picture. Probably. (ETA: Changed up image for one edited in Photoshop, rather than Pixlr.)
  5. I didn't pay a great deal of attention to that, but the ones I did notice did not, tbh, surprise me in the least.
  6. You mean . . . inspiring strong, hard men who are dedicated to fighting fascism? I can live with that! Go get 'em, boys. And I'll be here waiting at home when you're done. 😘 We all do what we can to help the cause!
  7. Sooooo. This week's "style challenge" -- from @BelindaN this time -- was "pinup fashion." Last night, I did a test shot that I produced quite differently than how I usually do my pics -- using Pixlr online instead of Photoshop, for one thing. And it came out well enough that it's no longer a "test" shot. Hey boys! Go kick Adolf's teeth in for me! Mwahs!
  8. Awwww, thank you Cirleen! I'm so glad you enjoyed it!! The performance element of the opening was a huge hit -- Bajoy and Scout from the Avilion Cameo Theatre performing relevant passages from the plays for seven of my pics, with commentary. I think we'll be doing it again. If we do, I'll make sure you get an invite! Aubrey's looking a little grumpy in your forum pic today! Cheer up, Aubrey!
  9. Hey, I can look fierce! And tough and scary!!! If I want! /me scowls unconvincingly. Good suggestion about the Tuesday sales! I'll check it out. I often drop in to see what she has anyway!
  10. Dahling, I simply must get you on the runway! I'll have my people call yours! (PS. Don't use the "A" word about me! It makes me cringe!!! Eeek!)
  11. That's probably a pretty good analysis. My favourite moment was the complacent admission, as though this were really unproblematic, that, yeah, sometimes this involves racism. Not a great advertisement for the place.
  12. I'm not at all surprised the thread was nuked, but I also didn't think it was a particularly nasty ****show. I've seen a lot worse. I mean, he was roundly criticized by everyone, and not in a friendly way, but no one actually called him a Poo-head. (I wanted to, but as a Canadian, I'm not allowed.)
  13. This qualifies as belonging in the "What fresh hell is this?" category of SL trends. If it's an unregistered scripted agent, you should be able to AR it for that. If it's a registered one . . . I'm not sure that this is the kind of activity for those that is sanctioned by LL? It certainly shouldn't be -- this is very clearly just a way to work around bans on ad farms on microparcels. @Qie Niangao
  14. Magnificent! Insane, over-the-top, and WONDERFUL. I took a fashion shot tonight, using an utterly ridiculous sale outfit I bought. It's a sort of therapy pic, to help me relax after a strenuous and anxious weekend! I will never rival the utterly mad and exciting extravagance of @Ayashe Ninetails's fashion, of course, and Emma has me beat too, but one does what one can, in one's own small way. The image behind me, btw, is one I just bought from a favourite SL artist, Mareea Farrasco.
  15. @Nando Yip and @Luna Bliss -- we'll likely be doing a repeat performance, as there were a fair number of people who couldn't get in! I'll let you know!
  16. That's Bajoy, who was leading the performance presentation! She was brilliant!
  17. As Oscar Wilde says, there are those who know "the price of everything, and the value of nothing."
  18. It's totally open to anyone and everyone! The performance starts at 12:15pm tomorrow. Details, including link to SLURL, are in my signature here, or here on Flickr. I'd LOVE to see you there -- not that I'll be able to move, talk, or do much except flutter about helplessly.
  19. Yesterday evening was the second "dress rehearsal" for the performance element of my exhibition. It's about 35 minutes long, and works with the text associated with seven of my pics (this one is Ophelia). The actors belong to an acting company called the Avilion Cameo Theater, and they are frighteningly professional in how they go about this. (The head of the company is an academic who teaches drama in education in RL.) Fortunately, my contribution consists entirely of changing the background slides, and taking a bow at the end. And I only managed to flub that twice. I even managed to do a quick screen grab! Yay me!
  20. @Saskia Rieko's La Casa del Cielo Notturno at Natthimmel is featured in a new video made by Linden Lab, the monthly promotional email they send out to some of us, and the Message of the Day on our log-in screens. Well done, Saskia!
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