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Josh Susanto

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Everything posted by Josh Susanto

  1. Am I supposed to be counting orders or counting items ordered? Neither of these things looks like much of a reflection on total net revenue. On the days where people complain that business is down, I actually see a lot of freebies being ordered, which makes me think a large part of the problem really is not within LL's control. OTOH, it's possible that people are only ordering freebies because they don't want to risk anything on a delivery system that has already not delivered something else on that day,, or because they're testing to see whether deliveries have started working better yet.
  2. I'm still eager to hear a theory, any time, which is more consistent with what else we have been able to observe. Meanwhile, I'm forming my statements as accusations as a way of inviting LL to try to dispute what I say. That they have not (and will not) would seem to be offering further support to my claim.
  3. >they should just make it so you can drop a whole magic box in there & it just works automatically. Yes. A folder inside which magic boxes believe they are rezzed on Linden land. I'm sure we've seen this mentioned before.
  4. If there's anything you can conclusively demonstrate as factually incorrect in the review, you might try to threaten legal action against LL, itself, for knowingly perpetuating the false statement. Or you can just show me the review and I can post a screen shot of it somewhere where LL will have to ask me very nicely to take it down as one more publicly explicit example of their misconduct, among my ongoing collection of such.
  5. I'm occasionally having weird periods of about 12 hours with almost no sales at all, but the more general pattern in my case has been a slow, steady increase in total sales per month since I started selling. I'm happy with this, but I do have to wonder what makes all the sales dry up so quickly when that does happen. When I look for anything specific that might explain it, I don't really find much.
  6. That is the hypothesis they've made no effort to refute so far, and it has been a while.
  7. I WOULD support an effort to make merchant responses conspicuous.
  8. I've had some people making rapid-fire orders of 10 items without any trouble. I understand the capping issue, but, for some reason, it seems not to be affecting my customers anymore, at all.
  9. To have continued the Xstreet metrics would not have been to CTL's advantage in terms of being able help others to ignore a pattern of repeated failures. So don't expect any new metrics while CTL is still being required to tamper with things in exchange for her subsidy.
  10. The problem is not that they have the wrong promotional ideas. The problem is that they have the wrong development process for promotional ideas.
  11. I've got boxes squeezing out product like sh*t through a goose. Whatever is hanging up the process for others at this point, it's something I'm no longer allowing to happen.
  12. There will always be people who want to p*ss on your parade. No matter what LL does about it, they will always find a way to get through. But most bad reviews are probably not of that flavor. The bad reviews and complaints I have had have all so far led to positive opportunities to demonstrate excellence in customer service. I know I can't always give everyone everything they want. But I can always show them that I consider their satisfaction to be a serious matter. Normal customers, more than anything, just need to feel respected. In fact, some of my best customers have started out with disappointments that I handled diligently. People don't come back to buy more just because everything went OK the first time. They come back because they have no doubt about how well I will be committed to making things work out by the end of the process.
  13. I agree that's a tough one. Whether or not it's allowed, I might consider offering to the customer to "fix" the product if he/she will update the review to reflect the "fixed" product you're now providing.
  14. >There has been no further comment by LL since DD. Yes. Since DD has deployed, theft is no longer a problem... although it nonetheless continues. It's a good thing they've stopped bothering to try to explain it away in advance of no longer having Magic Boxes to blame it on.
  15. >, there's probably no point in anyone posting or creating any further JIRA's about MB issues but that's just my opinion. I actually agree with that, in a way. In fact, there would seem to have been no point in creating any JIRA's about them in the first place, since every problem attributed to them has turned out to be some other kind of problem. To me, this is the very explanation about why someone at LL wants them gone.
  16. I've already suggested a process that could be applied to make this work more smoothly. Basically, promotional concepts could be listed in a format like the one in which the JIRAs are listed now. They could be subjected to user referenda, given action priority and set into an advanced schedule so that anything that needs to be done prior to deploying them has ample opportunity to be done. Too obvious or too logical?
  17. My philosophy is just to try to fix whatever generated the bad impression and offer the improved item as a statedly improved item.
  18. >Magic Box is a different issue, LL won't rush to show any support for what is about to be an obsolete process when there's a clear migration path. Just how it is. Magic boxes do not process money. If there's a problem with the way money is processed, it's not a Magic Box problem.
  19. Thanks. Just keep it coming. If anyone will just give me access and permission, maybe I can just select a few seconds myself here and there.
  20. I'll be providing the poster at some point, but the premise of the supposed film is that an undead kung-fu cowboy recruits a team of unlikely misfits to travel through time and rescue Queen Victoria from an army of steam-powered robot dinosaurs. But don't worrry about that too much. There's no pay or other compensation other than names in the credits, but the clips should be shorter than 4 seconds; the shorter, the better, actually. And they should be over-wrought with cliché. I've done professional narration, so, when there's enough footage for a movie promo, we can order it as if it summarizes some kind of narrative, I'll also voice in promo narrative. "In a world..."
  21. Maybe a better idea is just to use only accounts outside the US. Just a thought.
  22. I think LL can probably sue over the text "Cloud Party", since "Cloud Party" seems to be what SL is reduced to often enough anyway. Not that I complain, though. But I must admit it makes me nostalgic for the old Ruthie parties (which seem like they might also be making a comeback).
  23. >So under the Choose Your Own work principle most of most of them chose None? Not exactly. Those chose to turn work into play for themselves... thus also turning play into work for their customers.
  24. I also offer a lot of terrain products. But the decline I've noticed is across my whole product line in terms of prices and product types. I haven't mentioned it here, though, because it seems like anything I post these days is inviting a warning from the moderator. Presumably I'm not flaming here if the rest of the thread isn't flaming and I'm merely agreeing with it. That said, I should just point out that the decline coincides with the resumption of corruption to items in the 14xxxxx cluster. My guess is that Malefactor Linden was away for about 60 days starting in mid-April and has now returned. Whichever problem was addressed by The Malefactor being away probably just masks some other problem. If that person went to rehab/detox, the chemical problem likely just masks a more deeply-seated personality disorder.
  25. I don't see how the list has anything to do with Tao. It's really got no balance between Yins and Yangs. It's all WHAT and no WHY.
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