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Scylla Rhiadra

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Everything posted by Scylla Rhiadra

  1. There are ways to get around fake shadows on most objects, as some have noted, especially if the object is mod. My chief complaint is with buildings or structures that have the shadows baked into the floor or walls. There's nothing you can do about that.
  2. Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww . . .
  3. I was really rather hoping it would make me famous!
  4. Hand clipping? Pffft. I had a nipple slip in my last post I had to correct! I didn't even notice the clipping. And I actually LIKE the glare on the glasses! It's a great composition! I'd love to see something like this (maybe minus the bee costumes, although maybe not!) in a more urban setting. Maybe in black and white. Your avatar is FANTASTIC, and I think you have a really good eye for composition.
  5. The store that makes the gown is Grasshopper St. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/234586 They have an in-world store I haven't yet checked out. They produce a really eclectic range of things, but especially hats and other head wear. When I say "well-researched," too, I mean it. If you take a look at their Renaissance footwear for women, you'll see beautifully embroidered shoes with thick and chunky heels, which is exactly right for the period. A few other makers produce "Renaissance" shoes for women, but they all have stiletto heels, which was technologically impossible in the period. This stuff is really good, well-made, authentic, and not overly pricey. I hope they expand their range! The French hood I'm wearing, btw, is an older piece by Bliensen and MaiTai. Oh, and to add: they rig for a good range of modern bodies. I'm wearing this with Legacy Perky with the Nerido pushup option.
  6. Thank you! It's a very recent make, too, which is nice: I'd begun to despair of finding creators still making decent and well-researched historical clothing in SL!
  7. There is literally nothing I don't love about this pic.
  8. Gorgeous, Cath. I love the lighting, and the angle, and the pose!
  9. So, I thought I'd maybe try to be a good citizen, and help with the cleanup a bit. And after all, I'm partly to blame. Honestly, though . . . I don't know where to start. 🤔
  10. So, Genus has created a new group to replace the old one. It's free to join, so in theory that's fine. But somehow, someone mucked up the old group so it is impossible to leave it. Apparently LL is "working on it," but in the meantime I have constant chatter now from TWO Genus groups crossing my screen. Gah!
  11. Definitely. But also pretty cool.
  12. This is one of those conversations that is about to spin out of control, and doesn't in any case belong in this thread, so I'm going to exit gracefully. But even BDSM is built upon a bedrock of mutual consent, and a negotiation about limits and boundaries. You can't have a "power exchange" if there isn't some mutually agreed upon understanding of what that entails -- and one size does not fit all. That's not something I'm making up; it's explicit in any well-informed discussion of consent by any responsible BDSM organization you might care to name. The fact that there are so many "kinksters" in SL who have never bothered to research what actual BDSM and D/s involves is one of the reasons "kink" in SL has such a bad name: it's full of people who don't actually understand it.
  13. NO. THEY. HAVEN'T. That is exactly the same as saying that someone who is naked in your bed has implicitly given consent to sex. THEY HAVE NOT, and they can withdraw it any time even if they have. This isn't about "semantics," Sandor, it's about the mechanisms of being a decent human being. I don't care if it "ruins the moment" -- ASK.
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