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Qie Niangao

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Everything posted by Qie Niangao

  1. Well, the acronym is UUID, for "Universally unique identifier" which gets assigned to every asset uploaded or created in SL. That would include an image (or "texture") you might have handy and want to use for a license plate. Not sure you're suggesting it, but it's a really bad idea to use a real-life license plate in Second Life (least of all your own). Assuming you have an image that's safe to use, it needs to be uploaded if it isn't already (using the "+" menu on the Inventory window), and then right-click the resulting texture in Inventory to copy its UUID. But what you do with that UUID to make it apply to a car in-world is going to be between you and that car. There are surely hundreds, maybe thousands of different cars that might have different ways of painting license plates. (The fact you're starting with a UUID instead of simply applying a texture in the editor suggests you're dealing with a no-modify car, which unfortunately is fairly common in lower-end SL vehicles.)
  2. Yeah, this is all pretty strange. I checked my list of Experiences and they include a bunch "enabled for all residents" including "Experience Squeaky Mole", "Horizons", "Linden Homes", "Linden Realms", "New User Experience", "SL15B", "Social Casino", "Social Island 2013-10", "Styngr" all grid-scope, and the land-scope "London City". For PaleoQuest, though, they're using an ordinary experience, "PQ2015", not enabled for all residents. Hence the scary dialog for portal access, I guess. Maybe this is all still part of what Quartz meant by the "fix… in QA at the moment" so maybe the WelcomeHub portals eventually won't need the scary permissions dialog.
  3. Honest question from a committed non-gamer: What would new users of the mobile viewer expect of SL's embedded games such as Paleoquest? It's possible these games could hurt retention more than help, as I suspect the "social casino" does, and whatever that "skilled gaming" mess is—I felt dirty just camming into it, and I'm not even joking. But new users may all come from a sports betting background for all I know, and the successor to Candy Crush may threaten to take their firstborn.
  4. (Just in passing: the SMS network is likely to survive EMP more intact than most communications because it's based on a messaging system from the 1970s. In contrast, anything that relies on GPS will be toast. That's not to say anybody should use SMS for authentication—or much of anything else, for that matter.)
  5. Oh noes! Now my monitor is much too fast for YouTube!
  6. "Sensible" is so subjective, though, when the rules are complex beyond human comprehension. When the results are intuitive, nobody celebrates. When there's an unhappy surprise, it's a conspiracy. Or a wrathful god. Or hallucinating AI.
  7. In a situation more analogous to the one @Aishagain mentions, where manipulating an already-rezzed object causes Land Impact to blow up so the simulator has no choice but to remove some existing content (as opposed to stopping it from rezzing in the first place), something happened this past week that pleasantly surprised me. It ripped the thing I was editing right out of the editor to return it, rather than protecting it as a "selected" object and returning some other item from elsewhere on the land. Pretty sure I've seen that other behavior at some point in the past. That may have been a change in the logic or just a happy alignment of the Fickle Forty-Seven Factors of Fate, but it's sure a lot easier to find an empty sandbox to re-rez and debug the culprit itself than to track down where to restore a randomly selected victim.
  8. Maybe in some categories but overall… I think that group far exceeds "very small". On the other hand, I'm happy to say I've had pretty consistently pleasant experiences with creators who have Marketplace presences in addition to in-world stores, but I absolutely cannot say the same of those who have only Marketplace stores. Maybe there aren't as many of the Marketplace-only merchants as I experience because I never actually buy from Marketplace if I can find the item at the creator's in-world store (why give the Lab a commission for an overall miserable shopping experience?) so my actual Marketplace purchases are disproportionately those who offer no choice. I don't have experience with furry wares so that might be an exception, but I've had quite disappointing results with full perm items bought on Marketplace and now avoid it if there's any practical alternative. Even with in-world stores it's not enough to only have such items in vendors without being able to rez a copy and judge its LOD behavior directly, so full-perm mesh… maybe there are some reputable suppliers I haven't found, but just tick the full perm boxes, do a search, and see what you get. It won't be pretty.
  9. Just mute the merchant and get on with Second Life. That merchant making a "report" is like peeing in black pants: they'd get a warm feeling but nobody notices—and they know that perfectly well but think they can use the threat to extort a change of review. Ideally your partner will learn that Marketplace is mostly a den of thieves and move on to dealing with real creators at real shops and events. Leaving Marketplace reviews is mostly a fool's errand (especially if the merchant has no in-world store).
  10. No idea what those products are or what they do, but I probably wouldn't invest too much effort in emulating it because there's a new feature coming soon that should make it obsolete. This cribbed from Inara Pey's indispensable Modemworld blog (emphasis mine) : I guess that assumes you can seat the to-be-hidden avatar. And I presume it doesn't hide the nametag (customarily a griefer exclusive).
  11. Not exactly, but I was going to suggest anyway: If a notecard changes, its key changes, so the changed() event can check the current notecard keys in inventory against their keys the last time they were read to determine which if any of them were responsible for triggering this particular changed() event. (I'm generally skeptical of multi-state scripts unless there are advantages to having only some events active only some of the time—but as a learning experience, go for it!)
  12. This AI-based virtual world Companion and confidante would be really challenging to get right, but ultimately vastly rewarding, and not only for Second Life. Let's take it as a given that it's an opt-in, on-demand thing. When it's in the way, just tell it to scram and it's gone until you ask for it back or it detects and very discretely suggests it might be useful. And assume it has some trustworthy privacy agreement so folks can share any or all of their in-world excursions with the Companion without feeling embarrassed or afraid it'll tattle on them. Unlike a Mentor, there's nothing to prevent the AI Companion from seeing into the user's viewer, for viewers and users that choose to share, just like sharing a desktop for remote troubleshooting. (I suppose a Mentor could get that, too, but that would be asking a tremendous amount of them.) Come to think of it, never mind the newbies: I want one of these Companions for myself, preferably one that could suggest a better strategy for managing Inventory and critique my Adult role-play. There's a business here, I'm sure of it! __________ *That probably sounds scary, but every login session already can be logged by the Lab to whatever level they want; it's what they do with that information that matters.
  13. I don't think so. This sounded way more elaborate than anything I've seen happen, so I had to get in-world to try it, and I can't figure out a way to make it happen: it just blocks rezzing by the owner if it would overflow the parcel's Land Impact, even if more than enough of that excess is from prims owned by others, not set to the land group, that would be autoreturned eventually anyway. (That's on individually owned land, and rezzing directly from inventory. If there's some other situation involved, I can probably set up to try that, too.)
  14. I may have made it sound more similar than it probably is in reality. It happened that I used two different viewers, so that sorta had to be mentioned in case it was actually relevant, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't. Somehow it's possible for PBR viewers to be oblivious to external changes in rezzed PBR materials which they have cached. I don't think it matters how those changes were made, as long as the very act of making the change didn't update that cache. Yesterday Dan Linden updated the Canny report to set it "tracked" and add that it was linked to an existing internal report of the same bug that he didn't think was fixed yet. That news is a relief that others have seen it so it wasn't some really weird, irreproducible thing I did to make it happen. (I'm a little worried that we may have lost the ability to see internally reported bugs, which were a large part of the old jira, now that the Lab still has jira and we don't… but maybe this case was an artefact of the transition.)
  15. "I am your father!" cried he-"Young Rip Van Winkle once-old Rip Van Winkle now--Does nobody know poor Rip Van Winkle!"
  16. Uh oh. Is there a Monty monkey attached?
  17. After pondering this for a really long time, I'm pretty sure we're just wired so differently we're mutually unable to understand the other's position. (Practically, it probably makes no difference because it's unlikely the Lab (or TPVs) will invest the development effort, up to their eyeballs in PBR, game controllers, and whatever they expose to LUA. So it wouldn't get built anyway if I were to resubmit this decades-dormant idea. Although I might, we'll see.) Part of what I don't understand is who's ox would be gored by parcel derendering: the visitor wanting to see the optionally masked content, or the neighbor with the content masked by visitors who've enabled the option. For it to be the visitor, they'd need to have enabled the option and forgotten it's enabled. Visitors who perceive that as a risk could simply never enable the option, analogous to never accepting Experiences or sticking with their own private EEP. So for this to be a problem, the visitor must want to enable the option sometimes and then forget to disable it. But they don't even have the option now—the very option they must sometimes want enabled—so I really can't see how they lose something by being offered that option they wanted. In the scope of things landowners can do to visitors on their parcel, offering an option they might have forgotten they'd enabled seems pretty innocuous. Besides exotic stuff such as Environments and Experiences, a landowner can actually teleport a visitor home, off the parcel's entire region, with or without warning or explanation. I'd never suggest any landowner ever do such a thing, but there are those who think it can be justified. So if not the visitor, maybe it's the neighbor who'd be done wrong. But here again, I don't see how the neighbor would be worse off from this option compared to things a landowner can already do. Landowners can (and often do) put up a wall hiding that neighbor's content, likely the same content they'd set their parcel to derender. The wall is different because the neighbor can see the wall while standing on their own parcel, so they know it's hiding their content. More likely, though, the neighbor is bothered by the view of the landowner's wall from the neighbor's own parcel, more than how some of their content may be blocked when viewed from another parcel. Still, it's true that a derendering option would change the view of the neighbor's parcel without that neighbor seeing it (unless they go and view it from the landowner's parcel). But a landowner already can do surreptitious EEP to the neighbor's content; for fun, I just did this to my Belli neighbor's houseboat: If I left it that way, they'd never know unless they came over to my parcel and looked back. Would the neighbor be justified in taking offense that I chose to add EEP content to my parcel that interacts with theirs when viewed at certain angles from my parcel? Again, I don't think so, especially compared to my erecting a wall. And walls is what the option is mostly about: If a landowner can hide content they don't want to see from their own land without building a wall, I think a lot fewer walls will get built, which makes a better view from both sides, and from everywhere else, especially including other nearby landowners and those just passing through the area. That's why I think this would make a better Mainland.
  18. I'd start with https://avsitter.github.io/avsitter2_prop.html AVsitter props can be used without the multi-sitting/animation system, but if the objective is to have them disappear when the sitter stands up, it's probably easiest to just use the seating stuff too. Setting it up based on examples isn't exactly scripting but it's a bit of a discipline unto itself. (The source for the AVsitter scripts themselves is all free on github or grab a copy from somebody who has one already.)
  19. Yeah, I think this whole discussion of needing AO at object-scale in addition to material-scale is heresy, but it's already in the suggestion box: If SSAO did what I thought it was supposed to, it would do all this automatically. As it stands, I'm really not sure it's doing anything at all.
  20. That might be one option, and TPVs could feasibly do that much themselves, reading the parcel description as they did for altitude-specific Windlight and doing whatever rendering magic it would take to suppress out-of-parcel items. I assume, though, it would actually be easier to derender a tractable list of specific items if there were some way of communicating that list to viewers that already know how to derender a tractable list of specific items. I'm afraid I'd much prefer keeping most of the environment intact, just suppressing the parcel-surrounding walls, the low-hanging skyboxes, etc. Personally, I'm not looking for that private space—it's not as if that's unachievable if I did want it—rather I just want a better Mainland.
  21. I'm still trying to understand. Clem also said this: … which was always the intent: a viewer setting to enable or override parcel-scope derendering, same as EEP. But I get the sense that even so there's some way they're considered not comparable, and I'm just not understanding it. Being a viewer option, it would offer the visitor the choice of temporarily hiding some objects, which seems distinct from removing them because they'd all be restored with a click, so I'm not really seeing how a censorship analogy works here. A library doesn't censor all the books that aren't on the top shelf. Should a neighbor's ability to erect walls that diminish a landowner's parcel be favored over that landowner's ability to offer parcel visitors a view without those walls? I'm not seeing the business value of that asymmetry (unless to drive more Mainland customers to Belli or Estates). Whether it should be "opt-in" or "opt-out" doesn't seem significant as long as it's a "sticky" setting the way the EEP "shared environment" setting works. (I'm not sure now whether that's the default or not, I've changed it so many times.) Also, I guess band-aid solutions are the very nature of social problems. It's certainly true that somebody who really wants an isolated, private setting will only get from this a sucky substitute for a void-surrounded Estate island. But those who want to contribute with other residents to something more expansive, complex, and diverse than any one person's vision are not looking for that private setting, they're looking for a Mainland where their contributions can be seen by those who want to share them. By its very nature that takes some band-aids.
  22. Yeah, that's what I was mumbling about with this:
  23. Tried retesting and had to add this to the Canny report: Or maybe it was just a fluke somehow? But it's not like I imagined it: there were easily a dozen distinct surfaces with different modifications that were ignored until I cleared cache. Currently, the Ferrari channel region is running the same simulator version as the Main channel, but I couldn't replicate the problem on either channel today. The Ferrari region where it happened before hasn't (yet) been restarted for six days, long before the problem appeared, so that's not a factor in the failure to replicate there today.
  24. I agree, unless the person wants to, because for example they want to enjoy a mainland area that the person who owns it specifically set up. I wonder if that couldn't be done through something like Experiences which does ask the visitor if they want it. I could imagine it being part of a land-scope Experience, but I'm genuinely puzzled by the reactions that this would somehow "control" what visitors see, any more than what EEP already does. Understanding that both are just choices of viewer options, do folks who would have a problem with a parcel-scope derender list also have problems with parcel-scope EEP? If not, why does derender seem problematic if EEP doesn't?
  25. The cache is a black box to me. It's clear that the viewer did a fine job of populating the cache and using what was in there, but somehow it didn't know to get a replacement from the region. I imagine that could be the fault of the viewer or the region or even the foundational SL implementation of glTF Materials. I filed the bug report under viewer and supplied only viewer versions as "Platform" info but later changed that to include server version when regions were restarting and I remembered that for some reason the region is on the "Ferrari" release channel, which I've never actually seen anywhere else.
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