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Lindal Kidd

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Everything posted by Lindal Kidd

  1. For a first time buyer, I recommend starting small. The smallest, and easiest, way is to get a Premium membership and a free Linden Home. When you get tired of that, you can abandon the Linden Home, and buy land elsewhere on the Mainland. If you keep to a 512 square meter parcel, once you buy the land, you won't have to pay any recurring monthly tier fees on it. When you add to your Mainland holdings beyond 512 m2, you do incur a monthly charge. See here for a table of tier levels: https://secondlife.com/my/account/landfees.php?lang=en-US You probably can't do rentals on less than about 8192 m2. That would give you enough land for maybe three rental homes and one for yourself. One incentive for buying more land is that the more mainland you own, the less tier per square meter you pay (although your total tier does increase, of course.) Or, if you prefer a more orderly existence, forget the mainland and buy a parcel of land on a private estate. This does not require a Premium membership. Many estates are set up as archipelagoes of islands, so nice beach land is easier to find than on the Mainland. However, I would not plan on doing rentals on estate land because prospective tenants could just buy land from the estate owner at a lower price than you could charge, being a middleman. Being a landlord on private estates does not make sense until you can afford to buy and pay the upkeep on an entire region ($295 USD per month.) I teach a free class on land buying and renting on Fridays, 5 pm SL time, at Caledon Oxbridge University. I'll hope to see you there!
  2. I dunno about the Goreans, but where I come from, we use bluegrass to dance to! :matte-motes-big-grin:
  3. There is nothing in your Lost and Found folder. Therefore, your object(s) are still missing.
  4. Part of the problem might be the computer...it has integrated graphics, and SL really wants a dedicated graphics card. However, it also sounds as if he has connection problems. If he is using wifi, tell him to connect to his home network with an ethernet cable. If he is using a wireless service provider (3G or 4G), tell him to get cable or FIOS or DSL internet.
  5. ...unless it's Manland. In that case, file a support case with Linden Lab
  6. If you want to play the popular "Bloodlines" vampire/lycan game, go have a look at their website for information on clans and current status. But you DO NOT NEED TO JOIN A CLAN simply to use Second Life. The vampires are only one sub-genre among many that you will find in this virtual world.
  7. As the others say, it won't get you in trouble with Linden Lab, since they don't have jurisdiction outside of Second Life. But it's still wrong.
  8. Instead of making all your passwords the same (a very risky thing to do, security-wise) get a password storage application. Enter all your passwords in it. Then all you ever have to remember is ONE password...the one that opens your secure password storage vault.
  9. I would suggest NOT deleting your account. If you are Premium, sell or abandon your land and downgrade the account to Basic. But many people later decide deleting their account was a mistake, and return to SL. Then they have to pay a $10 fee to get reinstated. If you just keep your Basic account you won't be charged anything, and everything will be waiting for you when/if you decide to return.
  10. Linden Lab does not accept debit cards, as Rolig points out. However, some of the authorized $L resellers DO accept debit cards. Find a list of resellers here:http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Linden_Dollar_%28L$%29_Authorized_Reseller_Program However, this is only good if what you want to do is buy $L, it won't help you pay your Premium membership fees. You'll need a payment method that LL accepts in order to do that.
  11. You can make any texture black and white. First, save the texture to your hard drive. Then, open it in your favorite paint program, such as GIMP or Photoshop. Use that program to convert the image to black and white, save it with a new name, and then upload it to Second Life (there's a $L10 upload fee.)
  12. Valerie is correct. JPG's answer is the simple route, but won't guarantee that all cache entries have been cleared.
  13. Many homes have adjustable window transparency, via chat command or a "home control" prim that you touch for a menu. Before you mess with your windows, make sure your home doesn't have these features. If the windows are separate prims, you can change their transparency with the texture editing tools, or you can put a window control script in them to vary their transparency on command. If you do change the window textures, remember that there is a texture on BOTH sides of the window. If you make just the inside opaque, you can't see out, but others can still see in. Some low prim homes do not have windows that are holes in the wall, filled with a window prim. Instead, the entire wall has a texture that has an alpha channel, creating a transparent area of the wall. In this case, do NOT mess with the textures, you will affect the entire wall. It may be easier, and more esthetic, to add curtains. There are many curtains and blinds available, and they can be opened or closed by clicking them for a menu.
  14. Rolig's solution works for any HUD attachements, but not for floating windows native to the viewer. I tried and tried to get my Edit window off screen, and couldn't do it...you must have really shoved that puppy hard! Anyway, try this...open the Advanced menu (CTRL+ALT+D, if it isn't already on your top menu bar.) Go to Debug Settings, and look for the items floater_pos_build_x and floater_pos_build_y. Reset them to Default. Try opening the Edit window. If that does not work, and you are using Firestorm, if you have the viewer set to Full Screen, uncheck that setting. If all else fails, uninstall the viewer and do a CLEAN REINSTALL. Be sure to do it the way the instructions say, or your bad window position may be inherited by the new install.
  15. What you'd have to do is find, or make, a walk animation that includes the "hold the blazer over the shoulder" arm positions. Animations can be made in Poser or other animation programs and uploaded to SL. For details, see this page: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/How-to-create-animations/ta-p/700027 Once you have the animation, you can easily add it to an AO. If you use the Firestorm viewer, the viewer has a built-in AO. If you don't use Firestorm, you can get a free copy of the popular Zhao II AO, or any of several variants. These can be loaded with walk, stand, sit and other animations. An AO consists of four things: The HUD object itself, the AO script, a configuration notecard that tells the script what animations to use for which activities, and the animations. You just drop the animations you want to use into the content tab of the AO, then fill out the configuration notecard. This must be done carefully, because the script is very picky about syntax, spaces, and names.
  16. Lindal Kidd

    shape editing

    Besides contracting for a custom shape, you can buy pre-made shapes. Be careful, though...most of them are No Modify, and that's not good if you want to tweak it or adjust the Hover setting to get your feet on the ground.
  17. Me/Preferences/Graphics. Click the Advanced button and move the draw distance slider. Increasing your draw distance will affect your performance, so if your frame rate goes lower than you like, decrease it a bit until you have an acceptable compromise.
  18. We all wish the old system of first name/surname would be restored. Unfortunately, Linden Lab messed it up good when they gave us Display Names, and they are unlikely to change it back. I have campaigned for years for a system with confidential user names as well as passwords. As it is, your password is your ONLY security measure for your account. So guard it carefully. Because both usernames and Display Names can be seen, depending on the onlooker's preferences, name confusion abounds. Plus, I've seen some very humorous attempts at name changes, like a female avatar named, say, "Marilyn Monroe (Bobby1234 Resident)." The lesson here is, choose your username with care when you first create your account. It's the one thing about your avatar that you can't change! Make it pronounceable, don't use profanity, and make it reflect something about how you want to be seen by others in Second Life. I've also suggested ways in which LL could implement a first name/last name Display Name system that would allow limited name changes for a fee (for example, changing your last name to your partner's, or correcting a stupid inital name choice.) It would cut down on the confusion of everyone changing their Display Name on a weekly basis. There's no indication that they think it's a wonderful idea, darn it.
  19. You can also buy MORE land than 512 square meters. You will pay a monthly tier fee on land in excess of 512, but you get more prims to play with too.
  20. How did you put them on? If you used the Edit menu and applied a texture directly to a wall or floor prim face, it should not flicker. If you made a thin "wallpaper" prim and then placed it next to the wall or the floor, if it is exactly on the face of the other prim you can get "texture fighting", a sort of zigzag pattern that changes as you move your camera around. The solution here is to move the wallpaper or rug prim just a tiny bit away from the underlying prim.
  21. SL was having problems earlier today. That may be the cause. They say they are fixed now...try again.
  22. Lumiya is a GREAT viewer for the limited capabilities of a smartphone or tablet...much better than the text-only option of Pocket Metaverse for the iPhone/iPad. It's been recently updated with much nicer graphics, if your device is up to the challenge. However, it is not yet a full featured viewer. You can't build, you can't do many group operations. To fully experience SL, you still need a real computer and a good graphics card.
  23. Be sure and follow Nyll's FIRST piece of advice and edit your post to remove your email. This is an open forum, and posting sensitive information is hazardous to your online health. Then follow the rest of her advice to report your compromised account.
  24. Follow the steps here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Account_Security Next time, don't give ANYONE your password. Not your boss, not your friend, not your own mother.
  25. Rolig and Theresa are both correct! You can get a free Linden Home with your Premium account. But if you don't want that, you can find land for sale elsewhere on the Mainland. Use the Map as Theresa suggests, or use Search and the Land and Rentals tab, to find parcels for sale. You have to buy the land, it's not free...but it does not have to be expensive either. Much of the available land on the Mainland is for sale for $L1 per square meter or even less. Once you buy some land, your Premium benefit will become useful. You don't have to pay monthly tier fees on the first 512 square meters of land you own. So, if all you buy is a 512 m2 parcel, there will be no further charges. You can also, if you wish, buy MORE land. In this case you will pay a monthly fee. How much depends on how much mainland you own. See the Buy Land menu/ Land Use Fees link for details.
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