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Nika Talaj

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Everything posted by Nika Talaj

  1. I like the open floorplan Vics very much too. Tho my Dimanche parcel is perfect for a Shelley, I think I have to try a Verne! Always loved the exterior and windows, couldn't make the interior flow work. I would be surprised if LL makes larger Trads. I don't know if you've ever seen a neighborhood of post-WWII wooden frame "starter homes", but they ARE charming in just the way Trads are. I really loved our Miller Pond Adams, adorable inside and out with no addon. As the description in the demo area seems to hint, in RL modern "starter home" owners tend to create comfy outdoor living spaces for them. In SL, the camera can make small rooms feel claustrophobic, so the open floorplans are a big help. I wouldn't be at all surprised if the P+ theme turns out to be large midcentury ranch-style homes, with Trad-like landscaping. That's how US suburbs evolved, from starter homes to sprawling ranches and split-level homes.
  2. I went to BelliDemo to check out the new open floorplan Vics, it was VERY handy to be able to do that! I found myself wondering one thing. Of course the various home controllers are set up so anyone can use them, premium or basic. So they don't give out the Content Creation packs. BUT ... wouldn't it be nice to set up a separate box at each theme's demo parcel that would give the Content Creation Pack for that theme to any Premium member who touches it? (/me runs off to check LlGetObjectDetails ... yes, OBJECT_ACCOUNT_LEVEL .) So, definitely possible! Save all that tiresome claiming and abandoning homes just to get packs.
  3. Yes! And since both Wetter and Skinny Dip are open water, and there will be a land bridge to Vic Island, then perhaps Vic Island will eventually look something like this. That would completely finish off this long-undeveloped interior portion of Belli, providing not only more of the scarce Vics, but hopefully better water routes from the east VictoriBelle coast. Both to the waterways leading North, and also east to Soft Downs (and therefore to Rigamarole and Fantasseria).
  4. No, it hasn't crashed, but until the map updates we can enter from Carrollton Bay, where there is a bridge to it (tho on my viewer the bridge did not look complete). However, Abnor just arrived, maybe he'll finish the bridge? There will also be a bridge to Vic Island, once that's built out. And of course there are water rez zones. Hopefully there will be more water regions filling in around it, but I don't think any are there yet. It's gorgeous. I don't have time to really explore this morning, but it has lovely gardens in addition to the greenhouse, and the FunFair looks like a hoot. There are pennyfarthing bicycles to ride - oh, and have your sound on when you do the fair rides!
  5. Oh! No, definitely not. As Chloe said, the whole purpose of full perm items in SL is to facilitate creators using them as building blocks to make new products. As consumers, we have to assume that merchants are doing so in accordance with the item license. Beyond that, it's a matter of personal taste and scruples. With most full perm sellers, I'm comfortable that they either made or bought the models they sell. And many merchants, like Chloe, really put work into texturing and/or animating those models. That's why I bought the couch from Petite Mort, I liked the textures, and I trust the fullperm seller that Petite Mort used. OTOH, if I don't recognize a full perm item's creator when I buy an item I like, sometimes I visit the full perm seller's inworld shop. If the shop has a noticeable variety of quality and build styles, and there are items that are often ripped from other games (high quality animals, for instance), alongside of furniture and statues and landscaping and prefabs and NPCs lol, I begin to wonder if the owner really made or bought all these miscellaneous models. Particularly if the shop is just a slab in the sky. But I wouldn't expect others to go to that length to research what they buy. Personally, I don't buy full perm unless I need to, because good full perm items are usually significantly more expensive than buying the same item copy/mod from someone else. For example, when I was landscaping a forested region in a seasonal estate, I bought some "filler" plants full perm. They were sold with AO maps and a sample summer texture. Then I created my own seasonal versions of the foliage in GIMP, and put together a crude HUD so that I could change the ferns, bushes, and grasses either locally or region-wide with a keystroke. I even had fiddleheads that I made invisible when it wasn't spring I had a lot of fun with it and the full-perm plants were definitely worth the price.
  6. Incidentally, we should keep in mind that what we're seeing on weekend sales nowadays is rarely original mesh; it's full perm stuff that is sometimes retextured and often not, with very common anims linked to it. So don't be surprised if some of it looks familiar from other stores. You can tell who actually made the item by looking who the creator is when you edit linked parts. The store owner will usually link the full-perm model to a generic anim plate (root prim) that the store owner made, or sometimes just a tiny cube, so that it looks to a casual buyer like they made it. (The same is true for a lot of clothing in the sales; which is why store owners began putting a script in clothing so that clothing deletes itself when you rez it. You can just turn scripts off on your parcel to defeat that, if you really want to see who actually made a dress or something). I find THS particularly striking in their obvious full perm usage - for example, the tree and rocks scene is all from Reid Parkin, as is. In fact, I'm quite sure that bush with purple flowers was in an old freebie pack of his. Reality Designs is another favorite source for THS, and frankly, I'm not at all sure where those models ultimately come from. I bought the couch from Petite Mort, which is a very nice texturing of a full-perm model from one of my favorite full-perm creators, Joolee Tee. Last time I checked she was no longer making new products.
  7. Welcome, neighbor! I'm in the pink Shelley right near you I love Dimanche, so beautiful, great rez zone, only 11 homes in the region, and I'm hoping that the new Vic Community Center will show up on Vic Island when they finish building it out. Those homes turn over fairly frequently (briefly, my partner and I had 3 of them in a row there!), which I've never understood. Looking forward to redecorating when the open floorplan Vics are released. Btw, does anyone have any clue what this is on the minimap? I flew all the way up (I guess we can only fly up to 5065, who knew) looking for it, didn't see a thing. Except for the moles' little server platforms at 1345 (phantom, so no worries for flight). Also peered underwater.
  8. This is great, I usually miss inworld notices. As a person who would like to attend events, I would love to see 2 threads in the events section that would pull together everything going on in Belli: Belli parties and celebrations (for DJ events, Hammie installations, miscellaneous parties, open houses, art exhibits) Belli activities (for participatory activities, like group sails, horseback rides, hunts) Other ideas? I could see people thinking all Belli events should be in one thread. I could also see people who throw events thinking that each person should do their own thread, as some DJs are doing there. I just feel that Belli forumites would find it easier to look for things happening in only one or two threads, instead of scanning a few pages for the word "Belli" in a bunch of hosts' threads. If I had to look through a few pages, I probably wouldn't bother.
  9. I thought so too, but as @Teresa Firelight pointed out a few posts ago, all those new coastal regions are Homesteads. This is not uncommon on Belli coasts: look at the Newbrooke coast around Sloop John B. I don't know of any Homestead in Belli that has any homes on it. Note that in Lavon, also a Homestead, there are both rail tracks and a train station, with both auto and rail rez zones. And a balloon ride and underwater rail tunnel, in fact. Quite the departure point! Oh, and I take issue with the "undeveloped" characterization of Lost Caves cliffs! They have Log Homes, I live there and faithfully tend my lighthouse.
  10. I'm puzzled, I don't see Love on the list of participants? Where is this arch from? It's taking me a while to do this hunt, I keep taking time to wander. Usually I find the prize somewhere near an obvious path. The Nature Conservancy site is a lovely demonstration of how much you can do in a relatively small parcel. In Yosemite, I took one of their horses out for a trot around. This place is a LOT like a RL camping experience. I think the faun you referred to is at Lost Unicorn. There are an astonishing number of different little forest and fae scenes in this region, it's incredible, and very well done. Just following the path leading out of the welcome area leads you to the prize in a while. Steeliehook Forest was a really fun scenic walk. Landscaping on several levels! Really artful divisions between different scenes. I would love to live near the I Love You a Latte cafe in RL. Its interior is a very fun exercise in Boho Chic, and it has a surprisingly extensive, pretty garden. Sainte Rose is a perfect Riviera hill town. If you're participating in the hunt's photo contest, I highly recommend this stop, it's extremely photogenic and detailed. Don't forget to take a long view from the water as well! I was so busy looking around that I completely forgot to look for the prize, which may take a while since there is no hint.
  11. I see no indication that they would extend the rail line Eastward, but one never knows. If they DO extend it down the West coast (it's a tight squeeze here and there), that single flat parcel in Leatherback (which has a Vic road leading into it) COULD accommodate a train station with dock ideal for a ferry running to and fro between the BelliHub dock and Leatherback, and possibly to the dock in Saltmarsh. That would connect prospective LH residents to Traditional, Camper, Houseboat, Victorian and Log neighborhoods. (And, if they put stilts along that coastline instead of houseboats, stilts as well.) Note that the Moose Tracks line continues all the way down Big Bird lake, and branches in Wazoo to take riders either: South to the station in Axminster that is a short walk from the dock in Rigamarole, departure point to Fantasseria. East to Bridle Path, a terminus that has large docks bordering the stilts. It's also close to Beiramar, where residents can continue across the bridge to the road that leads all the way through the stilts to the chalet's excellent road network. IMHO, rail is really the best way to travel through Logland. Logland roads are charming, best suited to horseback pleasure riding, rather than long-distance travel. And, while you CAN circumnavigate LogLand via water, it's a tedious route.
  12. I don't know ... the terraforming of all the new regions looks done, and I only see room for 1 32x32 flat parcel, at the west end of Leatherback. It gets pretty hilly as you go east. And, flying all the way up the new coastline, like you I don't see room for any more parcels. But I do wonder about both roads and railroads ... there are roads chopped off at the sim edges that lead into the new regions. Plus, there's a branch of the Logland rail that is chopped off at the edge of Moose Tracks, and when they add a new region or more north of there, that railroad maybe could bend around and go down the west coast. Maybe.
  13. Now, THERE'S an entertaining absurdity! LL is usually loathe to impose unenforceable restrictions, but hey, there's always a first time. I suppose we should also look forward to a ban on marketplace transactions while in Bellisseria?
  14. Everyone is free to simply give money to Belli performers and hosts directly. People should. Belli's non-commercial aspect is a big plus to me - not to see tip jars, not to see their hovertext, not to see the more chatty ones attempting to coerce payment by blaring out the latest contribution in local chat. If people are allowed to put tip jars out at their homes, more homes will become clubs. Tip jars will stay out during the many hours of the week that home owners are not DJing. Advertising signage that also collect "tips" will follow. Calendars to let passersby know when DJ HipTwitch spins here. If LL allows this form of commercialism, why not charity donation kiosks? Not the ones that sell things, just the kind that collect donations, very much like tips, right? Harmless! But, frankly, it is a relief to me to have this ONE estate in SL that isn't plastered with RFL kiosks. I'd really like LL to hold the non-commercial line on this question.
  15. PSSSTTTT!!!! IS IT HAPPENING??? The new BelliHub and BelliDemo regions have joined the grid! Much rejoicing! But that's not all! All the empty regions outlined in red have ALSO joined the grid!! They are not yet visible on the map, but there is now a water passage from Saltmarsh to Harvest Market 😎 They will probably show on the map tomorrow. This is only about a fourth of the way to complete the Northwest Passage, but ... oh, it seems like it may happen .... sooner rather than much much later??? Maybe this year? The regions all have real (not SSP) names, and the log-adjacent coastlines are typically mountainous. No parcels as yet - the log coastline may have to be built-out by hand. Of course, the regions between BelliHub and the Pickle and Upper Clump are open water. O frabjous day! CALLOOH! CALLAY!
  16. Wow the green dots are jumping around from place to place QUICKLY. I wonder how soon these will be open to the public? Well, they have the capability now to rez more than one theme from a single home rezzer. Maybe they'll take advantage of that to make demos for all themes available in these 2 regions? I see a single houseboat parcel, and what may be a stilt-on-land extending over the water. Be interesting to see how they handle a 2048 demo. I suppose a really CLEVER rezzer for a 2048 parcel could rez either a single 2048 home, or two adjacent 1024 ones, to give a sense for how close together 1024 homes are. Region name changes are easy, if they decide to go in that direction. Personally, I would name one "Linden Homes HUB" and the other "Belli Demo". That way people searching by name for either "Linden Home" or (misspelled) "Bellissaria" would find what they need.
  17. I have to mention here that What Next's old standing vacuum from their "Spring Clean" gacha, is 2 LI AND, on touch, it gives you a working one with anim (with or without sound!). It will move back and forth as you walk around your house vacuuming, lol. I don't know if What Next sells their old gacha items, but I see a few on the marketplace from resellers. Note that it is not colorchange, but mine is pretty tintable. In the pic, that's actually a pink vacuum (like the one my alt is using), but I tinted it blue. Doubtless the pelican in the background is wondering why I'm vacuuming her dock.
  18. Thank you! I should have updated my viewer before asking ... but maybe it isn't in Firestorm yet.
  19. Abnor, will there be a checkbox in the region details dialog to indicate whether scripted agents are allowed in an estate?
  20. When I brought up my PC today, I was surprised to see Microsoft's splash screen had been taken in SL's Chalets! Oh ... wait ... no, that's Belgium. I have always felt that the Chalets were SO true-to-life, a really well executed theme.
  21. Patch gave a very nice speech off-the-cuff at Belli's birthday this morning. I'm sure someone will be posting it on youtube. Interestingly, he very gracefully thanked all of Belli for contributions to its creation. How have we contributed? By giving positive feedback and suggestions -- he pointed out that since the start of Belli (he first pitched the idea to his team in 2018), LL and the moles have valued residents' ideas and feedback, and tried to make plans that hit the mark for us. (Like the suggestion in the posts immediately preceding this one, @Patch Linden ? Pleeeeese?) In that vein: they are preparing a 2-region welcome area for Belli, that will have samples of all the themes! Yay!!!! I wonder if that's what they're building in SSPBIN & SSPBIS? I hope they can get it done before SL's birthday, so a lot of folks (particularly current 1st gen LH residents) hear about it. He said something about current Belli residents also spending some time there - it might be fun to drop by to answer questions at times. Maybe they'll throw Open House events A thought: that time they had residents decorate LH's for everyone to see at - was it a birthday? - was really fun. It would be great fun if occasionally they did that in the Welcome area, which might reassure prospective residents that YES, you can fully furnish a home with 351 LI. Maybe we could submit builds that we've already done. He also shared that there will be more floorplans (for existing themes, presumably) as well as new themes, following the P+ home release He says they have lots of plans going forward, and he implied that we should watch closely as SLB approaches in June.
  22. Kaylee, and your friend, are correct. A 1024 Bellisseria parcel has 351 LI available for you to use, which you may split up between your house on land and your skybox, however you wish. The Linden Home (House) itself does not count against your 351 LI, but the skybox itself and anything else you rez on the parcel will count.
  23. Oh, thank you! That is one of Juicybomb's autumn EEPs. I turned the sun's glow down a bit and tinkered with its azimuth.
  24. I got this parcel in an odd way. I have been watching Salmon Ella and Indecent Sea, hoping one of the few stilt-on-lands with good water near the Chalet river would be abandoned. But then I noticed a Linden Home here (lower left). I went to investigate, but it was owned by a Linden on the land team. Two weeks later it was still owned by that Linden, and when I looked closer, it had been that way since December! Now, very occasionally a Linden used to take a Linden Home for themselves, but this parcel had no objects, and besides, while it is a very good spot, it isn't terribly special. But it is much closer than my wonderful old stilt to where I want to be, and has good water. So I sent the Linden as nicely worded a query about it as I could manage. The next morning there was a message from them, saying that they guessed they had been holding it for a P+ member who never claimed it, and they had abandoned it. The message had been sent over an hour ago. I was curious to see who got it, and while I was logging in, I sort of idly claimed a stilt-on-land (there has been a shallow queue of them on-and-off lately). And BINGO! This is the view from the back deck, which faces west. So thank you, helpful Linden and Lady Luck!
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