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Rolig Loon

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Everything posted by Rolig Loon

  1. Bummer. This sounds like a good time to file a support ticket or, better still, contact Live Chat.
  2. That's a really good question. I hadn't even noticed the CLICK_ACTION_ZOOM parameter until you mentioned it. It looks very handy. I'll have to play with it now. :smileyhappy: I would have expected it to zoom the camera focus to the spot where your cursor is, though, similar to a manual Alt + Click . Isn't that what it's doing?
  3. Duplicate post. Original answered at http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Technical/Why-is-my-SL-viewer-suddenly-crashing-with-an-LLCOMMON-DLL-issue/qaq-p/1227511
  4. This is a serious bug in the V3 viewer code. See https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-27066 and consider adding your own comments and the transcript of data that you posted here. Apparently the only solution for now is to switch to an earlier version of LL's viewer. Phoenix or another viewer built on the V1 codebase ought to work as well.
  5. That's a communication problem between your computer and SL's servers. Information about your appearance has to be "baked" onto your avatar on your own computer, saved there, and then uploaded to SL before it's fully visible there. If the necessary information is messed up in transmission, you may end up with a borked file on your computer, or SL's servers may end up with a borked file. Either way, your av's appearance defaults to a fluffy cloud. What works to repair the damage for one person won't necessarily work for the next person, and it may not be the same thing that works for you tomorrow. See the full list of possibilitites here >>> http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=fs_bake_fail . Start with the simple things at the top of the list and work down until you find what works for you today.
  6. I don't use LL's viewer, so I'm afraid I can't give you an answer to your question. I can offer a couple of suggestions, though. First, many photographers use an alt, either as a model or as the photographer. If you do that, the immobile av has no eye movement. Second, if you can get the effect you want with Firestorm, the obvious question is "Why change viewers to one that doesn't seem to do what you want?"
  7. Usted puede leer acerca de la membresía Premium aquí>>> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Accounts-overview/ta-p/700019. (En Inglés ..... lo siento.)
  8. Your question is a little ambiguous. If you are trying to get to http://secondlife.com, that's not the "game." That's your Dashboard, where your account information is, among other things. The time it takes to load that web site depends on your own browser, your Internet connection, and the site's servers. There's not a whole lot you can do about that. If you're trying to log in to SL, using your SL viewer, you probably can't speed that up either. Logins have been slow for the past day or two, and some regions have been hard to get to at all. Ongoing Issue with Offline Regions [postED 10:28AM PST, 12 November 2011] We are aware of a problem that causes regions to go offline more frequently than normal. Our developers were alerted to the issue over the weekend and continue to work around the clock towards a solution. We understand how disruptive this is to your inworld experience. If your region is offline, please go to your support portal and submit a case using the following types: “Land & Region” > “Report an Offline Region”. This queue is being closely monitored to ensure the fastest turnaround possible. We will post an update as soon as we have more information on resolution. This entry was posted on Saturday, November 12th, 2011 at 10:29 am and is filed under SLGrid Status. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
  9. It might not be you. LL has been trying to chase down a server problem for the past couple of days. Try logging in to a different region (like Smith, Aqua, or Furball) and see if that makes a difference. It could just be that your own sim's servers are acting up. Ongoing Issue with Offline Regions [postED 10:28AM PST, 12 November 2011] We are aware of a problem that causes regions to go offline more frequently than normal. Our developers were alerted to the issue over the weekend and continue to work around the clock towards a solution. We understand how disruptive this is to your inworld experience. If your region is offline, please go to your support portal and submit a case using the following types: “Land & Region” > “Report an Offline Region”. This queue is being closely monitored to ensure the fastest turnaround possible. We will post an update as soon as we have more information on resolution. This entry was posted on Saturday, November 12th, 2011 at 10:29 am and is filed under SLGrid Status. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
  10. Yup. Just put a distant sit target in whatever you want to use as a teleporter. So long as the target is within 300m, you can sit on that distant spot. That method can be a bit flaky at times, but it usually works. The other alternative, of course, is to simply box your entire structure in a Faux Rez (Builder's Buddy, Rez Foo) container, the same way you would deal with unlinked doors. That way, none of the parts need to be linked unless you want them to be. default{ state_entry() { llSitTarget(<200.0,25.0,0.1>,ZERO_ROTATION); //Sit here to end up 200m east and 25m above this spot } changed (integer change) { if(change & CHANGED_LINK) { if(llAvatarOnSitTarget()) { llSleep(2.0); //Wait for 2 seconds, then ... llUnSit(llAvatarOnSitTarget()); // Stand up } } }}
  11. That's right. The https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SH-2668 bug affects any v iewers using the V2 codebase. That includes not only LL's own V2 viewer but Firestorm, Kirsten's, and other viewers using the same codebase. If you read that JIRA or its equivalent on the Firestorm web site, you probably saw that the fix for it is currently in testing phase, to be included in a future upgrade to LL's V3 viewer.. It has apparently already been incorporated into the upcoming release of Firestorm. Meanwhile, if the white line really bothers you, use any V1 codebase viewer, like Phoenix.
  12. So enable it. The check box is on the General page of Preferences >> Graphics. If your quality slider is set too Low or if your graphics card cannot handle rendering Linder water, that check box may be permanently grayed out, so you will still not be able to see reflections.
  13. Part of SL's appeal is that it welcomes every resident to be a creator. That means we live in a world that isn't as efficient as if it had been made by experts, but there are plenty of sterile worlds like that to play in. In this forum, we are here to share scripting ideas and challenges and to help new LSL scripters learn to be creators, if that's what they choose to do. No license required.
  14. A plain vanilla clearing of caache may not be enough. Thry cleaning cache manually while you are not logged in to SL. Clearing your cache manually will “cure” all manner of odd behavior and is the suggested procedure before resorting to more drastic steps like reinstalling the viewer. 1. Open Preferences → Network & Cache 2. Go to the first path “Cache Location” and click the “Open” button behind the path. This will open a file explorer window displaying your current cache location. 3. Logout (close the viewer) and then delete everything inside the cache folder displayed in your file explorer. Now continue as follows: 1.Log back into SL, to a quiet region (try Smith or Pooley). On your inventory window, click “Recent Items”. 2.Wait for your inventory to repopulate fully. The process may be sped up, if necessary, by typing random letters into the search bar. 3.While inventory repopulates, do not teleport anywhere, and do not attempt to access anything in your inventory. Talk to people or surf the web, or just go out for coffee 4.Watch as it repopulates. As long as you can see (Fetched…) at the top of the inventory window, it is still loading. 5.Once inventory has repopulated, log out of SL once more, then log back in.
  15. Support is at https://support.secondlife.com/contact-support/ but first, try logging in to a different region. ..... Ongoing Issue with Offline RegionsPosted by Status Desk on November 12th, 2011 at 10:29 am PST[postED 10:28AM PST, 12 November 2011] We are aware of a problem that causes regions to go offline more frequently than normal. Our developers were alerted to the issue over the weekend and continue to work around the clock towards a solution. We understand how disruptive this is to your inworld experience. If your region is offline, please go to your support portal and submit a case using the following types: “Land & Region” > “Report an Offline Region”. This queue is being closely monitored to ensure the fastest turnaround possible. We will post an update as soon as we have more information on resolution.
  16. You can't squat legally. Just as in RL, if the owner catches you building on his land without permission, you will be ejected. People rent land all the time, though. I have rented shops and the parcel where I have my home for several years and have had good landlords in every case. When it comes right down to it, we are all leasing from LL, directly or indirectly. Even if you "buy" your own private estate, you are still paying LL an annual rental fee.
  17. gunjitaaa wrote: but it will just mean creating a new id Yes, exactly right. That's what an alt is ..... a new account. When you have an alt, it's like having a twin sister. You are related, but you are two different people. You can share some things, just the way you can share things with friends, but there are some things that are yours alone, so you cannot share them.
  18. The low-prim way is to use Photoshop to create a new texture that looks like vines on a pillar and then apply it to your pillar prims. The higher prim solution is to create a new texture that just has vines on it and has an alpha background. Apply that to a new cylndrical prim that's slightly larger than your pillars and then superimpose it on them.
  19. Arrows? You mean you are missing folders? See >>> http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Inventory_loss
  20. You may be stuck. Once you have deeded an item to a group, you are no longer the owner. The group is. So when the group no longer exists, you no longer have access to it as a group member and you have no way to get the group to sell it back to you. It's sort of like what happens if a SL resident closes his account, leaves SL, and abandons all his stuff in world. There's no way for anyone else to claim it. If you were the owner of the group, you might have some luck talking to the support staff in Live Chat. If you aren't a Premium member, however, you don't have that option and there's no good way to file a support ticket for this type of problem.
  21. This section of the forums is here to help scripters learn from each other, or as a place for scripters to share new approaches to their work. It's not a place to ask for scripters to write free scripts. If you want to hire a scripter, the place to post is the Wanted section of the Commerce forums.
  22. Well, I did say it was a guess. You're probably right. I wouldn't be surprised if LL had changed something in the server code that has the same effect too, but I figured it was worth at least mentioning that your own graphics card could be doing it.
  23. Can you log on anywhere else? Try it, and then try teleporting to your land. If you can't do that, it's probably because your sim is off line for a while. Wait.
  24. It could just be your graphic card's way of prioritizing the order in which it renders objects. A graphics card will usually rez nearby objects faster than ones far away, for example, and will generally render whatever your mouse cursor is touching faster than other things. That strategy reduces load on the card, so it doesn't have to do everything at once, and it means that you can see "important" things first. The Firestorm and Phoenix viewers even have a built-in function, adjustable in Preferences, that spreads out the rendering process over several seconds when you TP to a new location so that "important" things snap into view faster while less important ones lag behind. Anyway ... just a guess here, but your graphic card may be doing a version of this on its own, either by design or because it's getting overloaded (maybe overheated?). When was the last time you opened the case on your computer and blew out the dust bunnies and cat hair with a can of air?
  25. Exactly. And then you don't need the second script at all. :smileywink:
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