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Phil Deakins

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Everything posted by Phil Deakins

  1. Trinity Yazimoto wrote: they didnt answered me.. but im planning to ric randomly a post and tell them what i have to say there then lol. or maybe RIC an OP for off topic... i still havent decided :smileytongue: and so what did they told to you, Gadget ? If you do that, I want commission
  2. Summer Tison wrote: I'm in the UK and I blame my government totally...they tax their own people yet allow American companies to trade here without paying tax (Starbucks, Amazon to name but a few). I totally agree. But don't forget Google. They are also BIG UK tax avoiders.
  3. GoldxRazer wrote: LL are thief's all they want is your money and they don't care if they don't run a far system if you're not in the USA you have to pay more for a full sim in the USA it's $295 in the UK it's $354 how is that far how can we all enjoy SL if they change different prices if someone out said the USA want's to run a estate they can't as there out priced this needs to be changed we all need to stand up to them and make them make SL far for everyone. Who is this "we" you're talking about? If you find that LL's charges are unfair to you, "make a stand" and don't pay them. If you have a premium account, drop down to basic. If you have land and you pay tier to LL, sell or abandon it. Just don't pay LL for anything. If you do pay them, and continue to pay them, then you're just blowing hot air about making a stand.
  4. Drongle McMahon wrote: "Land impact' is a description whereas 'prim' is a noun." Yes. I think it's an unfortunate choice of terms. The difference is like that between a substance (current, money, land impact) and the unit used to measure it (amp, dollar, prim?). So we could perhaps say things like "the land impact of this chair is 2 prims" or "this parcel can sustain 123 prims of land impact". Still not very pleasant or intuitive though. The olde "Prim equivalents" (units of prim equivalence?) was much more comfortable. If not "Prim", what else could the unit of land impact be? primpact?
  5. If I were in your position, I'd continue using the word 'prims'. 'Land impact' is a description whereas 'prim' is a noun. I am in a similar position though. I sell 'low prim furniture' and I choose to continue selling 'low prim furniture' and 'not low land impact furniture' or 'low LI furniture'. People are used to the word 'prim'. I've changed all my furniture that can benefit from being convex hull, but I still mark each piece is terms of prims - 2 prims, or 4 prims, or 1 prim, etc. People understand that. If they were marked as 2 LI, or 4 LI, or 1 LI, I'm sure many people would think, "Eh? What's that in terms of prims?". To be more clear, an object that's made of, say, 4 prims, but only counts as 2 LI because it's convex hull, I mark as 2 prims. because that what it counts as. A time may come when people will think, "Eh? etc." when presented with the word "prims" instead of "LI" but I don't think it will happen for a while yet. Of course, you could happily use the hybrid - "prims/LI". That would work very well for now.
  6. TishaRogue wrote: regarding the comment about wining about the ads: its not the ads themselves i have the problem with its the fact that some of them are not functioning the right way and are setting off security alerts that keep popping up all the time the ad is on a page. sure i could do some of the suggestions from the tool menus (once i find them as my browser isn't the same as the one given in the instructions) but that only Band-Aids the problem. The faulty ad needs to be fixed so its not causing the problem. Once its fixed the ads don't matter to me. It's me who describes moans about ads as 'whining'; but the description only applies to those who simply don't want to see ads and whine about them. It doesn't apply to those who have other problems with the ads.
  7. There's no need to be snarky. If and when I need to improve my understanding about preventing sounds from entering my land, I will. In the meantime, you were mistaken about the topic of this thread. The fireworks owner was in breach of the ToS, and deserved to be ARed - as is evident, not only by the ToS portions that were quoted here, but also by the fact the LL dealt with the fireworks as a result of the AR. And you were also mistaken about what a person is allowed to do with his/her own land.
  8. Gabby Handrick wrote: Well, I have never really "whined" about the ads but I guess I will just a little bit now as I do find them to sometimes be intrusive. I think it is perfectly legitimate for ads to be displayed for non-premium "free" accounts, but I do think that paying "premium" customers should not be subjected to them however. You don't have to see them if you really don't want. All you need to do is use websites that don't display ads. Or decide that the ads here are not intrusive - because they are not. You'll never escape being advertised to in this world, so the best thing you can do is accept it and be happy.
  9. The fireworks owner didn't limit the sounds, and he left them going for more than 60 hours. That was against the ToS and merited an AR. I didn't know that I can set something to prevent outside sound coming onto my parcel, so that nobody on my parcel can hear them. Is that right? Nevertheless, the fireworks owner was in breach of the ToS and merited an AR.
  10. I beg to differ. I know that the word 'encroachment' is used about objects, but sound also encroaches. However, I'm not going to be picky about a particular word - although I could be. Nobody has a right to have whatever sounds they want on their own land if the sounds travel to other parcels. You are quite right that people can have what they want (within the ToS) on their own land, but that's only true as long as it stays on their own land. The firework sounds didn't stay on the owner's land. They strayed onto other people's land, and that was out of order. The parts of the ToS that have been quoted in this thread make that very clear. In addition, the OP pays LL monthly tier for the land, but while the annoying sounds from next door continued, LL was not delivering what she was paying for because of them. Since the owner didn't respond or do anything, even though he'd been logged in, it was definitely something to AR, and it looks like the AR was dealt with correctly.
  11. Storm Clarence wrote: Anyway, I was thinking perhaps we should hold "slf moderator appreciation day" this coming Sunday. I can't make up my mind whether or not this thread is sarcasm, but just in case it's not... There are no moderators here because nobody moderates this forum There are some managers who respond blindly to complaints by users (often without any brain cells involved), but that's all. So there's nothing to either thank them for or appreciate.
  12. Winter Ravenheart wrote: I'm really REALLY hoping that SL and Firestorm did not decide to take that out since it is important to up and coming creators, especially in the clothing field. But like I said, thought I'd ask first because it might be a glitch on my part. Just one point. LL never included temporary textures in any of their viewers, so they haven't taken the feature out. It was done by 3rd party viewers, and I was always surprised that LL didn't stop it because it did use LL's servers for free, in a way that LL didn't intend. The local textures feature is newer (for quite a while of me using temporary textures, I assumed it was a local thing). and is thankfully incorporated into LL's viewer. That's something I hadn't noticed until I just read this thread, so thank you for the thread
  13. That's not a proper complaints department, Coby. If it was, it'd have ads attached I like the concept though
  14. That's pretty much what I saw on TV outside the hospital, Coby - mostly media. It was mostly the public outside Buck House though, but not big crowds before the birth, and very many of them were foreigners who are coincidentally on holiday here. After the birth the crowd swelled somewhat but not to huge proportions.
  15. I wasn't thinking about your technical issue, Sassy, and I had read it. I was talking about those who dislike ads so much that they whine about them instead of accepting the world we live in or stopping using websites that show ads. I also came across it on another forum (Virgin Media). When Virgin implemented unobtrusive ads that appear within the TiVo system, some people whined because they "don't want to be advertised to". It was unbelievable because the ads they whined about pop up when they press the Pause button. They Paused the TV so they were not watching it, and yet they whined about the ad being on the screen that they weren't watching. For the rare occasions when they really did want to see the paused screen, a single key-press removed the ad, but still they whined. Between that forum and this, I've learned that there are people who whine about ads, because they have an objection, on principle, to being advertised to, but they know that they can't avoid them in the world we live in. I just wish they'd learn to accept the world in that respect and stop whining about it. It never gets them anywhere and it's very self-centred. The positions of the ads in LL's websites are generally unobtrusive. The one on the right side need never be seen. In fact I didn't know it was there until it was mentioned in a thread here. The one on the top is fine. It means that we see less on the bottom until we scroll down but it's no biggie. I appreciate that there are some circumstances, like the one you mentioned, where it can get in the way but, in general, it doesn't get in the way and it's fine.
  16. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: Phil Deakins wrote: Here in the UK, it's of no more interest than any other news item. I rather fancy that it is of much greater interest to some people in some other countries, such as the U.S. Why would anyone in the US care about it other than those people that obsessed with celebrity who are a minority? Some celebrity gossip reporters are making a big deal of it, but they'd make a big deal about anything. The other side of the coin are the comedians using it to garner laughs at the royals expense. From this side of the pond its the Brits who seem way more obsessed about it. While I wish the parents and new baby no ill will, I could care less and I assure you that the subject has never even come up among my friends or family or indeed anyone I have run into. There you are then. From what you see on the news over there, it appears that we Brits see it as a very big deal, whereas, from what we see on the news over here, it appears that you U.S. folks are very into our royal family. The truth is probably that it's the news companies on both sides of the pond that are into the royal family. I do know that this event has been given much more news coverage here than the people in general want. It certainly doesn't reflect the level of interest of the people. It's way over the top.
  17. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: Phil Deakins wrote: Here in the UK, it's of no more interest than any other news item. I rather fancy that it is of much greater interest to some people in some other countries, such as the U.S. So, all those nutters wearing the Union Jack clothing are not actually real people? They are US citizens that are pretending to be UKers? Rubbish. You do realize we give less than a fig over here, right? I saw it on the news and there weren't all that many people Brits either outside the hospital or at Buck House. Most of those at the hospital were media and many of those at Buck House were foreigners. There are, of course, a relatively tiny number of Brits who dote any anything to do with the royal family but, on the whole, over here this event is just another news item of interest, and nothing more.
  18. I do wish that people would stop whining (yes whining) about the ads. If you don't like websites that have ads in them, don't use the websites. It's entirely your choice. Some people "don't want to be advertised to". Tough! It can't be avoided in life AND there is absolutely nothing wrong with being advertised to. So please learn to live in the world that we all live in, and stop whining about it.
  19. Here in the UK, it's of no more interest than any other news item. I rather fancy that it is of much greater interest to some people in some other countries, such as the U.S.
  20. "Why does LL use unprofessional Paypal?" Companies in general don't do anything to please their customers. They only do things to help their profits. Sometimes satisfying a customer, or customers in general, is good for business (profits), so they do something that satisfies them. But it's not for the benefit of the customers. It's for profits. When companies don't feel they need to do something that satisfies customers, they simply don't do it. Linden Lab has no need to satisfy customers who cash out, so they don't try to satisfy them. In fact, over the years they've reduced their own efforts in that regard so that they do as little as possible in the cash-out process. Customers in general would much prefer to cash out via bank transfer or cheque, but that doesn't matter because customers who are making money to cash out won't go anywhere - there's nowhere else to go. So very often, we post that Linden Lab simply doesn't care about their own paying customers, and it's true. But it's true of companies in general. Linden Lab isn't an exception. PayPal is just the same as can be seen all over the web. If keeping a customer satisfied is profitable, then companies in general will do it. If it isn't profitable, they generally won't do anything to satisfy customers.
  21. Nalates Urriah wrote: The 6800 is the minimum video card for SL. The problem with that statement is that, for many of us, including me, it isn't very informative. For instance, I had an NVidia card model that started with a 9 - 9nnn. That sounded impressive when I bought it some years ago - much better than cards that start with lower numbers like 6800. But then I was informed that a higher first number is not indicative of higher quality graphic capabilities. Apparently it's another part of the number that indicates higher quality graphics. Right now I'm using an nVidia GT 520 card which sounds lower than the 6800 one you said is the minimum, but it happily runs 2 viewers plus other programmes, including Photoshop, simultaneously. I don't have either viewer turned up to ultra though. Graphic card model numbers need some explanation for those of us who aren't into graphic cards
  22. Michaelatv Destiny wrote: I been an active member of SL since 2007, But 7000US$ £4000 later, I have nothing to show for the hard work i put in over nearly 3 years, trying To make A Full sim British Airport financially viable. I've been an active SL user since 2006 and, imo, hoping to make a profit out of an airport in SL has always been unrealistic. In other words, if you were hoping to make a profit, or even not to lose money, then the airport business was the wrong thing to get into, imo. What you have had for your money is 5 or 6 years of enjoyable hobby. That's all that most people get from SL, and it's well worth having - it's a positive.
  23. I neither like nor dislike mesh. I haven't seen any real benefit in the look of mesh clothes. I have noticed that a lot of faces look like plastic dolls lately (unattractive), but that's probably nothing to do with mesh. Objects may benefit from having some mesh in them, but I don't know.
  24. Maglet Kanya wrote: t would help so much as i cannot afford the $38 for Second Inventory. I would like to take my store over to a couple of other grids but the long way is just tedious. $38 isn't much if it allows you to set your store up on other grids. But I doubt that the $38 Second Inventory would allow you to do that anyway. According to a post above, the only things you can back up with Second Inventory are things you made yourself, and that includes all the textures on the things, not to mention any scripts that are in them. But it's the textures that cause me to doubt that Second Inventory would do what you'd like it to do
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