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Amanda Dallin

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Everything posted by Amanda Dallin

  1. The Nose-to-Ear piercing looks a lot like my Zaara : Ayanna nosering. I've got a couple of those with different colored stones. The rest of the outfit looks like Zaara too.
  2. Personally I'd go with the mesh head. The area around the lips and eyes is better defined with the mesh head. It's what convinced me to changed when bento came out so i could adjust the head to be similar to my system head.
  3. I was looking up some of the creators I've not heard of mentioned In the popular skins? thread. Onwar mentioned Cureless[+] where I spotted an outfit I thought could make the base for a navy uniform. It's not exactly historically realistic but I like it.
  4. It's hard to say exactly why but the new shape does seem to look better. Subtle changes can make a big difference.
  5. I like the NirAO by the maker of the Black Dragon Viewer NiranV Dean. It loads with a note card but can use an Oracul formatted card with it and that was the AO I used back in the day so was easy for me. It's also server side so once you load it and turn it on you can detach the AO and the animations still work normally. You have to wear it just once each login. It doesn't have a lot of fancy extras but it's a good basic AO with no script usage once loaded and it's free. I use the FS AO on FS but I use Catznip sometimes and NirAO works great with it.
  6. We judge. We judged your pics pretty darn good.
  7. I took these in my ancient club I built with friends in January 2007. It was popular for several years and we always had people hanging out. Now it's a museum we keep for nostalgia in New Orleans City as a reminder of friends gone but never forgotten.
  8. I hate gachas too. I don't like anything no copy. I've lost too much inventory to waste money on no copy items.
  9. In 2006, Gurl6 had a huge store. It was everyone's go too hair. They had a table with a good selection of free hair for less than 30 day old accounts but of course I ended up buying some too.
  10. It starts in November 2006, my first week in Second Life at the Shelter. Same week in 2006, my first bikini in SL. Also at the Shelter (I hung out there a lot my first couple of months.) January 2008 June 2008 Last night (July 23, 2019)
  11. It's great. I can keep up with this thread while I'm away from home since it emails me new posts which I receive on my phone. yes, I need help.
  12. For the vampire trio I had a horned demon perform the ceremony. He was great. The hard part was finding poses to fit the ceremony
  13. Years ago, I managed a wedding business in SL (2007-2008). We had numerous wedding venues from cathedrals to gothic cathedrals, to woodland settings, and even one set in the clouds. We did help with a few proposals but usually we came in after that. I can tell horror stories about how many prospective grooms made a pass at me while I was talking to him and his bride about the wedding but now isn't the time. My all time favorite was the 3 way lesbian vampire wedding. That one was a blast.
  14. That plus some of y'all have slightly better legs in SL than RL, Not that I can relate to that or anything.
  15. Simone is pretty much the only mesh head I've used. I tried several dozen demos to find one I could make look somewhat like my system head which had been the same since 2007.
  16. I'd be vengeful too if someone did that to my dress.
  17. They told me a while back that lasers wouldn't work for my problem. Maybe that's changed in the past few years.
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