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Rolig Loon

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Everything posted by Rolig Loon

  1. I can't check in world myself, but I think you can toggle with Alt + Enter. Give it a try.
  2. Don't get in the habit o clearing your cache unless you truly need to. Your cache is there for a good reason. Your texture cache holds ("caches") copies of textures you have seen recently so that they don't need to be downloaded fresh every time you see them in world. Similarly, your cached copy of inventory saves your viewer the trouble of asking the asset servers every time you need to rez something. If you empty your caches, you force your viewer to build them all over again. That is exactly what you need to do if you suspect that they have been corrupted. If not, it's unnecessary and it just means that you (and others around you) will have more lag than usual while your viewer rebuilds them.
  3. Open your Statistics Bar ( CTRL + Shift + 1 ) and take a look at each of the sim stats. The first level to pay attention to is the Region Time Dilation (ideally close to 1.0) and the Sim FPS (ideally close to 45). Dramatically lower numbers for either of those suggests that the sim's servers are lagging. You can look at details farther down in the display. Look in particular at physics time, which can be high if you have many vehicles or large physical objects competing for server resources. Script time is not terribly significant, since scripts use whatever time is leftover after everything else has been satisfied. If you find that there's no free time left, though, it could explain why scripted objects are lagging. Once you've done all of that sleuthing, you may be able to at least see where the problem is, if not how to fix it. If you follow up every lead and can't figure it out, contact Concierge service and ask a Linden to come out and look.
  4. Or InWorld Employment. :smileywink: Or simply identify a scripter and send an IM.
  5. Kwakkelde Kwak wrote: Rolig Loon wrote: Yeah, but the question is whether the duplicate sculpts rez any faster than the first one did. I agree that it would be clumsy to have to load the UV map fresh every time. I'm just not confident that "preloading" it actually makes a difference, even if it is less clumsy. Sculpts can take forever to load when they are first rezzed... Rezzing the second one takes a split second once loaded into your memory. Hmmm... Not in my experience, but all viewers and home setups are not created equal. I bow to the power of your system. Mine is fast, but doesn't deal in split seconds. :smileywink:
  6. Yeah, but the question is whether the duplicate sculpts rez any faster than the first one did. I agree that it would be clumsy to have to load the UV map fresh every time. I'm just not confident that "preloading" it actually makes a difference, even if it is less clumsy. ETA: Hehe... It looks as if we are in uncharted territory. Aside from casual observations, the two or three of us here don't seem to have rigorous experimental data to answer the question. I am curious now, though, and Innula's observations suggest that I may be wrong.
  7. The easiest way is to rez a fresh prim. While you still have your Build/Edit tool open, select its Contents page and click the New Script button. That will create a copy of the basic "Hello, Avatar" script in the object. If you selet that script and either double-click on it or right-click and select Open or Edit, you'll be in the script editor. Then you can modify it to your heart's content. If you want to learn how to write LSL scripts, there are other ways to do it too. Start by working through some of the tutorials at http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LSL_Tutorial . Welcome to the scripting clan.
  8. Kwakkelde Kwak wrote: Rolig Loon wrote: No. They are TGA files, but they are not being rendered as images. I was under the impression you could preload sculptmaps in exactly the same way as textures... Have you tried it? I admit that I haven't had any reason to do a rigorous test myself. A sculpt map may have the same format as a texture, but your graphics card needs to interpret it in terms of shape and position variables instead of surface texture, so "rezzing" it involves a different set of processes. I know that you can preload sculpt maps. Based purely on casual observation, however, I'm skeptical about how much difference it makes for rezzing efficiency, but I could be wrong. One way to find out would be to see how long it takes to rez a sculpty on a nice, quiet sim, and then rez several copies for comparison. Clear your texture cache, rinse, and repeat a few times for reproduceability. Or maybe Chosen or one of the other professional modellers has already done this ..... ?
  9. Thanks for updating your original question, SuperMikey. If I understand correctly, you have now fixed the bake fail problem, but you aren't wearing the same outfit that you were before. That's not too surprising. Your outfits don't actually contain the various items (skin, shape, hair, clothes) themselves. They contain links to those items in various folders in your inventory. The whole idea is to make it so that you only need ONE copy of each item, but can refer to it in many outfits, thus saving on the size of your inventory. If the local cached copy of you inventory was borked, though, the links may have been scrambled so that they no longer point to the right items. I suggest deleting and borked outfits and creating new ones, the same way you did it the first time. It sounds like most of the pieces were originally in your Library >> Clothing folder, so look there to start.
  10. Anyone who is getting messages on a mobile device like that is using Metabolt or one of the other text-based TPVs. Your own viewer may be smart enough to detect which viewer that other person is using, but there's no way that it knows what features it has (or doesn't have). There's absolutely no reason why you should feel bad or stupid for not knowing either. When you talk with someone on the telephone in RL, you can't tell whether the person is blind or in a wheelchair, whether the person is 25 years old or 65, gay or straight. If those things are relevant to your conversation, you either ask or the other person volunteers the information. Same in SL. If you want to TP someone, get in the habit of asking, "May I TP you?"
  11. Continued from http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Avatar/I-had-to-change-my-avatar-to-Test-Avatar-because-it-was-an-agg/qaq-p/1364045 . Please do not start a new thread if you are still working on the same problem. It just makes it harder for people to see what advice you have alread been given. You can add information to your original question by clicking on the Options link in its upper right corner and selecting EDIT.
  12. Essentially, but it really depends on the size of the prim. You can see megaprims much farther away than jewelry, for example. You have to be close to smaller things to see them. Draw distance just sets an upper limit.
  13. I'm with Darkie. The question is more than a little confusing. However, I get the idea that you want objects to disappear if the rezzer that created them also disappears. Right? You can do that either of two ways: (1) The Rezzer knows that it is going to disappear, so it sends a pre-emptive message to everything that it has created, saying, "I am about to die, and you're going down with me." The rezzed objects hear the message and commit suicide. (2) The Rezzer dies unexpectedly, leaving orphaned objects that it rezzed. It has left each of them with a message that says, "If you hear that I am dead, kill yourself." Case #1 is easy. The script in each rezzed object has a listener that is waiting for a message on a special channel. When the Rezzer sends the message, the receiving script executes llDie and poofs. Case #2 is only a little harder. You can use a "heartbeat" approach in which the rezzer sends a secret message every ten minutes or so. If the rezzed objects hear the message, everything is OK. Otherwise, they poof. Or you can use a "ping" method, in which the rezzed objects call the Rezzer and wait for a response (or just use a sensor). If they don't get a response, they poof.
  14. That probably was not a good idea. Character Test should be one of the last things that you try, not the first ones. Often, all that it takes to clear a bake fail is to type CTRL + Alt + R, or change your hair base or your active group. There's a list of increasingly more powerful methods at http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=fs_bake_fail , as Angel pointed out, with Character Test at the very end. Start with the simple things at the top of the list and work down until you find what works for you today. You may find that the bake fail problem comes back repeatedly, even after you fix it with one of the suggestions on that wiki page. If so, you have a chronically weak Internet connection. There are many steps to take for repairing it. Perhaps the simplest ones -- ones that work best for most people -- are: (1) Don't Use WIRELESS. Wireless connections are inherently less stable than direct cable connections and are more vulnerable to interference. Then, (2) Reboot your router. Unplug it from the power for a few minutes to let it clear its RAM. The plug it back in and let it get a fresh hold on an IP address.
  15. See >>> https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-26759 What you are describing may be the same thing that has been reportd by others. If so, this looks like a problem that may take a long time to solve. You can help by adding your own constructive comments on that JIRA. Just log in to it and use the Comment box at the bottom. It will be most helpful if you provide full information about your computer and Internet coinnection and about which viewer you are using. You can get all of that information by lauching your viewer (Do NOT try to log in. Just get to the login page) and then clicking the Help or About button in the extreme upper left corner of the screen. Cut and paste that information into your report. (Of course, it might have been helpful if you had provided the same information in your question here too.)
  16. No. They are TGA files, but they are not being rendered as images.
  17. The textures just have to be within visual range of an av for the trick to work ... not necessary visible. So, yup, that's a good strategy.
  18. And color that back face black, so that it isn't obvious that you are rezzing a pic on it. You can also rez a different pic on each ot the other four sides, thus pre-loading up to 5 pics before you actually rotate them onto the front face.
  19. Try this first .... Set Preferences → Network & Cache → Cache Size to maximum (10240MB or the maximum space available, whichever is less) If it doesn't work, then try this .... Disable Preferences → Graphics → Rendering → Use HTTP Textures; that done, please go to Preferences → Network & Cache and click the Clear Cache button, then relog.
  20. Get in touch with the owner of the sim where you lost it. Ask him/her to do two things: 1. Look for your car at the sim's garbage collection spot, location < 0.0,0.0,0.0> . He'll probably find a lot of lost things there --- maybe your car. 2. Open World >> Debug >> Top Scripts and look for your car by either your name or its name. If you can't find the car with either of those two steps, then it is either in your invenory, but not showing up in your locally cached copy, or it is lost forever. If it's just not showing up in your locally cached copy of invenory, clear your cache and rebuild it. You may want to do that manually, from outside SL >>> http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=cache_clear . Those instructions will work for any viewer, but were written for Phoenix/Firestorm users.
  21. I have absolutely no idea. After all, every product like this has a custom-designed script that is unique to that product. Because the script is almost certainly no-mod, there's no way to guess how the scripter wrote it, or why it isn't doing what you expect. All I can suggest is 1. Try sitting in a different seat 2. Try resetting the script 3. Try reading whatever instructions came with it 4. Try contacting the creator again.
  22. From the superb support staff at Firestorm ..... Chances are good that the problem lies with the SL servers or the voice provider, Vivox. Still, there are things you can try: What sometimes also helps to get voice working is disabling voice in Preferences → Sound & Media -> Voice Settings, hitting apply, waiting a minute and then enabling voice and hitting apply. When these methods fail (assuming voice usually works for you) it is usually the Vivox voice servers that are the problem.Try going to another region to see if voice works there. If so, then the issue is the region you were in before. Was voice disabled there? If not, a region restart might solve the problem.Try a relog, or even a reboot of the computer.Sometimes device settings can reset, so check in Preferences → Sound & Media -> Voice Settings → Audio Device Settings, to be sure that the input and output are set correctly.
  23. Wait until tomorrow. Most sims are getting a server upgrade tomorrow that should fix the problem. ...... Stuck Presence IssuePosted by Status Desk on January 28th, 2012 at 10:15 am PST [postED 10:03AM 28 January 2012] We are aware that some residents are experiencing log in issues caused by a stuck presence from their previous log out from Second Life. This problem can usually be cleared by logging into a different region by following these steps: 1. Open Second Life Preferences to the General tab and check the box ‘Show at Log in’ for the start location options to appear on the log in screen. 2. Using the drop down menu to the right of the Log In button on the Log in Screen, change the drop down to ‘Type region name’ and type in another region such as the region [Lime] 3. Click Log In. If this does not allow you to log in please submit a Support case using Technical Questions > Second Life Viewer Login Issues for assistance. The cause of this issue is currently under investigation.
  24. You don't. You sell your L$ and then send the dollars you get for the sale to PayPal >>> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Buying-and-selling-Linden-dollars/ta-p/700107
  25. Some issues you might encounter are due to “bad” gestures (for lack of a better term). In brief, one or more gestures may fail to load properly and cause the viewer to time out. Symptoms which may be the result of problem gestures include: You are unable to log in properly without having to clear cache fully before doing so. It should never be necessary to clear cache before logging in, so if you have to do this, something is wrong. Some find that if they don't clear cache each time, they get logged out within seconds of logging in, or perhaps they are ruthed or a cloud every time, or even that they crash shortly after log in.You are able to log in but find yourself under water (all you can see is a blue screen) at coordinates 10, 10, 10. If you log in to an all blue screen, check your location, see if you are near the SIM corner, at 10, 10, 10. If so, you almost certainly have a problem gesture.In some cases, you will see that there is an error in loading one or more gestures. If you do, make careful note of which ones, then find them and deactivate them - or better, delete them. If there is no such message, then please read on, here >>> http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/doku.php?id=gesture_issues.
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