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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. CajunMaster wrote: Because I didn't know a texture was required, foolish me. I assume I need a texture that goes from light to dark? Is there something appropriate in the library? Most drawing programs have the ability to create a gradient. You'll want one that goes from black to white (or between two shades of grey to your liking). I'm sure there is something like that for sale in SL, but I've no idea where you'd find it. Learning to create and import textures is one of the most rewarding things a new creator can learn, so I encourage you to try!
  2. Welcome to the forums, CajunMaster: I don't think you can get the effect you want without at least applying a greyscale gradient texture to the prim, then using llSetColor to obtain your desired hue. Under controlled circumstances, a local light could provide gradient illumination to a prim, but the falloff would be circular and other light sources would interfere.
  3. 10-1-2013 Alabe Crafts Company releases "Magic Rapture-Ball", a special version of their ever popular "Magic 8-Ball". The Rapture-Ball contains 20 randomly chosen dates for the Apocalypse. Over the next 200 years, Rapture-Ball would eventually displace Nostradamus as the World's most quoted seer. 10-1-2015 Deposed Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad moves to Madison, Wisconsin to become chief editor of startup newspaper "Hummus".
  4. Hippie Bowman wrote: Good morning all! Monday Monday! Peace! Good morning, Hippie, Val, Par and whoever else is awake this lovely Monday morning!
  5. Welcome to the forums, Alimaah! One of your profile tags is "Writing is my passion" yet, beyond the interest tags, your profile is blank. Write a bit more about yourself in your profile! It will be easier for people to approach you if your profile shows that you are approachable. I also see that you've either joined no groups, or have made all your group memberships invisible and that you have but two picks. It's not necessary to join groups, nor fill up your pick list, but those efforts also tell people about your interests and groups can be good ways of disccovering new people and new things to do. There are countless people here who are capable of, and would love to, have deep conversations. But they are not omniscient, so you must make your presence known! If you wish to get a return on your investment in SL, you must actually make an investment. ;-) Good luck!
  6. These two songs don't describe the mood I'm in right now, but taken as one, they do describe the mood I'm always in...
  7. I've been able to "preload" particles by setting start and end alpha to zero during the first call to llParticleSystem, waiting a few seconds, then calling it again with start and end alpha where I want them. If the viewer thinks your particles are too small to see, it won't load the textures, so that might be your problem. Fortunately, the particle system doesn't seem to do the same for start and end alpha = 0. Make your particles large enough to see, with start and end alpha = 0.
  8. Nyll Bergbahn wrote: I had serious fall and in hospital. See, this is what happens when you leave SL. RL is all full of gravity, Nyll!!! I hope you heal completely and soon. I'll send good thoughts your way until you feel strong enough to take a big bunch of hugs. Until then, ogle the nurses! Maddy
  9. Hi Juliet, welcome to the forums! Until Linden Lab releases a version of the viewer which understands the MacBook Pro Retina's display, SL will render at the same resolution as a non-retina MacBook pro, which is 1440x900 pixels. The "blurry" description people have applied to SL on this machine is with respect to other applications which work at the Retina display's full resolution o f 2880x1800. I don't own a recent MacBook Pro, but I did look at the specs. The MacBook Pro 13" has only Intel's 4000 series integrated graphic processor, which must share memory with the CPU to hold the display pixels. This hobbles graphics performance, though the 4000 series is improved over previous generations. The MacBook Pro 15" and MacBook Pro Retina add NVIDIA's GT650M graphics chip, and either 512MBytes or 1GByte of dedicated graphics memory. The result is much better graphics performance for SL. I'd expect the retina version to render SL more slowly than the base model, as it has four times as many pixels to push to the screen, yet uses the same graphics controller. The difference may be minimal for the current viewer, which isn't aware of the retina resolution and just repeats every pixel it draws at the old resolution (1440x900) into the four retina pixels (2880x1800) that comprise a low resolution pixel (hence the blurry claim). If LL ever produces a retina-capable viewer, I'd expect frame rates to drop a little, but with a much crisper image. I certainly understand your desire to have a smaller and less expensive laptop, but think the 13" will disappoint you. The non-retina 15" MacBook Pro may be a good compromise, giving you the advantage of a dedicated graphics processor without the added cost of the retina display, which SL can't (yet) take advantage of. Good luck!
  10. Domitan Redenblack wrote: Thanks, but... Well, I should'a read the entire thread! I wonder if it's possible for a message thread to get so long that a "More" button shows up at the bottom. If so, then deleting the thread might take out unseen messages, leaving their unread flags in the message count and making it impossible for you to clear them, as the messages are gone. Regardless of the mechanism, you've discovered a bug.
  11. Perrie Juran wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Perrie Juran wrote: JeanneAnne wrote: i dont know anything about your vehicles Ann .. for all i know they are wonderful but i hav2 ask .. whats the point of a vehicle in a world where you can FLY ?!?! Jeanne Sometimes it's nice to take the time to smell the roses. Roses? You ARE a Martian! I see purple loosestrife behind you, and maybe some tall cinquefoil (white), orange lilies and blue something or others unlike anything I've ever seen in my yard. Did you bring those from Mars? I've no idea what they are but they made me see all kinds of pretty colors when I sniffed them. We go through a complete sterilization process any time we leave our planet. Well, almost complete. Certain parts they cover with tin foil first. Will you be needing a roll of Reynold's Wrap for the return trip, or will a gum wrapper do?
  12. Dom, this may be caused by an ancient notification. Click the "Notifications" tab, then start clicking "More" at the bottom until you reach the page containing the unviewed notification. The notifications page holds only 15 items, so if you get 16 new notifications since your last visit, and you simply look at the notifications page, you'll leave one unviewed notification behind. This will nag you for the rest of your life as it drifts further down in the notification stack until you're sure it's not there. This begs for a "Clear All Notifications" button.
  13. valerie Inshan wrote: Good mornin Hippie, Maddy and all! I'll be staying home until Monday as the Doctor said, but I promise I'll be here for my birthday breakfast of Sunday! Hugs you dearly! (grogs are not so bad actually!) Hippie bought some chicken juice, he bought it for a dime Val had another one, she paid it for a lime. They put the lime in the chicken juice, they drank them both up They put the lime in the chicken juice, they drank them both up They put the lime in the chicken juice, they drank them both up They put the lime in the chicken juice, they called the doctor, woke him up, And said, "Doctor, ain't there nothin' we can take, We say, Doctor, to relieve this belly ache? We say, Doctor, ain't there nothin' we can take, We say, Doctor, to relieve this belly ache?" "Now let me get this straight ", Put the lime in the chicken juice, you drink them both together, Put the lime in the chicken juice, then you two feel better, Put the lime in the chicken juice, and call me in the morning. Yes, you call me in the morning.
  14. Perrie Juran wrote more than I'm quoting here: After I was there a couple of years one day the VP took me aside. He started telling me that I was a pain in the a$$. For a moment I thought the hammer was going to fall. But instead he said to me, "Keep it up, it keeps us all honest," and shook my hand. That night I also received the company's award for Employee of the Year. Well, I'm envious. I was called a "prima donna" by the president of the company I once worked for. It was, in the style of my Father (and now me) a left handed compliment intended to make me think. There was no "keep it up" to soften the sting, just stock options. When I work for someone, I'm there to do a job, not play politics. But I do know how to play them when it's needed. I'm not sure I know how to play politics, as that skill wasn't needed until GE bought the company and laid me off because I was "high maintenance". I still have lunch with the old man I worked for long ago who, upon hearing of my retirement, called me lazy. So there ya go. I'm a lazy, high maintenance, prima donna. Sadly, several years later my job got replaced by the Internet.
  15. Perrie Juran wrote: Celestiall Nightfire wrote So, with all that said, a former employee who does not consider these factors, is better off gone. Sorry, you don't like the reality of the situation. Your moral umbrage is duly noted. Please note, that while I may even agree with his sentiment, I never said his tweet was a smart thing to do. However, I am not going to pass a judgement on him as being someone who was not a good person to work for LL. One thing I do see in his Tweet is that he was an Employee who actually cared. Sometimes caring about your company can be one of the most dangerous things an Employee can do. Because the Middle Managers over them don't like anything that may make them look bad. And in such situations, navigation skills are necessary, if not sufficient. For the same reason such caring can be dangerous within an organization, it can be dangerous during a job hunt. Middle managers won't hire anyone they think might eventually make them look bad. ETA: I was lucky enough to grow up professionally within a company that cared and to reap the rewards that brings.
  16. Perrie Juran wrote: JeanneAnne wrote: i dont know anything about your vehicles Ann .. for all i know they are wonderful but i hav2 ask .. whats the point of a vehicle in a world where you can FLY ?!?! Jeanne Sometimes it's nice to take the time to smell the roses. Roses? You ARE a Martian! I see purple loosestrife behind you, and maybe some tall cinquefoil (white), orange lilies and blue something or others unlike anything I've ever seen in my yard. Did you bring those from Mars?
  17. valerie Inshan wrote: Maddy........... I hope you feel better PDQ, Val. Be careful in the yard, Hippie is out there soaking in a tub full of chicken juice.
  18. Hippie Bowman wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: valerie Inshan wrote: Lobe you guys. Dont you cacht my flu... It's really bad. Love you Too late, ya got Hippie. ... wraps herself in a plastic trash bag and gives you a hug. Yup I gad if too. 2 dayss nowf. uggg. Chicket duice pees Maddy! (cough) (sneeze) Lobes yas! Peece! ... fills her bathtub with chicken juice and tosses you a towel. Watch out for Val's horses.
  19. valerie Inshan wrote: Lobe you guys. Dont you cacht my flu... It's really bad. Love you Too late, ya got Hippie. ... wraps herself in a plastic trash bag and gives you a hug.
  20. Perrie Juran wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Perrie Juran wrote: Do you think that maybe I should file a support ticket to get this Crack fixed? Proceed at your own risk, puny Martian... You don't want to get me angry......................................... Now you're scaring the hell out of me, Perrie.
  21. Celestiall Nightfire wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: I also wish Yoz well, and hope that expressing my belief that such rants appear immature is, if not helpful, at least a reminder that dinosaurs still roam the Earth. You're not a dinosaur Maddy. Hey, I wanna be a T-Rex! Rawrrr! (I wonder if they rawrrr'd).
  22. Qie Niangao wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: There is a time and a place for everything. I hate to dwell on what I consider a non-issue, but I must point out that it's his personal Twitter account, not one associated with his former employer. Although such dinosaurs surely still exist, any organization or individual proposing to judge one's choice of the coarse vernacular from one's personal account "has some growing-up to do" concerning both technology and language. (That said, I reiterate the bit about "two nations separated by a common language" because apparently Yoz's usage doesn't translate well: some here seem to read it as badmouthing his former employer, yet I read it as quite -- almost poignantly -- the opposite.) In another thread, I contrasted the mean-spiritedness of this thread with that of a parallel one across the street. I stand by that. Whatever one's reaction to a single tweet, we're discussing the departure of a Linden of long standing, who has contributed to the functionality of this platform we share, and who expressed his continued belief in its possibilities, come what may. It seems obvious what language is appropriate in this time and place. I don't know Yoz personally, but I wish him well. That there are two camps of understanding here suggests that if Yoz's intent was to express admiration for LL, the wording wasn't up to the task. If the intent was to highlight a heartfelt disagreement with LL over something, again the wording wasn't up to the task. I also wish Yoz well, and hope that expressing my belief that such rants appear immature is, if not helpful, at least a reminder that dinosaurs still roam the Earth.
  23. Perrie Juran wrote: Celestiall Nightfire wrote I work in the tech world for a very successful company, and I can't imagine one or our employees doing such a tweet, without knowing that they not only just burned their bridges, but also have burned many future opportunities. This is not some "dinosaur" thinking. It's real, it's current, and it will affect many people’s lives. While I agree it is 'professionally' dangerous to make a Tweet like that, we are still all guessing the intent. For all we know he could be quoting Rod. It could be a catch phrase at the Lab. They could even have banners with that saying up in all the break rooms at Linden Lab. P.s. Please don't try to tell me that CEO's don't cuss. Some of the most profanity laced rants I have ever heard have came out of a CEO's mouth. Of course CEO's cuss. I was cussed out a few times by the president of a company I worked for. But it was not done in public. And while that particular president might hire someone who's Facebook/Twitter account contains cussing, he'd have to see a context that explains it. I've a friend who's fairly high up at one of the world's largest temporary employment agencies and he calls Facebook and Twitter ticking personal time bombs. I've also read that large companies are using Facebook as a way to weed out candidates, not weed them in. I'm sure Yoz will find sympathetic ears in the software development industry, which is filled with small shops that don't mind, or even appreciate edgy public behavior, and perhaps I've missed a cultural reference that takes the edge off his statement, but I've encountered enough of this behavior in my own search for competent help that I'd look elsewhere. My teen neighbor, who is a music major and has quite a foul mouth when he's angry or excited, has a remarkably clean Facebook page, and has told me that he's already seeing friends get blowback from both colleges and prospective employers for Facebook faux pas. Like it or not, the internet does not distinguish between the public and private faces of its denizens. And if you are arguing that an organization that appears to be as professionally run as LL might have banners with that saying in all the break rooms, I'll ask you if you haven't just supported Celestiall's view! ;-)
  24. Hippie Bowman wrote: Good morning all! Happy Tuesday! Peace! ... grumbles something about "you too" and pulls the covers over her head.
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