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Rufus Darkfold

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Everything posted by Rufus Darkfold

  1. I find the drop/reattach rather handy when making changes to a HUD. Sometimes when I make changes, and then have a failed TP or otherwise get ungracefully logged-out, my changes are lost. Anything prior to the most recent attach seems to be preserved though.
  2. The hovertext might not be where you expect it to be. The height of hovertext is determined entirely by the Z dimension, regardless of the orientation of the object. If your object is rotated and the Z axis and the Z dimension is much different from whichever one is actually pointed up, the hovertext may appear either on top of the object or way above it. Sliced, cut, or dimpled objects will have their hovertext appear where it would be if the object were not sliced or dimpled. I utilize this to place hovertext on buttons in my HUDs.
  3. You could even make it a pedal-powered generator so your pedaling would power your laptop.
  4. I use this method in the Navigator Charttracker HUD (a mapping HUD that can use arbitrary maps). It is free, full-permissions, and open-source, so you are welcome to use code from there. I will be breaking that code out shortly, since I also want to use it for my hair. I will give you a copy in-world if you like. I'd love to see your finished product.
  5. how about going to another state, whose state_entry contains "state default"?
  6. Easier way: When you invoke a menu item to change number of feathers (or whatever), it requests attach and linkset permissions, then tells you to drop it when you have rez permissions. Then when it detects it has been dropped, it rezzes new feathers, or removes old ones, and reattaches automatically.
  7. Closest you can do from a script is to request attach permissions, then ask them to drop the HUD. Have it rename itself while dropped, then automaticlaly re-attach. You have to be somewhere you have rez permissions. That approach is also handy if one desires to make linkset changes to a HUD.
  8. Preferably you have photographs of the building from all sides. You may need to use a tool like Photoshop to clean up any perspective distortion if the pictures were taken at an angle, and to fill in any gaps in your photo coverage. I have built a rough model of my RL home in SL to assist in planning some remodeling we are considering. I am building an Egyptian museum using photos I took in Egypt.
  9. Thanks for the fine craft! I'd like to give you something back. The primctl hud works in conjunction with the primset script to allow convenient editing of a link set or part of one. Color, light, flexi, texture, and resize are supported with immediate feedback. I have done 2 Navigator huds. One displays maps of the current and adjacent sims. The other displays any SL maps you load into it (1 line of configuration required per map). Both will plot your position on the map and scan for banlines, rez areas, etc. Both support slurl-based teleport by clicking on the map. These are pre-release, but you are welcome to any or all of them if you like.
  10. There are 3 ways an avatar can actually BE underground. All require it to be sitting on something. 1. Object sit position can place the avatar underground. 2. Object can more the avatar underground with llSetLinkPrimiitiveParams(llGetNumberofPrims(), [PRIM_POSITION ... 3. Object can be PHYSICAL and VolumeDetect. In this case, the object itself can go underground, but not very far, and it will tend to be pushed to the surface as long as an avatar is sitting on it.
  11. If he being quoted prices like those, he may want to look at what Toshiba has to offer. http://www.toshibadirect.com/td/b2c/laptops.to?family=Qosmio&model=X505&bopt=bts#resultsMatrix I have a Toshiba I bought last year which runs SL very well.
  12. I would respectfully recommend that you ignore her recommendations. Psytrance rules!
  13. If you want it to block the arrows but not avatars, you could have it go phantom when it detects a collision with an avatar, and be non-phantom the rest of the time. An arrow could still sneak through while an avatar was passing through, but otherwise it would stop them.
  14. If the sign text is variable, you can use xyzzytext (in the forum library). You still get your choice of background image. Another way is to make a web page that looks like your sign and use prim media to display it. That will only work with viewer 2 though.
  15. You probably have to tell it where to wear it the first time. It should remember after that.
  16. You are correct that linkset changes are not allowed while an object is attached. I defer those changes until the HUD is dropped on the ground. That hud has a configuration slider for the number of marker prims. Any change to that parameter causes it to request permission to change the linkset, if it does not already have that permission, then it checks the land permissions and either instructs the user to drop the HUD, or instructs the user to drop the HUD when he arrives on land where he has rez permission. When the HUD has been dropped, it does whatever prim creation and deletion and linkset changes are needed, then reattaches automatically.
  17. You can put your variables in a list and convert it to a string with llList2CSV. The list_cast function in the scripting library can convert your variables back to their original types at the receiving end. primset in the scripting library forum is an example of how to do this.
  18. I have a hud with slider controls too. Needs 1 prim per slider, but all controlled from the root. To handle anything that requires a script in the child, I create the child prims with a PIN, and then load the script into them via llRemoteLoadScriptPIN when it is needed. So far, I have only needed to do this to make formerly-child prims delete themselves after being unlinked.
  19. You mean the deformer animation doesn't go away when you do llStopAnimation()? Does it leave you deformed? If so, how do you debug something like that without messing up your avatar permanently?
  20. It shouldn't be having to rez anything by the time it's halfway into the next sim. They already have a horse. Object entry permissions don't apply if the object is being sat upon. Permission for running scripts is not required if the script has done llTakeControls (and not released them). Most vehicle scripts do this. Does the cart script take controls? If it is moddable, that would be easy to add (along with the appropriate llRequestPermissions call). If not, perhaps you could get the seller to add it. Note that this only allows passage through no-script land when the cart has a passenger. It would still get stuck when empty.
  21. Am I the only one who builds HUDs you can just drag around the screen without going into edit mode?
  22. You can get a free Charttracker HUD at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Sentry/199/73/118 It includes maps of the continents. It is full-permissions. You can add your own maps to the HUD. The Charttracker HUD tracks your position on the map and sniffs out banlines and the like. Free and open-source.
  23. If this is for a hud you can also create buttons using prims, and label them with llSetText. Then there is no limit to length. The text can be positioned on the button (instead of hovering over it) by rotating the prim, setting Z size as small as possible, and dimpling the prim appropriately.
  24. For resizing I put a resize handle in the bottom right corner, drag to resize. I can also move the HUD around by dragging the main part of it. Hovertext size is all viewer. The object has no control over that. Hovertext height is based on the Z axis, regardless of the rotation of the object. If you have the object rotated you can have the text overlap the object. It can be raised higher either by increasing the Z size, or by appending a bunch of newlines with spaces in between (\n \n …). It can be brought lower by reducing the Z size, or by dimpling the object. I use this to create pushbuttons, sliders, and joysticks with labels.
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