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Scylla Rhiadra

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Everything posted by Scylla Rhiadra

  1. She says I look like Catherine O'Hara in it. 😡
  2. So, Maddy is taking some "pinup" photos, and refuses to consider ME as a model because I'm not "femme fatale" or "dangerous" enough. Well, I say she's WRONG! I CAN BE DANGEROUS TOO! Grrrr!
  3. I'll admit I'm totally befuzzled by this phenomenon. There's obviously a cultural reference I'm missing. Help anyone?
  4. Yep. But the conversation has shifted somewhat, the OP is gone, and really . . . there isn't a simple answer for what was asked originally anyway, other than the answer about impersonating a Linden, or engaging in inappropriate conduct with a child avatar. Interestingly, the one person I knew well who was permabanned was impersonating a Linden, sort of. He had a parody "Ebbe Linden" Twitter account, and it was convincing enough to take in at least a few people. He wasn't doing it in-world though. Mind you, he was a pretty toxic personality all round, so there may have been other reasons too.
  5. Credit where credit is due, Love. You zinged me. 😏
  6. I got myself banned from about a quarter of the sex sims in SL at one point -- places I had never even been to! The irony is that I got along really quite well with the one sex sim owner who probably did have legitimate reason to be deeply annoyed at me. We chatted, he didn't ban me, and even invited me back. (Which I did, a few times.) Oh, and I was banned from a number of places during the whole RedZone thing. But that wasn't a surprise.
  7. He was at SLU for a while, I seem to recall? Around 2009 or so?
  8. This was on the old RA forum, so before mid-2009 or whenever we migrated. Trout didn't come along.
  9. I did make one of the subgroups of the FIC one year (so did Maddy). I never did get the secret decoder ring or the key to the executive washroom, however. The LWL happened just as I was in the process of ducking out of SL for a few years. As for Trout's list . . . he never fancied me.
  10. Those are essentially the Community Standards, the violation of which can (maybe, sometimes) lead to a suspension or even, in extreme cases, a ban. But the OP's question was specifically about what might lead to a permaban -- not just a slap on wrist or a few day's holiday from SL. And I don't think anyone really knows the answer to that, because there are a great many variables.
  11. Yeah, nice try Ceka. You're not fooling us. Only members of the Feted Inner Core deny that they know what it means.
  12. I'm betting they have more fun in the FIC. I've been in the Woke Mob for years, and we've yet to have a single party at which drinks were served.
  13. Ask me in a week or so, and I'll let you know. 😏
  14. One of the relatively few drawbacks I noticed when we transitioned from Windlights to EEP was that a few garments -- just a handful, really -- suddenly looked as though they had been bathed in mineral oil. They were, of course, no mod, so there was no way to fix the materials settings. I live in fear that half of my fairly extensive wardrobe is going to go the same way when we move to PBR, despite the reassurances of (mostly) backward compatibility.
  15. So . . . I guess we're allowed to talk about that subject now? About . . . you know . . . that web site? The one I'm still nervous about naming after having received a 3 day suspension for posting about it. Peeve: I wish this place didn't feel so much like a minefield right now.
  16. I am well aware of it. There are still thousands of explicitly SL avatar accounts on FB. Agreed. But I am not talking about RL personally identifying information.
  17. That is true, but many of us, including myself, use our SL account names on other platforms, including most obviously Twitter, Facebook, Flickr, Discord, and (now) Mastodon. I am followed on all of those platforms (except Mastodon which I haven't yet set up) by people who are not in SL. They know my SL name.
  18. I hear the "It's all public information" thing a lot in response to the ways in which our profiles are exposed on the web through LL's web pages and search, as well as other sites. Putting aside the fact that "public" shouldn't mean "I found it by using this cool script, or engaging in the following unusual contortions that the normal person wouldn't think of doing," there are problems with this argument. I want to add a bit of nuance to the discussion about what LL itself has left exposed by exploring one of those. We all are multifaceted in our relationships with people and communities in our RL. We don't present the same sides of our self at work as we do at home, with friends or family, that we do with strangers. We all have different "public" faces we wear, depending upon context. And this is very true online as well. Most of us, even if we are not regular users of social media, have different online profiles. Your SL profile is likely not the same as your Facebook or Twitter one. You wouldn't use your Instagram profile for your LinkedIn account, and you certainly wouldn't use your Tinder profile for that. Our SL profiles are similarly determined by context. Indeed, they are designed to be employed within SL -- that's their function and point. That's why there are separate tabs for "2nd" and "1st" lives. They are written for use within SL. Show it to a close family member and there's a good likelihood that they wouldn't recognize you in it, because it's likely very very different from the "you" that they see. And within SL itself, we probably relate to very specific communities -- very particular and specific "publics." The profile of someone who is here primarily for RP likely reflects that, in their Picks or even their bio. Similarly, people who are here for sex, or D/s and BDSM, will have profiles that are customized to those particular communities. I don't do RP or BDSM: you won't find my RP preferences, or my "limits" in my profile because those are not "publics" with whom I engage very much. You will find my political affiliations -- because those are relevant to my activities and communities here. So, we find ourselves in a position of realizing that our SL-specific "public information" is appearing online, available to a much broader range of people, than we maybe understood. And the publication of that "public information" to a different public than that for which it was written decontextualizes it radically. Say you are sub, and your profile reads somewhere "'No' means harder!" Or a Dom, and yours includes something like "There is no woman I can't break" (that's an actual example I saw recently, btw). In the context of the BDSM or D/s communities for whom this was written, that information makes complete sense, and is likely to be understood as representing something about the nature of the kind of BDSM scene or RP that interests you. Read without that context, on the open web by someone not involved in those communities, with little understanding of BDSM or D/s, or of SL, they are going to sound utterly appalling. Now, you could follow LL's advice, and remove information that you don't want widely public because it will be misunderstood, but that would entirely undercut a major point of the SL profiles, which is to help us, SL residents, connect with others who have similar interests. So, we need to stop thinking about the word "public" as though it were singular and uncomplicated. What is "public" in SL no more belongs on the open web than does your Tinder profile, which is also in some sense "public" and certainly easily attainable. (I not infrequently see screenshots of the latter posted on Twitter.) And one of the positive spinoffs of recent events may actually be that we, and LL, are suddenly and dramatically being reminded of that. I very much hope that LL is giving thought to closing what seem to be some pretty major leaks in our SL privacy.
  19. I'll DM you: mentioning the name of said site is likely to get the post removed or worse. It's not just about RL information, Drake. In our SL identities, we still have relationships, reputations -- indeed, pretty full lives in many regards. People get married here, they have affairs, they are important members of communities, etc. You can do a great deal of damage to someone's SL experience by misusing information. Just look at Virtual Secrets.
  20. And those are indeed one of the reasons why I'm personally not overly exercised about this particular aspect of the issue. My focus is much more on the huge database out there somewhere that contains a whole lot more information than appears in our profiles. One of the justifications / excuses for closing these threads has been the "vitriol" and "flamewars" supposedly happening in them. We don't need to go that route, Solar. Please, let's not.
  21. Might it not be possible to have civil discussion about this here without engaging in mockery and sarcasm? If your concerns are not those of others who don't want their picks and their bios on the open web, that's fine. I myself don't care that much. But it might be nice to treat the views of others respectfully, even if they are not your own.
  22. The problem -- if it is a problem; YYMV -- is that 1) SL web search is avalaible to literally anyone, and any web site can link to it, and 2) because it is LL's site, there us no way to "opt out" anyone from it. I am not sure of the actual utility of making the search openly available to anyone online, but if they are going to do so, LL should reduce the amount of info visible without logging in.
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