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Jennifer Boyle

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Everything posted by Jennifer Boyle

  1. I have run SL from a flash drive the last few years. Since I do, it would be convenient to put the cache on the flash drive, which I have tried several times. I consistantly experience SEVERE lag when I do, which is immediately resolved by moviing the cache to a hard drive. Flash drives are supposed to be faster than hard drives, right? After all, ReadyBoost would make no sense if they were not considerably faster. Anyone have any ideas about what's going on?
  2. As it happens, I just had the same problem today---most of my house had, through an unknown process, been duplicated. I discovered it when I opened a door and, aftyer it was opned then was still a closed door. First, I selected one linkset by clicking on one door, which I could do because I could m,ove it to a position different from the other by opening it, and noted the exact cooridunates, which I compared with the coodinates of the other linkset, just to verify that they were in exactly the same position, which they were. Then I added exactly 30 me3ters to the z coordinate, which moved one 30 m up. I did that so if it turned out that I needed to keep the one I selected, I could easily returnm it to its previous position. After I moved it up and verified that the other one was complete, I delete3d it. I think that if there had been no doors, I could have just selected one and moved it, and the other would have been left where it was.
  3. She can set her home to your house. Here's how. Make a group that you and she are members of. If it suits you, make here as well as you an owner. If not, create a role and give it whatever abilities you wish, but be sure to include, "Allow to set home to here on group land," which is under the Parcel powers heading on the list of abilities.Sav and close the group profile. The click World|Parcel Details|General, and click on the Set button. A list of groups to which you belong will open. Select your group. Now your wife can set home to your house. These instructions are exact for Firestorm; there may be variations on other viewers. I don't lnow enough about how the door locks work to advise you. It's possible that members of the land groupo other than the owner can operate them, in which case your wife now can.
  4. I don't know that this will work, but I think trying Firestorm area search would be worthwhile. It won't take much time, and you may get your answer.
  5. In the past, when we had no tattoo layer, and we could only weae one of each clothing item, it made sense to have multiple layers of the same item. If you want to be able to wear the tail out or tucked in, it still sometimes makes sense to have a top on both jacket and -shirt+pants layers because rhe former is on top of the pants layer, but the latter can be inside another one. Now that we can wear multiple items on the same layer, and can control which is onb top by the order in which we add them, there is far less need for the multiple layes. If an item will always be beneath all others, then the underwear layer alone should always suffice. If it will always be outside all others, then the jacket or pants layer alone should. If it will never be the outermost layer, then therre should never be a need fotr the jacket layer. I am undertaking a major inventory cleanou and, before I undertake wholesale deletions, make sure there's noit something I'm overlooking.
  6. I use Google's translation service. The cost is just a few dollars or, usually, less, per month.
  7. I think this would work. You sell the land to her. You can set it for sale only to her. Then she sells it back to you. Somewhere in the land sale process there is a place to specify that objects are being sold with the land. She checks that box, so that all objects she owns that are on the land are sold to you. If all of her objects that are on the land are transferable, this alternate method should work. You return all her objects. They show up in her inventory as a coalesced object. She gives you that object. When yoiu rez it, all of the objects will be selected and will be in the exact spacial relationship, but not the same absolute position, as when they were returned. Carefully keep them all selected so they move as one, and move them to where they should be.
  8. Theresa Tennyson wrote: I sometimes think of a year of real-life time being the equivalent of ten years of SL time. I knew I felt old, but I didn't know it was that bad!
  9. Just an ignorant comment from a non-techie. Many times, I have watched my surroundings gradually change from gray to full color over a period of minutes, and many times I have observed that only a small fraction of my available bandwidth was in use. That led me to the conclusion that the bottleneck was either in LLs servers or in the pipe between me and the servers. I don't think it's on the public Internet or on my end because I can regularly download at 15+ mbps, and I never reach anywhere near that with SL.
  10. Look me up inworld and I'll give you some alpha masks for shoes that I mades and collected to solve exactly the problem you have.
  11. Tari Landar wrote: The most logical answer I can come up with is that it, in a rund about way, violates the permissions. When you transfer accounts to someone else, you are, in essence, transferring items to another person, including those that are no transfer. Which is not what the creators intended, hence why they made the items no trans to begin with. Whether or not it is a good policy, is up to individual interpretation. First, permissions mean whatever LL says they mean. and LL has not been shy about altering the TOS in the past. LL could explicitly state thet "NO TRANSFER" means no transfer to another account, or they could be silent and allow accounts to be transferred. I think that permissions and rights are frequently confused. Permissions are just techincal means of preventing certain actions; the actions they prevent may, or may not, violate someone's rights. For example, someone could sell me a picture that is in the public domain with limited peremissions, which would affect my ABILITY to do certain things with it, but not my rights. Second, LL could just declare in the TOS that all rights accrue to the accounts and that they are freely transferable with account ownership. Finally, if an account's ownership can be tranferred via inheritance notwithstanding any permissions or rights, why couldn't it be transferred by gift or sale?
  12. A RL friend suggested a low tech solution that works---a lap desk. I can bring my own surface on which to use a mouse.
  13. For the next several weeks, I expect to be in a situation in which I have lots of spare time. I can use a laptop on my lap, but have no surface on which to use a mouse. Using a touchpad for SL is unsatisfactory. I need something that works like a mouse but that does not require a surface to work, that can just be moved to generate input. I have looked at presenters, but they seem not to be designed to meet my need. Can anyone suggest a suitable input device? Thanks for any suggestions.
  14. I called support. The agent said some of the ports SL uses are blocked, not because they want to block SL, but because of general security concerns. They may or may not unblock them in response to my call.
  15. Any idea why the TOS prohibits sale of accounts? That seems to be a restriction that helps no one while hurting people who have valuable accounts they no longer want, which makes SL marginally less attractive to users, thereby hurting LL.
  16. I expect to be spending essentially all of my time for the next one to two months on an institutional campus that has public Wi-Fi. I am able to connect to the Wi-Fi network and logon to Secondlife.com using my Windows laptop, my iPad, and my Android phone. I want to use my laptop to logon to Second Life. Because it is so much less expensive, I would prefer to do it over Wi-Fi instead of a cellular data connection. Whenever I try to logon to SL, using either the LL viewer or Firestorm, it fails to connect and goes into an endless loop trying to connect. I can connect with the laptop with no difficulty via the cellular network without changing any settings at all. I cannot connect using Pocket Metaverse on my iPad over Wi-Fi; it times out. The iPad is not capable of using the cellular network. I can connect without difficulty using Lumiya on my phone over the cellular network, but it times out when trying to connect via Wi-Fi. I am baffled. Can anyone offer an explanation for the observed behavior, and, hopefully, a solution that will allow me to access SL via the Wi-Fi network here? Thanks for any suggestions.
  17. I think by far the best option is to use Slink feet, shoes made to work with them, and stockings made to work with them.
  18. I will be taking an extended trip during which I will have a lot of time during which I just be waiting soon. Because of that, I want to get a laptop that is suitable for SL. I prefer one that is easy to carry, so I'm considering 13-14 inch models ( I could live with a 15-inch one, but don't want to.). I have been looking at high-end laptops that are presented as "gaming laptops," and in other ways their specs are impressive (4th generation Core i7, 8-16 MB DDR3-1600, full HD). Many of them use Intel integrated graphics instead of discrete graphics. I'm wondering if Intel integrated graphics have improved to the point that they would be good (not just adequate) for SL. I would appreciate any input, but would especially appreciate input from people with actual experience. Thanks to all who answer.
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