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Tem Haalan

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Everything posted by Tem Haalan

  1. Qwalyphi Korpov wrote: I don't question the wisdom of your request. Problem is I've told people I'm aiming for after the NYSE close already. And some people are watching the count down clock now. Also - I haven't slept for 3 days now & I really can't make decisions anymore. What goes up comes down and vice versa. Don't quote me on that tho. Tem Haalan taps his watch. Still 9 hours to go? Can we have a “non-anticlimax guarantee”?
  2. Tem Haalan sits back... closes his eyes... and imagines..... a smile spreads across his face
  3. Deltango Vale wrote: Bloomberg - Friday 9 November Linden Research Inc., creators of Second Life virtual world, announced today that they have been acquired by CCP Games of Reykjavic, Iceland. Hilmar Petursson, CEO of CCP Games, makers of EVE Online, DUST and World of Darkness, said in a press interview this morning, "We believe very strongly in the future of virtual worlds not only as roleplay/game environments, but as unscripted, immersive spaces with huge social and economic potential. We realized this during development of World of Darkness, although EVE itself is unscripted. The next step was to embrace user-generated content and we felt that acquiring Second Life was the logical step." If we could turn this post into a wish list of what we'd want Qwalyphi’s big announcement to be then this would be close to the top of mine….. EVE Online + SL = Walking in Stations!
  4. Randall Ahren wrote: I was out enjoying a beautiful autumn day: I can see you've been working out Randall :smileywink: Nice shot.
  5. Caitlin Tobias wrote: A pic I took, during last Sundays Breakfast, of our hostess Valerie (Val, I hope you like it, if so..feel free to use it for whatever ) That's a great shot of Val!
  6. There are a few bugs with the feeds and not all the bugs affect everyone. I'm glad you recovered your pictures :smileyhappy:
  7. Qwalyphi Korpov wrote: Tem Haalan wrote: Qwalyphi Korpov wrote: It's okay to guess Can we have a clue? Sure. It's concerning the forums. And it very very big. Bigger than anybody would know. Can we have a clue that you haven't already told us?
  8. Qwalyphi Korpov wrote: It's okay to guess. Can we have a clue?
  9. Madelaine McMasters wrote: While Hoyle wasn't the first to promote this fallacy, he's the one it's named after. Hey Madelaine, I'm not saying it's true... just that I like the quote :smileywink:
  10. Boudicca Littlebird wrote: Man made global warming is a myth. Perhaps I should read the whole thread before jumping in but...... +1 for this statement.
  11. Boudicca Littlebird wrote: So what are you thoughts on my theory of evolution? I've always liked this quote from Fred Hoyle : "The emergence of a living cell from an inanimate chemical soup is about as likely as the assembly of a Boeing 747 jet by a whirlwind passing through a junkyard."
  12. Darrius Gothly wrote: But as "Creation Theories" go, I have one that appeals to me for various reasons. It will possibly tread on a few toes, but then this is a subject that draws fire no matter which camp you call home. In the early days of human kind, before modern man was actually an extant species, the Earth was populated by a number of primate species that had many of the basics already in place. They had begun the rudiments of society, of tribal behavior such as coordinated hunting, history keeping, structured language .. and the like. About that time our planet was visited by a race of space traveling beings .......... Hey Darius, if you haven't already read it you might enjoy this book: Slave Species of God
  13. Cinn (Cinnamon Mistwood) reminded me in another post of a feature that might help you recover some of your Pictures. This link has your photos going back 5 months. A bit longer than your feed & you can save them to your computer from there. https://my.secondlife.com/Devriv/snapshots
  14. Now that is a nifty tip Cinn! I just tried it and managed to find a “lost” photo that was uploaded but never appeared on my feed. Thanks!
  15. Not really flirting... more an acknowledgement of your contribution to this thread... Tem Haalan high fives Ran the Man!
  16. Dillon Levenque wrote: I SWEAR I never took that skirt off! Thank goodness that dress had a pants layer. What was in those brownies, Lil? In this one Dres looks a little surprised by it.
  17. Dillon Levenque wrote: "You have received a message from Second Life: Your object 'aDIVA Couture Field of Dreams Long Flex Skirt (resize)' has been returned to your inventory lost and found folder by Lagrange Space Port from parcel 'HIppiestock' at Lagrange Point 101, 28 due to parcel owner return." I SWEAR I never took that skirt off! Thank goodness that dress had a pants layer. What was in those brownies, Lil? We found the skirt Dillon.........
  18. Can I have another go? Maybe the saddest piece of music ever written...........
  19. I first heard this at the end of the movie "Alive". I didn't actually cry when I heard it but......
  20. Hope I'm not too late for the party Maz! .. someone has already picked a couple that I would have included....:smileywink: Here's my five.....  
  21. Sorry.. just ignore me.... I thought someone else had started this thread.......:
  22. It's a very nice sky. The effect in the photos (especially the second one) is lovely.
  23. valerie Inshan wrote: Tem! Nice to see you post here! Sylvia and you look fantastic as always. You are probably one of the most beautiful couple I saw in SL. This is a lovely picture. Last night, I gave a try to V2 with shadows enabled. And frankly, I loved it, although it slowed a tlittle the viewer performances. But the effects on the house and landscape are stunning. Maybe the vainest couple in SL........? :smileyvery-happy: Valerie... your house looks fantastic. I love the shadows of the trees over the terrace.
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