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Rolig Loon

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Everything posted by Rolig Loon

  1. Rolling restarts may take quite a while. My own home sim has been off line for about 2 hours now. Just be patient.
  2. All it means is that someone has elected to "follow" the RSS feed on your profile at my.secondlife.com/Ana.Alchemi. It's an annoying facebooky thing. If you really don't like it -- I don't, myself -- you can adjust the Privacy settings in your profile to the maximum, so that nobody can post to or follow your page at all.
  3. If no viewers work, then it's pretty clear that the viewers aren't the problem. Chances are very good that something is wrong in your computer or its Internet connection. You might look, for example, to see whether you have a firwall or an anti-virus routine that has flagged Second Life as an evil intruder. See http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Using-Second-Life-with-a-firewall/ta-p/1304539 for information about setting your firewall and http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/antivirus_whitelisting for information about getting your anti-virus routine to back off. We really can't do much more than make random guesses like this without knowing more about your computer, its graphics card, and your Internet connection. Click on the Options link in the upper right corner of your question here and select EDIT to add important information. Please do NOT start a new thread.
  4. You will not get that information in the Answers forum. Our purpose here is to help explain how SL works (or why it doesn't). If you want to discuss why one product is better than another one, or other questions about personal preference, the place to do it is the General Discussion forum.
  5. Rolig Loon

    hug script

    No, never the LSL Scripting forum. There are no free scripts there. That forum is a place for scripters to share ideas and insights on scripts that they are writing. People looking for free scripts are routinely referred to the Wanted forum or the Inworld Employment forum.
  6. You are asking about Land Impact, which is a very complicated topic. The best explanation is in this resource >>> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Mesh/Prims-Prim-Equivalent-Land-Impact-a-too-long-guide/td-p/1293579 . Unfortunately, it is long and it is in English. It is well-illustrated, however, so I hope it will make sense to you.
  7. Yup, the bottleneck is clearly in the last few hops to LL's servers. That's a big ping time. Unfortunately, there's nothing that we can do about it here in Answers since we are all SL residents like you. Lindens never come here at all. I suggest either posting in the SL Server forum or sending a polite but concerned note directly to Oskar Linden. BTW, I suggest blanking out your own IP address and the details of the first two or three hops beyond your computer instead pf posting the entire tracert report in full. The important information is the ping time anyway, and the world doesn't need to know where your doorbell is.
  8. That's NOT easy. It takes patience and good luck. Finding rentable space is a snap. Walk onto almost any sim with shops and you'll find some vacant ones. The trick is finding one where you're likely to have customers. I have had shops on beautiful sims with no people, and sims with lots of people who weren't interested in buying my clothing. I have my shop on a sim now that I must have visited dozens of times for almost two years before it occurred to me that there was a reason I kept coming back. It appealed to people like me, and they might also be people who like what I sell.
  9. A landowner can kick out anyone for any reason at all, or for no reason. As far as Linden Lab is concerned, that's a dispiute between residents. Because there's no TOS violation involved, they won't interfere. It sounds like you got the bad end of the deal, but there's not much you can do about it. I know, it stinks.
  10. To judge from this post in the GD forum earlier this afternoon, we are seeing a work in progress...... "From now on, to age verify, you must open a ticket and send a photo copy of your legal identification. This effect is cascading and will, eventually, affect all residents."
  11. I've never been a Premium member, but I've had shops on several sims and in Marketplace or its predecessors for over 5 years. Easy as pie.
  12. See http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_cache_clear for a discussion of how to rebuild the locally cached copy of your inventory. Yours seems to have been damaged.
  13. It works fine for me. I added a statement to read out the lapsed time when the timer kicks in, and it's always right on the number of seconds I set the timer for. Here's my version (like yours but with some stuff commented out).... string sound = "Found-the-platform";default{ state_entry() { llResetTime(); llListen(-5001,"", NULL_KEY, "Reset"); llSetTimerEvent(20.0); } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string m) { if(m == "Reset") llDie(); } timer() { llSay(0,(string)llGetTime()); llSetTimerEvent(0.0);// llRezObject("Surface Target Marker", llGetPos() + <0,0,1.72>,<0,0,0>,<0,0,0,0>,0); state visible; } }state visible{ collision_start(integer total_number) {// llRezObject("End Teleporter", llGetPos() + <0,0,2>,<0,0,0>,<0,0,0,0>,0); // llTriggerSound(sound, 1.0); llShout(-5001, "KILL MARKER"); llSetTimerEvent(2.0); } timer() { llSetTimerEvent(0.0); llDie(); }}
  14. Rolig Loon

    help adult

    Here's the explanation, indirectly from Linden Lab ( see http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/Major-change-to-Age-Verification/td-p/1594703/page/3) .... " I just got off of a live chat with concierge support. From now on, to age verify, you must open a ticket and send a photo copy of your legal identification. This effect is cascading and will, eventually, affect all residents."
  15. Rolig Loon

    Abandon Land

    Everything you ever wanted to know about abandoned land and lots that you never imagined that you could know is here >>> http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Abandoned-land/ta-p/846143
  16. OK, here's the answer, hot off the presses and just posted in http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/Major-change-to-Age-Verification/m-p/159... "I just got off of a live chat with concierge support. From now on, to age verify, you must open a ticket and send a photo copy of your legal identification. This effect is cascading and will, eventually, affect all residents." Thank Nyll for this one. :smileylol:
  17. OK, here's the answer, hot off the presses and just posted in http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/Major-change-to-Age-Verification/m-p/1594959#M70730 "I just got off of a live chat with concierge support. From now on, to age verify, you must open a ticket and send a photo copy of your legal identification. This effect is cascading and will, eventually, affect all residents."
  18. Great. Thanks for the information, Nyll. I'll copy this back to a couple of the OPs who have been asking.
  19. We know that much, but none of it explains why people who were able to access Adult areas yesterday are suddenly finding that they can't get there today. That's what all the conversation in those other threads this afternoon has been about, and it's what the OP here is asking too. We don't have an answer.
  20. If you have a Linden Home all you have to do s 1. Remove all your stuff (take it back to invenory or delete it) 2. Click World >> About Land >> General >> Abandon Land. That's it. You ought to be able to go to your dashobard at secondlife.com and navigate to Account, where you can change your status from Premium to Basic.
  21. We are all trying to figure that one out, Antoinette. You can follow our confused (and confusing) conversations today at http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Account/Account-Age-Verification/qaq-p/1594679 and http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/Major-change-to-Age-Verification/m-p/1594925#M70727 . Stay tuned. When we find out what's going on, the answer will show up in one of these threads. We'll try to remember to add it to yours too.
  22. You might try posting your query in the Make Friends forum or the Favorite Destinations forum. That's what they are there for. You can also try sampling the Destinations selection that's visible when you open your viewer. Linden Lab usually loads that feature with pretty neat spots. You might also use your Search tool to look for groups that you share a common interest with, and then see where they meet (if they do). To find freebies of any kind, open your Search tool in world or go to search.secondlifecom and type in "freebie". You'll get a zillion hits. BTW, it doesn't take much money to get a very respectable wardrobe. For the cost of a Big Mac and fries you can look like a king. Remember, L$1000 is only about $4 US.
  23. Well, if one of us figures this out, let's be sure to trade notes. I don't know what to tell people any more. (It sure would be nice if WE could contact a Linden once in a while.)
  24. Darned if I know. I'm guessing that I turned 18 longer ago than either of you, so I never had to deal with re-verification either. This is really confusing.
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