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Wulfie Reanimator

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Everything posted by Wulfie Reanimator

  1. You can't make a mesh model without a physics model at all. Everything on SL has to have a physics shape, even if it is ignored by the physics engine. And you can absolutely turn off the physics shape of any individual prims in a linkset. Only the root has to have a shape. See: Two default box prims linked together, link 2 set to no physics shape.
  2. If you're referring to me as the lobbyist, I said very clearly that modify permissions are required in my previous post. (Two posts ago.)
  3. "I don't understand the cloud, so I don't like it. The problem must be the cloud. I refuse to help myself because it has to be cloud." Here lies the thread.
  4. BOM is enabled with special textures, as demonstrated by the Omega applier. I think you will be able to enable BOM with the edit window as well if I recall.
  5. No. Most of the mainstream mesh bodies are no-mod but have some kind of applier system built-in. The new Bakes On Mesh textures will have some kind of static UUIDs that can be given to appliers like Omega. LSL functionality for BoM has been suggested early in this thread already. We can only hope.
  6. So you're saying "stupid people" deserve their accounts getting broken into? Now that is prime stupidity.. And that's not even the only way to have it happen. Using the same password on multiple sites and any one of those sites getting hacked (which DOES happen, and LL doesn't have any special immunity) puts all of your accounts at risk. But I guess that just falls into stupidity in your books too, as well as getting a virus or man-in-the-middle attacks, or any possible way your password might be exposed.
  7. This kind of verification is EXTREMELY common and easy to implement these days. It doesn't have to be done on every login, the confirmation could only be done once per device and/or once every X hours/days.
  8. Functions like llSetLinkColor take a number that determines which face to color. ALL_SIDES is the same as -1. Instead, you can use a number between 0 (first face) and 7 (if it has that many).
  9. The problem happens regardless of your LOD settings, the highest detail just won't be loaded. Also, options 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 12 and 13 in that article are fixes you can and should try even if you don't have Google Chrome installed because the fix is general and has nothing to do with Google Chrome. Especially 2-5 and 12. Whatever happened to getting those crash logs, by the way?
  10. Hasn't this been a problem with sculpts since.. sculpts came out? It's an LOD problem, the highest level just doesn't get loaded sometimes for some sculpts. It can happen with mesh hair too, but it's way more common with sculpts (probably because sculpts are loaded through those JPEG2K textures, which themselves don't get prioritized properly sometimes unless you cam close and wait or right-click the object).
  11. Have you tried manually rebaking from your viewer? I can only guess though, my accounts (4) don't have the issue.
  12. That's a trade between performance and data. It's not practical for someone with a data cap or slow connection (not to mention WiFi sgain). But also having to log into your account on someone else's computer and them being able to monitor literally everything you do, including knowing everything you type, reading your nearby chat and IMs, and visually watching you. If you're comfortable with all of those downsides, more power to you. You don't need anywhere near a $2k PC for SL, either.. Even $1k+ just for SL is wasteful.
  13. Ladies and gentlemen.. I present to you.. BEHOLD
  14. Reading it again in that context, you might be right. "A blue dial" was very vague, I was thinking web profile loading since grey textures and WiFi was mentioned.
  15. Then what is the graphics card? Did you omit the model because you don't know what it is, or because you don't want to say what it is? Either way, how can you assure anything with a statement like that? Your graphics card or how powerful your computer is plays no part in packet loss or your network in general. Okay so this is definitely a network issue, at least. Good to know. Get those logs from C:\Users\<your windows username>\appdata\roaming\secondlife\logs Assuming you are using Windows 7/8/10 and I also assume the file is called "crashreport.log" That is unrealistic to expect and unrealistic to actually do. Standardized hardware requires standardized software. Second Life has no real standards, just hard limits which aren't enough to create a standard for all assets, especially when the world is open for anyone to make anything within those broad, hard limits. What is a real problem that I have confirmed is that the couple viewers (based on the official viewer) I've tested fail to make use of excess resources, most importantly the idle time on your CPU/GPU. Even if you had 10 graphics cards and 64 cores in your processor, you wouldn't get SL running any smoother than you would with a more generally thought out hardware setup. Correlation doesn't mean causation. You might think LL making updates on their side is somehow messing up your experience (besides when the whole grid goes down, but even then it's not always LL's fault), but other things could easily be a factor -- especially if you are on WiFi. WiFi is not magic. WiFi is that white noise you used to get on old TVs. WiFi is shot out in every direction by all WiFi-capable devices and it is very easy for your smart-TV/phone/toaster to get in the way of your router's WiFi signal intended for your computer. It could be your neighbor. It could be your ISP. It could be a physical problem in the underground cables.
  16. Whether or not a viewer is listed in the viewer directory doesn't mean anything. "The Viewer Directory is a self-certification program. Linden Lab does not represent or warrant any independent testing or verification of compliance of any application listed in the Viewer Directory. We disclaim all liability associated with applications in the Viewer Directory." - Third Party Viewer Policy, 6.c.
  17. That would obviously be a performance killer because disk access is slower than any other part in your computer. That said, my SL cache is on an SSD. Every texture in my view is loaded (no discarded or ignored textures according to Firestorm) and I'm not moving my camera which would cause new textures to be downloaded or accessed. No other people are in my view either.
  18. I would say CPU, but at the same time I don't have ways to clearly and definitely prove it objectively. As I'm writing this and standing in the test location, my FPS is steady just below 30 FPS, but not a single CPU core is under pressure and my GPU even less so. Temperatures are low and there is barely any disk or network activity. Even then, even if my CPU was being maxed out, that wouldn't mean that SL was super CPU heavy, because my CPU could be underpowered, malfunctioning, overheating, I could have the "power saving plan" enabled in Windows, etc. This is why you compare with others. ?
  19. The way shadow calculations are done is the same for everybody*. Hardware is not the same for everybody. OP wants to know which components have the biggest impact on viewer performance. If everybody is using the same settings - shadows or not - at the same place, and report their specs and where the load is, they can gauge what has the biggest impact on FPS. The more factors we match, the more factors we can ignore. You're focusing on something that is not comparable between people. Me enabling shadows (or any setting) has a different impact on my FPS than anybody else doing the same. Edit: Wew, failed to quote.
  20. OP is talking about the effects of hardware on performance though, not settings. At least in the OP.
  21. I've looked and done the same, before and after the OC project died. i understand why there are multiple scripts but I don't agree with the practice. I would rather have one haystack..
  22. The slider doesn't update its position when you adjust/increase your settings manually. The slider is just a preset selection, but now that I know you're using the presets, I'll edit my post later when I redo the test as well. What about the other setting tabs?
  23. Not shown in the picture: Anisotropic Filtering, OpenGL Vertex Buffer, 2x AA, 1024MB Texture Memory Buffer FPS fluctuates around 24-29 FPS. Enabling Advanced Lighting with Sun/Moon + Projectors (shadow quality 1.5) drops to around 16 FPS. If I set my settings exactly as shown in the OP, my FPS is around 29-32 FPS. i5-3570k (3.4GHz, 4 cores/threads), 16GB RAM, GTX 1060 (3GB), maximized window on a 1920x1080 monitor (but my desktop is 3840x1080). Changing the window resolution to 1280x1024 made the FPS counter occasionally reach 33 FPS. At 1280x1024 window size and matched settings, GPU load is at 31-42% and overall CPU load is at 29-32% (core 4 is at 45-60%, others dip between 14-30%)
  24. I completely agree and that's what I was saying. I also have a bad habit of editing my posts with additional thoughts way after posting it, so sorry about that. ?
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