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Scylla Rhiadra

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Everything posted by Scylla Rhiadra

  1. Oh, I know it. My Twitter feed, and my RL groups, are full of women being offended by it. Although they do represent a minority. Finding it "offensive" however, because one disagrees with its premise -- which is that trans women are also women -- isn't quite the same thing as it being "an insult." But you are right that this is veering off-topic.
  2. "My, you do have a very large . . . fine, don't you? I'm afraid I'm going to have to impose a rather stiff penalty . . ." (As I now increasingly wear reading glasses in RL, I've decided my avi should follow suit, and begin to wear them occasionally too. If I have to suffer, so does she. And they do add some new aesthetic opportunities! Anyway, I've bought four different pairs for different moods and looks, and this is the first -- "Rita," by Kotte.)
  3. To bring this back to SL, as one should, I suppose . . . Cis and trans are mostly meaningless terms in the context of this platform -- although I certainly do know trans people who identify as trans in-world, and I understand why. But mostly the gender identity and sexual biology of the typist just shouldn't matter here. If you identify as a woman in SL, I don't care if you're cis or flag yourself as trans -- you're a woman so far as I'm concerned. I'm sooooo tired of people policing other people's identities.
  4. It'd be the mods you'd be upsetting, not me. I thought you were all for getting rid of "RL topics" from the forums?
  5. This I can entirely believe. While I think the idea of "privilege" as an abstraction used to describe systemic elements of our culture is useful, I also don't think it very helpful to apply it to individuals, so I'd also agree that using it to dismiss you as an individual is not very valid. No one except you can have any real idea of how "privileged" you are. Rigth! This is actually exactly where we're trying to get to. Which is of course why using a term like "women" inclusively to encompass also trans women is important: because these kinds of distinctions shouldn't be viewed as any more important than the fact that I have green eyes and brunette hair. Sadly, we're not there yet.
  6. I am a cis woman who is pretty darned active on the issue of gender on Twitter, the blogosphere, and elsewhere, and I can confidently say that I have never seen the term "cis" employed as an insult. I've seen cis women criticized on occasion, but that's not the same thing.
  7. indeed not. It's a descriptive adjective, not an insult. I also don't mind being called a "brunette woman," a "tall woman" or a "middle-aged woman." (Ok, I DO mind the latter, but it's still just accurately descriptive, and not an insult.)
  8. Let's just say that we agree that this is a lost opportunity. 🙂 (I'm feeling "diplomatic" today!)
  9. I don't at all disagree, but I've highlighted the bit about content creators because, for this to work properly, these older products need to be "repackaged," in a sense. Not necessarily "improved" or "updated" (although that would be nice), but made easy to find and use for noobs. What we don't want, I think, is new residents being told to scour the backrooms of skin and clothing makers looking for hidden away gems from the past. It needs to be upfront, easy to find, and clearly associated with Senra.
  10. Three quick thoughts on the clarification from Patch and the disagreement with Qie. 1) I absolutely agree in principle with Patch's notion that Senra should be about improving and, hopefully, streamlining the new user experience. That is the the most important part of this puzzle, even if it's not the only objective. For that to work, however, the Lab is going to have to put real effort, as I've already said, into producing intuitive and easy to use instructions and documentation. No, not just "Read Me" notecards (which almost no one ever reads) but some kind of actual visual interface, even if it just involves HUD attachments, that mimics to some extent the kind of systems available for avatar customization on other platforms. 2) I also agree with Qie that I don't understand how making these items full perm frustrates that. Noobs aren't going to start editing their items unless someone tells them to. And the opportunity that better perms would offer for our creative community to innovate and make better content for noobs, and others, is one that shouldn't be passed up. 3) The SL creative community has a long history of running with whatever the platform makes available and doing its own things with it anyway. However this system eventually looks, I'm pretty confident that some people are going to take it in directions that no one currently foresees.
  11. This, I think. especially as Patch has made it clear that Senra is about the early new user experience, and not, apparently anyway, about rethinking or reforming the customization system. Some of these older skins look pretty good on Jamie (as opposed to the newer ones I tried, which were not good fits), but sending noobs scurrying around looking for hard-to-find older accessories does entirely defeat the point of making this a simple and intuitive process for new residents. They need a reasonable supply of dedicated accessories (skins, hair, and clothing) that are (key here!) easy to find, access, use, and not too expensive.
  12. I like the way you think! I'll be a class traitor, a mole or fifth columnist buried deep within the establishment, just cuz . . . um . . . it would be fun? (So long as it doesn't mean I actually have to WEAR that thing!)
  13. Ack. Frying it in 6 cms of clarified butter!?!?!? I'd be the person pounding a breadboard next door to make you think I can afford it! I have a thing I do that is undoubtedly cheating, but weirdly works. You brush a bit of vodka on to the meat (I use pork, not veal, sorry!) before coating it in flour. When the meat cooks, the alcohol evaporates and makes the breadcrumb coating (which I blend very fine) bubble up, so it's light and fluffy while still being thin.
  14. Yeah, in French a good example of that is the phrase "comme çi comme ça," meaning "like this, like that," and supposedly used in response to "comment ça va?" ("How's it going?"). Or so we were all taught in high school. It was only later I learned that almost NO adults in France use it, and they tend to think of it as either "tourist French" or the sort of thing children say. GRRRR! It's like I was sabotaged by my high school teachers! I am really NOT good at foreign languages. The only non-English language I ever did well in in high school and university was Latin; I used to get like a B at best in French all the time, but I could almost always manage As in Latin. And there were two reasons for that: first, Latin is extremely logical and has relatively few idiomatic expressions or weird exceptions to "the rules," and second, because i didn't have to speak or listen to it! It was pure written translation!
  15. Well, now I'm curious enough to see if I have this, and how it works. As I say, I remember nothing about an "auto alpha" for Slink!
  16. That was my understanding. And then supplemented them with other additional packs. The real problem, I think, was that there was an expectation that clothing makers would start including alpha layers with clothing again. Which, of course, they didn't. Although, interestingly, clothing rigged for Kupra has that now.
  17. How is it BOM if you're using appliers, though? And doesn't that assume that new things one buys are going to come with appliers? Which, pretty quickly, they didn't. Was there an applier supplied with the body that converted BOM layers in some way? I am not remembering this at all!
  18. Did she? There was a BOM-capable version of Physique that retained the alpha cuts? I don't remember this, but you may be right; I was too busy virtue-signalling at first about how I was making SL a better place by getting rid of my onion layers.
  19. Yeah. My French isn't awful (although it is "contaminated" a bit by Quebecois, as I'm sure Parisians would think it), but my Italian is not great. But just making the effort is often an icebreaker and signals your respect for the place, and the people you are engaging with, even if you ARE butchering it. And people definitely DO respond to that. When I was younger I stayed at a sort of mid-market hotel in the Odeon area of the Left Bank of Paris for a while. I was SO proud of my high school and university French! My room was 101, so I'd ask for the "La clé de cent et un" at the desk. "Cent et un" was what I'd been taught, but the concierge always corrected me, with a smile or a laugh: "cent un." It became a running joke, and I'll always remember him as Monsieur Cent Un.
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