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Josh Susanto

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Everything posted by Josh Susanto

  1. I just wish we knew who ralph's alt is so we could compare the cluster of borked records with unborked records in terms of how many items compete with ralph's alt's items. I bet LL could probably figure that out if they really cared, no?
  2. >You never test with real production data, it would be a disaster. Meaning what, in reality, this time? That they chose to test with everybody's production data on 21 March rather than risk some much smaller constrained set of volunteered production data before that? Sorry, I still don't see the logic.
  3. I can't completely disagree with that, since I'm still dleivering and getting paid. But it seems sort of irresponsible for me not to speak up for people who are being cheated in various ways, just because I might not be.
  4. >The listing of the "DD Green Bear" on the MP home page encourages people to purchase one of those for 0L, again as I understand it, to have the "Items Received" folder show up in inventory. The bear really is a brilliant idea for that reason. But to continue offering it to people is essentially telling them that DD works better than Magic Boxes, which it doesn't.
  5. >It's the repitition that gives people the sense that you're having a meltdown over it And yet, when I have to point out to people that I already told them what was going to happen months ago, they act like it's news when it actually happens. Other than hack the website to put the warnings on a popup, how much more could I possibly do to help people avoid predictable problems inherent in the choice to trust LL about anything?
  6. Yes, of course. It's becoming interesting to me that people who have suddenly all started showing up out of the blue to defent DD and LL more generally, are all registered from about the same time.
  7. >then no amount of QA would have ever found it. Were people with those numbers not on any of the tests? Why not? It sounds kind of like Monstanto and the FDA testing corn.
  8. >there no longer is a post sales delivery email notice I'm not sorry to see that feature go, personally. It doesn't reliably tell the truth about what was paid or delivered, so what's the point of duplicating the same misinformation in my mail box?
  9. >deliveries on my 6 magicbox items that happened after the sale has now become instant. I noticed that, too.
  10. >even though all my items have been converted to DD I'm not clear what you mean by "even though". Magic Boxes now seem to be working better than ever. DD... well... I guess it never worked better because it never worked worse, huh.
  11. >There is no need for magic boxes after Direct Delivery is launched Unless, of course, you want BOTH for your customers to receive the goods, AND for you to get paid.
  12. >with the introduction of Direct Delivery, Magic Boxes are being phased out Not exactly. With the introduction of Direct Delivery, off-world commerce is being phased out.
  13. >Is there some place I can set my magic box for free? You might be able to rez it on my squat until you find something more permanent, assuming it's just one box. Message me in-world if you're interested. In the meantime, DO NOT rez it in any place where the map shows other boxes rezzed, as such locations are borked too often to bother risking it. It you want to see how your box should work before committing to anything, just take it to Help Island or some other Linden sim and attach it to your avatar before synching to the Market. You'll need to load your box before that, which you can get away with in a public sandbox as long as you clean it up right away. Just don't bother attaching it to your avatar in a sandbox because those places are massively lagged. The reason a box will function correctly when attached to your avatar on Linden land is simpy that Lindens never bork Linden land. You can even TP out and it should work fine as long as it still thinks it's rezzed on Linden land. Once you've observed proper box function, that should be your standard in selecting some other place to rez the thing.
  14. 3) It made it more difficult to detect, document or prove if you're getting paid in-world but not for transactions shown in the SLM. Thus, despite a partial upside for users, it needs to be more properly understood as one facet of LL's metrics eradication program.
  15. >You forgot its the week before easter. As usual for the LL thats the right time to destroy the next busy weekend. All the better to persuade you to take your business back to in-world rentals. Can other people seriously not see a pattern here?
  16. >yes, a LOT faster! Almost as fast as if we'd never had an "upgrade"? Wow, that's "great"!
  17. > I've had the same problems that Nymph has had since September, And you didn't try what I suggested, did you?
  18. >And indeed, the court would have to arrive at a "black or white" decision. Precisely what LL should demonstrate a capacity to think in black and white at every stage of the process, even if we might choose not to where we don't have to. I don't generally fault my fellow merchants for sometimes thinking in grays. I fault LL for depending upon them, and, in fact, demanding that we do so whenever it's convenient for them. >But you completely miss my point as I was not discussing the future or some potential legal confrontation. Great. Maybe you can get a job in the LL legal office burying people's heads deeper in the gray sand while the black and white tsunami continues to roll in on them. >I was discussing, and this whole conversation has been about, our personal perception of the Marketplace and its performance. My personal perception is that it already qualifies as criminal in nature. That's a pretty black and white statement, but so are the facts I have used to arrive at it. If the facts were gray, my perception would be gray. But they aren't. They're the black and white facts that LL has stupidly chosen to create and failed to prevent from being made available for our use. If you don't like the black and white, your first step should be to ask LL to stop stealing. >For a large segment of the Merchant population, MP operates flawlessly .. and has done so for some time. For a sizeable segment, it does not. Like you and Anaiya, I want the size of the segment that sees rampant errors and problems to shrink to nearly zero .. or absolutely zero if possible. But from the perspective of those not seeing problems, the MP is not a "fail", it's a "win". It appears to operate flawlessly for me in recent months. But only because I don't give LL better opportunities to rip me off by selling me listing enhancements and then making it practically impossible for people to buy the stuff I'm trying to promote. I can tolerate sales outages because my costs are so low, but that's my paranoid business plan. Other people who trust LL to help them develop a more cost-intensive business will tend to lose under conditions where I don't lose. It's partly the merchant's fault for not taking to heart everything that I've discussed on this forum. But it's mostly LL's fault for setting the traps and baiting them. MP continues to be a win for me. But only because I realize it's a game of deception, and I am playing it on those terms. >What I find interesting about this whole discussion is that because I recognize that for a large number of people, MP actually works ... I am suddenly an "Enabler" and a "Fan Boy" That somehow my refusal to ignore their successes makes me an evil force that must be argued into the dirt and ultimately "vanquished". Not at all. I think your contributions here are GREAT. And if I could only get you to see the larger picture... >The emotional fervor and energy being poured into these posts just astounds me. Maybe it astounds you because the income you planned to live off of this month wasn't lost to an "upgrade". >To use the old "half full" analogy, I recognize that the glass is half full. Right. This is in the same spirit as my suggestion about changing "delivery partially failed" to "delivery partially succeeded", except it's apparently not sarcastic for some reason. >Yet you and Anaiya insist on forcing the opinion on me that because the glass is not completely full, it must be completely empty. Not true. My complaint is "substantially less full than agreed upon". If a dentist only pulled out half your teeth by mistake, how delighted would you be about it? >I'm sorry Josh, but no matter how fervent your arguments, I refuse to accept that the glass is completely empty ... and I never will. It's half full AND half empty. But people are not paying for the half empty part they're getting. They're paying for a FULL GLASS. >Furthermore, because I won't adopt your black or white opinion, you both have labeled me "The Enemy". Not at all. I think of your as a friend for my own part, even if you are a bit misguided. >You completely ignore the fact that I am also doing everything I can to push LL into fixing the errors that do exist. I'm not ignoring that. I just think it's mostly a distraction from what they really need to do, which begins with firing someone. >In my own personal opinion, the sort of extremist perspective you both display is exactly what weakens our position and prevents LL from accepting our input as valid. And yet, reading what other people have to say also has not made a $hit of a difference in changing their basic decision process, which remains utterly dysfunctional. But maybe if we all just play good cop even harder, they'll somehow, suddenly realize the error of their ways? How does that work? >It forces them to adopt the complete opposite opinion that "there are no errors" No, they already had that, even before I bought my first magic box. >and gives them no incentive to actually fix what is broken. Well, keeping their jobs doesn't seem to be much of an incentive, since it's clear no one can get fired for anything, ever at LL. The only other incentive I have to offer is that, if they fix things, I won't use their own words to make them look so asinine that huge numbers of people will up and quit, and then actively dissuade new users from joining. Moreover, my conspiracy talk essentially forces them to fix DD, in spite of the fact that neither fixing it nor not fixing it affects whether they can keep their jobs. Conspiracy talk forces them to fix DD because, if they don't, it will be entirely reasonable for people to believe that I was right about them not intending to let it work properly in the first place... and this is a point I will be sure to make abundantly available to any of about 1 billion people who may care to look into the matter a little bit. >As long as you continue to insist "the glass is empty", they have no choice but to reply "the glass is full". You are, in a very real sense, causing the situation that hampers progress and ultimately success. YOUR glass is full. Others, maybe not so much. There's at least one person who reports making 20K per week on the SLM, and then, after the "upgrade", ZERO. How is the glass even half full for that person? >At any rate, carry on. Continue to protest the state of affairs as you see fit. Just keep in mind that no matter how loud or how adamant your statements, I still have my eyes open wide enough to see that the glass is half full. And again, it's BOTH half full AND half empty. But we didn't agree to half full. We agreed to FULL.
  19. > Direct Transfer of In-World Funds for Purchases. Yes. That's a bone they threw you because it was the one bone no competitor could throw. OTOH, it is also part of the LL metrics eradication program. Having only one balance to scrutinize causes in-world and off-world funds and transactions to be automatically co-mingled, producing an additional layter of accounting ambiguity. That is, if (for example) you're getting paid for stuff in-world, but the SLM starts simply recording sales without actually paying you anything, having only one balance between SL and the SLM will make this fact harder to spot, harder to account for, and certainly harder to prove.
  20. Aaaah yes... And now the mysterious lurkers begin to appear to tell us that magic boxes don't work. Can ralph be far behind, reminding again us that freebies are killing Second Life? But I'll give Nymph the benefit of a doubt in terms of possibly not being a Linden alt. Nymph- Here's what you need to do: Go to a Linden sim, attach the box to your avatar and reset it before synching with the SLM. If that doesn't work, I'll eat a bug. If it works (and it will) we can take it to the next step from there. I just think we need to establish, before anything else, that the boxes DO work, and work pretty damned well when allowed to do so.
  21. >Before direct delivery became active my partner noticed in her top selling products screen that she had other merchants items in there. But her actual store listings were all correct at that time. Oops. Someone blew the prescibed bork deployment order. I guess the cat is out of the bag and someone at LL will finally take notice that feature deployments are being used as cover for bork deployments.... Naaaaaaaah.
  22. >My best guess is that no they can not fix this. If they can make it appear that they can't fix it, that woould be a pretty good excuse for not doing it, at least. >The best they might be able to do is prevent it from happening in the future. Not until they have some larger problem to replace it with. >This was a known issue before DD, only exacerbated by DD migration or somethng, as I understand it. If that is the case then the Commerce Team in their wisdom elected to ignore the issue at the time it was first reported, along with so many other issues. And voila, we have a mess that makes the migration from Xstreet look fun. And with every day that passes, merchants who still want to do business are more and more ripe to be refocused on in-world commerce, and thus, also to pay for land in a grid that is clearly too large to be profitable for LL otherwise.
  23. >I havent had any problems with my store either, so far, touch wood. Don't worry. You will as soon as they announce their next toy, which will most likely be something to facilitate in-world commerce.
  24. So they just hid it a little? That's pretty clumsy.
  25. Not you, no. Other people have called me paranoid for doing things you also do, for which they do not call you paranoid. I don't blame you for them, but I think it's fair to point this out at least.
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