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Rolig Loon

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Everything posted by Rolig Loon

  1. I know this isn't much help, Charolotte, but in Firestorm, it's Preferences >> Privacy >>Automatically view notecards, textures, landmarks after accepting. I don't use V3, so I cannot tell you whether there is a comparable setting there. :smileysad:
  2. Duplicate question. Original at http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Land/Deseo-una-casa-en-particular-como-hago/qaq-p/1444441 Véase la respuesta de Irene a su pregunta en el http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Land/Deseo-una-casa-en-particular-como-hago/qaq-p/1444441
  3. Turning the AO off is a good solution. Animations can be designed to have any one of four levels of priority. Each level trumps the one below it. If you are using an animation in your AO that has a higher priority than one in a gesture that you want to use, the AO will override it. (In fact, that's what the "O" in AO means. Animation Overriders are meant to override the low-level animations that we all have by default for walking, sitting, flying, and so forth.) If your AO is overriding your gesture's animation, it's only doing its job. Some AO's, like the built-in AO in Firestorm, can be trained to go to sleep when you sit down --- ignoring its own anims if you are sitting on something that has a sit animation in it, even a lower priority one. I've never seen an AO that will ignore gestures, though. BTW, you can't tell what priority level a specific animation has, except by trying it out and seeing how it survives against other anims.
  4. Be very careful about downloading SL viewers from sites that you find in Google searches. There have been rumors of some sites that are either phishing for identity theft or are offering viewers with viruses in them. You can trust viewers that you download from https://secondlife.com/support/downloads/?lang=en-US or http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Third_Party_Viewer_Directory . If you are trying to see mesh items you need a current v3 viewer, Firestorm, Phoenix, Singularity, or CoolView. There are probably others too, but those are on the top of my head.
  5. If you're on a PC, The "correct" time is in the lower right corner of yoiur screen, where it has always been --- outside of Second Life. :smileywink:
  6. It should be there if you are using the most recent download of the V3 or Firestorm viewer. Firestorm didn't have it until v4 was released just the other day.
  7. From the Release Notes .... Note that the following two features are not activated--we expect to turn them on in the next couple of weeks: ANS Direct Delivery support for no copy (Merchant does not have copy rights) items ETA: Nobody is requiring you to move all items from your Magic Box into the new system right away. Those no-copy items can stay right where they are for a while. Magic Boxes will continue to work even as DD is phasing in.
  8. I agree with Valerie ... OUCH. It's rarely a good idea to return everything you own in a single coalesced lump like that. Before you rush to a sandbox to rez it, though, here are some things to think about ... Find a nice, BIG, empty sandbox to work in and stand as close to the middle as you can. Be very sure to open your Build/Edit tool (CTRL+3) before you rez the coalesced object. That way, the entire thing will be selected as it's rezzed. If you forget, and if some of the individual parts rez underground, inside other objects, or outside the sandbox, you'll have a real hard time finding them all and moving them individually. So long as you don't close your Build/Edit tool, though, you will be able to move the entire mass together. It's a good idea to lift it 50m off the ground to be really sure you know where everything is. Once you are sure that everything is visible and accounted for, then select objects one at a time and take them back to your inventory. When you are all done, use your Build/Edit tool again, with "Select By Surrounding" and "Select Only My Objects". Drag a selection rectangle around the place where you have been working and check for anything that is highlighted. It's easy to miss small or transparent objects.
  9. That's potenially confusing, so I wouldn't trust any automated system to get it right. If I were you, I would call Linden Lab's billing office and speak directly to a person to get it sorted out properly. The answer to your question would be simple, of course, if your property were on a private sim, since you can own private sim land as a Basic member. Here's where to call....... Toll-Free (US/Canada) 800.294.1067 Long-Distance 703.286.6277 LL's billing team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Local Toll-Free numbers * France: 0805.101.490 * Germany: 0800.664.5510 * Japan: 0066.33.132.830 * Portugal: 800.814.450 * Spain: 800.300.560 * UK: 0800.048.4646 * Support is in English Only
  10. If you are a Premium member of SL, contact Live Chat or submit a supprt ticket at https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ under the menu heading Technical Questions >> Inventory (un-rezzed) Issues . If you are a Basic member, you do not have access to those services. You may be able to resolve the problem yourself, however, by clearing your cache and logging back in to SL at a quiet, lag-free sim like Pooley or Aqua. Open your Inventory, type any character in the search field at the top to jump start the rebuilding process, and go out for coffee. Do not do anything else until all of your inventory has been copied successfully into a new cached version on your hard drive. You will know when that happens because you will no longer see "Fetching ..." at the bottom of the Inventory window and the count of items will stop changing. You should also have your missing folders back. I hope.
  11. That's been on the wish list for a long time. The character sets are supported (inadequately), but the viewers do not yet have support for right to left writing. You may want to add your voice and any pertinent suggestions to https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-20819
  12. We're all learning very fast. This is the first day for most merchants, unless they have played with Direct Delivery in beta on Aditi. You may find a hint of an answer to your question in this thread in the Merchants forum >>> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Merchants/Direct-Delivery-Feedback/td-p/1444829 . Apparently some people who saw that same message this morning made it go away by simply relogging. If that doesn't work for you, I suggest adding your own query to that same thread and see what feedback you get. Meanwhile, I have learned several things myself by just watching Torley's new video >>> . The answer to your question isn't there, but many other things are.
  13. Sometimes that box takes a really long time to recognize that you are there. Wait a minute or two. If that doesn't work, download a different viewer (Try Firestorm. It is way cool.) and log in with it. Accept the TOS and then either stick with the new viewer or log out and go back to the first one. Once you have accepted the TOS one time, you never have to do it again.
  14. Yup. That's your prize for being a Premium member, whether you own property or not. Go out and buy a new outfit, or some furniture.
  15. Good point, Cinn. I forgot that today was RC day.
  16. That message can usually mean any one of three things: Your router needs to be reset. Unplug it from the power for a few minutes while you go for coffee. That will give it time to clear its RAM. When you plug it back in, it will also get a firmer grasp on an IP address. If that doesn't work.... You have a DNS problem. Change your DNS settings from whatever your ISP assigns you as a default by adding Google's free public DNS servers. Here's how >>> http://code.google.com/speed/public-dns/ If even that doesn't work, you have a real problem .... You were probably wearing a group tag with "illegal" characters when you logged out last time. See https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-6608? If you are a Premium member of SL, contact Live Chat and ask them to remove you from the group. If you are not a Premium member, go in world as an alt or get a friend to go in world for you. Find the group's owner and ask to be ejected from the group. (Explain why, and strongly suggest that he change the group tag before other people get stuck too.) ETA: If you are wearing a bad group tag and you are the group's owner, you have a really big problem. Click on the Options link in the upper right corner of your question and select EDIT to let us know. Please do NOT start a new thread.
  17. As soon as you typed the word "PINK" in your question's title, you should have seen a HUGE selection of threads in the sidebar, suggesting that maybe 400 people have asked the same question here in the past month. Take a look >>> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/forums/searchpage/tab/message?q=pink Update your graphics card drivers.
  18. As a different idea, perhaps you could try creating books for sale. There are scripted systems that help you create a book that has pages that the owner can turn by clicking on them. (I have one that has over 200 pages.) Whatever system you use, you create a book by writing the text and designing each page in a graphics program outside SL, upload it, and then apply it to the prims in your book object. If you are artistic, you can add your own drawings or photos to the book to make it truly attractive. If that sounds like an interesting idea, I suggest starting with a visit to http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/THINC/133/126/26 and then taking time to wander in SL and look at books that other people have made.
  19. If you are using a viewer that should see mesh and you can't, try either of two things: (1) Go to Preferences >> Graphics (Advanced) and check the box that says Hardware Skinning. Or... (2) Open your Advanced menu (CTRL + D) >> Debug Settings and type in MeshMaxConcurrentRequests . Increase the value that you see in the menu there -- try doubling it, maybe -- and click the X to close the window. CORRECTION: I was typing in my sleep last night. In point #1, Hardware Skinning should be checked if you want to see mesh. Sorry about that. You should also have Basic Shaders turned on.
  20. This thread is copied at http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Portugu%C3%AAs/i-want-know-why-linden-labs-take-1-244-l-from-my-account-with-no/qaq-p/1443751#M920
  21. Duplicate post. Original is at http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Account/The-Liden-took-my-money-Destination-SYSTEMLinden-Adjustment-L-1/qaq-p/1443731
  22. A common cause of payment method failure is the use of unsupported card types. At this time, the majority of prepaid cards are not compatible with our system, even if they bear the VISA/AMEX/Mastercard logo. This includes cards purchased at retail stores, rechargeable credit cards, and bank-issued check cards. Here are some common reasons for credit card failure: You entered the credit card number incorrectly. You did not enter the billing address or entered it incorrectly. It should be the same address that appears on your bill. You did not enter the name on the card or entered differently from how it appears on the card. Be sure you updated your card's expiration date in the Second Life Billing Information page. The credit card is not in the list of accepted payment methods (see above) You did not enter the CVV (3 digits on the back, or 4 digits on the front for AmEx) or entered it incorrectly. The card is expired, or the expiration date was entered incorrectly. There are no funds available on the credit card to validate it. We send a US$1.00 authorization to ensure that a credit card is valid. This is not a billing, but the card must have at least US$1.00 available on it to pass validation. Your monthly payment limit is reached, and/or your bank is not authorizing any more transactions. The issuing bank has not pre-approved transactions with Linden Research, Inc. Contact the issuing bank to resolve the problem. If you are outside the US, your card may not be set up for international/overseas transactions (this is very common with Visa Electron). If none of the above applies, contact your credit card provider to determine the cause. You may also contact Linden Lab Billing Support.
  23. You really need to ask the Linden Lab billing office. They are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Toll-Free (US/Canada) 800.294.1067 Long-Distance 703.286.6277 Local Toll-Free numbers * France: 0805.101.490 * Germany: 0800.664.5510 * Japan: 0066.33.132.830 * Portugal: 800.814.450 * Spain: 800.300.560 * UK: 0800.048.4646 * Support is in English Only
  24. Follow Charolotte's advice and then read http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Second-Life-Quickstart/ta-p/1087919 (or vice versa). Welcome to Second Life.
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