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Seicher Rae

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Everything posted by Seicher Rae

  1. I understand this so well. I hate to say, "I know how you feel" because of course we really don't, each of us experiences things in our own unique ways, but yeah, I have similarities to what you say here. I also thought my life would possibly restart when I moved to my new, rent-assisted apartment. So much of my life has been on hold due to instability and a financial nightmare, and the new apartment was to give me some stability and while I'm still struggling with abject poverty, my finances are now at least known. My bff from Canada came to help me with the move, and it was stressful. Moves are stressful. As much as I adore my bff, he doesn't handle stress well and yeah... it wasn't fun. We had originally scheduled to take FUN days after the initial move was basically settled but coronavirus halted that. He had to leave way too soon to go back to Canada before the border shut. (He made it.) This left a big mess of boxes and trash and things that should have been taken care of with his help to linger. Even though my "normal" life is social distancing in the extreme, COVID has made it worse. For a variety of reasons the mood I was expecting and hoping for, "Ah, new start!" hasn't happened and THAT has depressed me even further. Effing virus. Effing depression. Effing... whatever. Sometimes burying yourself in the covers is necessary and not a bad thing. Living under there, on the other hand... probably not so good, but you know that. There is a quote I'm going to paraphrase, by Rollo May, that "depression is the inability to see a future" and that has always rung true to me.
  2. Lindal... like Da5id, I'm feeling a bit stabby. I know you meant this kindly and as help. But. I've had these kinds of helpful suggestions both here and in RL, and each time they make me want to scream, "How stupid do you think I am?" I think I have at least normal intelligence, and after dealing with knee injuries for years, and their limiting effects, I think I kind of know the options for stairs. Stairs are not only physically difficult for me but as I have mentioned many times, I have PTSD around them... for good reason. I have mentioned, even in the post to which your comment referred, that a year ago I had a tremendously bad fall, down a flight of stairs, that destroyed my left arm. My left arm is pretty much useless. Hold a railing with both hands? Of course, but realize only one of them does anything. Every time I see those stairs I flash upon that fall. I have a panic attack. And yet I have to deal with them all the time. As bad as that fall was (and it was caused by lack of balance due to my knee injuries), had I not landed as I did on my left arm but landed on my right instead, I would be unable to live on my own as I am extremely right hand dominant. If I had landed on my face instead of my arm, I would be dead. There is no surprise on my PTSD. After all of this time I do what I can. I have to plan for the stairs. When I fell I was doing a quick trip to my car and then back to the apartment and so I didn't have my phone with me. I now carry my phone every effing time. I do the stairs as a meditation. Etc. It still doesn't help that just going up and down the stairs is a nightmare for me, even when I don't have things to carry. Carrying trash, packages, mail, groceries...anything... is just another level of difficulty. And no, going down on my bum is not an option as they are public stairs usually covered in dirt, water, mud, leaves... Again, I know people will read this as a b1tchy reply, and I know you meant well. I could have just shut up. But this is a thread to vent and since I have been hearing a lot of this stuff lately in RL and cannot (for various reasons) respond as I wish to, I have done it here. ETA: I did not mean this as a pile-on with Lindal. I wrote it before reading other comments on this thread.
  3. Lexxi, I read this last night and just didn't know how to respond. An emoticon reply didn't seem right (it rarely does in this thread). I still don't know how to respond. It is a complex situation, what you are describing and I do not want to diminish it with something pat or glib. I have had suicidal ideations and I come from a dysfunctional family but I glean my experiences are far different from yours... except for the pain and the anguish. It is difficult for me to understand the posts about loving families, as I have never experienced that, and while I have come to terms with a lot of my past, the basics being absent do leave lasting effects for those of us who have had to separate from family. You do need to take care of you. That you can and are seeing the positives and the possibilities is huge, and I know how easily that can be downplayed in our minds. I'm glad you replied and I hope you keep posting.
  4. I dunno, zigged when I should have zagged? Took a wrong turn at Albuquerque? Forgot to feed the meter? ... I did nuthin' wrong! I've gotten this with Firestorm in the past, if I ever used the LL viewer I'm sure I would have gotten it with it. Like I said, it could have happened with any viewer. But this instance was particularly annoying due to its timing. Poof!
  5. It could have been any viewer, but it just so happened it was Black Dragon this time. I have insomnia (again) and so eff it I logged in and was taking photos. This was the first time for me with BD and underwater, so fidget, fuss, clickety, sliders, etc etc and right as I thought I had everything just about right to take the shot...
  6. Cognitive dissonance much? You should have been much more aware of the situation in these forums before you popped in and then pitched a few foul-tempered hissy fits. Your OP/thread was treated like most others, in fact, while you were busy p1ssing and moaning, you were receiving a discussion from some, albeit turning off a lot of people from joining. It is the height of arrogance with a soupcon of entitlement to believe that you are the sole arbiter of how a thread progresses. Yes, sometimes threads need to be steered back on course but that is not done by being a snot. Concept. And yet, there you are, lecturing seasoned Forumites as to "situational awareness." There's a long-standing thread here about "pet peeves." The type of behavior you have exhibited in this thread is a type of behavior often cited by many in that thread.
  7. What gets me are the people who think Pence would be a GOOD alternative to Trump. True, we probably wouldn't get all of the Tweets, but Pence in some ways is worse because he isn't flamboyantly awful like Trump, he's quietly beige while being really horrid.
  8. Trying to figure out how that works with social distancing... I'm thinking batteries are probably involved in some way...
  9. It was a toss up. I went with the Belgian/"french" fry bit instead for the laugh thread.
  10. Clearly someone didn't get the briefing on how to wear a face mask...
  11. I don't know exactly why, but this cracked me up just now on Facebook...
  12. PSA: I think the OP still has time to correct the spelling in the title, since s/he wants this to be all serious discussion and all. I believe the OP has 24 hours to make a correction?
  13. Sometimes the reports take time to process, especially with COVID slowing things up everywhere. Also, LL will not tell you if they have acted on your complaints. You will not be notified. In general, LL has no authority over things outside of LL, so things happening in other parts of the Internet and RL are not covered by LL's TOS. If you are being stalked in RL, depending upon where you live there may be RL law enforcement options available to you.
  14. I'm just wondering how you are doing Lexxi. I didn't know how to respond to this back on Sunday. You say you are going through some awful sh1t, but are embracing some pretty positive things... Hope you update us.
  15. Well, I have had serious conversations about the original post with someone who has advanced degrees which cover topics like this, and I was getting ready to spend some time to type out a thoughtful reply, but this knee-jerk histrionics (and follow up snarks) has saved me that time. I have no doubt the OP was a tw4twaffle in 2012, too.
  16. @BelindaN Like others have said, I have no words and my heart is breaking for you. Please be kind to yourself and know we are thinking about you and your family.
  17. /me waves hand sheepishly "Hi, I'm Seicher Rae, and I derail threads..." "Hi Seicher Rae! Welcome to Pet Peevers Anonymous." Granted, I rarely derail so quickly into a thread. I generally post a tangential thought well into the conversation, once the thread is already unravelling a bit. I also don't plan on it being a derail (unless it is one of those endless bickering thread devolves and then I have been known to be amusingly creative (amusing at least to me)). Heck, I know I peeved people off in this thread several weeks ago when it derailed (not by plan) into a chili thread. Wut? /me sobs, "I'm someone's pet peeve!" /me looks around and does a little Mona Lisa smile...
  18. Aha! So, the moral of that story is to cause problems (real or otherwise) in the group's chat and get thrown out of the group! I'm only a little kidding here. Like others have said, it can be a nightmare to be rid of these groups/subscriptions, so all's fair in love and war, etc.
  19. Time to do some braggin on my mad photography skillz. This is what my monitor looked like when I logged in. The *only* thing I did was to rotate the camera so Seicher was facing the camera, which I did while SR was still rezzing. No shadows. No DOF. Just me being a little startled and clicking. (At Ambigula, Fantasy Faire.) Yeah... took years of study for this one. And yes I am wearing the same thing three days in a row. Stop judging.
  20. Me too! I just started though and am only into Season 2.
  21. Meh. Why all the fuss? It isn't like Linden $L is real money. That's what I tell myself to avoid shopping angst. It works!
  22. Yeah, no... I know what she's talking about and I've wondered too. It isn't a shadow. I had one little Asian garden building that was littered with the things, just flat, rectangular, transparent "prims." When I unlinked everything and removed them, nothing happened except the LI going down. I chalked it up too bad/sloppy design, but wondered what they were doing there. But like the OP said, I have seen this many times on furniture too, for no apparent reason. Since I'm not a builder, I've wondered it this has a purpose and they forgot to remove it.
  23. I love this. I love it when photos tell a story and make you stop and look and try to explain the story to yourself. This one does. Fashion editorial type photos are fun, and tough to do too, but yeah... this.
  24. Oh, but it did. It always does. Me, lying there in bed, thinking my thoughts of you, "Scylla. Scylla. siiiiiigh. Sky-laaaaaaah" more sighing and tossing and turning. I can't stop thinking about you! ok, it is early and I am just now having my first coffee, hopefully that came out as creepily as I intended
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