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Jennifer Boyle

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Everything posted by Jennifer Boyle

  1. Hit the up arrow key twice in rapid succession, holding it down when you hit it the second time. You'll run until you let it up.
  2. Marina Monacular wrote: And now the parcel has been joined to another so I (a) do not know the original size or exact location of it, and (b) the group owner has disappeared for the last two weeks. I am paying tier on the parcel. I do not have the ability in the group to sell the land. What will happen if I take my donated tier back...I think I can do that. Is there any way I can get my original parcel back so I can sell it? Thanks in advance for help! I would give it a lot longer than two weeks. In my experience, people are frequwntly gone a lot longer than that, but not permanently. I have not been on for several periods longer than a month, all due to things in RL.
  3. PeterCanessa Oh wrote: Probably about a year, when I can't even remember who they are, because I don't bother cleaning friends list more often than that. What I DO recommend is creating sub-folders of people within your friends list in inventory. That's how I keep customers, suppliers, friends, colleagues, etc. organised. What a great idea. Thanks!
  4. To do what you want, select EVERY prim that you want to include. Then take (even better to take a copy if they are all copiable, so you have proterction against something going wrong) them into inventory. In inventory, the icon will look like a broken cube. It is a coalesced object, and you can rez it all together. You might want to practice a few times with throwaway prims to see how it works.
  5. I have been asking the same question for years, and I have spent a lot of money hoping for improvement in SL performance that did not happen. I think that different people may have different experiences because network delays and capacity are probably not the same everywhere. Also, past experience may not be applicable to future viewers, which will probably need more resources as features are added. I am certainly NOT an expert or a reliable source of advice about hardware for running SL (or anything else), so keep that in mind when reading this. I would love to have comments from experts on what I say. Within the last year and a half, I got the following upgrades one at a time with the results noted: Upgrading the CPU from 2.4 GHz Core 2 Duo to 3.0 GHz Core 2 Quad, RAM from 4 GB to 8 GB, and connection from 6 Mbps to 18 Mbps had no appreciable effect. Upgrading the graphics card from an 8800 GTX to a GTX 470 resulted in modest improvement. Over the years I have read that SLI doesn't help SL, and I have read first-person accounts from from people who said it helped them, so I don't know. I wish someone would post an account of their own experience with trying it with current viewers. If I were getting a new machine for SL and my budget was unlimited, I would go for top-of-the-line: Core i7 990X, at least 12 GB RAM (so I could put a large cache on a RAMdisc), three or four 580 GTXs, appropriate motherboard, case, and power supplies, and one SSD for OS and program files, and another for SL data files. Undoubtedly, this would be massive overkill and there would be very little bang for several thousands of bucks, but if the budget is unlimited, why not go for it? If the budget were limited but fairly large, I would want a GTX 580 and case and motherboard that would allow me to add more in the future. I'd get a Core i7 970, 6 GB RAM, and an SSD large enough for the OS and SL program files. If I could afford to do more, I would get two 580 GTXs so I could see if two were better than one; if not, I would sell the second one on ebay. If the budget were too limited for this, I would get a GTX 580, a Core i7 960, 6 GB RAM, no SSD, and smaller case and power supply. My reason for holding out for a GTX 580 is that upgrading the graphics card is the one change that made a difference for me.
  6. Here is a link to some info you may find useful: http://www.kirstensviewer.com/Blog/177/__Kirstens_GPU_Awards_2011_!__.html
  7. I don't make clothes, but I expect that if you made areas of the texture corresponding the areas where you want the clothing to be transparent transparent, it would do what you want.
  8. You need to post a lot more detail if people are to be able to help you.
  9. That would be wonderful. I store a lot of stuff in prims, both to have backups and to keep the size of the inventory down. The biggest headache when doing this is that the only way to organize things within a prim is to put things into different prims within it, and then I can't see what's in them without rezzing them. I would love it if this got done. If you'll make a jira, I'll vote for it.
  10. Jennifer Boyle

    Semi New

    Come to Help People Island, where you will find friendly people.
  11. I can't help with the hard part, but to test them use an alt, runing on a lightweight, non-graphical client like Mwetabolt, if necessary.
  12. I own a very nice parcel in Zindra, as well as two others in the same sim to add prims. Most of it is for my house, but I do have a small affiliate vendor shop.
  13. AFAIK, this is a longstanding bug in SL, Putting on and taking off socks aeema to cure it most of the time.
  14. I had a Facebook profile for a long time, until FB deleted it a month or so ago. I now have a FB page as a fictional character. You do NOT have to have a profile to have a page. My page is not linked with any FB profile. I just made a gmail account to use just for it. You can make a FB page here: http://www.facebook.com/pages/create.php You can also convert a profile to a page: You can read about that here: http://www.facebook.com/help/?page=18918 However, I like 2ndhub better, since I am welcome there, and I hope it really takes off. It is a social networking site for SL avatars. http://www.2ndhub.com/
  15. Delete the SecondLife folder. It is located in C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming. Deleting it will wipe out all of your settings. The next time you run Secondlife, it will be using the default settings. "Username" means YOUR Windows username. Before you can do it you will need to open a Windows Explorer window, click on "view," click on "Folder options," and click on the view tab. Then click on "Show hidden files and folders" and click on "OK."
  16. I wear whatever I feel is appropriate for the occasion. Whether or not it is visible is not a factor. Very rarely when I'm in a real hurry getting dressed I omit underwear if it won't show, but such occasions probably won't arise again because I make extensive use of V2 outfits..
  17. Did you register your name with the US Patent and Trademark Office? If you did, and if someone else is using the name for a similar product, you do, indeed, have rights. If you didn't, you don't, and why would you think that you did?
  18. You are thinking of Eloh Eliot. The files can be found here: https://sites.google.com/site/another/resources The skins can be found at the Gnubie store in world.
  19. Yoki Enoch wrote: Now that is a hoot and a half. The correct process is to contact the merchant. LL support is NOT the place to go for anything involving failed delivery of items on the marketplace, unless one wants to wait forever to only be told to contact the merchant.:matte-motes-nerdy: Wrong. When I had multiple failed deliveries several weeks ago, I submitted a ticket and the stuff was delivered in less than 48 hours.
  20. I have two longstanding questions that are closely related enough to this that I think it's OK to ask them here. Why is the cap on stored IMs so low? It seems to me that if it were much higher, the space required would be a very small fraction of the total storage required for everything in SL. Why have a cap at all when IMs are being forwarded to email? It would make a lot more sense not to store IMs that had been forwardedto email and to continue forwarding them indefinitely.
  21. Chelsea Malibu wrote: The PayPal integration has been an issue for me for many years. I can take money out no problem but I've never been able to use it to buy Lindens so, I use my credit card to buy. So you switch your payment method back and forth?
  22. Freya Mokusei wrote: Ishtara Rothschild wrote: The creators of those shoes need to be swamped with IMs and notecards by angry customers. Strongly disagree. This won't encourage anyone to update their products, especially those who've been on the grid for several years. If they're even still in-world, or creating. The creators at this point owe their customers nothing, and likely created their products long before alpha layers were even conceived by LL. They're not to blame. (No-one is.) I think they are. Although they didn't know what changes would be made in SL, or whether a future one would render a product made using certain methods unusable, they certainly knew that it was possible, and knew that making it modifiable would increase the likelihood that a consumer could salvage it because that's obvious. They are not to blame for using a method that changes that they couldn't foresee made obsolete, but they are to blame for making impossible for their customers to respond to unforeseen changes. I have long thought that in SL, as in RL, there are merchants who seek to make their customers' experience as pleasant as possible, and there are others who are out to milk their customers any way they can. The latter, no doubt, secretly rejoice when their products become useless due to changes in the SL platform.
  23. Ishtara Rothschild wrote: The worst case is a wearable item without modify permission, which makes it impossible to properly adjust it for my avatar, delete laggy and unnecessary scripts that are a major contributor to lag in SL, or repair it in case LL breaks something. That is no assumption but a very common practice in SL which needs to stop. Hear! Hear!
  24. Are there technical reasons for certain limitations of SL clothing? Such as: Undershirts and shirts are too short to reach pants, so that if one wants no bare midriff and the appearance of a tucked-in shirt, one has to have an extra piece on the underpants layer for the shirt tail. Is there some technical reason that shirts and undershirts couldn't have been allowed to be longer? Now that we can have mutiples of each clothing layer this isn't as much of a problem, as I no lnger have to go without panties to have a tucked-in shirttail, but I still wonder why the desihn is the way it is. Prim attachments cannot be covered by clothing. It seems to me that it would be simple enogh for prims to have a flag indicating whether they were to be covered by clothing if worn, or not, that would be controlled by a checkbox in their properties that would tell the rendering engine if they were to be covered by clothing. If they were and clothing covered the part of the avatar where they were, they would not be rendered. Better, it could see them as part of the shape. I thought my list was longer, but these are all I can think of now.
  25. I have the same problem. I also was advised to contact PayPal. I didn't because I didn't think it was their problem. If you find a solution, please tell me.
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