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Orca Flotta

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Everything posted by Orca Flotta

  1. Beowulf Zessinthal wrote:... plus having done a factory reset.. theres so much space! .. i feel like i have a 'new computer' as it is!. What?? :smileysurprised: Hang on, I didn't get that. Are you telling me that you never did any maintenance on your PC since 7 years and just watched as your harddrive was getting filled up with crap? :smileysad: Oh jeez, no wonder the poor compi became sluggish and sloooow. Particularly Windoze is kinda famous for being very wasteful on resources, running much too many unnecessary programs in the background, polluting your RAM as soon as you switch it on. When I was stil on Win7 I cleaned the registry daily and the whole HD weekly. :matte-motes-nerdy: Also one can get rid of at least 50% of all the crappola Win puts in autostart by default. Of course it's all much easier and less harmful on Linux but with a bit of hard work and TLC you can turn your Win into a decent OS as well. Oh well, not necessarily your Vista since that was a dud. So if you really wanna be lazy I recommed switching to Linux. No need to clean out your HD, no need for antivirus program, I don't even run a firewall other than the one in my router/modem, no need for any maintenance. I never had that little maintenance work on any computer before and my productive time went way up. :smileyhappy:
  2. I was about to recommend the BBK script as well, Vania, but then I thought regarding the reputation of OP and her unrealistic and clueless expectations, better not get involved in this. Oh hey, in that photo of TYC, isn't that my good friend and fellow TrYC Race Directrice, Lucy Afarensis in her petite shape?
  3. Or she could do the right thing and follow Penny Patton's suggestions about a better, more practical camera setting. The standard SL camera is crappola, it sits much too high and gives you an almost birds eye view on your avie. Some easy changes in CameraRearview and you're all set.
  4. Beowulf Zessinthal wrote: Re Linux .. i looked it up.. from what i could make out it is a 'windows' replacement? ... ie instead of paying $180 for the Windows program, you would just run Linux instead? Ya, that's what I do since like 2 years or so. So I'm still to be considered a Linux n00b. But there is no need for replacement as you can easily dual boot Win and Linux for a while. After let's say half a year you'll be so fed up with Windows, kick it off your machine and switch to Linux full time. :matte-motes-nerdy: And then you may want a more advanced Linux and switch to Manjaro or Sabayon, and test out all the different desktop environments available. It's highly adictive. You can find me swapping systems every couple days. BTW, calling Linux a Windows replacement wouldn't do it justice. Linux isn't Windows, never was intended to be. It's a kindasorta Unix derivative, so based in the professional computing world of servers n stuffz. And it took Linux quite a while to come out of the geeky corner but now they made it with a vengeance. Today installation of a Linux OS goes faster and with less problems than it ever was in Windoze. And most distros work right out of the box with all additional programs and drivers already on board. And there are many many Linux distros to grab for you. Looksie here: http://distrowatch.com/
  5. Ya, building the machine yourself is deffo the way to go. All those manufactured machiens from Dell, HP and others big name brands are too much compromised. Anyway, whatever you do, upgrade your old one or start with a new up-to-date build, please forget software products from Redmond and/or Cupertino and go for a nice and nifty, uncomplicated Linux distro. :matte-motes-nerdy:
  6. It's not much more complicated than building the LEGO police station. And there are many many vids on YouTube showing you very detailed how it's done. Most complicated part is picking the parts first. The case must be big enough for your motherboard, power unit, graphics card, the power unit must be strong enough to power the gpu, the cooling must be adequate and so on and so forth. I guess sites like Newegg have parts pickers that check if your parts will work together and fit in the case of your choice. But not all is lost for your old pc. With a nifty beginners friendly Linux such as Mint17 with Mate desktop you'll hardly recognize that old brick, it'll be like totally new. And the best thing about it is: it won't cost you a single penny. No need to ask at a store, Linux distros aren't sold in shops. Just download the latest version from the homepage http://linuxmint.com, burn it to DVD or make a bootable USB stick and 10 minutes later you'll have a shiny new OS ... and years and years of uncomplicated, virus-free. save and stable computing fun.
  7. Good call, Jeanie. Mint is super beginner friendly and heaps and bounds better than *buntu. BTW, I just switched back to Manjaro today, Mint turned out to be too boring for me and I needed an additional stress level. :smileyvery-happy:
  8. Perrie Juran wrote: Orca Flotta wrote: I think you're overexposing SL's social agenda. It was founded, and for a long time in the begining populated, by computer geeks, by coders, hackers and modelers, by ppl one would usually describe as antisocial. And still today you see most of us older resis showing not too much interest in social stuff. Oh really now? That is a very broad paint brush you are using to paint with. Maybe in your circle of friends acquaintances everyone is antisocial but this really is a media hyped and driven perspective. Orca Flotta wrote: BTW, when you see any of us oldbies somewhere in an empty sim, just standing around, there's a 99% chance that we are indeed very busy in multiple IMS, discussing international politics or whatever. In fact we are so busy the conversation has stopped us dead in our tracks. This can happen to Newbies also. And one does not have to be in an empty SIM for it to occur. I've had it happen to me while dancing at busy clubs. So again painting things with a very broad and prejudicial paint brush. @ Marsman: my English skills are rather rudimentary as well as the pretty one-sided observations of the OP, so of course I painted my answer in broad strokes and primary colours. They are correct in our cartoon world, dontcha think? Of course I rarely get stopped dead in my tracks in empty sims, not necessarily. But if it would happen I wouldn't even notice. And sorry, my time is much to valuable to waste it dancing in busy clubs. Anyway, I'm known to be like totally quiet and incommunicado at parties as well, since I'm busy in IM or just surfing the interwebz and totally forget about little Orca in world. Anyhoo, we all kow that the grid looks very desolate and many regions are like always empty. But who cares? Most of us have something to do in SL, so we won't even notice. If I don't have any action planned for Orca, I just log her tight ass off. Hanging out? Chatting up strangers? Without me! I fail to see the reason behind such stupidity.
  9. I think you're overexposing SL's social agenda. It was founded, and for a long time in the begining populated, by computer geeks, by coders, hackers and modelers, by ppl one would usually describe as antisocial. And still today you see most of us older resis showing not too much interest in social stuff. BTW, when you see any of us oldbies somewhere in an empty sim, just standing around, there's a 99% chance that we are indeed very busy in multiple IMS, discussing international politics or whatever. In fact we are so busy the conversation has stopped us dead in our tracks. SL is no 3D facebook, it's not a chatroom, it's not a dating service. And it's not a game! It's a platform, an empty canvas, a sandbox. SL is a, no, it's THE Virtual World! And same is in RL you only get out what you put in. The world isn't supposed to be there for your entertainment, you gotta do that for yourself. If you wanna chit-chat with lots of people, go found a group for that purpose. Come on, it's only 100 L$ and you get a lot of fun out of it. So in conclusion I have the feeling you're somehow very lonely. So much so, you suffer being alone. Where others enjoy heavenly solitude you only find a depressive loneliness. And now you're trying to blame SL for your personal shortcomings. Go, find something to do, bring your hobby or your interests into SL. Find a group that follows the same interest and soon you'll be too busy for idle musings about the pending end of SL.
  10. Perrie Juran wrote: ETA, when Ebbe originally spoke of greater Transparency ... he spoke of opening a backdoor for the NSA.
  11. In SL you gotta create your own personality, define for yourself what you are. That's huge, since in order to create a new life you have to confront your old, the physical one. Look deep inside yourself, reflect on your own being. That's the biggest hurdle for many newbies, and that's why we see so many drop-outs.
  12. Unfortunately I am in Italy and get it from the USA is unsafe Oh yes, I wouldn't purchase anything from the US, you'll probably have to pay import taxes so it won't be a huge saving anyway. But I guess you must have some computer retail and mailorder shops. At least Amazon, which isn't really good but like available everywhere. Or try Ebay if you don't have any local computer store. Try some Italian computer forum and ask around where the gamers (you want a gaming system!) are getting their stuff. There is also a sizable Italian community in SL, the most famous Italian in SL being Indigo Mertel. She's wise and nice and can surely help you locating and purchasing a capable computer for SL. By all means contact Indi, she won't bite. :matte-motes-nerdy:
  13. You might want to upgrade that card.. And here exactly lies the crux with that plan: as long as clueless consumers won't stop trusting big brand names like Dell, they won't get good deals and almost always end up disappointed. In the case of OP's computer it's quite obvious what happened. Dell made a big deal about the Dedicated Nvidia graphics card, luring in undistinctive sheeples. That Nvidia card won't hardly be any better than Intel's onboard chips, if at all. And likewise they failed to mention the PSU in the PC would be too weak to even power a better GPU. I didn't research that specific machine but am I somehow correct? Just because a computer comes in a big case doesn't make it a monster gaming rig. And this one specifically falls clearly in the office warrior category. OP should give it to his granny and get something decent for himself.
  14. emapen Juliesse wrote: CPU: Intel® Pentium® Dual CPU E2180 @ 2.00GHz (1994.99 MHz) Memory: 2048 MB OS Version: Microsoft Windows 8 32-bit Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation Graphics Card: GeForce 8400 GS/PCIe/SSE2 Windows Graphics Driver Version: 9.18.0013.3788 OpenGL Version: 3.3.0 Win 8 on a weakling dinosaur of a machine. That sounds like a recipe for disaster. No wonder you're lagging so badly. Let's get real now. This is my suggestion: - get rid of fukn Win8 and reinstall Win7. I'd would even say XP but the support for XP has just ended definately so it's open for all sorts of malware and virae. - feel a bit adventurous and are open for a bit of learning and a new experience? Cool, install a nice and easy Linux OS, such as Linux Mint. This will give your zombie computer a new lease on life. And no fear, Linux isn't the geeky stuff it used to be anymore, it's even recommended for kiddies and the elderly nowadays. - you PC is probably 8 - 9 years old now. That has given you 8 - 9 years time to save for a new one. So do it. Buy a new one. Now! All update attempts on your old one are nothing but wasted money and bad compromises. Let's not forget PCs are much cheaper today than back in the day. 800 - 1000 US$ should get you some decent machinery. Look at Newegg or Tiger Direct if you're in the States, or similar shops when you are elsewhere in the world. See it like that: you only need the big box since you already have keyboard, mouse and screen. Cool thing, eh?
  15. Good hint, Drake. Marina should ask herself if she really needs the mobility of a laptop, if she needs it so badly she's willing to compromise on power and thermal problems. Desktop computers are always the better choice, ALWAYS! If you're on the road a lot and sometimes need to connect to SL mobile than just use a cheapo lappy for the time. And do the serious play/work once you're back home. This is how I do it, no problem so far. When I'm travelling I don't have much time for SL anyway and also sharing the lappy with my hubby.
  16. Splatulated wrote: and now i has them on friendlist and i might learn how to play with mesh if i can ever get a copy of photoshop Uh, how about you learn how to put on clothes before learning to build in mesh. Your problems and questions here in forum often border on the retarded, so maybe it's time for you to learn your way around SL before venturing off into highly geeky building stuff. For building in mesh you don't need photoshop, you need a modelling program. For that purpose Google Sketchup will do fine in the begining. It's free and it's fun (so I hear) and there are quite a lot of vid tuts on YT. And the real cool boys and girls have replaced their uber expensive or uber illegal pirated copies of PS with the free and open source Gimp since long.
  17. Guess what, I don't even have a white dot. First it's too fugly and second I hate voice anyway and prefer my SL to be quiet so I can listen to my MP3 collection.
  18. This is exactly the right place for such questions, Marina. Well done finding it. :smileyhappy: Well, your lappy on the other hand ... oh my, ohmyohmy. :smileysurprised: Using 2 GPUs in that book suggests it's a beast of a gaming machine, right? WRONG! Unfortunately not even the better one (8760M) isn't very good. This is a multimedia laptop, and would be badly underperforming in a resource hungry application such as SL. I mean, of course would it run SL. It woud be good enough for a lot of people. But you want to create, so you need something a bit better.
  19. Sorry, maybe stupid questions ... but somebody has to ask 'em: - did you install the latest and greatest driver for your graphics card? - does it only happen in SL or in other programs as well? - is the card compatible with your Mac in the first place? - the AMD 6900 series is kinda the best AMD has to offer, so if you don't get a good gaming experience from it you should bring your machine back to the Apple Store and let them sort it out. I mean that thing was expensive, damn. - why are you dressed as a clown? Clowns frighten me. :smileysurprised:
  20. I already fried one Asus lappy but it wasn't a ROG. This one shoud give you a good experience in SL, although shadows ... hmmmm, dunno. Let's not forget it's only a x6x and since it's in a lappy it's only the much weaker M model. You can't comapere it to the desktop specced 860! Anyhoo, eventhough the ROG lappies have jetplane sized turbines of exhausts it's highly recommended to place it on a cooling pad. I know, I know, they are called laptops but you dont wanna burn your lap wont ya? Anyway, please ask yourself if you really need a laptop. Alone the fact you wanna use a giant behemoth of a 17.3" screen tells me you're not after the mobility in the first place. So why don't you consider a desktop computer? You'll get so much more power and performance at much lower price plus you buy into an eternally upgradable system.
  21. Back to the core question: as far as I know (I know **bleep**) we have no way to set the length of lower legs compared to length of upper legs. In the Appearance editor all we can edit is the length of the whole leg. Oh my that LL Appearance editor is such a hodgepodge of a badly made piece of software, it sickens me how mucked up the whole, thing is.
  22. Didn't use the Damani in quite a long time but advertisements on the interwebz should be a thing of the past for even the most uninformed computer users. *Cough* AdBlock Edge *cough*
  23. @ Ohjiro & Dres: LOL, it wasn't a Who but more a What. In my case the What would best be described as "unforseen circumstances". Didn't I say that already in OP? To be a bit more specific I had (still have) the feeling my GPU causes lag. Not only in SL but overall, when surfing the interwebz, when writing, when forumizing, when gimping, when doing anything. So I did that Windoze stuff as a crosstest in order to verify if my problem is soft- or hardware based. I know it's a rather primitive and hands-on housewife approach. But as it so happens I am a fuxxin housewife, so it's appropriate, no? Makes sense? Anyway, as it turned out there is sumfink wrong wiff me komputah. :smileysurprised: PS: No, I don't hate Windoze, that would be too strong a term to express my feelings towards that OS. I hate M§ but not Windoze. Let's say I pity it, and first of all I pity the old me, the locked in MIcroslave who always thought owning a PC is synonymous with owning a Windoze PC and there was only the alternative of Mac. Which I also did for a couple years ... but never again. Little did I know.
  24. Hey Darran, woah! Hold your horses, as you're touching a lot of different aspects with your question/rant. I'll try to untangle that a bit for you: - An "island" in SL doesn't necessarily refer to an island shaped speck of land in the middle of the ocean but rather an unconnected (to the mainland) region (sim). If you buy one or more of those you can terraform it to whatever tickles your fancy. It is expensive tho. - Beach property on mainland is also considered prime location ad rather expensive to buy. But that's a one-off investment, the following tier fees are the same no matter if beach or in the center of a continent, beach or mountain. Of course in order to keep a kinda resistant appearance of the continents your terraforming privileges are rather restricted. LL just don't want you to build a mountain at the beach. - Renting from a landlord isn't usually as bad as you decribed it in your post. Particularly the bigger and established operations have all kinds of land in their portfolios, from whole sims down to 4096 m² parcels, homestead and full sims. And your personal rights as a renter differ from landlord to landlord. I was an estate manager once and I did wonder why ppl never read the covenant to gain knowledge about what they can do and what not. We left the daylight settings untouched but that may vary from landlord to landlord. BTW, that covenant is of course valid for the landlord as well as for you. We never deleted anything belonging to a renter just because one of us was angry. If we did, it was because the renter acted contrary to the covenant and angered his neighbors or something like that, or if he refused taking offensive or invading builds down or if the just disapperaed without paying their rent. But even in those cases we had to observe a grace period. - A region for yourself would cost you much more than 200$/mth. That would be a homestead sim, which you can only officially purchase if you own at least one full sim already. - SL isn't a game. For the very reasons you mentioned. - What you mean with "parcels considered mainland"? Mainland is mainland, island is island, there is as clear destinction and no consideration. Open the worldmap and zoom out ... more ... wee bit more ... even further ... ya, like that. See the handful (7 or so) big landmasses? Yessir, that be mainland. All the other little and bit bigger specks are islands and private estates. To live there you gotta pay rent to a landlord. You don't need to be a premium member tho. There are not many private estates to be found on mainland, mostly you can obtain land only from LL, adn pay tier directly to them. You need to be a premium member (almost wrote premium mamba :smileyindifferent:) if you wanna own land on mainland. - Okay, what you do to buy a parcel: first become a premium, then log in world, go to a quiet place and open Search. In search you'll find a tab about land, there you can specify what kinda land you want, how big and the purchase price. You'll get shown a list of available parcels that you can visit and look at. Take your time, don't fall for the first best unkempt lawn on the list. ok, that's it, I'm done here. :smileyhappy:
  25. Perrie Juran wrote: It's been so long since my last windoze install that I'm not sure but I think actually during the install a window pops up asking if you want to allow this. Anything connecting to the internet should always ask permission first. Ya, Linuxes do that as well. Or rather said they advice you to have at least x GB of free space and internet connected before hitting the <Install> button. Oh my, Winstallaton was quite a shocker, it took sooooooo fuxxing long, the PC reboots a couple of times during the process, and then you need to painstakingly type in that ultra long registration number and must acknowledge some contract thingy and oh my. My last Linux installation took like 20 minutes max, incl. all additional software (office, multimedia, steam, graphics, drivers. Is so cool and I never wanna go back.
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