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Josh Susanto

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Everything posted by Josh Susanto

  1. An email telling me something was flagged would be a lot more useful than one telling me that something has been sold or delivered, especially if it was never actually delivered It is pretty clear to me that the category/subcategory thing is mostly functioning at this point as a convenient excuse for people who want to delist items by flagging them. By now, I'm very familiar with this problem. (for example, although it's the tip of the iceberg....) A post I made earlier (which was removed for officially different reasons) explained that my seamless block sculpt had been flagged for being in the wrong category. I have returned it to the category in which it was flagged, because I think it's just about the perfect example of something that should be in exactly that category. I'm expecting it to get flagged again any time though. Somebody doesn't want anyone buying this thing, or at least not from me. If LL gives a damn, they have yet to make any official statement about it. If you can't see the link, that probably means it got flagged again. If you want the thing free, either way, just ask. Giving it away defeats the abusive flagger, so I'm happy to do it. https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/seamless-block-sculpt-full-permissions/2215250
  2. As things are, people seem to be able to buy items from the box via SLM when my inventory is totally screwed up, and I am able to manually deliver from my inventory when either the box or SLM is totally screwed up. With Direct Delivery, what option will I have when these two things have become the same?
  3. >Medhue you sound like someone who'd refuse anesthesia during an operation so you could yell at the the surgeon to hurry up. Actually, he sounds more like a guy who woke up during surgery because it has gone on so long that the anesthesia ran out. I would probably yell, too.
  4. My sculpts are almost entirely photoderivative. That is rather limiting. Nonetheless, very few people really seem to have any idea how that works. If you want to know, ask me. It's weird, but it's no secret.
  5. Officially, Ruthie is dead and her ghost looks like a white cloud. But Ruthie is forever, and you'll see her when the time is right. So is it written.
  6. As cynical as I am about many such things, I am glad to hear that. If the guy was dumb enough to duplicate your marketing in addition to duplicating your product, I don't see how he imagined he would get away with it. But maybe he just figured that for as long as he would get away with it, doing more work to try to get away with it longer wouldn't warrant the effort. I suspect the guy who was marketing copies of my stuff with the same pictures, which actually had my own very distinctive avatar in almost every frame, did not expect to keep doing it forever, but instead thought he could pick up some fast coin until someone stopped him. Again, since my own stuff is full perms, it was merely a question of honor with my products. But what he did with my products got him noticed for his basic business model, which I understand had some more serious issues. My father-in-law has published books in RL that are repeatedly infringed. He won the first case simply by showing that the cover picture on one book had been reversed, and that it was very clearly a picture of his own 2 kids. He says that had they not used the same picture, he might not have prevailed, and that he would not have been able to protect the books from subsequent infringements by others. Connecting yourself with your product CAN be important. Much to LL's credit, I assume they realize it's a better risk to shut down an accused unauthorized copyist and possibly need to resolve things with him later and a worse risk not to shut him down and assuredly invite an escalated pattern of complaint by his accusers. I do not advocate some kind of witch hunt, but I see the logic of shooting first and asking questions later, provided that anything the bullets do is more remediable than what is already happening without them. There's a mentality among some in SL that it's better for consumers if everything gets copied. Although my own stuff is intended to be copied, I don't agree with the larger idea. As in RL, unauthorized copies can drive down the market value of authorized copies and divert income away from people trying to produce things toward people who get paid basically for pressing the copy button. Some things in SL "don't want to be copied" and require so much time, skill and licensed software to produce that they become net loss items for producers if they are copied. If this is not diligently policed, it will send a message to producers of high-overhead items that they should expect to lose money by contributing to the SL economy. That's a bad message, and I'm happy to hear that LL is making a point of not sending it.
  7. You can also make eye prims and put them in around the actual eyes of your AV. Then you can point them, independently, anywhere you like.
  8. Don't worry. If it didn't work, they would already have released it.
  9. My way of frustrating the copiers is simply to assure than everyone else can also do it, so there's practically no profit in it for them. People will buy my stuff even though it's somewhere out there for free, because somewhere out there isn't always very convenient to get to, especially if you're not 100% sure about exactly what you're looking for. I have encouraged specific people to re-market my items in Spanish and German, but I have not tried to specifically stop others from doing so in English or other languages. When it has happened, merely subjecting the reseller to various forms of unwanted attention has proved oddly effective. Just because there's no rule against doing something doesn't mean that someone won't eventually regret doing it, or that they can't be made by legitimate means to regret doing it. If something has been resold after it has been appreciably modded, I not only do not discourage that, I consider it to be a desireable outcome, provided that the effect of the mod is not to produce total crap. I understand that this is not the way that most people think here, but I also understand that I'd rather spend my time making and selling stuff than spend my time tediously scrutinizing everybody else's products for some hint that they may be derivative. The system is what it is, and it's only ever going to change so much. Until then, at least, it just seems easier to me to work the system that is.
  10. I strongly oppose the restriction of SL use to people with RL accounts. I haven't been able to either open new accounts or maintain old ones since I moved from North America to South America, and I would feel rather cheated if I suddenly found my SL account shut and/or found myself unable to open a new SL account because of this situation. Moreover, I think SL is classist enough without such a restriction. Nothing requires anyone to offer freebies, but by bouncing the supposed riff-raff (because you think the'yre noodjing you for the odd $L?), we'd ultimately be reducing the number of people who can potentially pay merchants for something. In my own case, my money in SL comes from SL, but I'm not just some kind of bloodsucking parasite. People pay me for my products because my products provide value to specific users, and to the SL economy as a whole. Without me, merchants might have slightly less competition and could more easily charge 1L for something rather than give it away. But without me, it's unclear what else would be happening to the money currently flowing into my account, and consumers would have a lot fewer choices in terms of products such as those I am selling. I can't actually speak for LL, but I don't see any advantage for them in discouraging people without RL accounts from maintaining SL accounts, especially since we can't very easily cash out. A few of us are lazy jerks, sure. But the idea that having slightly more money to throw around in RL is somehow more important than SL behavior does not sit well with me. People with free accounts who bother to stick around and do more than perform naive griefing experiments often contribute very substantially to SL culture and technical resources. For those who find it necessary, there are plenty of private sims where they may go to play croquet and eat cucumber sandwiches with those of similarly suitable breeding. But the gentrification of the whole grid is not a good business prospect for LL, and it is inconsistent with various ideological precedents that LL has set from very early on in the process. It's about 5 years to late to be saying "there goes the neigborhood". We're here. We're poor. Get used to it.
  11. I'll consider it to be fixed when I see some population delivery success rates before and after. Does such data even exist in any intelligible form?
  12. >It is turned off, Yes, much like the thousands of various genes we retain that may some day allow us to become functional yeast cultures.
  13. What's the hurry for LL as long as they're still getting commissions on sales of things no one will buy after mesh arrives?
  14. Eventually, I'd like a way to directly pay student loans and other bills with $L. Ultimately, is there any reason that that just can't happen?
  15. My one-prim mannequins will soon be equipped with chatbot scripts. Does that qualify as "greeting"?
  16. I somewhat sypathize with LL in not wanting to pick categories for people. But it seems wrong to me to allow someone to say that something is in the wrong category unless they will also say what they consider to be the correct category. Most, if not all, of the suprious category flags could probably be prevented by requiring category flaggers to indicate a different category. Would making that happen once be more work or less work than managing an eternity of complaints and abandoning endless numbers of commissions from items that can't be sold because they've been delisted by spurious flagging? What could possibly be the advatage to LL of allowing people to flag anything, any time for any reason?
  17. The Moderator has now clarified that the specific problem with the post initially removed was that it was perceived to contain a threat. This explains the rest of the confusion to my satisfaction. The "threat" consisted of a statement that I would deal with the current flagger as I had dealt with flaggers in the past, but did not specify what that was; only that it had been very effective. Had I been explicit about perviously having done anything outside my rights, I understood that that would have been a violation.
  18. I mean what it thinks will be texture. Thanks, you answered the question. I habitually use the term "data" because I have made a business out of the fact that the software using the data doesn't actually know or care whether it's a surface image or a sculpt map, or just a bunch of numbers.
  19. >No, they won't do this because if they did then you would never learn. It's your responsibility With the adult items, this makes sense because it's clear how to relist it. But with things that are flagged for wrong category, why is it my responsibility to cycle them through every possible category until they stop getting flagged? When I have exhausted every category, what then?
  20. My main question would be whether all texture data must originate inside the app, or if I can import data to edit within the app.
  21. Pending clarification from the Moderator, it is my present understanding that we are not to discuss flagging abuse, even if the flagger remains totally unnamed. I actually have received a warning about this, and follow-up explaining that the post was not removed due to a specific word or group of words in the post. What I'm expecting for the next warning is not to discuss the existence of secret rules.
  22. You can also skew and stretch a section of a circle, drop it on top of another color, and erase.
  23. True. If I had to sell in-world, I wouldn't even bother. Only offworld sales allow my work to be cost-effective. Some things need to be seen in-world in order to justify the sale price. When it comes to rock prims, though, in-world sales efforts are bound to a loss, even without my copymods pushing down market prices for rocks. When I hear people complian about th marketplace killing their in-world sales, it makes me think they may have the wrong venue for their products in terms of overhead costs putting them in an uncompetitive position. Adding in-world search failure does not help in-world merchants, though. I suppose that someone at LL might perceive it to be a problem not worth fixing because they think in-world search failure inevitably means more commissionable sales on the market. I am inclined to disagree with such thinking, though. ANY reduced functionality more likely stands to reduce LL revenues in the long-term because it simply makes people less inclined to use SL. Moreover; although I am not dependent on in-world search, and my competitors are, I would like to see it fixed anyway because its failures reduce concurrency; a variable that has continued to decline even as new user accounts continue to accumulate. It's not certain that more concurrency inevitably means more sales, but it's reasonable to believe that limits to concurrency will translate into limitations in sales. N00bs only mean more sales if they stick around. If even seasoned users won't do that, why should the n00bs? So fix what? Fix EVERYTHING. Even if luckys are considered to be abusive, it hardly matters. One kind of abuse will always replace another, and preventing debateable abuses will just give LL more distractions they don't need while trying to get things to at least work so they can be abused or unabused as an intended stystem would allow.
  24. Or you can just do like everybody else and wait for mesh to solve the problem. Mesh is the next big thing after breedables. The next big thing after that? NOT mesh.
  25. Good point. All the more reason to buy full-perms items in the first place.
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