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Lindal Kidd

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Everything posted by Lindal Kidd

  1. The triangles problem sounds like a graphics issue...difficulty in rendering mesh, or sculpties. Script errors would not cause this and are a separate matter. Try resetting them as Rolig suggests.
  2. No answer? Wow. I have never heard of this problem before either, and have nothing to offer except sympathy. Time to file a support ticket, I am thinking.
  3. Well, maybe. Your avatar isn't copyrighted, although an argument could be made that it is protected under the same "likeness and image" rights that you have in your own Real Life appearance. But really, it's a beautiful picture! Obviously someone else thinks so too, or they wouldn't have submitted it to that site. If it were me, I think I'd be pleased.
  4. It seems a lot of people are having trouble today running SL with Linux. It could be because the Linux version of the SL viewer is a BETA TEST version, and therefore buggier than an official release. More than that I can't say, because I don't know Linux.
  5. You can't. Your PayPal account must be verified by backing it up with a credit card. See Paypal's site for how to do this.
  6. Lindal Kidd


    Did you buy a skybox to put on your land? Or did you rent a skybox from someone? If the latter, then your landlord needs to add you to the door's access list, and invite you to the land rental group. IM them.
  7. I will add to Rolig's answer: Most of the time when people ask this question, what they really mean is, "I put my right age down when I registered, and now I want to lie about it so I can access Adult content." Don't. Just don't. If you are underage and lie about it, you are taking huge risks...you WILL be found out eventually, and when you are, you could be banned permanently from Second Life (and so could everyone else who uses your computer.) You are also putting yourself and any potential partners in moral and legal danger, and if any legal action should come of it, you don't have a leg to stand on because you lied in the first place. If you are under 18, just be patient. You'll be old soon enough.
  8. To add to the other excellent answers... No, there is no clause, new or otherwise, in the TOS that addresses these "disclaimers" some people put in their profiles. Nor should there be. The TOS is exactly as stated, and there is no need to give recognition in a legal document to "vapor statements" like these. People can say whatever they want to. The bottom line is that they agreed to the TOS in order to use the service. They cannot unilaterally decide that part of that agreement doesn't apply to them.
  9. How did you reactivate the account? Only Linden Lab can do that. If the name is unavailable, the account is probably still suspended. If this is not the case, call Billing to resolve the problem.
  10. They are probably on a parcel that has avatar visibility turned off. To cam to them you must be on the same parcel.
  11. If you mean women who advertise webcam sex, that is done outside of SL and Linden Lab has no control over it.
  12. You don't have to have a Premium membership, but you do have to have a verified PayPal account. Cashing out is a two step process. 1. Sell your $L on the exchange Use the Manage link at the left of your dashboard, next to the Buy $L link. When sold, the proceeds are deposited in your USD Balance. 2. Use the Process Credit link to transfer some or all of your USD balance to your PayPal account. There is an alternative to PayPal...a wire transfer. But it's only useful for LARGE transactions (like $10,000). There is yet another way...use a reputable third party linden dollar exchange web site. They will have their own procedures for selling $L and collecting the proceeds, and they will take a larger cut.
  13. Oskar got the axe. Once again, LL fires the best and keeps the rest. For more, see Daniel Voyager's blog.
  14. Are the monkeys banging on things again, or is it just me? I'm unable to log in to my home region of Masocado EDIT: never mind, it's up now!
  15. When you make an Outfit, your inventory creates "links" to the actual items. Deleting the Outfit deletes these links, but not the items.
  16. The scripts are not "in him". He may be wearing an object or have an active gesture that can cause deformation. But this sounds like something else. If he has RLV enabled, log out, disable in preferences, log in. (The standard viewer does not have RLV). There are a few devices that retain animation permissions once given. This is what I think is the most likely case. Try muting the attacker. Right click him and select Block, or use the Block button in his profile.
  17. Did you buy land, or a house? If you bought a house, it's an object in your inventory. You will still need to buy or rent land to put it on.
  18. You want to buy the whole platform just to get back at those Gothem City jerks? Wow.
  19. Second Life is free to use! Just set up an account, download the viewer software, and log in to the virtual world of Second Life. In fact, you have already done at least the account set up, or you would not be able to post here!
  20. Lots of computers will run SL well. Here are some things to look for. Don't accept "integrated graphics", such as the Intel 3000 and 4000 solutions. Get a discrete graphics card. Tom's Hardware has up to date charts on graphics card performance. Either AMD/ATI Radeon or Nvidia GeForce will work well; my personal preference is for the Nvidia cards. Get at least 4 GB of system RAM, and more is better. If you can, get a 64 bit operating system. You don't NEED it for SL, but it gives you more options in the future. Your computer will start up and run faster overall if you have the operating system on a solid state drive (SSD), and a separate big hard drive for your data. Again, this is not strictly necessary for Second Life. Be sure to connect your computer to your router/internet modem with a cable. Don't rely on WiFi. Your internet service should be by DSL, FIOS, or cable internet. Don't use a wireless internet provider. Computers advertised as "gaming computers" and costing $1,000 or more will almost always be plenty powerful enough to run SL well.
  21. You will lose any custom Preferences settings. You will lose your saved chat and IM logs (if you are saving them), but you can move or copy those first. You will NOT lose any inventory.
  22. You have a very old computer, not very much RAM memory for Windows 7, and a very old graphics card. You should not expect this system to perform well at all on Ultra settings. Low or mid would be better.
  23. Sellers are not required to refund your money. Most will do so if the item is No Copy and you can return it to them, but even then they aren't required to give you a refund. When dealing with sellers, it's important to keep your temper and be polite. An annoyed seller is much less likely to feel helpful toward you! Many times when an item seems not to work, it's because the buyer does not understand how to operate it or what it is supposed to do. If you IM me in world, I'll be happy to have a look at the item and any instructions that came with it, or go to the seller's store and see if a second person looking at it can resolve your questions.
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