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Madelaine McMasters

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Everything posted by Madelaine McMasters

  1. Hippie Bowman wrote: Can I have the bus keys back now? Absolutely not. While you may know your way around a star cruiser, I'm never again letting you drive the bus.
  2. In the interest of honesty, I'd like to point out that Hippie doctored the last photograph in his sequence to hide this...
  3. Runeknight Hax wrote: It's not that smooth or fast but it works for what I need so I'll see what I can do with the script. Thanks! Now I need a way to rotate on an axis over 360 degrees and stop at a defined angle. If you are trying to make a wrist watch that spins out of control, then stops at a certain time, I think you might just use a fast llTargetOmega call to spin it (possibly using a motion blurred hand texture), then issue llTargetOmega(<0,0,0>0,0) to stop it (and replace the texture with a crisp hand texture), followed immediately by a llSetRot to put the hand in the position you want. That might happen so fast that your eye won't notice that the hand was in some random position (when llTargetOmega stopped) before snapping to the desired time. You could also put a motion blurred hand texture on an always rotating prim that obscures the hand that's got the desired time. Make that prim transparent at the moment you wish to reveal the stationary hand.
  4. integer time = 0;integer attached = 0;integer animationLength = 20; // number of steps in the linear motioninteger animationCount = 0; // current position in the animationinteger animationDirection = 1; // 1 = forward, -1 = reversedefault{ state_entry(){ } attach(key id){ attached=0; animationCount = 0; animationDirection = 1; if(id){ attached=1; llTargetOmega(<0,0,1>,1,1); // start it spinning llSetTimerEvent(0.1); // 10 movements/sec llOwnerSay("Attached"); } else{ llSetTimerEvent(0); } } timer(){ if(attached){ animationCount += animationDirection; if(animationCount>=animationLength){ // go forward to end,then reverse animationDirection=-1; } else if(animationCount<0){ animationCount=0; animationDirection=1; } llSetPos(<0,0,animationCount*0.01>); // convert animation count into a position offset and move the prim } }} Place the above script in the child prim of a two-prim thing to wear. It's choppy, but gives the motion you described, and moves with the avatar. I don't know of a way to do this smoothly while being worn. I'll send you a test object (two cubes) in-world. It's probably pretty laggy as well.
  5. Well, I should have read your question more carefully, shouldn't I? ;-)
  6. default{ state_entry() { llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast(LINK_THIS,[PRIM_PHYSICS_SHAPE_TYPE, PRIM_PHYSICS_SHAPE_CONVEX]); // for non mesh aware viewers llSetKeyframedMotion( [<0.0, 0.0, 0.5>, llEuler2Rot(<0, 0, 180> * DEG_TO_RAD), 2, <0.0, 0.0,-0.5>, llEuler2Rot(<0, 0, 180> * DEG_TO_RAD), 2], [KFM_MODE, KFM_LOOP]); }} I think this will give you the motion you desire. It seems to hiccup on the first cycle through, then runs smoothly thereater. The first frame moves the prim up (Z-axis) a half meter from it's rezzed position, and turns it 180 degrees along the Z-axis. The second frame moves it down a half meter from the rezzed position and turns it another 180 degrees. It's set to loop indefinitely, giving you the bobbing motion I saw on the sim you mentioned. If you want a more realistic (sinusoidal) bobbing motion, you'd create more frames with the Z-axis offsets pulled from a table of sines (or computed in your code) and the Z-axis rotation divided into smaller pieces (360 degrees/# of frames).
  7. VRprofessor wrote: http://portal.bournemouth.ac.uk/sites/Policies%20Procedures%20and%20Regulations/Shared%20Documents/Research%20Ethics%20Code%20of%20Practice%20Sept%202009.pdf In particular see section 10 regarding informed consent. As no identifying information is requested, how would consent be given?
  8. Dillon Levenque wrote: Perrie Juran wrote: Given LL's opinion of our opinions I went, "Yeah, right," at the idea of voting or watching too. It will only get fixed if they think it is important, not if we think so, no matter how many people voice their opinion. I rarely get involved with Jiras, but one in which I did have an interest was not only watched but acted upon. Well, two, but the RZ jiras were heavily watched. The one I'm talking about had to do with the Feed and the feature of 'following'. It was requested that we be able to remove followers; when the Feed was new anyone could follow anyone else, without asking first. Still can, actually, but now we have the option to remove them. At the time that option did not exist. Some people found it rather creepy that their every word on the Feed was being beamed to someone they had never heard of and or someone they knew hated them. It was of course possible to go inworld and block/mute anyone you didn't want 'following' you, but a less cumbersome method was asked for. A lot of people chimed in. Lindens took notice. Lindens posted to the Jira. In a matter of weeks, the problem was resolved. There is now a 'Remove' button. The trolls hated it, of course. It does happen that Jiras get noticed, and get action. Maybe that one did just because the whole thing was so new and LL was looking for input. I don't know. I do know that it was dealt with, and dealt with pretty damn quickly. Edited for grammatical reasons Somehow I missed or forgot this. I just went to look at my followers list and find there both "Remove" buttons and "celebrities". ;-)
  9. Lia Abbot wrote: /me heads for the gin cupboard. ...grabs pairs of reading glasses (I bought a dozen when Walgreens had 'em 2 for $3) and hurls them at Lia, hoping at least one will land in the gin and get a free cleaning.
  10. Lia Abbot wrote: You have a solar telescope Maddy? Wow! I didn't even know you could buy such things. http://www.meade.com/product_pages/coronado/coronado.php I have, for years, used a on the front of my larger telescopes (I have an 8" and a 12"), but those just dim the Sun to safe brightness. You can see some structure (like an orange peel texture) on the Sun's surface, but tenuous coronal detail (all the pretty stuff around the edges) is lost in the glare.The solar telescopes described above filter out all but one wavelength of light, that of hydrogen plasma's first (alpha) emission line. Solar flares (the loopy things that jump off the surface and are part of the solar corona) are substantially hydrogen plasma, so looking at the particular wavelength of light (which is orange/red) shows you structure there, without passing the intense white light of the sun's surface which comes from the incandescent glow of numerous heavier elements synthesized in the Sun's core. ETA: You can condense all I said into "Yes, you can buy such things and they're neat!"
  11. valerie Inshan wrote: Maddy, I've been watching this on and on and on and cannot stop being amazed. Ohmy, I love living in such a beautiful universe. Do you think this will be lost for us when we die? ETA: would you lend me your telescope? /D I agree about living in a beautiful universe. I do wonder why we find it beautiful, and I find wonder itself to be beautiful. As for losing it when we die, I believe we do. But that's okay, if we've done well while alive, we'll leave the universe just a bit more beautiful than we found it for those we leave behind. That's enough for me. Until then, enjoy what's been left behind for us by those who shared our wonder. I'll send you images from my telescopes as I learn to take them. Here's one I took of Comet Hale-Bopp in 1997 the old fashioned way, on film. I added a frame for SL...
  12. valerie Inshan wrote: Hiya dear friends!!! Oops sorry, late today, I've been hibernating the whole afternoon in jammies and slippers (not Maddy's ones though) Link of the day. No need to smoke illegal stuff to get high, this is just AWESOME! Enjoy! Love you all! http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/videogallery/index.html?collection_id=15504&media_id=159752531 Beautlful, Val! My solar telescope doesn't quite match NASA's, but I am able to see prominences. There's nothing like looking up through a telescope to alter one's perspective.
  13. valerie Inshan wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: I've got my slippers ready too! Anybody want to dance with me?! OH MY GOD! *faints* Woo hoo, that's even better!!!
  14. Rolig Loon wrote: Many (most?) women in SL don't bother wearing a bra, for example, because there's nothing to hold up. This holds for me in RL as well, as my elderly neighbor/second mother likes to point out. My hair is also apparently far too short. I did threathen to grow it long and stuff it in my bra.
  15. I'd call that Craftsman style, and I like it! William Morris was instrumental in the start of the Arts and Crafts movement from which that style evolved. His admonishment to "‘Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful" is something I should have taken to heart years ago, before I crowded myself out of 3/4ths of my house with furniture I got cheap but never use. I have an armoire that's larger than my first apartment and would benefit from the administrations of a Secretary of Wardrobe. Years ago I had the chance to step into the adjacent Pixar offices of both Steve Jobs (called by some "a modern William Morris") and director John Lassiter (called by some a "big kid"). Jobs' office was austere and serene. Lassiter's looked like my bedroom, with shelf upon shelf of toys (his are cars, mine are stuffed). I believe that both men, in their way, and I (if only in my bedroom), were adhering to the Morris maxim. I love Shaker Style architecture and furnishings. I'd love to sweep this staircase (from the Shaker settlement in Pleasant Hill, KY) clean by sliding down the length on a large pillow...
  16. Dillon Levenque wrote: I'll shake out my 1975 AAA map of San Francisco, find my destination, peer over my spectacles and say, "What's your problem, sonny?". Map? I'd pull over and ask for directions. That kind of social networking survives (and is maybe aided by) EMP. ;-)
  17. Medhue Simoni wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Guilliaume wrote: I am fairly certain that the future of sucessful virtual worlds does not include us controlling a computer with our brains. Google, Nintendo, Android and a handful of of other companies are already working on real life HUDs that are interfaced with wearable glasses, handhelds, or windows that superimpose virtual environments over the real world. The future of virtual worlds is not necessarily imersing ourselves even more in virtual reality, but more rather bringing virtual reality in to our reality. I agree. That shift is already happening as the console gaming industry suffers at the hands of mobile. Increasing the richness of our RL experiences is (at least to me) superior to attempts to mimic them from the isolation of our own homes. And the moment someone extends that lightweight, social experience into the home's big screen (which itself is under attack by small screens), I think the console game market will be kneecapped. We are social creatures. Now that technology can go into the wild with us, there's no going home. It really depends on where you think the future is going. People running around all over the place will stop very soon when gas reaches $6 a gallon. It is unsustainable for people to keep living these hectic lives running everywhere. When I started making stuff in SL, all my running around stopped. Now, during the summer, my son has softball games, but other than that, and grocery shopping, I don't use my car. I live outside of a small downtown area and I walk down there for lunch a few days a week. On the rare occassion that I have to drive, I continuously shake my head at all the zombies driving back and forth to work, wasting hours a day in their cars. Most people that work in an office can easily do all of that from home now. Plus, you not only get your work done, but all your house work too, in a normal work day. Personally, I feel sorry for all the slaves stuck in traffic wasting their lives away. To me, mobile games is a total sign of just how pathetic their lives are. I get up when I want. Maybe go for a run/walk. Check some online stuff. Do some animating. Chat on FB for a bit. Check my garden. And so on. It's my life. This is the 21 century, while most people are still living in the 20th. If you follow the demographics, you'll see that the very same people who are abandoning cars are the people embracing mobile computing, 20-30 year olds. They are also abandoning console gaming platforms and broadcast TV. Sharing is on the rise, from cars to houses. This sharing is both enabled by and promotes mobile computing. Young people are moving back to the cities from the suburbs, taking public transit, and mingling more than their parents. I think the present and future you describe is of our generation, not theirs.
  18. Guilliaume wrote: I am fairly certain that the future of sucessful virtual worlds does not include us controlling a computer with our brains. Google, Nintendo, Android and a handful of of other companies are already working on real life HUDs that are interfaced with wearable glasses, handhelds, or windows that superimpose virtual environments over the real world. The future of virtual worlds is not necessarily imersing ourselves even more in virtual reality, but more rather bringing virtual reality in to our reality. I agree. That shift is already happening as the console gaming industry suffers at the hands of mobile. Increasing the richness of our RL experiences is (at least to me) superior to attempts to mimic them from the isolation of our own homes. And the moment someone extends that lightweight, social experience into the home's big screen (which itself is under attack by small screens), I think the console game market will be kneecapped. We are social creatures. Now that technology can go into the wild with us, there's no going home.
  19. That is a beautiful and surreal image, Val. It reminds me of a book on the coffee table in my library... http://www.amazon.com/Earth-Above-Third-Yann-Arthus-Bertrand/dp/081095947X You might also like the images captured by the folks of Flickr's Kite Aerial Photography Group http://www.flickr.com/groups/kiteaerialphotography/
  20. Here's my favorite example of Mission style. Though, as it's in Polynesia (Hawaii), maybe it should be called Missionary Style. If you believe Twain, that would be far worse than Missionary Position... I like lighthouses (my first SL creation was a lighthouse and I currently live in one), I like nature and I like style. Here's all three in one...
  21. Hippie Bowman wrote: Coby Foden wrote: 2013, February 15 Meteorite hits earth in Satka, Russia. Meteorite has caused panic among people and damages to buildings. Internal affairs minister has reported that over 500 persons have suffered injuries of various degrees. Three have serious injuries, over 100 are treated in hospital. All injuries have mostly been caused by pieces of glass. More on this: http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/02/15/us-russia-meteorite-idUSBRE91E05Z20130215 OH wow! Was that the 2012 DA14 that hit? Peace! It was not 2012 DA14, which is still being tracked and will make its closest approach at 2:25PM EST today. I don't think the Satka meteorite, which was very small in comparison to 2012 DA14 is at all related, but I'm no expert. It appears that the meteorite broke up before impact, so the reported damage was due to the "sonic boom" made as it passed through the atmosphere. If you mix broken windows with startled people, you'll get injuries. ETA: As I recall, the Tunguska meteorite of 1908 also never hit the ground. The shock waves from that "near miss" knocked down hundreds of square miles of trees.
  22. 2-14-2013 The genesis of the long argued Second Life avatar/world scaling issue is discovered accidentally when an astute observer notices that Google's Street view image of Linden Lab's San Francisco headquarters reveals Philip Rosedale's actual size.
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