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Phil Deakins

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Everything posted by Phil Deakins

  1. Amethyst Jetaime wrote: AnnMarie Otoole wrote: Very close to 300,000 riders now by over 100,000 different people. You may have 300k newbs riding your crap (which we only have your word for) but you have interfered with the enjoyment of probably twice as many residents by littering vehicles all over their property, creating a general eyesore and blocking roads for people who want to ride their own vehicle to ride on the mainland. To be fair, and there's absolutely no reason why I should be in this case, it's probable that the claimed vehicle riders were a mix of old and new users and not mostly noobs. I say that because I feel sure that a great many old users have hopped on a vehicle just for the sake of it, and hopped off again a minute or less later. They aren't exactly claimable as passengers or riders but the vehicle system will add them just the same. I've never seen anyone riding one of her vehicles, so I guess that just about everyone who hops on one, hops off again not many seconds later because the vehicles move excruciatingly slowly and zig and zag all over the place. They don't provide anything that could be considered acceptable as a 'ride'.
  2. A3123 wrote: Phil Deakins wrote: There are people who are paid to monitor the forums and deal with spam. We aren't paid to help them, so why do it? If the only requirement or motivation to do anything was pay, then why do anything at all? I've omitted your nonsense about a burning parent. I didn't say or suggest anything about only doing things that we are paid to do, and the suggestion that I did is ridiculous. The point about the so-called moderators here is that they *don't* do what they are here for and paid to do. Yes, they remove the spam but they are also here to moderate (a moderator moderates), and they don't do that. When they show that they actually moderate (do what they are paid to do), then I will be more than happy to assist by reporting the spam. Until then, I won't do it. I'm thinking specifically about the warnings they issue without first engaging their brains.
  3. Perrie Juran wrote: Hmmmm......can you set a bot up to follow a 'path?' To elaborate on Qie's answer... yes, a bot can be made to follow a path or, more precisely, to move from point to point.
  4. Jo Yardley wrote: I love that idea, especially as the avatar that keeps all the money looks like a proper evil land lord. But I fear it just wouldn't be practical. We have over 100 tenants in one region. Actually, it is quite practical. I did it on my own with over 60 tenants, and you used the word "we" so I assume there is more than one of you. Even so, it's much better to it in the way you wrote about, but doing it by hand isn't a bad method.
  5. jwenting wrote: because we care about these forums, maybe? You're also not paid to whine and complain, yet you do so incessantly. Why? Perhaps for the same reason you do; i.e. I do it when I see something that merits it. Why do you do it? Nevertheless, there are good things and bad things concerning this forum, SL, and LL. I only ever complain about things that genuinely merit it. I give praise where it's merited too.
  6. Czari Zenovka wrote: Phil Deakins wrote: In your first post, you said the bots come to your sim. Now you say they turn up at certain live events you go to. Is it one, or the other, or both? Anyone who wanted to check were you are would almost certainly do it the easy way - create a new alt and TP to places where you might be. Creating a bot that TPs to places where you may be isn't anywhere near as easy or simple. I knew you'd be back. It must be in my genes, making it impossible for me not to post in this thread.
  7. There are people who are paid to monitor the forums and deal with spam. We aren't paid to help them, so why do it?
  8. In your first post, you said the bots come to your sim. Now you say they turn up at certain live events you go to. Is it one, or the other, or both? Anyone who wanted to check were you are would almost certainly do it the easy way - create a new alt and TP to places where you might be. Creating a bot that TPs to places where you may be isn't anywhere near as easy or simple.
  9. I wonder if the so-called moderators will spot the current crop of one-off spam posts, or if the posts will survive if nobody reports them. I'm not going to report them.
  10. Czari Zenovka wrote: Phil Deakins wrote: Czari Zenovka wrote: *Pulls up a chair and waits for Phil to enter the thread* I'm going to pass on this thread because there's nothing in it to interest me Well dangit! A thread about your favorite topic. *Sighs, picks up my chair and moves on* Yes I know, but there are some uses of bots that are of no interest to me at all, and this looks like one of them. The good ol' days of traffic bots have largely gone now
  11. PeterCanessa Oh wrote: Snoopencil wrote: What use is a bot to anyone?? There are two ways of programming things for SL. Within SL itself you can write a script using LSL, which is how objects that 'do something' (eg; doors, vendors, vehicles, etc.) are made. LSL has some limitations, however, that an avatar does not. For instance, a script can't issue a join invitation for a closed group. An object, and therefore the script inside it, can't have money either, only the owning avatar/group. Which leads to the other way of programming - create an avatar as normal then write/use a programme on your own computer to operate it for you. This IS a bot (and they should be marked as such in their profiles IIRC). There are two immediate uses from what I've put above - use them to control group invitations and for accounting. 24/7. Just remember to leave your computer on :-) There's no need to mark them as bots in their profiles. Their account must, however, be registered as 'scripted agents'. There is no way for we users to know whether or not an avatar is registered as a scripted agent.
  12. Czari Zenovka wrote: *Pulls up a chair and waits for Phil to enter the thread* I'm going to pass on this thread because there's nothing in it to interest me
  13. Well, you're getting some very strange results because neither the HUD nor the prim should need the copy permission - because neither is being copied. I haven't done all the tests but I reported what I found with the test that I did.
  14. In the other thread, you mentioned that you crash even when stretching an object. I remember from years ago that I would silently crash when editing an object, including moving it, stretching it, etc. I could be happily working on it for half an hour after I'd silently been disconnected, but I wouldn't know until I started to move my avatar - and couldn't. None of my editing was saved, of course, because I hadn't been connected for ages. I doubt that that will provide any clues but I thought I'd mention it anyway.
  15. Just the root prim needs to be set as mod; i.e. when the edit box is opened, it's the root prim until 'Edit Linked' is checked and a child prim is clicked on.
  16. I hadn't tested it before but I have now, and my alt, who is not on my friends list, so doesn't have permissions over my objects set, can remove and add contents to a modifiable HUD that I made and she's wearing.
  17. As I've just said to Czari, I prefer the unmistakable animation. Then no customer can wonder whether or not I'm not replying to them.
  18. Yes, I've seen AOs that indicate typing without the default typing animation, but what I've seen is only recognisable after being with a person for a bit of time so, with customers, I prefer the unmistakable animation. Since I created my AO myself, I could add a button to turn the typing animation on and off, of course - if I wanted to, that is
  19. If the HUD is modify, then the owner can put stuff into its contents. The permissions of the prim (to be put into the HUD's contents) don't matter. Perhaps it isn't possible when the HUD is being worm.
  20. Heh. I'm a Star Trek fan but I didn't recognise the uniform from the angle of the shot.
  21. I intentionally allowed the typing animation in my AO because it helps when dealing with customers. In an open chat dialog, I like to know that the customer is in the process of responding to me, so I like them to know that I'm in the process of responding to them. Otherwise long silences occur when a person is actually typing - so long that it's very easy to think that the conversation has finished, and walk or TP away, thinking that the other person was a little rude for not responding. That's the reason I have it, and I'll keep it for that reason It might look a bit silly in a venue - club and such - but I haven't gone to any of those in years. It's very kind of you to offer to help me to update my avatar but I honestly don't think that it needs updating at all. My skin is good (skins haven't improved over the years), my shape is what I want (self-made), my hair is good (hair is hair, after all), and my old clothes are the same as the 'updated' ones that were recently suggested to me. I could probably do with some decent shoes and, because of that, I didn't wear any shoes for years.
  22. The first guy does look like a noob but only because he hasn't changed his skin since he joined, or he acquired a noob-looking skin. I have a decent skin - chosen buy a girlfriend at the time, and I don't think I look like a noob at all. But that's just my view I'd rather not wear the clothes that the second guy is wearing - they're just not me at all. I'd much rather wear the clothes that the first huy is wearing. Together with a good shape and skin, he'd look fine.
  23. Carl Thibodeaux wrote: I've noticed something. People with older avatars look more like a noob than any of us. They tend to keep the old style of skin/looks instead of converting to the new looks and new new new. Why is that? Funny you should say that because someone has been telling me lately that I look like a noob. I've been here since 2006 and there's nothing about my avatar from the Library, and I have a reasonable AO, but I apparently look like a noob It's true that I don't buy clothes or skins. I bought the skin in my early days and the clothes I have were bought for me years ago. ETA: The girl who says I look like a noob wanted to change what I look like, so she TPed me to a shop and pointed out an outfit for me. I already had pants like the ones she pointed to - from years ago - and a shirt of the same colour as the one in the outfit. The only thing I didn't have was the brown leather jacket. Even so, I'm truly puzzled why she thinks I look like a noob, and what non-noob looking male avatars look like. To me, a person looks like a noob if they don't have an AO and/or is wearing an outfit from the Library.
  24. Both viewers are on the same computer, and I have 2 monitors attached, so I can have a viewer on each.
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