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Qie Niangao

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Everything posted by Qie Niangao

  1. The discrepancy is largely historical: For years and years and years, the viewer would routinely corrupt its cache. Like, all the time. That happens much less often now. It still does happen, however, and the "never ever clear cache" religion is just as superstitious as the old cult of clearing cache at the drop of a hat. Also, there's a popular bit of wishful thinking that what's in cache is of tremendous value to viewer performance. It helps some, sometimes, but if you move around the grid much, the cache's utility is pretty fleeting.
  2. Yeah, if it's triggered by SL and not heat related it's most likely a fault either with the power supply or with memory. LinX sounds like a good thing to try, but I'd probably start with memtest86 to check all that quad-channel memory in the OP's machine. Assuming both power supply and memory check out, and just because the OP describes some fairly new hardware, I might suggest checking the motherboard manufacturer's site for critical updates to BIOS or drivers (besides any new graphics card drivers, as already suggested).
  3. phaedra Exonar wrote: May be I just need to learn to use the short cuts OMFG yes! The best thing I ever did to improve my SL quality of life was to forever close that cam control window (as a newbie, back when Viewer 1 was cutting-edge) and force myself to use only Alt-zoom and Control-Alt-swivel. The second-best thing was at the start of Viewer 3, getting rid of all the toolbar buttons and learning the control-key equivalents for everything I actually use. (The third-best was replacing all HUDs with self-scripted ones that use the barest minimum of screen space only when necessary -- but that's a much bigger step, and an ongoing battle.) Oh, about this viewer: I've been using it for a long time, while still in RCs, and it's definitely a big win for the way I use SL: moving a lot, camming a lot, but with relatively short draw distance. I'd be interested to see if it's as much an advance for those who use SL differently, and therefore maybe don't have such constantly and rapidly changing scene contents.
  4. It does seem much better, and that's genuinely encouraging. Coincidentally, I was just looking at Jeff Atwood's discourse.org (as BoingBoing is using for their "BBS", replacing Disqus) and wondering if it might be better than conventional forums for Second Life. Or maybe, if SL ever gets hot again, a third party might be motivated to launch a Discourse-based site (assuming they haven't already).
  5. And here is something unusual: an auction that's set for a $2.50 / sq.m. opening bid. It's large and it's waterfront, true, but rather unremarkable Jeogeot waterfront that doesn't border on a Linden water parcel or anything, and is weirdly shaped. One thing about this location: I very vaguely recall that this may have been where Scope Cleaver's house used to be -- it was around here somewhere. (If you don't know who Scope Cleaver was, then never mind.) I'm guessing this is just a mistake.
  6. Yeah, you'd want to use some scripting language to scrape the html source returned by the search.secondlife.com query, and PHP is as good as any for something like this I suppose. I'm pretty sure you can't do it directly with LSL in-world scripts because, as I recall, you can't access the search URL from inside a script. You can probably still get around that using an external "reflector" service that simply relays queries and responses to sidestep the address restriction, but while you're at it there's not a lot more effort involved in scraping the results than just relaying them.
  7. Instead of Collada88, I'm guessing you may mean Collabor88, but they appear to be between events or something. I'd definitely second the suggestion to check out Trompe Loeil and, particularly for houses, I'd add Barnesworth Anubis (in the theme of extreme oldbies who keep advancing the art). Also (a bit in the mode of FaMESHed), most every creator from whom I've bought recently can be found in the cluster of sims starting at "The Nest" and heading south to "TMD" (for "The Men's Department"). Pretty much everybody who was showing at the recent "Home Show 2014" seems to have a shop in or near The Nest. Of course, if one is seeking something period-specific, it may be good to visit regions that cater to that period. Bay City for Art Deco, for example.
  8. She needs to have editing and building rights. Those are two different things -- at least. The thing you can change in your profile affects her ability to edit objects you've already created (and is frustratingly unpredictable as to what it actually permits her to do. The thing you'd do by having a common group affects what's permitted on the land itself, which may include the permission to "build" -- rez new objects on the parcel from the Build tool or from Inventory. Group membership may also include editing the terrain itself (along with a host of other parcel settings), so maybe that's what you meant by "edit." Incidentally, I quite agree that deeding the land to a group is almost always better than any alternative, but technically it's possible to get what you're probably wanting, for now, by just setting the land to a group shared by you and your alt, and adjusting parcel permissions as necessary, while still retaining individual ownership of the land.
  9. There are additional monthly fees, called "tier", typically higher than the original purchase price. This page lets you set your tier level and shows the cost for additional sq.m. of land. To buy Mainland, you are not limited to land at auction. Only a tiny amount is at auction, compared to all the Mainland that's for sale by other residents. The reason that Mainland can command some up-front "purchase" cost whereas Estate land is usually just "first week's rent in advance" is that the monthly Mainland tier is generally somewhat lower than the rent for a comparable amount of land on an Estate, and that's because full Estate sims have higher monthly fees paid to LL. (You can also rent Mainland from other residents, and that can be cheaper than owning it yourself, but I'm thinking you're wanting to buy.)
  10. I'm not following all this, but skimming the original post suggests that this may be trying to use built-in object ownership as an inappropriate proxy for RP "ownership" of RP resources. I mean, there may be a happy coincidence where the semantics of those two realms overlap helpfully, but it's much more likely that SL object ownership is too restricted (for commercial, security, privacy, or other reasons) to serve the intended RP function. I mean, is it really necessary -- or even useful -- that ownership of RP resources coincide with avatar Inventory, as opposed to the "inventory" of some RP game server and associated HUDs?
  11. Unger Stine wrote: I have some land with plenty of prims. Turning off scripts (for everyone) didn't help. It once again returned them to me. Okay. That was kind of grasping at straws anyway. But just for completeness, did you check that your own scripts wouldn't still try to run on the land? In the past I've had to jump through some elaborate hoops with alts to test script-disabled land, but that may have been on group-owned land, I'm not sure. You mention that you own land. If that means you're a Premium member, it may be worth filing a support ticket on this one. I would guess that a Linden might be able to relax the criteria for failed rezzing. Maybe. (One other grasping-at-straws thing: You were trying to rez directly on the ground, correct? Not on a built surface -- particularly not atop a Mesh, right?)
  12. Have you tried getting a friend to disable scripts on a parcel with lots of spare prims? (I'm not sure where one could find a script-disabled sandbox, but that's basically what I'm suggesting.) It may not matter anyway, because I suspect the problem is that it's just taking too long to load all those scripts into sim memory, which it would have to do even if the scripts were disabled from running once loaded. On the other hand, it would also take some time to slot the scripts for running -- watch the nosedive in sim FPS when a heavily scripted avatar teleports into a region -- so just maybe having scripts disabled would be enough to get the stuff rezzed under the cut-off. Worth a try, I think.
  13. If it ever happens, I expect it would be at a very much higher price than would be charged a full-sim-owning Estate for the same Homestead. At every opportunity, I try to hint that this would make sense. Basically, give all Estates the old, "grandfathered" prices for all Homesteads, and let the rest of us have them for the current price. If that's not enough advantage for the Estates to make margin, then they fussed far too much back when the price increased.
  14. Right; the mistake was linking all three together. Instead, one can link the floor and ceiling prims and make them both convex hull, then leave the hollowed-cube "walls" prim unlinked, and end up with the land impact of 2 instead of 3. But then you still end up staring at the inside of a hollow cube, which can never be properly textured. Maybe I'll break my own rule and fire-up Blender just long enough to find the land impact of a minimal hollow box. Or maybe not. It's not terribly practical, even if it happens to save one LI. On the plus side, each inside wall can get its own texture, but I'm sure it would have all the cam control drawbacks of a regular hollow cube prim, plus the unpredictable destination of objects one tries to rez on the surface of any mesh. (Could it be that this latter problem isn't known to the Lab?)
  15. Join the club. There's no reason LL doesn't supply llName2Key -- it's not as if they're preventing any griefing, only adding extra processing load for each query. So instead, if it's that important, you'll have to do what others have and just keep hanging alternative methods onto your scripts, to recover when the less resource-consuming methods fail. But search.secondlife.com results do seem to include the agent key. Assuming you're using chrome, try for example: view-source:http://search.secondlife.com/?query_term=Qie%20Niangao&collection_chosen=people# and search that source for "result_ The following text, up to the closing double-quote, is my UUID.
  16. Kenbro Utu wrote: Kelli May wrote: Rez a prim, size to 30m cube, hollow to maximum. Copy and rotate 90 degrees on the y-axis. Congrats, you have the most basic room available. TWO PRIMS!. Now convert to convex hull -- ONE PRIM! Naughty! (The convex hull of a hollow cube is a not-hollow cube. So I suppose it's still in the running for "the most simple 'skybox'" because it's one that can never be cluttered with avatars inside.) [ETA: I actually meant to add something potentially useful: For some meaning of "most simple", a single 8-faced mesh model would beat anything you could do with prims here. Not sure if it would have a Land Impact of 1 at scale, but it would be simpler to render, at least.]
  17. I think there's a difference, though. The warning sign is apparently enough to keep the poster's account from being deleted for merely recording the text without being present during the chat -- and I agree that such remote monitoring is a kind of disclosure inasmuch as the chatter has lost control of who might see the chat (assuming the sign need not specify all parties to whom the remotely monitored chat may be disclosed, lacking any guidance about the sign's required contents). But that immunity from account termination wouldn't guarantee the poster a right to make public that chat log in a Marketplace review nor other Lab-hosted services. Could a chat log collected under a warning sign be disclosed privately in-world, as in IM, without violating ToS? I think even that is open to debate, given the wording of that KB article. The section about disclosure is pretty direct about requiring "consent", not merely "knowledge or consent" -- but then later it further constrains scripted remote monitoring or logging to require consent, too, and I'm not seeing the distinction between that and the earlier remote monitoring that was somehow kosher just for having some unspecified but "clearly visible" sign.
  18. But isn't that a different rule, though? It seems to be about remote monitoring, not about sharing chat logs via Linden (or other) services. (In case that's not an obvious distinction, consider how they also distinguish between collecting IP addresses for the landowner's private fetish of banning suspected alts, vs making public the landowner's suspicions.)
  19. Basic avatar eyes use the same texture on both sides. See this handy reference site for a beginning creator's discussion of all this stuff. Note, however, that more and more of the avatar is commonly being replaced by custom (especially fitted) mesh, as discussed above as a way of getting asymmetrical tattoos. Same works for eyes, and there are certainly mesh eyes, but that's a simple enough body part that there have been prim eyes for a long, long time.
  20. There's a two month gap in posts to this thread; I don't know why it's again top of mind. In any case: 0seagypsy0 wrote: You can record a conversation if you have a sign blatantly posted in the area hte conversation takes place. Where did you get that idea? Such a sign might prevent the conversation-poster's account from being deleted -- although getting explicit consent would be much safer -- but that doesn't keep LL from deleting the posted conversation from their services. As far as I can follow the claim here, you posted some chat to your blog, and somebody else posted some possibly doctored chat to a Marketplace review. The latter was taken down. Of course the Lab isn't going to go after your blog, and of course they're going to remove a chat log from their Marketplace site -- whether or not it's a true record, and whether or not it was collected under some warning sign. Thing is, you got this part exactly right: 0seagypsy0 wrote: they can, that's true, but they would lose revenue if htey did that. ... but you didn't take the conclusion quite far enough. The Lab really, really does not care about any spats between Markeplace merchants, customers, etc. The Marketplace sales commissions make only a razor-thin margin over the cost of keeping the service running (such as it is), so the Lab can't afford to spend any more time policing it than is absolutely necessary to keep the masses comfortable continuing to use Second Life. And that's even more true for non-Marketplace abuse reports. It's all well and good to have principles, but there's no more motivated Libertarian than someone for whom enforcing the rules is a cost of doing business.
  21. Cannot rez anything? Usually that error message is limited to a particular scripted object that's somehow confused the sim in the recent past. I just went to Ciarnau, found a parcel that allows public building, and successfully rezzed some scripted objects there, so I don't think it's a sim problem. Couple things you can try: one is to take whatever's not rezzing on Ciarnau and try it in a sandbox on another sim. Second, see if Ciarnau will let you Wear the thing, and if that works, Drop it.
  22. RitterAlvarez wrote: You obviously are one of those who feels the inante need to put down, degrade, or insult anothers efforts.Why? because most likely you lack the ability to even attempt these yourself. This guy Maximillian is taking tattoo's to a new level and no doubt when they take off they'll be plenty of others doing the same.Good for him....Tattoo designing on SL has basically become stagnant, the same ol same ol. Nothing new , the same boring designs , smudgy tribals, Bad details with the most ridiculous colors.Someone that takes the chance, puts in the effort and ups the bar as for putting out something new should be commended for his efforts OFFS. Did I say anything bad about your buddy's mad skills tattooing virtual arms with pixel ink? No, I did not. But come on. We're not talking about rocket surgery here. It's just friggin' tattoos, the whoopee cushions of fashion.
  23. Superior to the Bieb's ink? Perish the thought! But of course there's only one authentic Tattoo!
  24. Be all that as it may, it's reassuring to learn that Justin Bieber tattoos are still in fashion.
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