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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. 7-8-2012 Grocery stores across the heat stricken central/eastern US report dwindling supplies of eggs as people attempt to cook them on sidewalks, hoods of cars and the bald pates of crazy uncles.
  2. "Is there no peace anywhere? Is this Earth Hell already?" According to the statistics, the world is currently the least violent it's ever been. Life expectancy and personal wealth continue to increase. So, compared to the past, Earth might be looking pretty heavenly. Nevertheless, there's still plenty of room for improvement. "We live in a world where hatred reigns supreme. Everyone is full of bitterness and seeks to define a group of people to blame for all their problems. " The widely held perception that the world is going to Hell seems to be more an artifact of modern "journalism" than anything else. We're drawn to sensational news, which is usually bad, so that's the kind of news we get. God or no, your argument appears as a straw man to me, Bejjinks.
  3. Hippie Bowman wrote: Good morning everyone! Breakfast at Vals today! Here is the location! http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Va%20Pou/106/155/22 Hope to see ya! Peace! See ya there, Hippie! Good morning, Kids!!!
  4. Had you been just a bit more tardy, you might have made history ;-)
  5. 7-7-2012 A 73 year old man was gored during the annual running of the bulls in Pamploma, Spain while dozens of noobs were gored during the daily running of the bull*bleep* at Second Life's Ahern welcome area. 7-7-2013 More than a year since its putative discovery, the Higgs Boson, tired of being followed by paparazzi physicists, disguises itself as a strange quark and slips into oblivion. 7-7-2016 The "pay more to get off the plane faster" trend reaches its pinnacle when Southwest Airlines announces it's new "Para-Express" service. For an $83 upcharge, passengers are ejected from the plane in-flight as it passes over their destinations. 7-7-2017 Roofing contractors across the US report their best year ever, stating that a sudden increase in repair business is a "gift from above".
  6. Hippie Bowman wrote: valerie Inshan wrote: Good morning happy hippies! Have a great Friday and don't forget breakfast on Sunday! Wooot! Good morning Val! Yes indeed! Sunday breakfast is at Val's! Woot! Hugs Val! Peace! I'll bring my appetite, Val! Good morning, Kids!!!
  7. Benny, are you sure that the viewer is using the native 2440x1800 resolution? Could it be that you're actually running at 1440x900, which is the default resolution? Mac OS doesn't expose the display's native resolution in the "Displays" control panel because that would make the UI elements too small to see well. I think you can set the display to 1920x1080, which will shrink your Menubar text and other UI elements, but will also result in higher resolution rendering within SL. To find out what resolution your viewer is operating at, you can open the snapshot window and take a look, or snap a pic and examine it's dimensions. I don't have a Retina MacBook Pro, so I'm just guessing, but my guess is that your viewer is not seeing the machine's native display resolution.
  8. 7-4-1975 A young Wisconsin girl is sent to her bedroom without dessert for calling her neighbor, Charles, something that rhymes with his nickname. 7-4-2012 Scientists announce they are "pretty sure" they've discovered a particle which they are "kinda sure" is the Higgs Boson. Radical religious fundamentalists around the world once again sneer at science's uncertainty as they proclaim devotion to their countless "one true" Gods.
  9. Pussycat Catnap wrote: That's a significantly different look for you. Well done on both the makeover, and the image. But you're going to need a stick to chase off some of the guys now... And at least one of the girls ;-)
  10. valerie Inshan wrote: Anything you say Maddy, I'll fix that for you. Perfect! You are entirely too good to me, Val ;-)
  11. valerie Inshan wrote: Hi Maddy! /me adds another hammock in our future house in Provence for you. (I've decided we'd all have hammocks: the house is too small for beds ) Hang my hammock outside between two trees. I like to sleep under the stars.
  12. Welcome to the campfire, Larry! Welcome home, Val! Drop us a line between summertime parties, Emmett! Good morning, Hippie! Good morning, Ms. Abbot! and finally... Hi, Kids!!!
  13. 7-3-2012 Andy Griffith takes down his fishing pole, wanders to the fishing hole, dips his toes in dewey grass, and rests his bones. Andy, thank you so much for showing us a better way to pass the time of day.
  14. Perrie Juran wrote: This reminds me a bit of Virtual Boy. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_Boy Will these run into the same trouble Virtual Boy ran into with photosensitive epilepsy? http://www.epilepsysociety.org.uk/aboutepilepsy/whatisepilepsy/triggers/photosensitiveepilepsy just some random thought s here I think the overlayed field (at the top of your field of vision) is too small to be a big concern for triggering. My concern is distraction. I can't imagine enjoying a conversation with someone who's not quite with me. I have an iPad, which is distracting but allows me to find things to share with people around me. Google Glasses eliminate that potential for sharing, and so I (until shown otherwise) will wonder if they aren't just another way to isolate oneself. They also eliminate or alter the visual cues we get from people using phones and iPads that tell us they're busy doing something else. Maybe we'll get past the awkwardness of seeing people looking at (to us) imaginary things, but I think that's an awkwardness nature selected us to recognize. I'm not prone to dystopian fantasizing, but imagine a world full of introverted intellectuals with barely a foot in RL while they "connect" virtually. The saving grace of those glasses, the camera (which views RL), is also a potential privacy concern. If I find myself in a conversation with someone wearing these glasses, I believe I'll ask them to remove 'em.
  15. 6-28-2012 Failing to read and or/comprehend the entire decision, both CNN and Fox News erroneously reported that the Supreme Court had stuck down President Barack Obama's sweeping health care overhaul. 6-29- 2012 Wolf Blitzer is ticketed for fly casting in the Potomac River after arguing with the Washington DC game warden over the meaning of the "Fine for Fishing" signs posted conspicuously along the bank. 6-29-2012 John King reveals that he failed his freshman year philosophy final exam, which started with "Read the entire exam before proceeding" and ended with "Do not answer any questions on this test. Simply sign your name at the top and hand it in".
  16. Good morning Hippie... and Lia... and do-nothing Val... and all the kids at sea!!! Hippie, I hope you're staying safe and dry and that you haven't done anything to anger Debby.
  17. 6-25-2012 Hippie Bowman, the curator of SLF's "What happened in History on this date" is tardy in posting the day's list. Although Mr. Bowman explained that he was delayed by tropical Storm Debby's wild weather, many believe he simply overslept after overindulging at Renate Mulford's Sunday morning beer bash.
  18. Hippie Bowman wrote: Lia Abbot wrote: Hiya Hippie! Hiya Maddy! Hope you had a fun breakfast. Did Maddy leave anything for the rest of you? Morning Lia! It was a great Breakfast. Only thing missing was you! HEHEH! We ate it all before Maddy got there! Hugs! Peace! They did, dammit!!! I was forced to fight over scraps with the seagulls. They're mean, but I'm wily. Anyone care for a drumstick?
  19. valerie Inshan wrote: /me peeks in and shouts HI FOLKS! Big sunny hugs and kisses to you all! love ya! Still 7 days DOING NOTHING, YAY! Don't overdo it, Val!!! ;-)
  20. Good morning, Hippie! I've got my napkin tucked under my chin and I'm ready to go.
  21. Hippie Bowman wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Hippie Bowman wrote: Hi ya Rose! YAY! Positive indeed! Check out this video! Peace! YAY Maddy! Peace! ;-) And to show that you can keep the good vibes going through a lifetime...
  22. Hippie Bowman wrote: Hi ya Rose! YAY! Positive indeed! Check out this video! Peace!
  23. Coby Foden wrote: June 22: • 1633 - Galileo Galilei forced to recant Earth orbits Sun by Pope (on Oct 31, 1992, Vatican admits it was wrong) It took "only" 359 years for them to admit the error. :smileysad: :smileysurprised: At the rate they're making new errors, I wonder if their backlog of admissions will take them right into the hereafter.
  24. Gadget Portal wrote: Which means- How much time before we see someone figure out cooling and stuff a good nVidia GPU into a tablet with that kind of RAM and CPU power? Ten years? Five? Even less? Cooling will not be the issue, as batteries small and light enough for handheld devices can't carry enough energy to heat something all day, and people don't want hot things in their hands. So it's not a matter of getting rid of heat, it's a matter of not creating it in the first place. If you believe Imagination Technologies, the creators of the PowerVR graphics technology in the iPhone and iPad, we'll have current desktop level graphics in handheld devices within three years.
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