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Nika Talaj

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Everything posted by Nika Talaj

  1. Dreamer sent out this fragment of Patch's, presumably from this morning's Belisseria Citizen's Chat (Sat. Nov 4th). (In case you're wondering, Kraft is now marketing both 'mayochup' and 'mayomust', for people who find themselves incapable of mixing their mayo with other condiments. ) The only thing I was able to take away from this word salad is that a preview of SOMETHING is probably coming soon™. Any other guesses? Btw: any incoherence in his statements MIGHT be explained by the fact that it looks to me like he was logged in between 4 and 5:30 AM, his time. eta: Knowing Patch, I think it would be wise to refrain from speculating as to what exactly his "Miracle Whip" might be.
  2. Premium Plus parcels (e.g. ranches) are allowed 4 breedables. I'm only responding to correct a factual inaccuracy. Generally, I try to avoid feeding trolls (which I assume is what you're doing here, since you have no interest in living in Belli).
  3. Well, it IS a little confusing that there are 2 (yes, TWO) demo areas for Bellisseria homes ... and they are very close to each other on the grid! In the one you refer to, which is the Linden Home region of the 9-region Welcome Hub island, there is an empty 2048 parcel with a "Coming Soon" sign in it. But, the region which is actually NAMED "BelliDemo", that is, the upper half of the 2-region island which is the Bellisseria Hub, does not have any empty parcels in it. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/BelliHub/107/231/21
  4. Could easily be. Though with the Christmas Expo happening so conveniently soon (Dec1-10th), it certainly would not be amazing were there to be a reveal then. Reveal regions are always fun. I know some years they've been the only reason why I've attended the Expo at all, and once I get there I always take a spin through some of the other Expo regions. If I were running the Expo, I would WANT a theme reveal there, every little boost to ACS traffic and commerce helps, I'm sure. Last year they revealed Sakura at the expo. The Ranch theme was released June 26, which I believe was actually during SL20B celebrations. SLB events are not ACS sponsors, are they? A few notes about the SSP zone: LL does have two random regions for the new theme which are not in the block of tile development: SSP4534X and SSP4532X (where someone is working right now). I've never noticed LL doing that before. One of them COULD be a reveal region. Or perhaps they're just working out some details of the landscaping. There is no current parcel in BelliDemo for a new theme, and LL would REALLY have to squeeze (as well as terraform quite a bit) to create a 2048 (or even a 1024) on the current BelliDemo land. It's probably more feasible to add more land in the north of the BelliDemo region, next to the current Ranch demo. The 2 SSP regions that became the Belli Hub are still up in the SSP area, so presumably they could just modify SSPDemo as they wish up there. [The LH area of the Welcome Hub DOES have a blank parcel for a new 2048 theme, "Coming Soon!"] At the same time that LL put up the scattered SSP fantasy regions they evidently used for treehouse model development (like SSP2532PT in the pic below), they put up a single region numbered the same as the original Newbrooke tiles, covered in black like Newbrooke, SSP3013PT. Were they considering a new Newbrooke model? I see no further movement in that direction.
  5. This is the first time I've seen activity in the block of SSPBAx regions. Don't know what these are for. There was some speculation that they were for the next Bellisseria Anniversary, but haven't those celebrations always been run by residents, at the Fairgrounds? I'm wondering if they've decided to introduce the new theme in a block of 4 demo regions, as they did quite successfully for Sakura.
  6. Right, Eirynne. I've never noticed boxed KittyCats that don't have hovertext, and I understand that they're no problem anyway. The only boxed ones that I've noticed around have both pictures and hovertext. This is what I was reacting to (my bold): I appreciate not having to see bunches of active 2D breeding boxes with hovertext at ground level. But, 3D or not, LL has imposed a limit on breedables. In the sky or on the ground, having more than 2 is a violation.
  7. So, you are advising KittyCat owners in Belli to put their breeders in low-prim form in skyboxes? Clever! Presumably one could put 30 or so breeding KittyCats in a skybox at the same LI cost as a fairly low-LI vehicle. Of course, that would be a blatant violation of covenant. I assume you're aware that a few of the same Governance Lindens who enforce the covenant inworld are responsible for keeping the forums civil? Do let us know if one of them returns your stash of breeding KittyCats. Oh, also, I believe Patch Linden has only two inworld "children", avatars that he uses for photos. I don't think that qualifies him as a breeder, so people can have as many of those cutouts of him as they like, just as you can have as many unscripted photos of cats as you like.
  8. We all get used to using our favorite landscaping items and furnishings; your pics look like you've done some impressive work. I, too, in the past had whole regions, or sometimes quarter regions, to decorate. I'm not a terrific region designer, but when I began getting Belli homes, I found I had to buy a whole new bunch of low-LI stuff, and go to different stores than I had been used to in the past. Now that there are SO many Belli residents, many of the older stores have begun making good quality, low LI items that are good enough LOD for Belli's small parcels. If you look at some of the more fully decorated homes in the themes you like, maybe you'll see some lower-LI items that can help you furnish more fully.
  9. I assume that the lines are bioluminescent; that is, their color changes with the seasons, like the crystals, the writing on bridges, etc.? Right now they're orange, in the winter they're, what, blue? In the summer, green? And only on at night. I could do the script, if the lines are on a separate face, or set of faces. I would need someone who's more familiar with Fantasseria (maybe @Polenth Yue?) to nail down the seasonal dates and colors (or textures?). I bet the Lindens do this by sending a message to Fantasseria's servers when it's time to change the seasons. Blush, you would probably choose to hard-code the season dates in the shells. ETA: I've already scripted things that optionally switch on at SL night, like my fireflies and my Lost Caves lighthouse. If I had stayed in Fantasseria, I was going to add bioluminescent textures to my seasonal plants system for some ferns and a few flowers, so this isn't a big stretch.
  10. I did assume that KittyCat hovertext could not be turned off, because ALL the KittyCat boxes I've seen inworld have been like those in the OP's pic - with a picture of a cat and hovertext. I suppose people could have a pile of KittyCat boxes inside their homes without pictures and hovertext on them, and I would never notice. *shrugs* On the Fantasseria parcel I mentioned, I never checked to see if anything was for sale, and didn't remain in Fantasseria long enough to see if my AR was ever acted on. Until recently, I had a houseboat neighbor who had KittyCat boxes with pics & hovertext inside their home scattered seemingly randomly about, along with a few wandering breedables that didn't seem to visibly multiply, tho food dishes were out. There was little other furniture. [In case you're thinking I was prying to look inside, hovertext is still kinda hard to miss, tho LL seems to me to have taken steps to limit its visibility behind walls. Still often visible as you walk by, if it's close to the wall.] I didn't report them, as it was no skin off my back ... the region has few homes in it, so lag wasn't an issue, even if some breeding was taking place. If what you say is true, it seems odd to me that so many KittyCat owners purposely turn on hovertext and show the cat pics. But whatever. To my eyes, the confusions in this thread are an illustration of how unrealistic it is to expect Governance to investigate the degree of activity for all the various breedables on the market. Belli is a VERY LARGE themed estate - I believe it's the largest themed estate on the grid. Governance rules must be kept simple if LL is to have a prayer of enforcing them.
  11. Yugen HPMD (Happy Mood) Cerridwen's Cauldron The Looking Glass Aii and Ego LORE Konoha Moon Sha
  12. There seems to be some perception that anyone who sends an AR views themselves as governance police. I doubt that. I only AR when someone's covenant booboo bothers me personally, or when they encroach on public lands in a way that impedes others. I don't know if anyone else feels this way, but KittyCats in boxes strike me as the creepiest collectibles in SL. They don't "read" to me as pets, they read to me like someone took their actual pet, a living creature, stuffed it in a box, and put a bright label on it. A person across the way from me in Fantasseria had 4 or 5 KittyCat boxes out on the front yard, near their porch. Eventually I did AR them, because every time I glanced in that direction there was all that hovertext blaring at me, reminding me that a taxidermist lived there. *shudders* If anyone else feels the same way, maybe dormant breedables get reported more often than, say, addons that are too tall? If there were any way to turn off hovertext on breedable boxes, maybe they would be reported less often. As it was, I halfway expected to hear plaintive meows from the boxes every time I walked by.
  13. There was a pretty good thread about this. Wait a few days, and treehouse shells will be available. But they probably will not have the bioluminescent tree shadow falling across the exterior walls ... it looked to me like the treehouses are seasonal.
  14. Centrally located in Sansara, this Hooper parcel is ideal for explorations of Olde SL on sea, land and air. Long protected waterfront Linden Road pod route adjacent, station nearby No banlines Quiet neighbors, no lag http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Hooper/10/95/25 $L10.9/m2, $L20,000
  15. THESE are Fantasy houses! Patch said they'll show up in the rezzers over the course of the day. Love the ones with the loft and back deck. Also really like that they're made of wood, not stucco. And so much smaller than the original Fantasy homes, leaving the whole parcel to landscape, yay! I have a bunch of fantasy landscaping that I bought, then never used because I couldn't get past the houses. Great job, moles!
  16. To me, "simplifying Lindens' workload" is a perfectly valid reason for the simplicity of Belli's rules. Covenant enforcement is extremely time-consuming, (which is why Belli is LL's first ever covenanted estate), and LL is a very modest-sized company for the service that they provide (well under 300 full-time employees now, I believe). And you are correct, the private estates I've lived in generally have more people doing covenant enforcement per capita than LL can provide, so they can afford more fine-grained rules. Note that those people generally are nowhere near as expensive as an LL employee would be. I'm sad that you cannot tolerate Belli's rules, since you clearly like Belli's water themes; but I'm glad you've found accommodation elsewhere in SL.
  17. I know what I WANT the answer to be! I think that, whenever a new 2048 theme appears, many current rancheros will dash off to the new shiny. So it isn't IMPOSSIBLE that LL would slow down release of new Ranch regions now until they see how a new theme works out, particularly if the new release turns out to be as early as mid-December. Besides, LL still has the original tiles for Ranches active up in the SSP zone. They could deploy new Ranches ANY time ... making the likely arrival of ranches, Very Very Soon™ "Soon™" means .... well ... all in good time. *Boops Quartz and sashays off* .
  18. /me notes that Eli did not ask about Ranches specifically, she asked about 2048s ... and work is progressing rapidly on what appears to be a new 2048 theme. So, one wonders, which of the two was Quartzums talking about?
  19. Presumably you could do a better "texture-only" roof using PBR, but I SERIOUSLY doubt PBR will go completely live before the new theme is released. Even if the new theme shows up late Q1 '24.
  20. An additional two regions in the old light green SSP fantasy buildout area have been restored, SSP2508 and SSP2509.
  21. I am too, and I'm very sad that I've not been able to make time to participate this year. I'm wondering if a numerically significant number of potential participants have been adversely affected by the various geopolitical and meteorological disasters 2023 has brought. Haven't been following concurrency to see if SL in general is unbusy.
  22. I'm very sad that I haven't had any time for SL this fall. But I try to check on the SSP area once every day or three. Work on the new theme has really picked up. There are 4 avatars there at this moment, which is common nowadays. And ... I continue to think that something fantasy-ish this way comes.
  23. If anyone wants a script that does this, send me a private message. Particularly useful if you want to use a piece of furniture outside that just happens to be adult.
  24. I know that data cannot allay such anxiety; perhaps you've had experiences in your RL which inform your feelings. But ... for most of Belli's history I've had at least 3 homes in very desirable locations. I have always used my visitor recorder script, which lists the duration and avatar name/UID of every visit, no matter if it is a repeat. Right after a new theme opens, I see a few people bumble through as they explore the regions. And then it dies down to about 2 very brief visits, obviously "fly-throughs", a month across all properties. Be aware that if you have a water property and someone's boat goes out of control, it can be very disorienting and it may take them several seconds to realize that, while their boat zooms away, they've been bumped out. Particularly if your property is next to a sim boundary. I have never had a griefer of any sort stop by any of my Belli properties when I've been present. I did have a little boy come by and offer to mow the lawn♥️ And I had a mermaid visit to chat and ask about what it's like living in that area. Always wise to have some lemonade and cookies out for these "unsavory characters".
  25. 🐹🐹🐹 🥕🥕🥕 I put some carrots out and they came for them!
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