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Scylla Rhiadra

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Everything posted by Scylla Rhiadra

  1. This is something that I was going to say, in slightly different terms. It's an excellent point. If LL really wants to see an increase in numbers, you know what they could do? Advertise the platform as being welcoming to real, literal Neo-Nazis. Seriously. There are lots of 'em around these days; there are entire social media platforms and boards devoted to them. I am sure there is a pretty large contingent who'd be delighted to strut around in SL wearing full regalia and having important meetings about white nationalism, the threat of feminism, how nasty trans and gay people are, etc. Or how about a*e players? There's an only partially tapped target demographic! As much as we all want SL to succeed, there are some people who are, frankly, not welcome here. There is a line that we pretty much all draw in that regard; the difficulty is that we draw it in different places. I have said, and I will say again, that I don't advocate banning Gor from SL. My line is actually a bit further back than that; I don't take Gor as seriously as I do actual, literal Neo-Nazis. But I'd be happy to see Gor gone from SL -- not because it's been banned, but because people have come to realize how toxic it actually is. In other words, I want it to die out because people choose not to engage in it anymore. And that's actually sort of what has happened. And I'm not at all sorry, personally, to see it happen, even if it means that a few thousand hardcore Goreans have left SL.
  2. And I don't want to be -- in fact, I insist that I will NOT be -- dragged into someone else's RP because they can't distinguish between IC and OOC. Or because they aren't actually "RPing," but really believe this stuff. It's no different, in fact, than an exhibitionist wandering around in a sexually explicit way in places he hasn't been invited: I didn't consent to that, and I REFUSE to be a party to his fantasy without my consent. It's about CONSENT. I am NOT participating "by choice" when some basement-dwelling idiot decides to hurl insults at me, or "demands" that I call him "Master." I've had more than a few encounters with "Goreans" in my time here. Most of the women I knew who were involved in it were delightful -- a few were friends. Most got out of it eventually because 1) they came to understand that the inherent misogyny was not just "pretend" for some of the men, and/or 2) they got bored of RP that involved little more than them being verbally abused, or told to kneel somewhere for an hour naked and silent. The men on the other hand . . . I did have an extended conversation with one Gorean man, as I've mentioned in passing above, who wanted to tell me about his "woman-friendly" Gorean community. He was fine: civil and articulate. And then there was the one (I've mentioned this before here too) who IMed me in-world while I was in the midst of a discussion here on the forums about representations of sexual violence in SL, offering to r*pe me because he thought it would adjust my attitude. He didn't specify whether that was to be RP or not.
  3. Well, the wonderful thing is that ANY thread can be magically conveniently converted into this topic!
  4. lol Yes, you are Aubrey. You didn't realize? That's just even more adorable. 🙂
  5. You know, if SL finally ever fails, at least it will spare us from countless threads about how SL is failing, and how to fix it.
  6. I am not "reframing" anything -- I am quoting you verbatim. And you do it again here, just to prove my point: Not a single person, NO ONE, has said we should "take the sex out of Second Life." THAT is "reframing," Coffee. More than that, it's a gross misrepresentation.
  7. So many citations required . . . and even were this so, so what? It gets boring -- I mean, really boring -- responding to this falsehood, Coffee. Not a single person here has said it is not, or should not be "allowed." We've said it is idiotic, which is nowhere near the same thing. You've made this misrepresentation, portraying people who happen not to agree with what has frankly become your idée fixe here as prudes, "pearl-clutchers," and elitists over and over again. It's an ad hominem that you have been employing consistently to clumsily avoid the real points people have been making, and it's frankly becoming insulting. While I too am happy to see Coffee back again, this thread looks as though it is about to become yet another sacrificial victim to her obsession, and I for one have better things, like calculating the thread count of my tee shirt, to do.
  8. Wait . . . you mean I can actually get rid of them???? JUST BY PUSHING??? 😮 Get a grip Arielle. It was a joke, its non-serious nature underlined by the fact that I quite clearly have no way of "getting rid of the Goreans" even if I wanted to. I am on record, countless times here and going back more than 14 years, as being against bans on adult activities, including, yes, Gor. Doesn't mean I have to like it though!
  9. Lol. Aubrey -- can I call you Aubrey? -- I think I love you. 🙂
  10. On the subject of the change to the rules about what we can discuss, though, I have to say that I've been pleasantly surprised to discover that we can, in fact, discuss politics, "social justice," and all manner of things seemingly forbidden -- so long as they are discussed within the context of SL. So, talk about BLM in the real world? No. Which, ok . . . fine. Talk about the fact that a "publisher" of a popular SL magazine has recently publicly trashed a creator for selling a pro-BLM tee? That would, I'm pretty confident, be allowable here.
  11. Without any question. At least one long-time forum perennial (and my best friend) no longer posts here at all because of the censorship and restrictions upon what we can discuss. That's not actually due to the mods themselves, though, who I think may be the best we've ever had -- at least in the post-Residents Answers era. Rather, it's the rules that they've been tasked with enforcing. I don't think the moderation here is harsher at all: on the contrary, I think it's far more context-sensitive and rational. While I'm sure that there have been times when Dyna or Quartz wanted to kick my butt all the way to the cornfield, the fact is that every warning or suspension I've ever had here came from . . . a Linden.
  12. I think this is probably correct. Both Bloodlines and Gor were huge back in the day, but seem to have been a bit faddish. Looking at numbers at the two links Silent posted above, I get the sense the Gorean community has dwindled generally. I think that the closest equivalent these days is D/s and BDSM, in all of its flavors (but mainly casual and not "by the book" either). They've always been around but are, I think, a lot more prevalent and visible than they once were.
  13. Oh sure, definitely. And there were these weird anomalous offshoots, like "women-friendly" Gorean communities too; I remember being invited to check one out by someone who knew of my objections to "by-the-book" Gor. Yeah, it got adapted in lots of different ways by RPers who just saw it as . . . convenient, I think. I'd still have objections to it, though, even while getting that most of those involved aren't buying into the ideology. A "woman-friendly" Gor would be a bit like "Pro-Black Antebellum Plantation RP" -- only much fun if you get to burn down the plantation eventually.
  14. Gor isn't merely about consensual non-consent, although that's obviously an element of it. Gor isn't classic BDSM or D/s. The latter are non-gendered, and one's role as a Dom/me or sub isn't determined by one's gender: you can have, obviously, Dommes and male subs. Gor, on the other hand, is premised on the idea that women are, by their very nature, subordinate and subservient, and men dominant. It brings a whole lot of additional, and highly problematic baggage to the table (unsurprisingly, as it is based upon a series of novels that were an explicit retort to the women's lib movement of the 60s and 70s). It also does not have an explicit contract for power exchange, as D/s and BDSM does. It doesn't "need" one because, well, women are always subservient -- you don't need to "negotiate" that. I am sure that most Goreans, and especially the women who engage in this kind of RP, see it merely as a ready-made "Dungeons and Dragons" variant on BDSM RP. I doubt that most of them subscribe to the view -- as John Norman, the author of the books, very explicitly did -- that women are inferior. Probably a great many have never read the novels, or know anything about their genesis. But there is always going to be a degree of complicity with that viewpoint if you engage in this kind of RP.
  15. Well, at least half of the kajirae were likely men anyway, so it's no wonder! Honestly, who'd want to be a woman? (In Gor.)
  16. Awww, I'm sorry! But I'm sure you'll get it done. OR you could be like me, and just take public transit and cycle or walk everywhere. But I know that's not always an option. (I've never even tried to learn to drive. I can't handle the idea of trying to avoid killing people while manoeuvering a 1,500 kg block of steel, glass, and plastic around at high speeds. The very idea terrifies me, honestly.)
  17. Lear's second daughter, Regan . . . a piece of work. Regan sees in Edmund (a cynical and sociopathic son of Gloucester who is working to make himself king) a powerful ally, but she knows that her sister Goneril is also trying to seduce him. She promises him much, and ultimately succeeds . . . only to be poisoned by her jealous sister. REGAN Now, sweet lord, You know the goodness I intend upon you; Tell me but truly, but then speak the truth, Do you not love my sister? EDMUND In honored love. REGAN But have you never found my brother’s way To the forfended place? EDMUND That thought abuses you. REGAN I am doubtful that you have been conjunct And bosomed with her as far as we call hers. EDMUND No, by mine honor, madam. REGAN I never shall endure her. Dear my lord, Be not familiar with her. (I hope that this is sufficiently SFW for this thread!)
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