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Kristin Burner

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Everything posted by Kristin Burner

  1. mew mew ma mew :matte-motes-bashful-cute: You can already get full mesh avatars, as detailed as you like, or make it your self as detailed as you like. The ones i have seen are all extreme body porportions, or odd critters like scary bunnies, strange looking dwarf girls, or my favorite, cute little hamsters that get you kicked out of sims because its ok to rape and murder but not to be a hamster,
  2. mew mew ma mew mewp :matte-motes-bashful-cute: Mesh heads are great, butttttttttt, talk about being a clone. That why i have not gotten that last great mesh head, that looks fantastic, but i am afraid that if i walk in a room and there 10 others with the same mesh head, well, hahahah, you can imagine.
  3. mewing mewers mow mewing mewpers :matte-motes-bashful-cute: Just wondering if you found me Extreme Mesh Haters Of SL Extreme Mesh Lovers of SL I can yawn longer then anyone, and streach farther then you can see
  4. mew mew ma mewping mew :matte-motes-bashful: I really like what you did with that picture. If you want more pictures to practice i would gladly let you take one of me , i have zero ability to edit a picture beyond cropping it.
  5. mew mew ma mew mewp :matte-motes-asleep-2: Try G Field they have demos. It lets you change the strap configuration to yay Heres the SLURL. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/YABU/155/130/24
  6. mew mew ma mewping mew :matte-motes-bashful: Just say no to PUBES, Thank you for your listening
  7. mew mew ma mew :matte-motes-asleep: I have perfect fitting belts, there part of the mesh outfit. Thats the best way. You cant use the belt seperately but thats ok. I believe you can make a seperate mesh belt far better than any sculpted belt. I have seen plenty of sculpted belts, and if they dont fit they do not adjust very well at all. Of course if you dont make it your self to fit you exact shape, then it will be in the standard sizing plus or minus the errors lower end designers make when using standard sizing.
  8. mew mew ma mew pew :matte-motes-bashful: Maybe its there rules, most sims have insane rules. I have stopped going to a lot of sims due to hypocritical rules enforced by big heads. Even Bahamas, you can get ejected for wearing a tail. Personally those sims deserve to lose there traffic for the most part.
  9. Mew mew ma mewpie peeuuu :matte-motes-asleep: Its not that hard, all you really need is this reference: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LSL_Portal A possible starting point of learing would be: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Category:LSL_Controls Depending on what you really want to do, you may need to actual layout a set of requirements and a design. You will also need animations as well, etc etc. You could also just create a hud that triggers animations, the same way you AO does. If your willing to pay RL development rates, i would be happy to get you started, but then you would be broke by the end of the week, so i suggest you take this as an opportunity to learn. mew
  10. Mew ma mew I disagree, i think its a great feature and hope it continues and grows. I have no issues on my newby home and i love that the outside is controlled. Its also a mega bargain. I see no purpose in having more, since most that use them are likely like me, they just need a private place to go to open boxes and try on cloths. The newby home was the incentive that turned me premium.
  11. mew mew a mew :matte-motes-bashful: 12,000, thats funny, if i can get mine down to 12,000 i would consider that almost no inventory at all. When i did my first real inventory clean, i wiped out 50K. My most recent one was just over 20K, good bye Peace On Earth hunt 2010, but hello POE 2012 hahahha
  12. mew mew ma mew ベジタリズム sa sa I have a few good stories about unexpected vistors that this little ol post has recalled, but nowadays, if i tp home and some odd newby is standing in the corner looking all scary and well newbie, its just into the ocean with them. Now for something completly to cute, a song about liking vegetables: Becarefull, highly addictive it may become
  13. All your bandwith are belong to me bwaaaaaaahahahahhah mew mew ma mew, boo :matte-motes-asleep-2:
  14. mew mew ma mewp I really hope i dont meet her in some dark pixelated alley. That is a TT - Trans Tes ticle , sorry could not help it, it just reminds me of something from long time ago. hahahaah, i dare you to buy it hahahhahahha
  15. mew mew ma mewer kapoowwww :matte-motes-asleep: It history, toast, kapoofied, gone to the great pixel in the sky.
  16. mewping all day long :matte-motes-bashful: I though dance animations were meant to be put in disco balls. Anyways, dance machine makers sell you the machine, dance machine owners buy the animations and drop them into the machine. So i guess you can go that route for your not a dance machine but has dance aniimation in it. I have a dancing machine i put on my head, and i buy my dances to put in them, so that seems to be the way most go. But if you really want to include a dance and not have them put there own in, then just hire a animator to create one for you. Another way to go could be to form a relationship with a dance animation place, and give them royalties for each sale. I am sure you can think of other ways that have not been mentioned in the replies, thats the fun part of having your own business figuring it out
  17. mew mew ma mew mewp I am a professional stander arounder in second life haha, but scripting stuff can be fun, heres a good excersise: Script an object to let you create a polygon. Then when they hit finish, protect the area by detecting when any avi walks into the polygon and knock them out with a warning first of course Personally i would nto even think about findign a job in SL, thats just insane, if you want to actually use SL to work do it for yourself or to help out friends.
  18. Mew mew ma mew pew :matte-motes-bashful: Happens to my new mesh hair every time, have to click my head to make it appear again. TP's are ok. Soooo, how do you report bugs nowadays
  19. mew a mew mewwwwwww, love is but a song we sing A sis is a must, you cannot live without a sis, nothing else matters, we are but a moment's sunlight fading in the grass, you need your sis, and thats it.
  20. mew a mew a poo poo poo :matte-motes-delicious: Since i never ready anything like that for more then one word before it makes my head explode in pure boredom, my initial view says its has nothing to do with SL, but a seperate product. So not sure why that would make you think SL is going to the way of little kid games, since SL has been full of those since the beginning, might say 18+ before but believe me, the perception was 14- hahah. For some reason me wants to make an animated poo, a poo meshie
  21. mewp a mewp You can do it with one prim, use a sphere, hollow it then dump in a script that on touch will set the path cut to make it look like a pacman haha. Then walk in, click it again to close the mouth. Now i have a good idea for a new security feature, eaten by a pacman if you get to close
  22. Mewp :matte-motes-grin: I have found a few free eyebrows on the tattoo layer and just the other day believe it or not, i tell you no lies or may the pink pixel fairy turn all my pixels black, i found one called forgot to tweeze your eyebrows today hahahah, nice big thick ones, guarenteed to cover up the skin texture one i kid you not hahah
  23. mew mew ma mew Soooooo, the alpha sucks, or the store did not give you one, or you got one but they forget to put the alpha texture on it. Make it yourself, thats what i do. It took me about 1 hour the first time to find the instructions, but once you know, you can whip out custom alphas quickly. Use the local viewer to test it in world, dont know how to do that, just look it up on google. I got a hair from exile that was rigged mesh had a terrible alpha that could not have been tested properly, so i made my own, now i am happy yay, hahah
  24. mew ma mew Generalizing people in SL is something i end up doing a lot to. I think it might just be that we interact with so many more people, and the text chat medium might be why. I do get really tired of the exact same thing being said at me, that i know repsond with, "Are you reading from the manual" in which i usally get the ? reply which causes an instant generalization of that person being really drooling on there keyboard stupid hahah. Anyways, go to some good live music events or clubs with a good mix of people. There will usually be some public sort of conversations going on that you can join, jus make sure its not an Adult sim or you will be perved a lot in IM. Also try DJ events, if you find a good place and show up there a lot you will end up making friends that you can talk to without wondering if they need a new keyboard or not hahah Thats one way anyways, you could join the roller derby league to
  25. mew mew ma mew, ommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmfffffffffffffffffffffffggggggggggggggggggggg, my prim brain is gonna explode, pleaseeeeeeeeee, arrggggggggg, nothing made me crazier then this rotation stuff with linked prims, sorry that was not helpful to you, but its my warning to you now, run quick before its to late
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