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Phil Deakins

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Everything posted by Phil Deakins

  1. It all depends on the landlord's circumstances. It could be the way to do bad business.
  2. Maybe someone once sent 'huggles' to someone, meaning 'hugs,' of course. But the recipient misread, or mistyped, and inadvertantly replaced the 'l' with an 'i' when sending hugs to someone else, and so the nappies version spread Well, maybe.
  3. Thank you for the link. I listened to most of it. It confirmed a suspicion that I've had, and posted a number of times, about mesh. It is that LL didn't bring mesh in for avatars. They brought it in for objects, and they hadn't intended or expected it to be used for avatars. That fact does highlight a way in which LL works. They saw what users were doing with mesh, and they followed it. They didn't just leave the users to it, because it hadn't been their intention. They actually sat down and worked it into SL. From what was said in that interview, it sounds like that's not uncommon.
  4. If it were chips (plural), I'd want a battered fish with them - not a motorbyke And they wouldn't stay on my shoulder for long. They'd be eaten in minutes
  5. @Qie Niangao You've got me thinking - not very productively, but thinking nonetheless. LL wouldn't want to offer the option to buy a private, low-prim, sim to all Premium accounts, without the need to own a full private sim, because it would most likely cause the gains they've recently made in mainland ownership to deteriorate to some extent, but they could offer such an option to the highest of the upcoming Premium levels, so that the user would need to pay for the highest Premium level in order to qualify for one. Like I said, my thinking isn't very productive, but I enjoyed it
  6. I know it is. That's what I looked up when his profile wasn't available in the web search. It's why I told Theresa that "I see what you mean".
  7. To be fair to LL (and I'm not even suggesting that you weren't), there used to be only one landlord, and that was LL. LL LL has a product - Second Life - and Second Life is land (and sea). That's all it is. So it's not surprising that they would seek to earn more from it. And, of course, lower land costs is something that we users have been asking for since forever. I don't consider it to be "moving agressively" into any market. They are merely selling their own product. So any impact on landlords doesn't bother me. We've all been asking for lower land costs, and it was always known that it might affect some landlords.
  8. I see what you mean. His profile isn't available in the web search, so maybe he's been suspended since his previous post, or perhaps even banned again.
  9. @AmandaKeen So suggesting they made decisions when they were either drunk or high was you "having run a business", right? I think I'm right in saying that LL have actually run a business, believe it or not, and quite possibly a slightly larger one than you have run.
  10. Don't you have anything positive to say about the reduction in land costs? Does it have to be 'find something negative and be critical'? Neither the reduction in land costs, not the increase in the L$ purchase fee, affect me in the slightest, but I do applaud the rebalancing moves, especially because it lowers the cost of land, which is something that people here have been asking for throughout. Now we have the costs of both mainland and private land reduced. Incidentally, commas are good. Semi-colons can substitute for a comma when one or more commas have already been used in the sentence and, due to the what is being written, another comma would be grammatically wrong But, from what I hear, punctuation is fast going out of the window these days, and the fight is on to save the apostrophe.
  11. Before replying, I was reading to see if this was mentioned, and it was. But I want to highlight it because linking any scripted multi-prim object to another object is a VERY BAD IDEA. And that's the reason. If and when you unlink, say, a multi-prim sofa from another object, such as a house, you cannot knowingly ensure that the sofa's prims end up being linked in the same order as they were originally. And that's true even if you know the original order. The best you can do is ensure that it ends up with the same root prim, and you can only do that if you remembered which prim it was. Also, it could break the functionality of the both the object you are linking to, and the object itself. Once you've broken the functionality, there is a VERY VERY good chance that you won't be able to recover it if you unlink its prims from the object, and link it together again. KT says that multi-prim scripted objects can check the link numbers of their parts if they need them for functionality, and they can - but they don't. There is no reason for them to do that, and I disagree with KT that objects "should" do it. So my advice is NOT to do it with any multi-prim scripted object, and not to do it with any object if the object you are linking to has scripted functions.
  12. When the sim I'm in has gone down, for whatever reason, I've never been moved to another location. I've always been logged out. Always. That's why the warnings come up - so that you can get out of the sim before being logged off. I'm sure you are mistaken about the SL system moving avatars to other places when a sim goes down. Somebody suggested what actually happens that you may have mistaken for something else. When a bot is logged off by a sim going down, depending on its programming, it will alomst certainly try to log back in again to the same location, but, that place not being available, it ends up at an infohub. It would be easy to assume that the SL system had sent them there instead of logging them out, but it doesn't. Another thing that you're mistaken about is that bots ought to have Homes set. They don't. Any bot worth its salt will check its location on login and, if it's not where it's designed to be, it will either go to where it's suppoed to be, or log out for another try. It doesn't need a Home to be set at all.
  13. ¼ parcels don't exist. A parcel is a parcel, and can't be divided into anything other than whole parcels. Perhaps you mean ¼ sim
  14. You'll do anything to scupper the mainland, won't you? Some of us have long memories.
  15. And turn up naked??? You'll be bounced out in a very short space of time.
  16. Oh, he's not one of mine lol. All of mine have last names - ALL of them. Wanna buy one? lol
  17. Watch it, buster! Actually, you're right. I already posted that he reminds me of me in my heyday. Although, I was much better
  18. One important thing that has come out of this thread is that it is important to tell new sign-ups that the account name they choose will be their avatar's name, as they move around in SL. I do hope that that's got back to whoever decides these things. Or maybe they already knew that, and won't make it obvious on sign-up, so that those who are disappointed at finding that their account's name turned out to be their avatar's name will be tempted to go Premium just for the name-change.
  19. Last names at account creation, and 'Residents' getting a free change, would be the most desirable things to happen, but LL isn't looking at it from the users' perspective. In fact, they aren't doing it for the users. They are doing it for money - to be a part of rebalancing where the company's income comes from. If that's the case, one might think that they'd be better off if paid name-changes were for all and not just for Premiums. And that might be right, but they seem to think that the number of additional Premiums they'll get, due to the perk of being able to change the name, will generate more money. I've no idea which is likely to generate the most income. What I do know, from what LL has said so far, is that new accounts will continue to be surnamed 'Resident', and name changes will only be for Premiums - at least some Premiums, because we don't know anything about the planned Premium levels yet.
  20. Just like in the real world then The change was quicker in the unreal world of SL, but only by a matter of decades, not centuries or millenia. It should please those who really want the unreal to be the same as the real - except when it comes to supernatural things like flying, never dying, and stuff like that lol.
  21. @Phorumities Since you arrived in this forum not long ago, you seem to have managed to attract quite a lot of negative responses, such as people intentionally twisting what you say, and liberally throwing in fallacies, just to be on the opposite side to you. It's fun for them. In fact, you remind of me in my heyday here
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