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Lindal Kidd

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Everything posted by Lindal Kidd

  1. You can buy $L on the Linden Lab-sponsored Lindex here on this web site, with either a verified PayPal account or a major credit card. You can buy $L from an authorized $L reseller with these methods, plus some of them will take other forms of payment such as debit cards or prepaid credit cards.
  2. 1. You should not gamble. 2. Even more, you should not gamble in Second Life. Because... a. It's against the Terms of Service. Some games like Zyngo are allowed because they (arguably) incorporate an element of skill. b. Even if the games are allowable under the ToS, the owner or creator can mess with them to make sure the house gets a larger percentage of the income than is customary in most well-run gambling establishments. c. There is not a thing you can do about b.
  3. Also, if you disable RLV at the login page (Preferences settings), then log in and remove your former master as an owner, he can't do anything any more. But the others are right. Regardless of what collar you have, or your RLV settings, no one can read your IMs except you, the person you send them to, and Linden Lab. And the National Security Agency, I guess. :smileysurprised:
  4. You CAN set up infohubs on a private region (don't ask me how, though). Caledon has a number of infohubs, and they show up on the map just like mainland ones.
  5. Call Billing Support at one of the numbers below. US/Canada: 800-294-1067 France: 0805-101-490 Germany: 0800-664-5510 Japan: 0066-33-132-830 Portugal: 800-814-450 Spain: 800-300-560 UK: 0800-048-4646 Brazil: 0800-762-1132 Long distance ( not free, but you can use Skype to save some cost ) : 703-286-6277 **Note: Support is offered only in English
  6. I don't think it's your viewer (unless you can log in successfully with other viewers). The usual reason for this message is that your account has been hardware banned by Linden Lab for some sort of very serious Terms of Service violation. This could be something you did, or perhaps you allowed someone else to access your account, either intentionally, or unintentionally. You might have been "phished", giving your password to a bogus web site. Read the information in the link below. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Account_Security
  7. You can't play your OWN music (music from your computer or CDs). But you can stream any internet radio station by placing its URL in the URL box of the Sound tab in the About Land window.
  8. It sounds like your BF is changing into an "outfit", such as the ones in Library/Clothing/Initial Outfits. Outfits may include a skin and shape, and if those are female, that's what will be worn when you right click the Outfit in inventory and choose Replace Outfit, or drag the outfit folder onto your avatar. To avoid this, only wear the clothing items. Use "Wear", not "Replace Outfit". If this is NOT what is happening, please edit your original post by using Options/Edit in the upper right corner of the post window.
  9. No one from Linden Lab reads these forums...we are all just residents like you. Linden Lab has implemented a policy of "no assistance to estate owners" recently, so even filing support tickets with them is unlikely to help. The Caledon Estate recently had a very nasty griefing object attack...the emitting objects would self-delete after a short time, but they had already created other emitter objects. The attack was difficult to defeat, and at one point the estate manager turned everything on the affected regions phantom. I'm not sure why this helped, but for more information contact Desmond Shang, the Caledon estate owner, or other management level people through the Independent States of Caledon group chat.
  10. Before you buy a store, or land to put it on, you need to have something to sell! Content creation is a HUGE topic, and there's no way we can cover it all here, or for that matter, anywhere. Decide what it is that you want to create. Then learn how to do it, well enough so that others will be willing to pay for what you've made. This will mean learning the Second Life building tools, and also some additional software, such as GIMP or Blender. But even when you have created some things, it may still not be time to set up a store. You can sell your creations free (except for a small charge levied on sales) in the Marketplace. Until you have built up your business, this may be the less expensive way to go.
  11. In addition to Rolig's answer, there should be an option to cancel your downgrade. If you can't see that, contact Billing at one of the numbers below for help in canceling your downgrade. US/Canada: 800-294-1067 France: 0805-101-490 Germany: 0800-664-5510 Japan: 0066-33-132-830 Portugal: 800-814-450 Spain: 800-300-560 UK: 0800-048-4646 Brazil: 0800-762-1132 Long distance ( not free, but you can use Skype to save some cost ) : 703-286-6277 **Note: Support is offered only in English
  12. Linden Lab does not accept prepaid cards. However, you can try one of the authorized $L resellers. See this page for a list: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Linden_Dollar_%28L$%29_Authorized_Reseller_Program
  13. For more information about animations and AOs, see my blog post, "AO, AO, It Makes Your Movements Flow"
  14. You and your network admin should see this page: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Using-Second-Life-with-a-firewall/ta-p/1304539
  15. Lindal Kidd


    The user name you're trying to register is either in use or is on a small roster of blocked names, such as those with "Linden" in them.
  16. How would that get rid of it? Anyway, no, you can't transfer all your stuff from one account to another. You CAN make another account and transfer your $L and any transferable items to the new account, but "no transfer" means no transfer.
  17. To add to Theresa's answer: No Transfer items CAN be given as gifts, in one of three ways. Buy the item on the Marketplace, using the Buy as A Gift option If an in-store vendor has a "buy as Gift" option, use that Send an IM or a notecard to the creator, and ask them if they will send the item as a gift. Be sure to include the USER NAME of the recipient, the exact item description, and send payment when the creator contacts you and requests it.
  18. You can CHANGE your payment method information, by using a different credit card, or using a verified PayPal account. But I think that to REMOVE all payment information, you'll have to contact Billing. Call one of the numbers below during normal California business hours. US/Canada: 800-294-1067 France: 0805-101-490 Germany: 0800-664-5510 Japan: 0066-33-132-830 Portugal: 800-814-450 Spain: 800-300-560 UK: 0800-048-4646 Brazil: 0800-762-1132 Long distance ( not free, but you can use Skype to save some cost ) : 703-286-6277 **Note: Support is offered only in English However...think twice before doing this, or deleting your account. Once you delete your payment information, you cannot have a Premium account or own mainland, or buy $L. Deleting your account is also a very final step. Many people do so, only to regret it later when they decided to come back to SL. A free Basic account doesn't cost you anything and preserves your name, inventory, and $L balance.
  19. Your age should have nothing to do with your ability, or lack of ability, to change the pictures in your profile.
  20. The TOS allows child avatars to be in Adult regions, as long as they are not engaging in sexual ageplay. A lot of landowners are more restrictive than the TOS, and the landowner's rules apply. In other words...you're pushing it.
  21. Have you actually set your *Marketplace* preferences to G, M, and A? You have to select maturity preferences in three different places. In your viewer's General Preferences, the viewer's Search window, and in the Marketplace. If you have already done that, or tried to and failed, you'll need to submit a Support Case.
  22. Rolig is correct! I'll take a shot at explaining the concept, though. A UV map is a two dimensional texture that is wrapped around a 3D object, like wrapping a Christmas box with colored paper. In order to do this, the 3D modeling software needs instructions on how to map the pixels of the flat texture to the 3D object. You provide these instructions by using an automated function, the manual modeling tools in the program, or a combination of both to "unwrap" the 3D model and lay it out flat in a special view called "UV space". Once you have done that, the flattened object is exported as a template, and imported into your 2D paint program, like Photoshop or GIMP. You use the tools in the paint program to create your texture, using the template from the modeling program as a guide. The finished texture is uploaded to the modeling program, which applies it to the 3D model.
  23. While LL won't accept your prepaid card, some of the authorized $L resellers will. See here for a list of authorized resellers: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Linden_Dollar_%28L$%29_Authorized_Reseller_Program
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