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Josh Susanto

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Everything posted by Josh Susanto

  1. I'm pretty sure that didn't always used to be true, though, am I right?
  2. I again mention that Lunapic is working on a smart stretch tool that will allow people (or at least me) to adjust surface texture content to spread more naturally on sculpts. For example, if you want to texture a sphere with a stone surface, you will be able to use either a circular cutout or a diagonal square by pressing one button that stretches each horizonal line to fill the space out to the square limits of the image. That is, where the verts are narrower, they will have effectively less horizontal data, and look less puckered or bunched.
  3. >The Marketplace is chaos for non-deliveries lately It's not complete chaos. Some intended recipients get repeated failures and others none at all.
  4. No, I can't beat that in 56 minutes just with Sculptypaint. But thanks for not ridiculing me, which was my main point.
  5. Every sit script is in an actual prim. Is the prim with the sit script one of those that moves, or not?
  6. I always test-load my textures for free with Imprudence. On some machines I have used, some PNG's will load with some kind of unwanted element of transparency. Converting them to jpeg before loading them has always cleared that up for me, producing a complete opacity. The opposite problem on other machines, that partially transparent PNG's load up as opaque, seems to be fixed by converting them to TGA before loading them. Has this been consistent with the experiences of others?
  7. [...we could one day own one of every type of business, and everyone in the family would go shop at family-owned stores, ] This sounds less like something criminal and Italian and more like something legitimate and Korean.
  8. It may not be exactly the same problem, but imagine this: One RL model gets her face made up in such a way as to enhance the appearance of cheekbones, which, in her case, are average or even less defined. Another model gets little or nothing in the way of cheekbone-enhancing makeup because she has incredibly well-defined cheek bones. NOW... Take the make up job off the first model and put it, unmodified, onto the second model. What can we expect?
  9. For sure, though, if smells are not well resolved, you need a better olfaction card.
  10. [One person said that malls are dead because of the marketplace.] The malls are dead because they were full of overpriced crap, and the people who were dumping money into turning SL into one big, tacky shopping mall are now unable to do that due to RL factors. Thank goodness.
  11. What?... isn't anyone going to ridicule my use of Sculptypaint by showing me a perfect mesh triangle that only took a week to design?
  12. Some face shapes are redundant with some face textures.
  13. It's been going on for years, and I seriously doubt that it will ever go away permanently. My advice is to just get used to it.
  14. SL is designed to get the most it can out of whatever the best possible gear happens to be this week. Most people do not have the best. That's why we have settings we can adjust to reduce lag on our individual viewers. Don't be afraid to scale back on data that you don't really use very much; even if it doesn't kill the lag, it may be enable you to scale up on something else of which you want more. And you can always go back to default settings. I also do things in-world to improve viewer function. For example, I use the corners of public sandboxes which immediately abut the ocean, and I'll sometimes put up a wall or get inside of an elevated box if there's stuff happening that looks like it's not helping me.
  15. An important question may be whether you want the end result to look like an anthropomorphic animal, or like a human in an animal costume.
  16. To clarify; I still think the shown problem may have been a Linden problem in the first place. Google Chrome had been working for SLM up until then, and I hed been specifically using Google Chrome for SLM because it was actually faster than Firefox, which I use for most other things. My main gripe with GC is totally different. I do most of my texture editing with free online apps, and I discovered the same thing with each of them when I started using GC. Images very mysteriously, but very consistently get kicked down to the next odd number of pixels when I use these services through GC. 1024x512 becomes 1023x511. 1025x513 also becomes1023x511. No kidding. Try it yourself. Given SL's own propensity to push everything to an exponent of 2, it seems to me that a texture can only be moved in a complete circle between SL and an online image editor being used through GC no more than 4 times before every pixel is technically contaminated by data from every other pixel, even assuming we bother to fight the shrinkage by repeatedly kicking the size up. OTOH, GC is VERY fast with Randimaginator. I will use it for that no matter what. I initiallt went Chrome because Firefox was acting really weird right before they announced the most recent update. I had considered using Explorer instead, but I realized that to avoid more long-term dangers to my hard drive, it might be better just to continue with Firefox while pretending to use Explorer by putting on some badly scratched sunglasses, getting sh##-faced drunk and tying one hand behind my back.
  17. I just tested it, thanks. The page now (again) comes up just fine on both Firefox and Google Chrome. To be fair to Linden, though, I realize that the death of OBL might only has as much explanatory value as the recent sports outcome in NY, which would probably place the flakiness further down the peninsula. And if you're looking for another reason not to use Google Chrome, I can certainly give you one.
  18. It only started with me yesterday. Am I to understand you consider this to be a Google Chrome problem, not a Liunden problem?
  19. I'm told that some people can't see the loaded image. It's also here... http://www.tribe.net/template/pub,PopPic.vm?picURL=http://images.tribe.net/tribe/upload/photo/3e5/5c6/3e55c65e-96e1-4262-bdf8-52b4c8240b7e&altText=if%20it%20aint%20broke...
  20. Just when I thought they had finally run out of weird ways to prevent me from getting products to consumers...
  21. Not a sculpt. Thanks. That pretty much leaves me off the hook. What happens when you try to apply a simple square texture with a border?
  22. Sorry, I'm not clear on this.. Including the bottom, does the sculpt have 4 facets or 5 facets?
  23. The block template I usually use has the seam running down one edge, rather than through a face. My reasoning is that if the seam is at a corner, you'll have to see both faces to really see it, so you can probably push it left or right just enough to get it onto either face to hide it if you feel you need to without screwing up the texture and contour relationship in any significant way. Or of you put the corner, itself, against something, you can show 4 faces either completely or almost completely without seeing the seam. I recently also made a cube template in which the edges of the sculpt are pulled to a corner, so there's no seam or pucker as such; just the texture you put on it will not be very even from the center corner to the opposite corner. If you want the template for free, just ask. Otherwise, it's up for sale as a "seamless cube" prim.
  24. Another easy way to make a lot of sculpts smaller is just to put a layer of gray over the sculpt map.
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