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Scylla Rhiadra

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Everything posted by Scylla Rhiadra

  1. Unfortunately, unless they are registered scripted agents -- that is to say, they have registered with LL as bots -- the estate tool won't do any good. The tool is also available only to estate owners and managers: you can't apply it at the parcel level, nor on the Mainland (except, sort of, in Bellisseria, where registered bots are subject to a blanket ban). However, as Paul notes, the likelihood is that they are pretty harmless. You might check to see if the ones you've spotted appear in Lou Netizen's list of bot "families," here: https://www.lounetizen.com/botdata/cohorts/
  2. They have been ARed, but not yet by me. They still appear in search, so no action appears to have been taken yet. In general, I don't AR groups that I find objectionable. I think however that this group crosses a line.
  3. I guess, although the SS and their logo are pretty notorious -- to the point that the stylized letters on the latter have been imitated. As it happens, the profile pic of group founder (and putative former Linden) shows -- or showed, as I think the profile has been "cleaned" -- him wearing a swastika armband. So maybe he's not all that concerned about it.
  4. I'm sure that that is something like the way in which they'd justify it -- it's just "historical RP" or "re-enactment." There are lots of reasons to find re-enactment of WWII German soldiers, or the soldiers of the Confederacy, in "bad taste" (to put it mildly). But there is a HUGE difference between RPing a regular Wehrmacht unit, and playing members of the Waffen SS. Representing members of a paramilitary unit that were historically associated with some of the worst horrors of Nazism, including numerous well-documented atrocities and war crimes, represents a very deliberate and frankly damning choice. The SS was also directly involved in helping to implement the Holocaust. A soldier of the Wehrmacht could argue with some justification that they were fighting "for Germany." Members of the Waffen SS were, by definition, explicitly fighting for Nazism. That was the whole point of the force.
  5. Well. Who knew that there was an actual Waffen SS RP group in SL! With 81 members including, apparently(?) a former Linden! Such a good look for the platform.
  6. Coming soon to Lauren Bay at Bay City! ANTIFA KILLER WHALES! All you 1% with your fancy SL yachts, beware! https://twitter.com/DrLearnALot/status/1661486007114682369?s=20
  7. This sounds really interesting! It might be worthwhile to connect to others in the gallery / art scene here, as it might help get word out, especially if you hold events and openings for your own work. I'm going to tap @Katherine Heartsong here, as she also sells her own RL work in SL. She might have some good insights for you.
  8. I'm a little unclear on what you want to do here. Have you been collecting RL art images, and you want to display those? Are these your own works? In terms of 2D art, there are four main categories in SL. Far and away most common and popular are images produced within SL, and usually processed through Photoshop and similar. There is a growing amount of work as well produced using AI, either to modify SL photos, or on its own. And there are a number of people who produce RL artwork, be it painting, collage, or photography, who upload it to SL and exhibit and/or sell it here. And then, finally, there are museums or galleries that focus on "established" RL artwork -- the Impressionists, the Surrealists, etc. These tend to be quasi-educational galleries, where the idea is to introduce people to particular artists or schools of art. These can be quite eclectic and niche: I knew one collector who had a room in his gallery dedicated to Gustave Courbet's "The Origin of the World" and works that referenced it. My sense from your description is that this is the sort of thing you're talking about? If you can be a bit more specific about what you want to do, we can probably be more helpful.
  9. You make a good point. I believe that IS how it is supposed to work -- and presumably does. So a congregation registered scripted agents would achieve nothing in terms of traffic.
  10. I agree! Does it follow that they are unregistered? I mean, they are probably are, but it's not a sure bet. In theory, LL would act in either case -- they are unregistered, or they are being used to game traffic. Maybe?
  11. Been there, done that. It was a ****show. But fun, in it's way! I'm sure the Lindens have quick and (maybe?) easy access to bot status, but so long as we don't, residents, following LL's own admonition in their new scripted agent policy, will be firing off ARs about legit registered bots at the drop of a hat. Asking us to proactively report unregistered bots when we have no way to know which ones are registered is a bit like a make-work project for residents and governance team members alike. Shoot 'em all, and let Governance Linden sort it out?
  12. Sloth and general indifference. I can only think of one Linden I've ever personally interacted with whom I thought was kind of unpleasant, and he was just more generally grumpy than "malicious." And he didn't like me.
  13. Wow, ok. Santana??? He's still got a bit of street cred -- what's HE doing there? The Righteous Brothers . . . might be fun, for nostalgic reasons at least. Smash Mouth sort of confirms my feeling that people play Vegas when their careers are on the wane. I'm a little surprised, in that context, by Katy Perry.
  14. Yeah, the only Lindens I've seen in-world (I'm discounting the ones here who have slapped my wrist or suspended me -- does that count as an interaction?) since 2011 or so have been at user group meetings and such. Oh, and there are a couple I follow on Twitter. They really don't seem get in-world very often, except perhaps on alts. Strawberry is sort of active in-world, isn't she?
  15. Which, is possibly, silly, because identifying registered agents on their profiles -- or even through some simply (and hopefully free) scripted HUD -- would presumably lessen the amount of time that LL spends investigating ARs against supposedly unregistered bots. Assuming, of course, that LL expends any time at all investigating ARs against unregistered bots.
  16. Well, it comes back to what we were saying earlier in this thread, and in the other. It just doesn't feel like a very fun experience? It looks just ok, but not very interesting, there's no entertainment other than the games, it's not really suitable for RP . . . It seems to have been designed for hardcore gamblers who don't pay much attention to anything that isn't a slot machine or a set of cards. I can imagine an evening having fun playing cards with friends in SL. I can't imagine sitting at a casino table for more than 20 mins or so without getting bored out of my gourd. There's really no "social" in this social casino.
  17. I'd have thought he was more a draw for Boomers than anyone else. And do Millennials really listen to . . . Barry Manilow? Speaking as a solid in-the-middle-of-the-pack GenXer, he feels pretty ancient even to me. Mind you, ABBA is having a resurgence. OH! And you forgot the Canadian content! Celine Dion!
  18. As if I needed more incentive to stay away. Wayne Newton? Seriously????
  19. You're right, I think, that it's not exactly been a hot spot. A friend was there this afternoon, and it was all but empty. The more I think about it, the odder it seems that the casino seems not to have even been designed for crowds. It can hold, what, 30 or 40 players, max, at a time? It's not really built to be crowded.
  20. I can sort of see it if you wanted to warn them, rather than necessarily ban them outright. But we have an eject and ban option, don't we, that automatically adds their names to the ban list? ETA: I can sort of potentially see this being abused. I have never heard of it happening, so that's presumably not much of a problem, but it's an odd sort of response to objectionable behaviour.
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