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Rolig Loon

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Everything posted by Rolig Loon

  1. You can always add information to your original question by clicking on the Options link in its upper right corner and selecting EDIT. It's a dumb system, but it's what we have to work with. See my post for the answer to your other question. Study the basic building skills in that Knowledge Base article I referenced.
  2. 1. If it's taking up over half the screen, you are standing too close. Back off with your camera. The wheel on your mouse will take care of that. See >>> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Camera-point-of-view-controls/ta-p/700047 2. If it's standing on edge, flip it. Select the bed with your Build/Edit tool (CTRL + 3) and then hold down the CTRL key so that you can see the three rotation circles (Red. Green, and Blue). Grab whichever one of the circles seems appropriate with your cursor and rotate the bed gently until it looks right to you. See >>> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Build-Tools/ta-p/700039
  3. The first thing to check is Preferences. Be sure that you have Voice enabled.
  4. You can't destroy the object while it is in inventory, but if it is No Copy, then its owner can't rez a second copy. If the first one was destroyed as I described in my first response, it is gone forever.
  5. Duplicate post. Original at http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Creation/Is-it-possible-to-create-use-once-objects/qaq-p/1369031#M3102
  6. Sure it is, and it's done all the time. You can take the easy route and just make your object Temporary (click the "Temporary" box while you have the object selected with your Build/Edit tool). Once you do that, the object disappears about a minute later or, if you take it back to inventory, a minute after it is rezzed. That method isn't foolproof, of course, because the user can UNcheck the box again, unless you have made your object No-copy/No-mod. The other option is to add a bit of scripting code that calls the LSL function llDie(). You could trigger that with a timer in the script, or with a sensor that activates when someone touches, bumps into, or comes near to the object. There are ways to get around that too, but it's a bit more elegant and offers you more flexiblity.
  7. Is SLVoice.exe in the exceptions/allowed list for your firewall? If your firewall is turned off, turn it on and add the SLVoice.exe anyway. Here are instructions for several firewall systems >>> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Using-Second-Life-with-a-firewall/ta-p/1304539 Just remember that it is SLVoice.exe that you are looking for, not Secondlife.exe (although you should have an exception for that too).
  8. If you want to make a hole in one prim, the only way to do it is to turn the prim so you are looking down its Z axis and then increase its Hole size from 0 to whatever size you want. Voila, hole. (That's on the Object tab of your Build/Edit tool -- CTRL + 3) The only thing about that method is that a hole is always centered on your prim, and its dimensions are proportional the the length of the X and Y axes. If you want a perfectly square hole, off center in a rectangular prim, you're out of luck. It's a useful method, therefore, but a limited one. Most builders use the Lego method for making doorways and window instead. Stack a bunch of prims, leaving an opening of exactly the size and shape you want. That uses more prims, but it is much more versatile and aesthetically pleasing. The least satisfying method, used only in rather cheap construction but sometimes appropriate for incidental buildings, is not to make a hole at all. Using Photoshop or your favorite graphics program, create a texture for your wall and draw a window. Create an alpha mask and, from it, set the window area as nearly pure white in your alpha mask. When you apply the texture to a prim in SL, the window area is transparent and it's exactly where you want it. (It's also a 2-D window and creates potential alpha sorting problems elsewhere on the wall .... ).
  9. Buy them and attach them? I think there must be more to this question ........ :smileyfrustrated:
  10. Rolig Loon


    You don't. Transparency makes any texture on a window fainter because, after all, you are looking through it, not just at it. If you have lettering or a shop logo on a window, you need to create the window texture with that in mind. When you make the texture in Photoshop (or GIMP or whatever), put the lettering/logo in a separate layer, and create a layer mask. When you create the alpha channel image for your texture, make most of the window -- the background -- about 70% gray in the alpha channel, so that it is fairly transparent. Then use your layer mask to create a less opaque portion of the alpha channel, so that the lettering/logo stands out against the background. You can even make it completely white, if you want the lettering/logo to be opaque in the final texture. If you have created the texture properly in this way, your window in world will be appropriately transparent and the lettering/logo will not be washed out.
  11. In addition to Darren's very good answer, consider the possibility that you are actually trying to sit on the wrong object. I'm embarrassed to say how often I do that, even after almost 5 years in SL. It usually happens when the thing I want to sit on is next to a tree. I think I'm clicking on the seat but I'm really clicking on a transparent part of the tree, so it tells me that there's no room to sit..
  12. Oh, yeah ...... almost forgot. The solution to your problem is here >>> http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Fix_Small_Prims :smileytongue:
  13. You can get each link's dimensions easily enough. Locating the link could be a little trickier. To get link sizes, try this ... default{ touch_start(integer num) { integer i; for (i=1; i <= llGetNumberOfPrims(); ++i) { string Size = llList2String(llGetLinkPrimitiveParams(i,[PRIM_SIZE]),0); llSay(0, "Link #" + (string) i + " --- " + Size); } }} Drop that into your linkset temporarily and click on it.
  14. You might have some luck with an answer if you post this question in the Building and Texturing Forum, but I suspect that you'll need to ask in a Blender user's group somewhere. This is really a problem for that specific software application.
  15. I think Marigold has guessed it correctly. You seem to be trying to enter SL from a web page. That's possible, but not until after you have already downloaded and installed a Second Life viewer, as others have explained. People normally enter SL by launching a viewer from its icon on their desktop, and then clicking "Login" from its login page. Depending on how they have configured the viewer, that process will land them at either (1) their self-defined "Home" location, (2) the place where they logged out last time, or (3) a newly-identified destination. Once you have a vewer set up, though, you do have a fourth option. If you have a SLURL -- a specially-created URL that identifies a target destination in SL -- you can train your web browser to recognize it, launch your viewer, and let you log in at the SLURL's destination. If you're really interested, you can learn how to do that later. For now, just enter SL the "normal" way. :smileywink:
  16. Right, Qie. Emma's original question posed an interesting challenge, using the combination of a fast-repeating sensor and the new llKeyframedMotion function to create a smooth follower. It's a nice idea, and it attracted me because it needed the extra touch of normalizing the rotations in order to work properly. Adding her latest requirement puts it into a different realm. As Emma noticed, it means that the follower has to delay its movements in order to follow the same path as its target. She's essentially designing a frieght train that doesn't need tracks but still needs to look like it has them. Lucinda's suggestion has merit. I have little or no interest in missles, so I'd need to invent the guidance technology from scratch. In rough form, though, you're right. It's a matter of having the follower keep track of where the target used to be, and then heading for that same spot a second or two later. I think I'd still use keyframed motion to move the follower, simply because I think you'd get smoother action that way, but that's something to experiment with. It's never going to be perfect, but then a RL frieght train isn't either. The cars bump back and forth as the engine changes speed and the cars don't know it yet. That's realism for you.
  17. There are several scripted tools in world that you can use. I like Dora Gustafson's Prim Mirror Tool myself, but I have also had good luck with Jeffrey Gomez's Magic Mirror. He doesn't have a Marketplace store, but you can find his Magic Mirror in an unmarked blue box in his shop at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Great%20Pubnico/24/61/94 . Do a mouseover to see which blue box is the right one.
  18. If you simply remove or deactivate each of the items in you store, they will no longer appear in Marketplace. You cannot close your store, but doing that will make it invisible and inactive.
  19. Hmmm... Lucinda is right concerning position, Emma. Unlike llSetPos, llSetRegionPos doesn't have a 0.2 second delay, so you could reset your follower's position at each time step with a call to llSetRegionPos( llDetectedPos(0) + offset * llDetectedRot(0) ); Then just take the translation out of your keyframed motion, leaving it to deal with the rotation alone. Without the 0.2 second delay, the follower shouldn't be choppy, and the keyframed motion will keep the rotation smooth, which was your goal. It will still take some fiddling, but you might make it work.
  20. The problem is that you can't run two animations at once, so the shorter one (the translation) can't fire again until the longer one has finished. My guess is that to make it work, you'll have to set their times nearer to the same and lengthen the time of your SensorRepeat. That will mess up the smoothness of your follower, though. There's got to be a balance in there somewhere, but it's going to take a lot of experimentation.
  21. You can certainly separate them. Your examples should work if you rewrite them as llSetKeyframedMotion([(llDetectedPos(0) - llGetPos()) + <-1.0,0.0,0.2>*llDetectedRot(0), 0.11112], [KFM_DATA,KFM_TRANSLATION]);// ANDllSetKeyframedMotion([NormRot(llDetectedRot(0)/llGetRot()),2.0],[KFM_DATA,KFM_ROTATION]); Whether they would achieve the effect you want is another matter, but you could experiment with various values and find out.
  22. That's the way that standard LL animation works. It's even called "turn_180". I suppose that I could add a camera control code to flip the camera around too, though..... Never thought of that. ETA: Oh, wait.. I see what you're doing. (Thanks for the kick, Darkie.... :smileytongue: ) See right at the top of the script where the sit target is defined? It says llSitTarget( <0.00, 0.00, 0.80>, ZERO_ROTATION ); So just change it to say llSitTarget( <0.00, 0.00, 0.80>, llEuler2Rot(<0.0,0.0,PI> );
  23. If you are in busy mode when someone sends you something, it is automatically refused, so that's one possibility. If you are not in world and receive more than 25 items total (objects, notecards, IMs, group notices, group invitations ...), the extras will also be discarded .... forever. It's also possible that the Magic Box delivery system that is supposed to send items from a merchant to you has messed up. It happens fairly often, which is why LL is going to replace the system sometime soon. Ask whoever sent you the gift to check their order history in Marketplace. If the item shows as "Delivered", the person will need to contact the merchant and ask for a redelivery.
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