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Scylla Rhiadra

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Everything posted by Scylla Rhiadra

  1. Oh sure, yep, all of this. As I said I've known very nice Goreans (mostly women). I was even once approached by the head of a "woman-friendly" Gorean community, who wanted me to visit. But you know enough yourself about the ideological and historical context underpinning the inception of the books, and hence also underwriting the RP (esp. the "by-the-book" communities) to, I'm sure, understand my feelings on this subject. Anyway, whatevs. This is not the place for a discussion on the merits and demerits of Gor.
  2. I had no doubts about that whatsoever, Ayashe. Anyway, this is a digression that isn't going to end well if permitted to continue, so I am going to step back from this particular abyss . . .
  3. My sense is that this is a much depleted community, and that many have moved on to, um, more genial platforms. They did, or do, undoubtedly breed a sense of community, but they just aren't as prevalent as they once were. And speaker personally, as a proud member of the "peanut gallery," I'm pretty good with that. I've known some quite nice individual Goreans, but the culture is . . . not a tolerant one.
  4. Not sure if this was a typo, or deliberate, but . . . how very appropriate!
  5. Give us time, Sid. It's not easy collecting enough tar and feathers to do the job properly.
  6. Yeah. I suspect, at least initially, that this is the route I'll go, either using Maitreya or, if whatever I find is rigged for it, Petite or Legacy Perky. This one particular character, Olivia, will be pretty well covered up in Tudor era dress, so I'm not immediately all that concerned about distorting the boobs a bit. On the other hand, although we actually do not know much detail about Elizabethan theatrical costume, I'd assume that there was a bit of "stuffing" going on when boys were playing women, so I probably don't need an entirely flat chest. I want to try Reborn anyway, as it happens. And if I *do* use these teens in more modern contexts in the future -- possible, if not probable -- it would be a useful thing to have.
  7. I pretty rarely see hosts or hostesses at clubs these days. I do run across them occasionally, but most often the DJ is performing this function herself now, it seems? I think people underestimate the importance of this kind of intervention. I've certainly run across my share of pretty incompetent hosts, who did little more than greet new arrivals, or would just periodically inject spammy gestures into local (which had, I think, the opposite effect intended). A really good host / hostess sparks conversations, makes returning visitors feel remembered and valued, and new visitors really welcome. A DJ friend of mine goes out of his way to build a community from those who come to his sets, occasionally at the expense of his attention to the music! He is very vocal in chat, and dances with as many unpartnered women as he can, especially newcomers, so that they don't feel left out. I'm not a huge fan, always, of his choice of tunes, but his sets are pre-eminently social experiences, and he's built up a reasonably large group of hardcore "followers" as a result.
  8. Well, sometimes. Sorta. Here's my actual take on Titania and Bottom, which I've already posted somewhere. Go with the flow, says I! Yeah, a thread on versions of literary/movie/game characters might be fun!
  9. Thank you! Elizabethan men's hair styles are pretty varied; I wanted a longer style here because, in practice, the actor playing Viola would need to transform back and forth between "herself" (a woman) and her disguise as a boy. This is actually a woman's style from Magika. I don't really do fantasy much myself, but I find it interesting that while most swords and sorcery stuff tends to be medieval (the legacy of both Arthurian legend, and LOTR, I imagine), "fairies" are most often Renaissance. I wonder -- pure speculation on my part -- if that's because of the popularity of the depiction of Oberon, Titania, and Puck in A Midsummer Night's Dream?
  10. Thank you, Ayashe! Yeah, I have to do Ophelia myself -- I haven't yet figured out how I want to manage it. I'm doing some of these in conventional "costume" -- Lady Macbeth in early medieval garb, for instance -- a few in Tudor (this one anyway, but also Juliet), and others I'm just going with my ideas .So Beatrice from Much Ado is in Regency, and Katherine from The Taming of the Shrew is in 1950s vintage clothing. I haven't really done Othello -- this series is Shakespeare's women -- but I have done one for Desdemona. You WILL show off the results of your own projects here, right?
  11. Well, I've only completed half of this little project: I still need an Olivia, who (in historical terms, on the Elizabethan stage) would have been a teen boy costumed as a young woman. It made sense using Jake for Viola, as she's wearing men's clothing, but I likely will use a dedicated female body for Olivia -- so Rebirth, which I've been meaning to demo anyway, is a good idea! Thank you!
  12. Honestly, although I have taken a lot of care over my adult avatar bodies (making semi-transparent prim guides and stuff), I have mostly eyeballed it when it comes to younger avatars. What you might try, if you haven't already (and possibly you have!) is importing an image guide for body proportion, throwing it onto a prim, and using it to guide your shape. Something like this, perhaps?
  13. Somewhere along the rail line on Heterocera I once ran across a house that was perched on a teeny parcel at the edge of a cliff. It looked a bit as though it and the postage-stamp-sized parcel it was on were going to slide down the edge at any moment. The house was open, but I decided not to go in. I did take a look around though. It had been really lovingly put together, with lots of personal touches outside and in. The owner had her certificate qualifying her as a member of the SL coastguard hung on the wall. I was utterly charmed. I have no idea who she was, and just moved on after a brief look around, but I felt weirdly as though I had connected with someone. Not every experience needs to be of grand and exciting builds. Sometimes the little human things, the half-abandoned houses or farms or clubs or gas stations along the way are the real discovery.
  14. Yeah. This is just one reason why corporate partnerships and sponsorships are sometimes dangerous deals with the devil. They are not our "friends": they exist to make money, period. That's just idiocy.
  15. I think we all have, sadly, or anyone who has been here any length of time. Deaths, illnesses, or other RL complications will sometimes rob of us the company of people we love here. And "love" is the operative word: anyone who says that relationships here aren't very very real is likely lacking empathy and emotional intelligence. I'm very sorry to hear it, and hope you find someone to fill that gap. Hugs!
  16. This is great advice: I used to be a member (and should rejoin). They're VERY helpful in group chat, they have, as Aethelwine says, regular group drives across the mainland . . . and there are occasional freebies, like vehicles and HUDs passed out via group notices. They're just really nice people, in my experience.
  17. Thanks everyone! With your help I got the first step done, I think: Viola. I've posted a pic below. I used Belleza Jake, Lelutka Zo, and Avarasso Eloy for the look. I think he might look about 16 or 17? The next step, which involves cross-dressing (for Olivia) is going to be harder, and I'm going to be coming back here again to look at the advice especially from Arwyn and Pheeby. Thanks again!
  18. I've been experimenting with new looks, but this was a direction I did not foresee myself going in! Meet "Viola," an Elizabethan teen boy playing a teen-aged girl who is disguised as a boy. (I.e., from Twelfth Night) Confused? That's the fun of it! MANY thanks to those who helped me put this together -- I took a bit of advice from nearly everyone who gave it, and will be doing so again as I put together an avatar for Olivia (who is merely a teen boy playing a young woman): @Ayashe Ninetails, @Stephanie Misfit, @Arwyn Quandry and @PheebyKatz. And of course @Love Zhaoying for being a creepy lion.
  19. My favourite Mainland continent by far is Heterocera Atoll (which is also where I have my home). It's really varied in terms of environments, and it has the SLRR to travel on!
  20. Thank you so much! I'll try these combos! The second shape looks good too!
  21. I have Kaya Lilly Irina Nova Quinn Logan Alain and I just bought Zo (which is reduced 25% this month! Woot!) Bodies . . . other than a few freebies which are just too much hassle to use . . . I have: Bellezza Jake Gianni Signature Maitreya Lara Maitreya Petite Slink Physique (*hollow laughter*) Legacy Perky
  22. Thanks, Arwyn! Useful stuff to know! Ironically, although I own about 6 or 7 LeLutka heads, Avalon -- which has to be the most popular by far, right? -- is one that I don't own. Ugh. /me looks doubtfully at her L$ balance . . .
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